Adventurer #09
30 апреля 1999

System - An overview of new sistemok: Sprite Maker v4.0, Turbo Copier v2.0, Sample Studio, Art Works 1, Burst Eyes v1.2, Excess Sample Editor v1.4.25, Excess Deluxe Paint v1.1, Graphic Station, BA v1.0, Global Commander v1.31, Quick Commander v2.3, Stall Spriter v0.1, AGA v1.0, Ultra Sonic v0.1, Universal Sprite Studio v1.0, HRUST v1.1, STORM v1.3.

<b>System</b> - An overview of new sistemok: Sprite Maker v4.0, Turbo Copier v2.0, Sample
 Studio, Art Works 1, Burst Eyes v1.2, Excess Sample
 Editor v1.4.25, Excess Deluxe Paint v1.1, Graphic Station,
 BA v1.0, Global Commander v1.31, Quick Commander v2.3,
 Stall Spriter v0.1, AGA v1.0, Ultra Sonic v0.1, Universal
 Sprite Studio v1.0, HRUST v1.1, STORM v1.3.
     (C) CAV Inc. / AURYN / CPU

     Well, here we are again met, and whatever some have said
personality, I hope that my lyrics and
analyzes some of the programs helping ordinary users (I hope 
they were). Fellow readers, if you think that my topic is not 
needed or that I do not must keep this column, then write. All

we work for you, and not to satisfy his own ambition (hotya. 

     Well, let's start ...

           SPwRITE MAKER v4.0

              (C) 1998 MAYhEM

     However, the sprite editor. At first glance, a good, 
relatively easy. Just want to say that the entire lower that 
text - the result neprodolzhitelnogo communication with the 
product. On attacks, such as "description should read" answer 
that I have never seen me this description :-( no luck. 

     Editor looks pretty cool (see below), all rulitsya Sinclair
joystick. Variable parameters vary
when you fire + one of the directions.
can work with a mask. Shipment File
sprites druh formats: special 'raw.
With special along with the data recorded
the title of official data. The location of the sprite data is 
possible as line and character by character (vertical). The 
minimum size of 8 * 1 pix, max 64 * 64 pix. Possible animation 
sprites (Parameter settings right there). Spraity

and the mask can be copied via clipboard.
The mask can be druh types, ie, bytes
masks, or the first byte of the sprite mask, and
then the sprite. Perhaps I may take offense to the authors of 
this product, but honestly, it does not reach the level of 
SPRITE EDITOR 'a v2.1 by FDI. Of course, in the editor does not 
automatically create a mask. But all other things out there 
there was more. But in general, has no editor-sprite, who would 
I liked completely. That has to be subverted in

heap prog, because in one - one in
another - more and some I just
do not like. About the editor can only add that it's good enough
and easy to handle, and when paired with Sprite
Tools is a good tool for

     Next utility for someone
may seem an old and painfully familiar but ... But to me she 
caught the eye now and probably not just me.

            Turbo Copier v2.0

              (C) Global Corp.

     As the name suggests, is a copyist. But at the copier, he 
does not look like likely to Cmdr. But do not be deceived this 
similarity, it is a copyist the ability to run. So, what can

this copier. Copy discs can be both
files, and potrekovaya. Supported
extended memory ATM, Profi '
Pentagon. Keep track of change
disc. Track errors disk. As the author writes, reached a 
maximum speed of copying, it is true for Fast drives :-) for 
normal copying speed, naturally lower (just a multi-surgery was 
used). In prog use direct programming

VG93. Disc formats and 40DS 40SS not supported (I'd like to 
look at general the one who uses them now). Drive for normal 
operation must be fast (velocity

heads of no more than 6 ms). T. e. to import drives you should 
have no problems in general, and our ... Honestly, I could see 
how it is themselves on MC5305 and MC5313, but I'm their

broke connected. This is also necessary to remove pisishny 5.25 
to 1.2m and pick up some of MS 'OK, but the train I have a few 
shortish ... Oh it's all nafig. For times copier can capture 
408 sectors 128 mode. Not a record, of course, but not so

bad. In general, the program is not for everybody. As in other 
matters, and all the Spectrum Software.

