Deja Vu #06
30 сентября 1998 |
CODING - Lessons from the encoder: Fractal paparatnik.
SoundTrack: FrEsHeR / PHaNtIm FaMiLy 1998 __________________________________________ (C) Max / Cyberax Software / BD __________________________________________ Fractal fern --------------------- The first time I saw him on the pC - got a little program on Q. BASIC 'e. Soon I made it to the analog spekovskom BASIC, and now propose asmovuyu implementation. The principle of construction is quite simple. We have the following recurrence formulas: XNEW = XOLD * A + YOLD * B + C YNEW = XOLD * D + YOLD * E + F Here A, B, C, D, E and F - ratios. I understand that these formulas encompass transformation of rotation scaling and transfer coordinates simultaneously. Factors we will have 4 sets and respectively, 4 variants of the formulas: +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | A | B | C | D | E | F | +---+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | .16 | 0 | | 2 | .85 | .4 | 0 | -. 04 | .85 | 1.6 | | 3 | .2 | -. 26 | 0 | .23 | .23 | 1.6 | | 4 | -. 15 | .28 | 0 | .26 | .24 | .44 | +---+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ To construct the fractal you want to specify the initial values of coordinates X and Y. Then spins an infinite loop. In cycle for the next X, Y through earlier, use one of the 4 formulas probability: 1% (1 st), 85% (2 nd), 7% (3rd), 7% (4-I). (Somewhere I read that these probabilities are proportional to the area fern leaves) Choice of formulas is simple: we take (Gde-nibud. ..) RND-number from 0 to 1, then Consider, in what range of horrible number. R = [0.00, 0.01] - 1-st set of coefficients Comrade R = (0.01, 0.86] - 2-nd R = (0.86, 0.93] - 3rd R = (0.93, 1.00] - 4-th s M s E above znaZ radiation coefficients sP C P and the probabilities are taken X sU T U of pC-applets. About T sT g s cycle can stop * SH D H after a sufficient E sE A number of iterations. 8 sR I R The result of sE E will be approximately the F s from the picture. s! P! T s F to implement the entire A s this nonsense, I isb s J used fixed point u T s calculations 8.8, with ps And the sign of (8 bits ¢ s to-point and 8 - Village ~ s l le). s l M s L s l Now, actually, listing: ORG # 6000 ENT ; Written by Max / CBX / BD ; XAS Assembler v7.447, 15.08.98. DOT EQU # C0; KB plate. X_SCALE EQU # 1800; coeffi-you stretch for Y_SCALE EQU # 1200; X and Y. DI CALL INIT LD IX, 0 FRACTAL LD HL, CONST1 LD DE, 12 LD A, R ADD A, # AA RLCA RN XOR 0 XOR (IX) INC IX LD (RN +1), A; A - RND-number. CP 3 JR C, OK ADD HL, DE CP 220 JR C, OK ADD HL, DE CP 238 JR C, OK ADD HL, DE OK LD A, HX; have chosen to use a set of AND # 3F; coefficients. LD HX, A PUSH HL LD DE, (X) CALL MUL_NM1 LD (TMP1 +1), HL POP HL INC L INC L PUSH HL LD DE, (Y) CALL MUL_NM1 TMP1 LD DE, 0 ADD HL, DE EX DE, HL POP HL INC L INC L LD C, (HL) INC L LD B, (HL) INC L EX DE, HL ADD HL, BC PUSH HL EX DE, HL PUSH HL ; XNEW calculated. LD DE, (X) CALL MUL_NM1 LD (TMP2 +1), HL POP HL INC L INC L PUSH HL LD DE, (Y) CALL MUL_NM1 TMP2 LD DE, 0 ADD HL, DE EX DE, HL POP HL INC L INC L LD C, (HL) INC L LD B, (HL) EX DE, HL ADD HL, BC LD (Y), HL ; YNEW also calculated. EX DE, HL LD BC, Y_SCALE CALL MUL_NM2; Scale Y. EX DE, HL LD HL, # C000 AND A SBC HL, DE LD A, H EX AF, AF POP DE LD (X), DE LD BC, X_SCALE CALL MUL_NM2; Scale X. LD DE, # 8000 ADD HL, DE LD B, H EX AF, AF LD H, DOT; to finish. LD L, A LD A, (HL) INC H LD