Adventurer #09
30 апреля 1999

Guests - An Interview with Nicodim'om from Yaroslavl (the author of Prince of Persia and the Pirates).

<b>Guests</b> - An Interview with Nicodim'om from Yaroslavl (the author of Prince of Persia and the Pirates).
     (C) All cyberpunks, who were at party


     Recently, on his birthday
Elf 'a, we visited Nicodim. It was stormy
Feast (3 liters. diluted alcohol + 10
l. Isetskogo beer, not including snacks). AND
after the third pile, we have (CPU - C) decided to take a 
Nicodim 'a - N) interviews of Speccy scene in Yaroslavl, about 
his future plans. 

     C: Roma, that you recently came from
Army, as you served there?

     N: I've seen it so much. Had fun at all.

     C: And that was for fun?

     N: So many morons, I'm in one place
many have never seen.

     C: In the army you have access to computers?

     N: Yes, there were computers such as "Spark", there is 
such a technique! I even imagine floppy out his eight-Spur -

for the collection.

     C: eight-?

     N: I found it even drives Basf.

     C: Large?

     N: Eight inches.

     C: # banutsya! And how are you now
Yaroslavl developed Speccy scene?

     N: As I came out of the army (in October
Of 1998), so that some scenes did not notice any.

     C: Absolutely?

     N: A Condor is on the market, hanging out alone.

     C: By the way, how's your project
Legend of Kyrandia?

     N: Kirandii seem to come kirdyk.

     C: What, really?

     N: First of all, one to work hard, and secondly, I've 
forgotten all of the year.

     C: That is - you want to do with geym
anyone in collaboration or in general

     N: Well, I could-would provide the source code to 
interested people and to finish the project jointly.

     C: And if no one responds, then
that - Khan?

     N: Duc ...

     C: An alternative proposal - if
we can help with graphics, then the project take place?

     N: Well, let's do it. But in fact,
Last time I was engaged to her, she
I crashed too often - a code
not regulated yet.

     C: Yeah? Is this raw?

     N: There were about ten animated locations, all subjects 
were taken ... 

     Noise in the hall. Chasm: "For the Bali # scream!"

     N: Dumplings arrived!

     Shaitan: "We brought the ravioli."

     Break for a drink, snack and browse
dem with the FT.

     C: Here you are now looked new
demos, as they are to you?

     N: Yes, the effects become much steeper.

     C: I would not like you to participate in
our project to FT'99?

     N: I demomaking'e Nesil.

     C: Why? Here, in fact, the main
imagination, ideas ...

     N: It is necessary, to get started again.

     C: Well, if you look at Forever by
DR - there is pure animation to hell, and
looks good. The main concept and

     N: I hold this the same opinion.
No matter, the animation is, or real-time - for
my main thing is that it looked nice.

     C: In your opinion, pC - cool? All the same, or Amiga 

     N: Pisyuki recently made
big break, so I'm almost moved to pisyuk. Sat down specifically 

     C: What are you doing on the pC at the moment?

     N: At pC I do graphics, but

     C: This is for making money or
purely for the soul?

     N: Basically, I'm sitting at work for
pC, as well as for myself dabble in pictures
Corel Draw.

     C: And how's your A600?

     N: Thank God, I sold it before
Army - rather bad car, but a good heaped I have no money.

     C: And what is your PC?

     N: Pentium 200 - First normal.

     C: I mean, after all user'y on pC,
eaten by products such as Quake 3, Windows -
they do not notice your program?

     N: I said that pC coding
do not do, it so happened that
I myself - user. Basically, as I said, doing graphics.

     C: If you recall the things of the past
days, then we can say that your name
(After the Pirates and the Prince) thundered throughout
country, do you all do not care
and you do not want to do on the Speccy? It is clear that the 
schedule is easier to do on HRC, and encode on Speccy - we

(CPU), in principle, and do.

     N: And I've got about a Spectrum
pessimestichnoe opinion that he was at
As we, in Yaroslavl, finally croaked.

     C: And if it FT'99, there can be
present their work is for those who
interesting about them?

     N: I said a hundred times that demomeykingom not engaged.

