Faultless #09
24 мая 1998 |
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Demo Design - On the history demomeykinga.
![<b>Demo Design</b> - On the history demomeykinga.
<b>Demo Design</b> - On the history demomeykinga.](http://zxpress.ru/screens/1/1273.png)
Topic: Demo design Author: Realm of illusion --------------------------------------- DEMO.DESIGN .* Frequently Asked Questions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contents: --------- 0. Few of demos, the history demomakin g'a and traditions. 1. Terms of direct relevance to demomaking'y. 2. List of Demos / Intros / Diskmags, deserve to see them. 3. Tips and requests to (future) authors demos / intros / diskmags. 4. Commodore 64 as the machine on which was the beginning of demomaking'y. 5. A selection of some useful algorithms, and interesting solutions. 5.1.Realizatsii Fong. ---------------------------------------( C) Realm Of Illusion '1996-1997 0. Few of demos, demomaking'a history and traditions. [Peter Sobolev] Often there are discussions about what represents a perfect demo, that in It must prevail, and what should not but being in general. Without claiming to be the truth last resort would like to make a few theses, to which I came, simple lediv for a long time, the Commodore 64, Amiga, and now the PC demo scene History has developed in such a way that heyday demomaking'a on each of the three listed vehicles slightly crossed. Roughly it looks like this: I. 1987 .. 90 - Commodore 64 II. 1988 .. 93 - Amiga III. 1992 .. 96 - PC In the first period, in fact, began demomaking, - all that was done - done 'For fun'. Demos release is not only party but also just so - no connection with Kaki Mi-or events. Lack fido / inter net networks (and, consequently, - the impossibility of widespread source and tools'ov) introduces an element of originality in every demo. Using loggerheads effects considered a disgrace for the team. The style of this era demos characterized by a large number art elements (the original fonts, drawing pictures, interesting zadumok in the plot, a lot of different music in a single demo). By the end of an era when there were Amiga and PC people have been thinking about switching to more powerful machine. Because PC Then do not stand any competition, the choice of most of demomaker'ov fell on Amiga'y. Second Age-era heyday Amiga began with the fact that people began to use in their works the possibilities machine Ny, which was not in the C64. This is, first turn, the rate of iron, allowing represent the vector objects in the real time, as well as more memory and digital audio. Demos have acquired a new hue - they were often contain pure vector 3d and 2d of (among others), usually with the effects of well-synch ronizirovannymi with music. BBS craze has become widespread and people began to exchange information. In the present Noah has played a particular area is sharply negative role. Together with real but good work was showing those ndentsiya copy already in uvidennogo.Tut intervened case - the company produces Amiga'i was declared bankrupt and purchase on ESCOM'om. Although it can not be called fatal, but it caused a failure of many firms maintain these machines, a sharp decrease in the volume of produced software and how Consequently, declining interest in Amigo. Thus, some people began to think about moving to another machine, which is not ka salis such problems. This machine has become PC. The third period did demomaking massive enthusiasm. The emergence of VGA and SB gave a very strong push in this direction. And again, what could be done to previous machine, steel implement here. Now the winning factors are were speed and memory. Since in all other PC is hopelessly behind (and still is) on the Amiga, and often so same from the C64, then all the flaws in the iron complex pensate speed video / processor All the same rate provoked demomaker'ov go entirely to the 3d effects, forgetting all about art, tradition and t.p.Blagodarya wide raspostranen particular PC, the mass of programmers' software for it, and most importantly, has embarked on its feet WAN - any man could reading the literature downloaded from BBS / FTP litter samples of different effects to blind them all together and unreleased demos. "Become demomaker ' om ... "This led to the appearance of giant On the number is constantly appearing identical tical demos are hard to even watch to the end, not what to get from their viewing pleasure. Party quickly become a purely commercial event with cash prizes. Their quantitative began to grow in proportion to the number of demos. This flow of releases has become impossible to even see, not what estimate. Demos were released not on the party in public rarely someone skachivalis.Dostatochno look at ftp.cdrom.com / pub / demos, to assess the extent and low quality work. This is the situation abroad and the current day. Where will this lead can only to assume. Declining interest in demo making'y will cause an outflow of "excess" of people and theoretically, should cause a new wave high-quality demos that will be produced by those for whom the interest is not the case tea, and permanent. Let's hope that this happens:) Somehow this situation, "they." There some faint hope that we still have able to avoid such a sad fate. Although releases of demos in xUSSR not too often Toe phenomenon, most of