Murzilka #03

Conversation - vote for the "expert"

<b>Conversation</b> - vote for the
   Hello, readers. Something you give us a little
write. While the answer is, of course, is to
that. Well, for example, on page "opinion" in
magazine "MS Format" N C. A pleasant surprise has caused us the 
appearance of text from a stranger, in which there

anyone ... these ... which we all
forgot ... vobschem no disrespect to anyone handling. It is 
very pleasing. 

   A second ultra-plus this text
that it provides constructive criticism is really useful to the 

   In general, we must say that the article
This we liked from all sides and
your "expert", Macrosoft, cool man and
wish you not to interrupt their relationship to continue with 
the cooperation and stimulate the writing of new texts

in your journal. There.

   Further, we would like to write a couple of
Words Gemini. The thing that came out a little misunderstanding 
(Macrosoft loves conceal information about its employees)

and we took you (Gemini) for another
"Young author" (in a bad sense of the
word) and wrote a lot of all sorts of bad words in the last 
journal. Therefore, We apologize. There. We do not like -

we are good. Keep on writing lyrics and
everything will be fine. Especially because you have
and other "young authors" have now
to whom be - an "expert" - author
"Opinions" - that is the ideal "young author"
- 2000. Eyes on the "expert"! ! !

   Redemtor'u hello. Something from you do not hear anything. 
Although, in principle, it is not so bad, if you remember the 
previous text. 

   Hello to everyone else too and so far!

   See you soon in the air.

        Sincerely, the editors of Murzilki "

Other articles:

Entry - succinct overview of numbers + contents + + here is something else.

Thoughts - the answer to the "Correspondence" in the "MsF" N # 0b.

Soap - "Commercial", the first batch straight from Mexico.

Songs / Dance - Folklore from Batman'a, dance yourself.

Proverbs II - that's obvious.

Rzhevskii - jokes about Rzhev.

Dr.Profi - the first step towards a full, healthy life.

Zoo - our brothers, "smaller"

Conversation - vote for the "expert"

Announcement - well, it should be by to read!

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   3 December