              SAMPLE STUDIO

          (C) 'POWER' Hacker Group

     This program is a sample editor / effect it for AY (not
digital). The editor has a "mouse" interface, ie, the arrow 
buttons, ala Filer wINDOWS (I hope the authors do not take 
offense at such a comparison). The maximum number of

tools 16, is capable of compiling
(Actually, what for need would be all the editors, if you could 
not use the files to another location). The editor may change 
the rate of 1 99. Editing the sample is

graphically, ie, a separate volume,
noise, tone and mask. Tone, mask, and the volume
can be set separately for each
channel (see document on AY). That is to say, the pros editor 
(not a lot) Unfortunately you can not put a loop. And for 
interfacing with the muse have to try. In this regard, as 
described earlier in the Adventurer 'e similar in purpose

editor is much steeper. Yes, and tools
it was possible to make much more
(Maximum 255). Though perhaps in future versions of SS will be 
added and the cycles and other bells and whistles. And so, cool 
editor and work with it quite comfortably. 

            ART WORKS I (demo)

              (C) 1998 BYTEX

     To my great regret to me
came across only a demo version of the editor. The authors are 
trying to say new word in redaktorostroenii on SPECCY

and that they are able to (almost). What distinguishes
the editor of, say, ART STUDIO,
so this technology is plug-in, ie, the editor himself - it's 
just a skeleton, and has a certain set of core functions, and 
all the rest is done through loadable modules. In principle, 
such a scheme in the world built a lot of programs (not

on the Spectrum 'e): a Photo Shop, Light
Wave, 3D Max, etc. In this approach,
features editor can be expanded to
infinity. Well, it's so lyrical
retreat, because in the demo version of ART
WORKS plug-in 's not (that does not enjoy the whole slope 
editor). For the most part in the demo editor is nothing can 
not be done, because the drawing point by point in the mode of 
the lens does not count. The interface editor is used nowadays 
Fashion Story drag with windows, ie, the tip of the

that is the button does, which
cursor. Thing, in fact, helpful,
especially when the whole interface on the buttons
and icons. But as they say, the interface
interface, as compared to the bare ART
WORKS in functionality
loses (for now) ART STUDIO, ie,
only draws a brush, and everyone there balonchikami it is not 
rulez. Of course I could argue that this is just a demo 
version. Yes, only a demo, but its size I was somewhat 
concerned, ie, Art Studio in the same Scope PRA has more bells 
and whistles. And this fact in the demo version can not be 
attributed. But frankly, the comparison of these two

editors, while not entirely correct. Here,
like, and all that while you can say about
ART WORKS, yes, of course, the interface is modern, but new 
technologies, but this is all in any condition, one word - a 
demo version. 

           BURST EYES v 1.2

          (C) 1998 E. Vikentiev

     This product is a
text viewer or, in Russian, peepers
texts. He differs from other similar
creations of the search. Although, perhaps, in
other peepers have this feature.


            (C) EXCESS TEAM

     Fruitful, but the team
EXCESS, and graphics and music have had their say. Here are all 
like that. As you've probably noticed about ESE we get by 
writing, although it was earlier version and therefore less 
able. Briefly describe what can ESE: play

samples at all, which can emit sound
on the Speccy, ie beeper, AY, covox,
General Sound. Kovoksy supported
different (vsyacheskoobraznye). You can record sound in ESE 
(probably it for this do). Maximum sampling rate 22kHz, with 
the editor itself is the driver for a standard tape port. Rolled

65k sound. Over the sample can be strongly
subverted. By the perversions are as follows:
Mixing the two samples, adding one to the end of another, 
Reverse, EQ (Does not work in this version), Bass Boost,

a lot of converters (16 to 8, 8 to 4, iff with pC
and back, all in the Delta and back).
Sample can be cut into blocks and, of course, something that 
they do (see for yourself). In general, compared with the 
previous version, this more Screw (as it should be). So, if you 
do digital music on the Speccy, then you have

the meaning of this order a prog.