them is represented exists an interesting work. First and foremost it is worth noting that the demo is primarily a work of art. Best indicator that the demo success, is its success among people, far away from programming. In this sense, le seems to be very successful comparison demos video clips (and me with AK Trinity:)) After all, clips are removed, based on an assessment mass audience, rather than professionals. Also in the demos - if you can see on the screen not a nice effect, not if you care how to do it? What is the difference written in the code xor ax, ax instead mov ax, 0 or not? Of course, not everything is the direct straight-line. For example a bad habit to use in demos so-called net animation (pure animation). In this If the demo is no longer a combination of talent of artists, musicians and programmers ta-demo, consisting mainly of packaged recruitment is not a demo. On the other hand a reasonable combination of animation, along with the code is quite acceptable. ======================================== 1.Glossary ========== Definitions given below, of course, are predominantly demo scene.V rate bkah are words which occurred ter minutes, or another variant of the term. Musician (music artist) - musician, the person writing the music for demos, intros, music disks, etc. Coder (code) - uh ... programmer. In a rather narrow sense of the word - uses mostly assembler. Graphician (gfx artist) - artist, rice em a picture, logo, fonts, etc. Swapper (swap) - spread the word deals with the software (your group or not, it does not matter) through the regular (non-electronic) mail (Parcels, letters, etc.) Fixer (fix)-fix deals with software to work correctly. For example corrects other people's bugs, ruled NTSC ' shny software for work in the car PAL'ovskoy (Commodore 64) Organizer (organize) - organizer of ideas LIMITED mastermind that Lee;) command. Cracker (crack) - deals with burglary Sof the one with the aim of deprotection / no restrictions constraints. Crew, Group - a team, a group of people united by the idea (or organizer) for implementation of any project (s) (eg writing, demos, hacking / raspostra equation software or anything else). Demo (in general) - a program written with to demonstrate the capabilities of the team in programming, graphics, music and design. Does not imply their purpose of extracting profits. More precisely: Demo (demonstration) - larger than 100k Intro (introduction) - the size of not more than 100k. Can be divided into: 1) Invitation intro - intro, written by to invite people to any party. Contains a description of the conditions of competition, the equipment used, the timing, venue, etc. 2) BBS intro - an advertising BBS. Usually small in size, with one way or another and the text and 1-2 effects and, sometimes, music (Often Adlib'ovskoy). Ctremyatsya stuff in archives, going through the BBS. 3) Crack intro - intro, written in after hacking group / cracker 'om anything. On it you can say almost the same that of BBS intro. 4) Intro-roughly speaking, a small demo. This, for example, those intros, which are involved in competition'ax. Formally, the anything except size, of demo is different. Trackmo (TRACKING deMO) - on the PC / Amiga - demo or intro, in which all the action (Ie image) is rigidly tied to th zyku such a way that looks at one go. Music - Techno usually (conveniently it just sync). On the Commodore 64 so called demo, which does not require a During a human intervention (Pressing the space bar to continue, etc.) Dentro (DEmo-INTRO) - demo preview.Vypyskaetsya to probydit interest in the demo which is not ready yet, but expected. Is sometimes just a set of pictures (Slideshow) with myzykoy and transfer effects, which can bydet yvidet in dem Re. SlideShow - a picture (drawing or grains Deren), shows (with music). Music Disk - a set of several songs musician / s group, beautifully decorated images / effects / text. Diskmag (Disk Magazine)-e zhurnal.Otlichaetsya from simple text file by the presence of music / graphics / any form deoeffektov. Ie appearance of the journal almost as important as its content. Logo - small image (below screen), representing a symbol / emblem Therefore, anything. As a rule, the stylized the name of the team or project. Compo (competition) - contest / Comp zanie / competition (see also the 'Party') Party-organized with a view to bunch of people. For example, demo parties - to view the demos, which are often written specifically for such events. Usually organizes a team with the assistance of sponsors. The most frequently parties are held in the Scandinavian countries. Of regularly passing demo party: Assembly (early August), TheParty (January), The Computer CrossRoads, Tribute, Camelot, etc. Traditionally demo par ties are conducted in the following types: Demo competition - the maximum size 4MB. Net animation (FLI'ki, etc.) prohibited. 64k Intro competition - the maximum Size 64K 4k Intro competition - Max size of 4K, Music is forbidden (ie, the sound will be off during playback) Graphics competition-the maximum time solution 640x480x256. Scanned, and also obtained with renderin ha (3ds, etc.) images is prohibited. 