Murzilka #03 |
Announcement - well, it should be by to read!
Hello Dear Readers "Murzilki. Tepere, when it became clear that the project "from communism through Sotsiolizm to a brighter future," broken off, it's time to distribute a new batch of promises. But first we would like to respond to questions hanging in the air - so who is responsible for the collapse of Communism? Who if not you - dear readers. And how the same - you send us money up front for nezdelannuyu game does not transmit, heartfelt letter asking them not to stop work the game did not write. In general, behaved most inappropriate way. Now, when we begin a new project under the working (Yet) called "Quintessence" (!!!) You should take this very seriously and preventing old errors. O b e u a e m! ! ! Immediately after the election if he wins We are bound Fucking domestic market for software products of our new game called, as we have said "Quintessence" (repeat the name working). The game will be written in a style socialist realism, that is, as it has become a tradition, everyone and everything in the game will be taken from real life. Genre and game interface will probably resemble the genre and the game interface "Black Crow". The main differences between this game from all that was before us: - Vitality. What does this mean - to Games will not abstract conquest and life in it. But, of course, this will FLS accompany and some zavoe tion. But not for attribution territory theory, for example, and in order to bring Aboriginal people that they need, In your opinion, civilization, the highest social order (communism, pa zumeetsya, although not necessarily - it's your choice); - Mind (Intelligence) - will be embodied bases nye archetypes, has long been existing in the the territory of our country. All this will children not done just so, and to eliminate social disadvantages - debauchery, drunkenness, bytovuha ... commute NIST in the end. "You got used PWM to live in luxury and comfort, "I suppose never dreamed of such horrors. - Thin psychological intrigue (which choose your hero, the positive integral telligent, stronghold sinklerizma in Lyman de - the Liberal Democratic Party membership card or Alain Cancer - it depends on you), collision venie interests, romantic re smoothing (for storyline details obraschaytes to Kotsoft'u) Watching the dizzying adventures of characters, whose name is a game, do you, dear reader, and hope in the future gamer not Satisfy one only thirst unknown and dangerous, but also receive a very complete picture of the lives of the people known to the general public. Now some specifics. All game characters are divided into groups, gangs, DC - who is greater like. So, in brief, what potential grouping vozmzhno come into play: 1.Nebezyzvestnaya musical group gave the name of our game: why, can someone ask - because in This group is our mutual friend Sauron. What is Sauron? - Is group of Jews, it UARL headed self Mime Basil Valentinychem (hot Hi all! ), A group of "Quintessence", which in turn all DC Limendy, DKZH - well, in general you realize that Sauron, that "Quint essence - is everything.'s poche Therefore, we named our project is the proud the name of this popular muz.gruppy; 2.Sleduschim is a block of public groups - our dear lamer'y and programmer'y. This, of course but also, Ganfaiter with Gemmini, a Red emtor, Felix, Stupid, yes what really there - Macrosoft, of course. Who and konsalidiruetsya whom we do not resolutely Do; 3.Dalee - the various parties and movements, members of the Communist Party, the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters, etc.; 4.LRU - Power and PTC-3 - the same force. As are we without them - without them, nothing, themselves understand. Someone really nice bu children to look at the morning constructing of, on forced marches into the dining room at ... Well, yes I am telling anyone! Will everything! And, most importantly, everyone! Well still some who are! 5.Parsek will be presented in the role of this Who pawnshop - give money to duty to "sell" you of your enemies, "Sell" you to your enemies well, and etc. 6.Sleduschimi are a number of commercial structures - market, for example - it you can buy the missing items but you can not buy - a game that in fact Still partly strategic - but and about the "roof" should not be forgotten. Naturally, the game will fall far all - only the most deserving. All others may write us a letter, which will be specified - and anyone who wants to be. Well, of course, pricing: say, for a cu you will be assured a place in any part of the janitor (some get a seat), two cu - position higher. Power, friendship and love we have not prodaeetsya! Fighting between factions in the game will be carried out both by public collisions and by means of political - rallies, bribery, etc. But, of course, all these terrible words, as a "group", "fight", etc. not be taken literally - all of us try to do with humor, and otherwise and never will. Well, dear readers, you already understand that you are "caught"! Naturally such a great job we do not do it without your help - wishes comments, etc. And, in this regard, we would now like to ask a few questions: 1. Your attitude towards the project - do the people of this game? 2. What else do you need to do to improvement project "Quintessence"? 3. What are the parameters, except the intellect, need to specify characters play? Well, besides this, who will have any ideas, suggestions - pass them us either through the magazine "Ms Format", or Write your letter and send it to us again through Macros'a, or if be able to find us, tell us your thoughts themselves. Terms release of their first demo - roughly the beginning of May. Release dates any full version-summer 2000. Do not let this project die, as "Socialism", with your acquiescence.
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