     C: Why, in the same place but are presented to dem and 
other projects - the game sistemki, magazines, again, same 

     N: Well, at least in solitude
I'm not going over anything to work - it
very difficult.

     C: We've got a new project brewing
Elite 2000, a very fancy 3D-graphics flooded, etc. There's no 
one to handle, there, at least, need four encoder.

     On the background of the exclamation: "Pour, pour!"

     C: Continue. That is, the pisi did not say standing alone 

     N: And I compete with anyone and do not
I wish. I will write a database for your office - it's my job.

     C: So it - the work, and for the souls of some
what? On the Spectrum is fucking space
for creativity, is what is digging,
same Gamez write for myself ottyaga,
but on the PC - all ready ... Uninteresting.

     N: What do I need to pC? Climb in
Internet, something to draw and print, well, the same thesis 
project I printed on pC. On the Spectrum as a

not do.

     C: Assume. But what works in
Internet? Well, do you web site, visit his people 500, and more 
... Ibid all linked HTML 'om. No spaces

for creativity. And for Speccy, the project you
you can put the soul ...

     N: The soul can be embedded in everything
want. A computer - just a tool.

     C: You mean to say that the Spectrum
does not quite match your requirements?

     N: Spectrum - it's underground.

     C: Well, you at least have a desire to work on the 
Spectrum's next? 

     N: If we speak honestly, after
Army first time I got to the Spectrum crowd, of course, I do 
wonder Can anything out of it and get ...

     C: By the way, your project - Kirandiya
people still do not remember it, would be worth it

     N: In principle, the finish is possible, but
as I said, the main problem -
high-quality conversion of graphics, animating some locations 

     The word is passed to our artist
Ant 'y.

     A: What do you mean by graphics? Full
analogue with PC or Amiga?

     N: I've done before like this: take Amiga
screen, rearranging it in two colors, there
the same on the Amiga, and then himself on the Spectrum
apply color, ie, attributes ... On
One screen took about four hours
work, and there are about a hundred screens.

     A: So you want to make a full
Spectrum clone of this game?

     N: Sure.

     A: Oh, you did not think to add anything of his?

     N: It is always possible.

     A: Personally, I (Ant), can help you
with graphics.

     N:-It would be nice, since the engine
almost ready, only need to debug and test. It only remains
draw the remaining locations, as well as
descriptions of items - where that is, where
used text files to score ...

     A: Then complete the project - really.
HRC we have, Kyrandia pisyukovaya is,
send us materials - will do. Personally, I
still pins Prince, and I would
priyatmo was to work with its creator. And do not be upset that
you were in the army and he forgot everything. Here we have
Demon, too, was in the army, too much forgotten, but we are now 
in full swing doing igruhu, also the quest. Although, we can 
say that after the Demon Army began virtually from scratch 
again (two years without Speccy is not a joke). Especially 
since you'd been there all year, and the level of coding you 
had much higher, and with graphics, we'll help you.

     N: Yeah, right. Because one very
hard work, you need to have more people ...

     A: Well, we Vaniak perfectly handled to convert graphics, 
especially cool him out background'y. 

     N: All of # uenno! I have with this
Brake and left. I think if we
maintain a relationship, this should
something happen.

     S: (Shaitan) Well, I can code
help if necessary.

     N: code, in principle, is almost ready, but from the help 
I can not refuse. 

     S: I hope you will agree with me,
Speck that interesting in terms of creativity
(Note Chasm 'a - in my opinion, it already was), you can not 
write at home the same database Data for this is the job ...

     N: You know, when o was a student,
then, of course, the Spectrum was the first
place, but now must still earn a living ...

     Then climbs Drunk Never.

     Never: That's you now # izdite on
# Uy, you whore, - voluntary students. Here
you're a whore, will in their lives to earn themselves to live 
at # uy. But the more you will have the wife, the # uy, and 
children, # b You whore. And then, at # uy, look at

# Ui, as you will, damn, live.

     Amendment of the room: Duc, because it is compulsory, and 
not all that bad. 

     N: No one says there is a pleasant
exceptions, and of what, I have a wife, too
already have a child is ... But time is much less.