4channel music competition \ 8channel music competition / in one of the standard formats tipa.S3M,. MOD,. XM, .669,. STM etc. Computer, usually used for the demonstration: P5-100, 4MB RAM, PCI VGA; Sound: SBPro or GUS. HQ / WHQ / RHQ / ... (HeadQuarters, World Head Quarters, Russian HeadQuarters) - "The staff Apartment "(World / Russia / etc) are usually the main BBS komandy.Na her lie village glacial releases group through it can be attributed to zatsya with the group. Distribution Site (dSite, DistSite) - BBS (Ftp), where you can download all / recent releases command (s) dSite'om, which (S) of this BBS is. X-modes (tweaked modes) - mode, which allows a standard VGA (VGA256K) and standard VGA monitor to get resolution higher standard (usually). Widely raspostraneny: 320x240x256c (square point, 3 countries boundary) 320x400x256c (2 pages and high times solution - a compromise) 360x480x256c (this is the largest resolution of which can be achieved on a VGA at 256 colors) 256-color mode with a resolution of horizontal zontali> 360 points to use has no sense. They will not go at all VGA. Profiles> 400 points can be obtained only on SVGA cards. Unfortunately, at different SVGA is done slightly differently. In all these cases it is sufficient but the VGA monitor, and 256k Video RAM) Gradient Filling (gradient fill) - Shading circuit c smooth change of brightness / color. Fractal (fractal, fractal) - 1. Self-similar sets, which for any increase in forms similar images tion, most famous - Koch curve, polygonal Sierpinski set Mandelbrot Ta. 2. Mandelbrot set, as the most well-known special case in the theory of Julia sets. Described by the theory of functions of complex variable, n neriruetsya with the aid of an iterative process sa z (i) = z (i-1) * z (i-1) + c, where z-complex number, c-preselected constant For an arbitrary point in the plane with coordinates (x, y) takes a complex number z, where x - is real, and y - imaginary imaginary part, we consider the behavior of this sequence through enough pain large number (n ~ 100-1000) iterations. On plane drawn point (x, y) color usually depends on | z (n) |. 3. Any images / landscapes / images for the formation of which use helium generator of random numbers, such as: plasma, voxel landscapes ... Although, by and large, it's all the same;)) Voxel (VOlume piXEL) - element of the space, volumetric pixel. Voxel technique involves partitioning the space into separate elements (usually tow parallel planes OXY, OXZ, OYZ) and viewing these elements as a indivisible. Texture Mapping - a method the overlay / transparency / irregularities / etc on the surface, to impart realism. Environment Mapping - overlay maps (Map) environment leads to that shiny (specular) objects begin to reflect everything around them. When Change position of an object, reflection also changes, reinforcing this effect. Bump map - map of the irregularities. Glow map - map samosvetimosti, shine. Motion Blur, Delayed Vectors - related concepts. In fact the effect of blurring images for (fast) movement. Delayed Vectors The term most often applied to WireFrame objects. Fading - a smooth change in brightness (part of) the image. On the PC, as a rule, dos Tiga change R, G, B for a given color palitre.Na C64 (and sometimes on the PC) attributes the change to this part of the image. Shading (shadowing, shading) - Methods allow to reproduce the object in time nomu depending on the location of the source nick lighting. Facet (flat) shading - face polyhedra ka are colored, each with one color taking into account the orientation in space with respect respect to the source and the observer. The object looks like a crystal. Gouraud shading (.. Guro) - Method Polutov a new division with smooth color transitions passages: for the corners of each polyhedron assigned different colors, and then about usual interpolation in the framework of their surface. Phong shading (.. Phong) - a method of half-tone shading, which is held interpolation of the normal to the surface of many gon, and then fill that creates the effect of the game color (highlights) and gives more more natural image than the method Guro, but it works, usually slower than him. Nix Shading (.. Nix'a) - this method-a kind Phong shading'a (method # 1 paragraph 5.1), and texture that is the table 256x256. The only difference is that normal is not interpolated in the polar coordinates, but in general such that no name. This interpolation gives the same error, as in polar coordinates. But Nix solved the problem of rotation objects in all directions: to rotate normal in the Cartesian system, and converting to polar directly at shading. Splines (Splines) - types of mathematical models used to represent smooth curves passing through given point. Scaling (zoom) - increase or decrease (part of) an image or object. Shade Bobs - effect obtained when moving across the screen from an arbitrary trajectory theory of pattern (eg circle or square) and at each point of movement, summing color with the color already present in the pattern, ignoring overflow. It is noteworthy that, if we move in the opposite direction, but subtract color, then we back to black screen. Wireframe - view images of models stresses in the form of a "wire frame" of connecting segments. Zoom (in / out)-increase (zoom, zoom in) / decrease (zoom out) object. Aspect Ratio - the ratio of height to Shea Reena physical pixels (or width to height? I'm not sure). For the standard monitor, the geometric dimensions of the screen which are made by TV standards, ie with the ratio of 