D, (HL) INC H LD L, B OR (HL) LD E, A INC H LD A, (DE) OR (HL) LD (DE), A LD A, # 7F IN A, (# FE); Poll SPACE. RRCA JP C, FRACTAL EI RET MUL_NM1 LD C, (HL) INC L LD B, (HL) ; Procedure for multiplication of two symbolic numbers ; Format 8.8 (DE registers and BC): MUL_NM2 LD A, D AND A JP P, NONEG1 CPL LD D, A LD A, E CPL LD E, A INC DE ; To change the sign of his (number) ; To invert and increase by 1. LD A, B AND A JP P, NONEG2 CPL LD B, A LD A, C CPL LD C, A INC BC NONEG3 XOR A JP ML2 NONEG2 LD A, # FF JP ML2 NONEG1 LD A, B AND A JP P, NONEG3 CPL LD B, A LD A, C CPL LD C, A INC BC LD A, # FF ; At the moment, DE contains a module 1 ; Factors, and BC - the second one. ; In the battery - either 0 or FF - a sign that sharp. ML2 LD HL, 0 ! ASSM 1916 RR B RR C JR NC, $ +3 ADD HL, DE RR H RR L ! CONT RR B RR C ; In HLBC now sitting number in the format 16.16 , (The result of multiplying 8.8 * 8.8). ; Further, if the number should be negative; nym - change its sign. ; After all this, unceremoniously discarding, eat at a byte from the beginning to the end and drive And the result in HL. RRCA JR NC, NONEG4 LD A, C CPL ADD A, 1 LD A, L CPL LD H, A LD A, B CPL LD L, A RET NC INC HL RET NONEG4 LD H, L LD L, B RET ; Initialization. INIT XOR A OUT (# FE), A LD HL, # 4000 PUSH HL LD DE, # 4001 LD BC, # 1800 LD (HL), L LDIR LD BC, # 2FF LD (HL), 68 LDIR POP DE LD H, DOT LD L, E LD B, # C0 MK_ADTB LD (HL), E INC H LD (HL), D DEC H INC L INC D LD A, D AND 7 JP NZ, C1 LD A, E ADD A, 32 LD E, A JR C, C1 LD A, D SUB 8 LD D, A C1 DJNZ MK_ADTB CL_LP LD (HL), B INC H LD (HL), B DEC H INC L JR NZ, CL_LP INC H INC H LD BC, # 801F MK_B_TB LD A, L RRCA RRCA RRCA AND C LD (HL), A INC H LD (HL), B DEC H RRC B INC L JR NZ, MK_B_TB RET ORG $ / 1 256 256 ; Table of constants with fixed point. , Must be on the / 256 addresses. ; ; In 8.8 format constant translated very ; Easy, especially with a calculator CITIZEN. ; ; Example: a number of 0.16. , Multiply it by 256, we obtain 40.96. , Rounded to 41. , Translated in the HEX: # 0029. ; ; If the number is <0, before being transferred to to HEX ; It we add 65536 (# 10000). CONST1 DW # 0000; A = 0 DW # 0000; B = 0 DW # 0000; C = 0 DW # 0000; D = 0 DW # 0029; E =. 16 DW # 0000; F = 0 CONST2 DW # 00DA; A =. 85 DW # 000A; B =. 04 DW # 0000; C = 0 DW # FFF6; D =-. 04 DW # 00DA; E =. 85 DW # 019A; F = 1.6 CONST3 DW # 0033; A =. 2 DW # FFBD; B =-. 26 DW # 0000; C = 0 DW # 003B; D =. 23 DW # 003B; E =. 23 DW # 019A; F = 1.6 CONST4 DW # FFDA; A =-. 15 DW # 0048; B =. 28 DW # 0000; C = 0 DW # 0043; D =. 26 DW # 003D; E =. 24 DW # 0071; F =. 44 For fun, in a block can CONST2 1-e number is replaced by # 00B0 - get something resembling a Christmas tree, or # 0060 - also like the Christmas tree, but some skinned ... ; Current positions: X DW # 0000 Y DW # 0000 P.S. At this fractal good test procedure for obtaining random numbers. If generated values to them are often repeated or all of the time fall into a certain interval, which lies inside [0, 255], the fractal will not work (you can try to remove ksorku with (IX), pointing to the ROM - see what will be). Ideally, all numbers should be equally likely, fall into the range 0 - 255 and their sequence, one after another is not should be repeated and any trend (such as there are procedures in which the next number is usually greater than the previous one).
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