     (C) MIGUEL / CPU

      EXCESS DE LUXE PAINT 1.1 (demo)

            (C) 1999 EXCESS TEAM

     To begin with, I'm not entirely comfortable
I feel myself in a purely CAV 'ovsky section.
But despite the assaults on fellow workshop,
I would still like to say a few lines (so to speak) of the above
prog. The fact that this graphic
editor, although not fully operational
the state has made upon me an incredible
sensation. I did, if anyone did not know, usually takes the 
form of various graphical works, of course, in a single

(Until reaching the full version of EDP)
steep Editor - ART STUDIO. Now
(Meaning the presence of the full version of EDP) I
I do not consider ART STUDIO steep editor
Well, of course, one should pay tribute to this
monster, but only as a monster - more precisely,
dinosaurs that it's time to be frozen :-). So that's about my 
feelings. Having worked in the EDP, once that comes to mind ART 
STUDIO that in fact such tormozuha. It's not about how fast one 
or another procedure of drawing, well, not I know the windows, 
for example (this is the only on what can be checked - not yet 
implemented the primitives), but the fact that the modern user 
interface is made as close as possible to the needs of graphic 
artists, and you are not directly notice how flit from one 
window in another, etc. Want an example - they have

me: as we know, ART STUDIO, to "get" to the lower 3-familiarity 
need to scroll each time, and for This need to fly across the 
screen in top right corner that is inhibitory,

since the rate of moving the cursor so, well, such that by 
drawing polnoekrannyyu picture can be hung. Personally, I

saved availability version myshoy, and, of course, this very 
devaysa. So, in the EDP This problem is solved at the highest

level. This should not have to do, since
"Hats" with all piktogramkami disappears
is only on it drove off, and before
you still WHOLE screen. There. Well this is
more detail. A pleasure! You must agree!
Or here's another example: to change the attributes of the 
images in the ART STUDIO need that? That's right, you want to 
select a window then fly (tormozuha) in the menu of attributes, 
to change what we need, fly in the menu MISC. and make CHANGE 
COLOR. But in My favorite editor :-) EDP should

quickly move the cursor to
icon work with color (hung over
each of them, incidentally, prompted - just as in the ESE), 
visit to para CHANGE COLOR. A window will appear with

with two rows of colored squares
top of which means what you
need color, and the bottom - instead of
you want it to be. This process
very visual. There is a choice - you can change or only INK
or just PAPER.

     Such examples include a large pile, I'm not going to 
describe all doskanalno. Only say that it is very

convenient to make working with color. Well still
mention that in the MAGNIFY mode,
You can change the hot keys XOR,
SET, RES, NOP (rulezzz!) and not only
them. Everything. No longer can. Better porosity.
Bye, bye, bye, bye!

     Yoshkin cat! It can be seen not fate, I work out something 
on a high. Once I finished with a graphical editor,

as my neck Naselle ELF with straight, I would
said requirements, such as, Duc, we ought to
obzorchik write on another, as if
is to say, I do not know how. In general, here.


            (C) 1998 NEW LINE

     At this time I will be very brief,
Of course, as far as possible in my
case. Duck here, GS (not to be confused with General
Sound) - this is such a station, which is as
skeleton (in the words of CAV 'a) sag
flesh in the form of graphic modules and, in general, then, 
with them and tries to somehow through stump-deck work, which 
in itself is somehow surprising. In fact, under such a thrill 
obtained from the demo EDP, GS is not made on

I have not the slightest impression (at
As with the modules that were available). Yes. And do not take 
offense to the authors, What is there you can do about it, the 
criticism - she Africa - criticism. The very idea of 
​​something for nothing, but, first, the design of the guys did 
not hurt, and secondly, this product once

really slowed down with the release, not a gift
EXCESS them and jump on. The only thing that
I liked the duck is to work with windows
moreover, if the EDP (and you probably already
guess that now I will compare
with it) I had no trouble with
all understand, in the GS had to sweat before they understand 
what is actually happening. Well, in short, you can rotate the 
screen at any angle in the plane screen (the angle of 
pre-defined) and the vertical and horizontal axes, creating a

perspective effect (ie, the rectangle is obtained by the 
trapezoid). But such frills as dithering in the EDP, it was 
noted not was, and somehow did not hurt the regime increased.

