Murzilka #03 |
Dr.Profi - the first step towards a full, healthy life.
Notes of a doctor. From the letter of one is not even lamer, Why yes there is a programmer, we know that he (the programmer) writes programs to one screen, a striking example of a phobia in pure Well let's try to help this patient and all others who are shy We admit it. At the time when lamer become programmers they everyone usually already has a second screen, if it is not, or he works as a something is wrong, then you need to urgently address the physician, considering it a serious problem that could grow with time in pathology, and make lamer pervert. But back to our patient for treatment these phobias, we must first figure out the problem because of which appeared fobiya.Zdes may be different reasons: One - it's long programs included With the Basic, the second - it's just natural uncertainty in their own abilities when patient unconsciously, without realizing it, refuses to second screen, explaining that he, and without it a good idea well, and the third most common is abysmal first experience with the second screen, lamer when trying to establish contact its program with the second screen, and it in this case is reset, it is mostly is due to the fact that the program has already what is needed, and lamer still can not she give this, on this basis is Conflict of appeals which leads to fact that the program port is normally irrevocably, unnecessarily it turns out that lamer does not prevent (not made a backup copy), while there is lamer complex inferiority, and from then on he and program operates on only one screen without having to experiment to diversify its products. Although our patient from his own letters, we learn that he sometimes uses second screen, it usually happens in intro, here you can see that the patient suffers from a kind of split personality, which is possible due to the lunar cycles, perhaps some sort of opredlennymi phases (the moon). Apparently the patient has severe, advanced forms of schizophrenia, on the basis of has developed a phobia. To treat this form of the disease is recommended to conduct hypnosis, this is done easily and simply, can make anyone who is not lazy, it needs to take a stereo anaglyph and soft, gentle voice, ask the patient to stare blankly at her, as a rule most with this disease readily themselves are beginning to view the image at This need not compulsively telling a man what he should see the usual On the third day, the patient sees what need and at this point to switch his attention to his voice, and then gently, do not compulsively give the command spat.Kogda the patient is asleep can do with it all that want to start erase any person from the two or more available, then it must be just reprogrammed to work with two screens, do not forget about the command halt, but do not over-zealous with this team trying to make the patient better adding or markups nestavya halt, you agree thus create a conflict that will operate on a subconscious level, all because different speed, so it can begin to talk before think, or the reverse case - it would be keep up the brain, although the problem second screen will be solved, so the patient is not something that the second, he and the first will be in trouble, bug will manifest itself not only in speech but also in the auditorium and other perceptions of the patient. If, after the therapy, you've noticed characteristics already described earlier signs Internal Gluck, then immediately to a repeated session, but the picture need to take another unnecessarily quickly get used to them and cease to respond, but better in the future not to seek new and new pictures, we have them all the same difficult to obtain, even with a prescription then enter the patient is a small resident program that he entered at the right you state in a special way-key, then you can at any time podkorektirovat healing process. Well, today we once again helped many and many of our patients write to us about their problems, problems their friends, and we as much as possible will assist you from the pages of our magazine and we would hope that this topic will not be regular we want to ensure we had a healthy program for the society, and to it became so necessary to all followed for themselves, this does not apply to those patients who suffer from delusions of persecution. Be well, Yours sincerely, Dr. Profi1024.
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