Adventurer #02
16 марта 1996 |
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Exchange of experience - assembler programming: command emulation Clear, Cls, Pause, Plot, Draw ...
![<b>Exchange of experience</b> - assembler programming: command emulation Clear, Cls, Pause, Plot, Draw ...
<b>Exchange of experience</b> - assembler programming: command emulation Clear, Cls, Pause, Plot, Draw ...](
EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCE those who know much, read the forbidden (C), Konstantin Breeders (C) NEVER Music Today we highlight some issues of programming in assembler, frequently encountered by novice programmers. Perhaps this article will repeat some of their contents printed or electronic publications, and someone may accuse our magazine in it. Although it's worth remembering that not everyone has home binder ZX-REVIEW though, would be for some year. So who is strong in the codes and knows many techniques, can safely leave this article. And those who remained, we postaraemsya something to figure out for the common good. To start touch on a few procedures that are in ROM: CLEAR xxxxx - Cleanup of variables BASICa, display, install the stack and variable RAMTOP in new values. To emulate this team in the codes of register pair BC must contain address setting the stack. In this assembly would look like: LD BC, xxxxx CALL 7855 (# 1EAF). If the BC contains 0 then there will only treatment variables and the display area. CLS - a program clearing the screen. Attributes are set, respectively value of the variable ATTR-P (23693). When accessing this program, enter data into the registers is not necessary. It is called: CALL 3435 (# 0D6B). CLEAR-LINES - routine cleaning the lower N rows of the screen. In case B recorded the number of cleared lines: LD B, N CALL 3652 (# 0E44). PAUSE - complete analog command BASICa. The register contains a number of delays in BC, if it is zero then return from the procedure will be accomplished only while pressing: LD BC, pause CALL 7997 (# 1F3D). Causing the program, do not forget to enable interrupts and enable the first mode Interrupt (IM1), otherwise from this procedure, you will be able to return only on the button RESET. BREAK_KEY - a procedure that checks Pressing BREAK (not to be confused with a key SPACE). Called it: CALL 8020 (# 1F54). After returning from the procedure, thrown carry flag indicates that there was pressed BREAK. PLOT - This procedures provided lights (or quench, depending on system variables), on-screen point. In the registration C - the X, Register B - Y: LD B, Y LD C, X CALL 8933 (# 22E5). DRAW - Program of the screen image a straight line. Here, as well as in the procedure PLOT, in registers B and C are the Y and X, but not fixed - the coordinates of the displacement. In case D sign of the shift on the X, the sign in E offset Y. That is, if the sign of the displacement of some coordinates are: 255 (# FF), then the corresponding shift will be treated with a minus-1 - a offset will be with a plus sign; 0 - offset by a given coordinate is simply ignored. LD B, Y LD C, X LD D, the sign of Y LD E, the sign for X CALL 9402 (# 24BA). CHAN-OPEN - routine used to discovery channel. Novice programmers often forget to open a channel "S" for using the routine from the ROM, then with a puzzled look on the home it will be their message, but still not where necessary, or, more interestingly, pops "OUT OF SCREEN". To correct this procedure call, the register A must find the number in the range from 253 (# FD) to 3. These numbers are the flows leading to the channels: key "K", the screen "S", printer "P" and the work area "R". Before you fluxes, leading to the standard channels: 253 (# FD) - opens a channel "K" 254 (# FE) - opens a channel "S" 255 (# FF) - opens a channel "R" 0 (# 00) - opens a channel "K" 1 (# 01) - opens a channel "K" 2 (# 02) - opens a channel "S" 3 (# 03) - opens a channel of "P". So, again, the procedure call battery must contain the number of flow (See table). Moreover, the procedure should called in the thresholds and reduced following lines: LD A, the thread number CALL 5633 (# 1601). And in order to print properly in the entire screen, it is necessary to register A Record number 2 and call the procedure CHAN-OPEN. SET_ADDR - calculation program addresses familiarity on the screen. When referring to This procedure must register B containing the coordinates X, and the register C coordinate Y required familiarity. Instead of a point entrance to the ROM, I present to you this listing program. LD B, Y coordinate LD C, X coordinate CALL SET_ADDR ............ SET_ADDR LD A, B RRCA RRCA RRCA AND # E0 LD L, A LD A, B AND # 18 OR # 40 LD H, A LD B, # 00 ADD HL, BC RET. After calling the procedure SET_ADDR address familiarity in register HL. SET_ATTR - This procedure calculates the address attribute for the corresponding addresses from the field points. At the entrance to the procedure of HL register must contain the desired address from the field points. Also give listing of this procedure. LD HL, address CALL SET_ATTR ............ SET_ATTR LD A, H RRCA RRCA RRCA AND # 0B OR # 50 LD H, A RET. Here in HL returned address attribute. And now, here are a few simple techniques required for writing programs in assembler. Division registrovoy pairs at 2, 4, 8 etc. : AND A RR B RR C. If you repeat this example, N times you divide the number by 2 to the power N. This method can be divided and separate registers. Multiply the register-pair can be analogy with the previous example, replacing RR command on the RL: AND A RL C RL B. And if you need to multiply the register HL, then it is better to make the team composition ADD: ADD HL, HL multiplied by two ADD HL, HL for four ADD HL, HL for eight ........... etc. Now, specific examples: Multiplication HL six: ADD HL, HL LD B, H LD C, L ADD HL, HL ADD HL, BC, multiplication of the forty-HL: ADD HL, HL ADD HL, HL ADD HL, HL LD B, H LD C, L ADD HL, HL ADD HL, HL ADD HL, BC, A division into six: LD A, dividend LD B, # 00 LABEL SUB # 06 (divider) RET C INC B JR LABEL the output of this procedure will be private in register B (do not forget that this method can only perform integer division "). If you use to add or subtraction of register pairs team: ADC and SBC, remember - in the calculations they use carry flag (CARRY FLAG). Therefore, before the ADC or SBC for correct results, this flag should fold. Very convenient to do this by running AND A. The content does not change the battery. Incidentally, the ROM is SPECTRUMa special powerful tool for a variety of mathematical calculations. But she has several disadvantages, because of which it It might be hard to use: 1.Vychisleniya made slowly enough. Therefore inappropriate to use a calculator, for example, to calculate the coordinates of the programs with dynamic vector graphics. 2.Rabota done with a calculator somewhat unusual way, however, familiar to those who ever worked at PMC (programmable calculator. The essence of the paper is as follows: first STACK Calculator (not a car!) Recorded values, and then operations are performed with them. After which, again, with calculator stack is lifted result. Without going deeply into details, we give some entry points required for: A value from the stack # 2D28 value from the stack in the A # 2DD5 value from BC on stack # 2D2B (*) zanachenie from the stack in BC # 2DA2 *) When you return from this subroutine in IY register is set to 23,610 (# 5C3A). Now a small example of the practical application of the calculator. Necessary to calculate (21-Y) * 8 +3: LD A, 21, puts on the stack CALL # 2D28 LD A, (Y); values in order CALL # 2D28 LD A, 8; Re computing CALL # 2D28 LD A, 3, ie Y 21 March 8 CALL # 2D28 And now we will assume RST # 28; incl. calculator DEFB # 03; subtract DEFB # 04; multiply DEFB # 0F; we add DEFB # 38; off. calculator ; Remove the result from the stack CALL # 2DD5; result in A Try to write your own routine computations using this formula without using a calculator and compare and these two procedures. Table of operation codes calculator you can find in three volumes on programming in native firm Inforkom. And if you can not find this literature, we will share information in future editions of the magazine. To enable this to take leave, and if someone something is not clear or there Questions - contact the Editor, We will do our best and try to help! *
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