     Well, now with a clear conscience, I
I say: bye, bye, bye, bye!

     (C) DEMON / XPC / CPU

     Since CAV inc. became inaccessible to the CPU (Kemerovo, 
Deja Vu ...), then further we decided to make this section of 
its own. I do not think that the review would suffer,

but in the end to judge you.

     Now let's begin ...

        Global Commander v1. 31

         (C) 1998 Alex Kerman / GC

     This is the last, as the author contends,
version of the Commander, although you can still Coy then redo 
it. Overall - this is the same GC, No significant changes. 
First touch pros:

     + Almost fastest operation COPY /

     + Such a buffer size I've seen only in PC v1. 5, but he 
did not want to work with him. Mention may be made Consul, only 
Do not forget that it is designed only to 128 kilo ...

     + Ability Retesting available volume of memory.

     + View the pictures in a marked
sequence, which is very useful
when working with graphics.

     + There is no limit on the length of the text in the
peepers thereof.

     + There is a Disk-Doctor, that it is necessary
in the Commander.

     + You can either stick together or split files.

     Now about neluchshih features

     - If you copy the size of selected files is greater than 
the buffer size the following occurs:

     GC copies the first part of the tagged
files, and then it stops
(Just flashes "Loading"), and nothing but
"Break", one from this stupor will not withdraw. The most 
interesting thing in the catalog the host drive will be written 
that all files copied!

     This bug is almost stable, just b bounded GC is doing 
things right. Glitch revealed on the Pentagon 512 and Scorpion 
256 (on others not tested, since others have

no). But tested on IBM 'e: in this Shalaevskii emmulyatore 
Gluck no! Can GC wrote for emmuley? 

     - Although the author and redid the procedure
record, but the 0-th sector is sometimes dancing to
on my MS-5313 to his death (rare, but neatly). On Robotron, 
Teac everything clearly. 

     In general prog steep, but these glitches
do not give a sense of security:), such as

          Quick Commander v2. 3

      (C) 1998 Spectre / Optical Bros.

     Well what can we say about him? Just this boot'om 
Commander hangs on my scratch disk ...

     So pluses:

     + Operation COPY / MOVE fastest,
faster than that of GC (he checked).

     + Is the operation RESTORE, CHECK,
FORMAT, ie there is no need to climb in

     + In the MOVE error reading:

     if you read it, then the AUTO-RESTORE bad

     if not, then you can skip this
file (the name given in error).

     + The only one who does not kill the 8 th
page SCORP 'ah! Big thanks!

     + Support Kempston Mouse at a good level.

     + Remembering the sequence
marking and copying in accordance
with her.

     + Compare backup catalog
(160tr) and original, and the differences are given thereof.

     + Selecting records with SAVE / MOVE, for buggy drives, 
like mine:) 

     + There is finally staring texts

     + You can muzonchiki by PT v2. A listen ...

     + According to the author (and I believe him)
supported by the most perverse PROFI.

     Well, now lacks:

     - No notion of "Overwrite?" . File
simply duplicated, it is well within himself, that the QC
they are not confused.

     - View the text of no more
80 sectors, the rest is clipped.

     - In some startup files
"Fever" launch coincides with the "fever"
options (with "Caps shift" helps if there is nothing on the 
next panel, and if there ...)

     - It's awkward to switch the receiving
ROM (who has a mouse to it does not apply) would have been 
better: "S. Shift "+" 1 ", ...+" 2" ...+" 3, ... + "4".

And then copied from the "A" to "B", now to copy from a "B" to 
"A" need to click 3 times "Caps Lock".

     A general ... if you remove the shortcomings,
add DISK-DOCTOR, SCAN-DISK, and finally get the job done with 
the backup directory and mode RENAME (said a group of files 
group and renamed it as a TOTAL COMMANDER 'e (remake by 
Petrushka), then ... no ... And another thing: when you start 
to push files QC in the 7 th bank according to the standard Real

Commander 'a, it would be my (and not only)
Commander favorite!

     Although this version of me rushing.