3:4, aspect ra tio equal to one will have modes 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1200x900, 1600x1200, etc. Respectively for any monitor, and arbitrarily th mode aspect ratio is as follows: AspectRatio: = Screen Height / ScreenWidth * X_Resolution / Y_Reso lution; where AspectRatio - required a.r.; ScreenHeight and ScreenWidth - height and width of the screen to see (or meters, mils limetrah, etc., so that in the main identical tical units); X_Resolution and Y_Resolution - respectively respectively for the mode in pixels. Accordingly, when they say "a picture has an aspect ratio N. NN ", it means that it will look like and intended for display in mode ar equal N.NN. Finally, if you want scaled image c aspect ratio PictureAspectRatio equal to the normal display on a standard monitor (with about portions of 3:4) in a mode to X_Resolution Y_Resolution pixels, you have to stretch it across the width (or shrink if the number less than one out) in X_Ratio: = PictureAspectRatio * 3 / 4 * X_Resolution / Y_Resolution; times. Well, or Do the same with the height (Not touching the width), making it 1/X_Ratio times longer. Transparency - transparency. Transparent Vectors - the method of images transparent object. Morphing - smooth "transformation" of one Object (image) to another through the mouth update folder-one correspondence of each element of the original object (Image) is finite and smooth change to each druga.Morphing is a mixture of three separate algorithms: warping'a, tweening'a and dissolving'a. Warping - a mathematical trick, by which the image is stretched and compressed, as if it were painted on rubber. Warping is defined by points or lines. Tweening, short for in-betweening, interpolation of two images for smoother animation. Tweening usual but it runs over the points, lines or poligonami.Tweening convenient to use, if a particular implementation warping ori ented to linii.Tweening 'th position control lines can be continuously distort the picture. Even with just war ping'a and tweening'a, you can create photo-realistic animation of a single photo graphy. Dissolving, or cross-dissolving, - so talked about in Hollywood when a scene obscured, while another "clarified." In the middle to do a double exponential zitsiya. Obtained as follows: if the whole image cover the net, then warping changes the shape Therefore, each quadrilateral, tweening moving grid, and dissolving a piece of the picture changes within the quadrangle. When all these three effects are applied together, it turns morphing. Raytracing - a method of constructing a realistic image of an object by its geometric cubic (mathematical) model. For each picture element from the point of observation Denia pave the imaginary ray to determine, as part of the model should reproduce exhaust oneself to this point in the displee.Izza need for more computing is suitable mainly for obtaining static images (on machines of type Amiga, PC). Examples of programs that implement this method: Imagine (Amiga, PC), Caligari TrueSpace (Amiga, PC), RayDream, Pov Ray, Vivid. In 3D Studio This method does not used. Rendering - creating images that or other representation of the object with the use of The use of one of the methods of synthesis of realistic images (eg, Raytracing, Gouraud Shading) (about surface, the bulk parameters, etc) Anti-aliasing - eliminating irregularities / aliasing contour image. Bump Mapping - a method of displaying bumpy surface. Frame Buffer - specially allocated area of memory in which an image (picture) stored in a form ready for output to screen. S-Buffer - the same as the Z-Buffer, only one image is taken not a single pixel, and a segment of a horizontal (or vertical, if so convenient) scan linii.Rasshifrovyvaetsya as Span-Buffer (sometimes called SegmentBuffer). Clipping - cutting off parts of the image beyond the boundaries of the region. Modeling - the process of describing the shape, object motion and structure of its surface. Sprite (sprite) - small (much smaller than the screen) a graphic generated by hardware, which can be derived / move in any graphics / tech Stove mode. You can draw an analogy - seemed to have imposed a transparent screen film, which depicted risunok.Obych but there are also a means for detecting the collision sprite (sprite to spri te collision), the collision sprite with iso by the mapping (sprite to background collision), the sprite can also be placed before or images or other sprite (Sprite priority). In most systems, there is a limit on the number of sprites that are visible on the screen simultaneously. This limitation, as a rule, can be overcome. About domain of application: moving objects at position of one image to another, an increase An increase in resolution / number of flowers every mapping, scrolling. What is called sprites on the PC - have in common with them only that it is too small graphical cue object:) Really, is it just a picture. All the above features are implemented in software and because of this poorly. Animation (Animation) - Serial display stored in the memory / disk packed / not packed images. (Standard format - is, for example, . FLI,. FLC,. AVI,. MPEG). If the image formed before appear on the screen (by any calculations, or simply from other images) then, as a rule, it is not animation.
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