     At this time, tipsy Demon ship
Nicodemus that is not good to leave Speck,
that his people (Nicodemus) loves and appreciates
and generally Spectrum - RULEZZZ!!! Nicodemus
confused, but agrees.

     Demon 'and unceremoniously interrupted
cry: "Enough to treat you this
For the fifth time to tell. "

     C: Well, one last question - a novel, you
not leave the Spectrum?

     N: It is very provocative question. I
I see you are counting on the positive
response. Spectrum, damn, this is my life!
I think the very first computer.

     C: This is just for # bis! This all

     Followed by the friendly wishes
often come to our seysheny and ottyagivatsya by Sam and beer. 
After that begins chaotic spree, which ends in the immediate 
vicinity of the train, in the which Nicodemus was leaving home.

     (Note Chasm 'and - I learned about this from
cassettes, from stuffing the interview, ie
since passed out for another Vekinoy hut)

Other articles:

From the authors - The authors of the magazine.

From the authors - Adventurer - the section of the popular magazines heritage.

Presentation - A new program for collecting tunes: UniPlayer v1.0

Presentation - a new graphical editor 3Color Studio.

Presentation - an unusual boot: Program Box version 2.0

Presentation - a new quest: Full Shit.

Presentation - a level editor for games Raven Black: Black Raven Editor v1.0

Presentation - the new editor for digital music: EARACHE v1.0

Interface - Letters from readers: Dawid Willis, Ivan Roshchin, Cav Inc. (Competition for the best name for your sound card, glitches in HRUST v1.0 and XAS v9.06 +)

Interface - How do we (CPU) were FunTop'e.

Interface - Opinion: on acquaintance with the PC.

Interface - branded cheats for the games: Midnight Resistance, Chase HQ2, Havoc, Turbo Girl, Fast Bredd, Turbo Boat.

System - An overview of new sistemok: Sprite Maker v4.0, Turbo Copier v2.0, Sample Studio, Art Works 1, Burst Eyes v1.2, Excess Sample Editor v1.4.25, Excess Deluxe Paint v1.1, Graphic Station, BA v1.0, Global Commander v1.31, Quick Commander v2.3, Stall Spriter v0.1, AGA v1.0, Ultra Sonic v0.1, Universal Sprite Studio v1.0, HRUST v1.1, STORM v1.3.

Review - Overview of gaming innovations: Leprekon, Fuck Communistov, Sherwood, GOAT, Kill PC 2, Chainick: Horror in the flat.

Review - Review of the demos: Black Raven 2 v0.000, Crime Santa Clause Deja VU, Awaken, Japan Crossword, Pussy: Love story from Titanic.

Guests - An Interview with Nicodim'om from Yaroslavl (the author of Prince of Persia and the Pirates).

Guests - An interview with a group of Rybinsk Expirience (authors kvecta Full Shit).

Guests - CPU on the life and future plans.

Promotion - A strategy game: Sword OF Bane.

Promotion - parsing the game of Rock Star: Rock Star ate my Hamster.

Exchange of experience - Rapid procedure for finding the root of the number and Testing Kempston-port of SerzhSoft'a.

Exchange of experience - The procedure for generating sine.

Exchange of experience - spinner - izvraschalka (Zoom Rotator).

Exchange of experience - SerzhSoft'a report on the regional Olympiad in Informatics in 1998.

Exchange of experience - TR-DOS: the disk included with interrupts.

Ottyag - 23 things you can do with the program hanging. Symbols - grimassy in the program notes. 20 things you can do if ochen want to drink, but you have no money. Verse of the monk.

Ottyag - Competition test: Test: What you need a computer? Test for the Communists. Test: Can I rely on you? Quiz: Who are you Spektrumist? (User or lamer).

Ottyag - Terminator 3 sleigh day (or the truth again, somewhere in there).

Iron - Sound card with direct access to: DMA Sound Card (description schemes and programming).

News - News from local groups: Volume 4, Groboclone, Surdakar, Di-Tech Labs, Auryn, Rainbow Dreams, Experience.

Advertising - advertising and announcements from spektrumistov.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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