                BA v1. 0

           (C) 1998 Ivan Buhay

     As you might guess, "BA" stands for "Bugay Assembler". That
shows a great sense of modesty of the author, the more that 
"BA" just like "XAS".

     Consider, for which he differs from him:

     1. Now you can compile
a page that is not enough XAS 'y.
But here we are waiting for "pleasant" surprise:
"BA" is loaded into memory as usual XAS,
but if XAS work properly at all
company (including by SCORP 'e), then VA
It can not, since the print text through STS 6. 2, installed on
Pentagon. Moreover, VA is no ports other than # 7FFD not 
recognize, ie, holders PROFI, ATM, KAY and SCORPION 's simply 
cast aside. Ivan: If you really do, so do it properly, and if 
need information on ports other companies - write, be pleased 
to answer. 

     2. Now the calculator results
printed also in binary form, which
is needed.

     3. Printing labels can be much
both conventional and selective.

     4. When editing the text now
You can not just copy a block, but to move.

     5. The full set of Russian characters (
XAS were just great).

     6. The possibility of a conditional assembly.

     7. Most brake editor who
I've only seen (tried everything: Gens,
Zeus, Tasm, Alasm, ZX-ASM, Masm,
Pasm, Storm, ZS-ASM, and XAS, of course
same), print the page is somewhere a second or two, when people 
are trying to reverse to do everything faster.

     Voobshe some ideas in the "BA" is good, but
More over it should work and work ...

        Chanks graph editor v1. 0

              HARDCORE 4x4

         (C) 1998 Moonwalker / MHCG

     It seems to me, the first in
SPECCY editor Chunky-graphics. Interface
in the editor rather weak, but
the first version of pull (main idea).
So, what it can do:

     - Envelopes simple screens in the 4x4 and
vice versa;

     - Load / save discharge the same;

     - Draw pixels in certain grades;

     - Edit gradation and load / save them.

     Since this program we did not
was no description, had everything to look for an educated bet. 
The following is a list of keys in this editor:

     "CS" + "1" - Change the speed of cursor ("2", "3")

     "CS" + "Q" - increases in graduation
all buffer at 1;

     "CS" + "A" - reduces the ...;

     "CS" + "W" - increases the gradation of the printed pixel;

     "CS" + "S" - reduces the ...;

     "N" - to cleanse the buffer;

     "Enter" - Display the buffer;

     "E" - Calling the menu (buggy);

     Cursor control - standard.

        Stall Spriter v0. 1 (beta)

           (C) 1998 Capry / STELL

     Honestly, when I ran this very
prog first time, I was not expecting anything interesting 
(Sprite Master - Rulez!). But I wrong ...

     The interface is developed to the highest
level, although it is very similar
SUX'95, but unlike him not sux.
I would not mind, if such
interface has appeared in other prog. So
also surprised to work with groups of sprites -
instead of group numbers (sprites) names are used, which makes 
them much more convenient. When editing -

Mouzon play almost all formats

     The full version is going to be awesome.

                AGA v1. 0

              (C) 1998 J / CIC

     There are a bunch Multicolor any editors, but this works 
with 3 Colorno screens, ie, the RGB screens.

I think this thing is necessary and good, and the possibility 
it is not weak (a lot of things able, for example: FILL, 
CIRCLE, LINE ...). Description in itself, so look, learn and 
taschites the steepness of the native SPECCY!

               Hrust v1. 1

         (C) 1998 Dmitry Pyankov

     No significant changes, just removed some glitches. Is 
also attached New depaker from the Dmitry permits the 
decompression unit infinite Number of times enabled interrupts.

Sam depaker takes only 289 bytes (in
Unlike Roshchinsky - 326 bytes).

               Storm 1. 3

             (C) 1997 X-Trade

     We do not know a joke or not, but no difference in him 
from the "Storm v1. 1" No! Even all the bugs were, I think that 
full of woodpecker simply renamed the "Storm 1. 1 in "Storm. 1 
3" and sends all as nove. 

      Universal Sprite Studio v1. 0

        (C) Shou / Accept Corp. / Mafia

     Sprite editor, not the best, of course, but not the worst! 
Useful for some its functions, which no other

editorah. View costs, he may as
just what you need.

