Echo #04
31 января 1997

Iron - button AUTOFIRE for fans of shooters.

<b>Iron</b> - button AUTOFIRE for fans of shooters.


    Dedicated fans of shooters ...

   Hello fans of arcade shooters such as FLY-SHARK, MARADEUR 
and. etc. Today I will tell you about one simple, device that 
allows for more long term to keep their fingers and

keyboard. This device is called a
people "AUTOFIRE", like Wikipedia has already slipped several 
times in the Radio amateurs, but the main drawback was it did 
not sync with the reading of the state of the joystick. 

   Below rasspolozhen algorithm of shooting:

1. If you clicked the "fire", then the shot.
2. The program checks whether a button is pressed,
3. If the button is pressed, then go on to claim 1
4. If the button is pressed, then go to Section 3

   All previous scheme operated by bulldozer, and
they were, directly inside
joystick, and this scheme to work with
signals the computer that allows you to achieve the maximum 
switching frequency. 


   Since I am the proud owner of komputera "byte", then look 
for where the signals from different there PROS or other 
machines, you'll have to yourself. Signal C1, should change 
when reading data from joystick, a "byte" This is the first 
conclusion Products 1533AP3 (she's one of komputere)

signal can be either "1" and "0", the main thing that he was 
replaced by reading from the port joystick. FIRE joystick goes 
into the "byte" to 11 pins AP3, in other komputerah it can be 
removed with a size sockets joystick. In this scheme, I used 
mikruhu 1533TM2, but in principle it fits here and another 
trigger, you can even try to foist the counter, well, that's 
who she wants. Fits this mikruha any logic, because the legs 
power they coincide. Block this thing can "break"

conductor going to the "light", I prikolnulsya and have made 
this thing on the keyboard joystick, as a "byte" are two 
buttons "FIRE", and that the left button of my plain, and the 
right "AUTOFIRE" Can mikruhu and a joystick to shove, but you 
must to hold back the signal C1.

   Scheme personally I have earned the right,
without it "sets" and other nonsense.


         5 oR

        2 vols Q /> "FIRE" joystick.

          D button

        3 TM2
C1  DELTA Thanks for the article, we think
that she was interested in many. How
We know this approach to AUTOFIRE was
first proposed. After all, this scheme is very
"Adjusted" by the game that allows
shoot with a maximum frequency for each program.

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HELP - Game Description DARK SIDE.

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Fantasy - A fantastic tale "Ice and Flame" (the end).

Iron - button AUTOFIRE for fans of shooters.

satire and humor - Dialogue or because of what SysOp'y ruin oneself by drink.

Letters from readers - RDS v3.1 - recovery disks.

Afterword - Rejoice Brest newspaper IMPULSE - the second number.

BBS - Schedule BBS.

Advertising - advertising and advertisements in Brest.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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