          UltraSonic v0. 1 (demo)

        (C) 1998 Omega Hackers Group

     Recently, I often
saw this name in various electronic media, stating that it 
would be the cool editor of this kind.

     What, really? If you have
SCORP, (like me>: ->), it can
forget about it, since the guys from OHG anything except port # 
FD does not recognize even expanded memory on it shelkayut, so 
if you do not Pentagon'512, he will also in hell do not. And 
most importantly they do not write these details, so look, do 
not kupites. 

     Clicking the super-button (# 1FFD off), I
nevertheless launched this very prog ... Design in
it at a high level seen people try.

     As expected, I did not scoop
sing, US calculated only on # FB, and there
also for the US Sound Drive.

     Actually, the guys from OHG themselves restrict the way 
rasprosraneniya his editor and not only him. 

     If you are interested in digital music,
then just check out the "Presentation" and you will see what 
real Digital editor.

Other articles:

From the authors - The authors of the magazine.

From the authors - Adventurer - the section of the popular magazines heritage.

Presentation - A new program for collecting tunes: UniPlayer v1.0

Presentation - a new graphical editor 3Color Studio.

Presentation - an unusual boot: Program Box version 2.0

Presentation - a new quest: Full Shit.

Presentation - a level editor for games Raven Black: Black Raven Editor v1.0

Presentation - the new editor for digital music: EARACHE v1.0

Interface - Letters from readers: Dawid Willis, Ivan Roshchin, Cav Inc. (Competition for the best name for your sound card, glitches in HRUST v1.0 and XAS v9.06 +)

Interface - How do we (CPU) were FunTop'e.

Interface - Opinion: on acquaintance with the PC.

Interface - branded cheats for the games: Midnight Resistance, Chase HQ2, Havoc, Turbo Girl, Fast Bredd, Turbo Boat.

System - An overview of new sistemok: Sprite Maker v4.0, Turbo Copier v2.0, Sample Studio, Art Works 1, Burst Eyes v1.2, Excess Sample Editor v1.4.25, Excess Deluxe Paint v1.1, Graphic Station, BA v1.0, Global Commander v1.31, Quick Commander v2.3, Stall Spriter v0.1, AGA v1.0, Ultra Sonic v0.1, Universal Sprite Studio v1.0, HRUST v1.1, STORM v1.3.

Review - Overview of gaming innovations: Leprekon, Fuck Communistov, Sherwood, GOAT, Kill PC 2, Chainick: Horror in the flat.

Review - Review of the demos: Black Raven 2 v0.000, Crime Santa Clause Deja VU, Awaken, Japan Crossword, Pussy: Love story from Titanic.

Guests - An Interview with Nicodim'om from Yaroslavl (the author of Prince of Persia and the Pirates).

Guests - An interview with a group of Rybinsk Expirience (authors kvecta Full Shit).

Guests - CPU on the life and future plans.

Promotion - A strategy game: Sword OF Bane.

Promotion - parsing the game of Rock Star: Rock Star ate my Hamster.

Exchange of experience - Rapid procedure for finding the root of the number and Testing Kempston-port of SerzhSoft'a.

Exchange of experience - The procedure for generating sine.

Exchange of experience - spinner - izvraschalka (Zoom Rotator).

Exchange of experience - SerzhSoft'a report on the regional Olympiad in Informatics in 1998.

Exchange of experience - TR-DOS: the disk included with interrupts.

Ottyag - 23 things you can do with the program hanging. Symbols - grimassy in the program notes. 20 things you can do if ochen want to drink, but you have no money. Verse of the monk.

Ottyag - Competition test: Test: What you need a computer? Test for the Communists. Test: Can I rely on you? Quiz: Who are you Spektrumist? (User or lamer).

Ottyag - Terminator 3 sleigh day (or the truth again, somewhere in there).

Iron - Sound card with direct access to: DMA Sound Card (description schemes and programming).

News - News from local groups: Volume 4, Groboclone, Surdakar, Di-Tech Labs, Auryn, Rainbow Dreams, Experience.

Advertising - advertising and announcements from spektrumistov.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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