ZX Format #03
29 февраля 1996 |
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Help - Another treatise on ocherdnoy obolchka and beyond.

Another treatise on ocherdnoy obolchka and beyond. (C) DICTATOR ________________________________ Memory ZX-Spectrum 48k Dedicated ... What are you doing here, dear reader? Can be triggered known principle "when nothing does not help, read the instructions? Familiarized with the received to the third issue of the letters, I was horrified. Half of the users, Read this section in the first room, said that already knows everything and tires already tired me silly offers type "I want to click off the music in text mode." Many owners of 128-x machines do not know about the possibility of entering into "shadow businesses" in the second number and mode suppression screen. The question arises: for whom I am writing this article? For self-affirmation or for practical work in the text Editor? One word - sad I was tormented. But let us to the point. Describe use of icons, I will not, then and so everything is clear. Will only about innovations and novoudaleniyah. First and foremost is the function "SAVE SCREEN" in the text rezhime.Vyzyvaetsya it from the menus "SERVICE" and writes for TR-DOS drive current ekran.Rezhim extinction screen is still called only force - by clicking fire in the lower right corner of the screen. In text mode implemented partition of the screen on the control sector. "What does it mean?" you may ask. "No," "I can not answer. Nevertheless, try to explain, although in practice it is known much faster than comprehension underwritten. As you may already have notice, the screen is divided into two main parts - the command / information and text. So, text portion in turn divided by the sector team. Pressing the "fire" in this sector leads to the scrolling text. Where are those same sectors, You learn a little poke fingers in clave. "And the hell ..... we need this?" ask me or my readers' questions. A second option reaction may be cheering Winners Kempston-mice and their same spiteful smile at "bezmyshih. And I fully agree sense of "mouse" brethren. And for those who do not understand, I will explain the essence. Working with the mouse, move cursor in two familiarity harder than the whole screen (well, if not difficult, then at least have to aim). This is your reason for thinking about buying the most convenient and most popular in the world devaysa - mice. Do not try to find a resident shadow businesses in this room. It here no for many reasons. But the fact at least it does not mean that that it generally is no more. In the next room, he soon all appear again, unless a sufficient amount of prikolov.Tak do not worry, maybe you'll see something no less cool than MEMORY TEST, which already knows the whole country. Now I will explain the meaning of an epigraph. If your machine more than 48k memory, load the magazine in a mode of 48 and you all will understand. Well, if you are a user of Spectrum-48, take My deepest sympathy and strong recommendations to buy a new wheelbarrow or Upgrade old. 48th hull will not improve due to lack of memory for new technologies and reluctance to endorse You have dead konfiguratsiyu.Esli not aware of the fact that the yard in 1996 and the minimum standard is 128k of memory, bad your case. All new programs will be released only Under the car with memory at least 128K. It is irrefutable fact. Now a bit of thinking out loud Your letters. When this number has already been coded, suddenly our head struck the mountain (well almost a mountain) letters mnogoobazhaemyh our readers. Include them in this room could not be possible, but we read them read. Our state was like after this process, a cross between a hangover after the weekly drinking and watching comedic masterpiece like "Hot Shots." It certainly is not all mails and "Writers". The main reason the above state of mind is the information messages while driving our sponsors. The most hit news for us has information on new board PROFI, in which the ports Kempston mouse hanged CMOS-clock. GOOD FELLOWS! Keep it up! Let's hang up the hard drive to the port Kempston - joystick and CD-ROM instead of muzykalki! Or maybe it is worth to began to study the documentation on peripherals, designed to SPECCY in his homeland? After this initiative there is only one desire - drop everything and go somewhere, where there are perverts and everything works (such as the Amiga or MAC). The second most popular in our hitparade is subject glyuchnosti ZF. Let's face it. Certain of the letters devoted to this issue. But As a rule, after a long list of "abnormality" should be a little postscript that says that the author list has only the "left" and not a copy knows where to buy fancy. You want to know what I think about this? Unfortunately, this unprinted pun KBytes such things at 200. From published thoughts on this subject can only lead one, but enough for the global elimination of further misunderstanding between you, the editors and glitches. As far as the wording on country walks several versions first and second numbers, BUT: None of them is not full. And the responsibility, of course, we do not accept for them. About the same purchase branded copies can say the following: 1. Beginning with the third issue ZF each firm must drive to be branded label from XL Design Inc. containing cross organizations utilizing serial number, bonded ne chatyu (XL). 2. If your city is not official exponential Dealer XLD, reversible Tes in Inforkom. 3. Perhaps the fourth of numbers of pa we ourselves do spread ZF shipping payment. 4. Not sure - do not buy. 5. You can save a couple thousand, buying a broken version, and then another couple, buying a second, third etc. versions of the same numbers until you find a workable (If any exists). __________ And now a little surprise. The fact that this article written only a few days before the release of the magazine and the author has already has some information about the content of the next issue and wants it to share with you. So, what awaits you in the ZF-4: - The continuation of all the serials entries - Article Mednonogova of Fame his plans to create a new "dumovidnoy" game - An interview with the legendary hero of the world's Spectrum Nikolai Rodionov - Presentation of a group of programmers "DIGITAL REALITY" from Novgorod and some of their products Annex - Demo versions of new and the upcoming programs, including number of fighters based on all well-known game "MORTAL KOMBAT" - What remains to be seen by the authors of the journal Here on this I agree with you and goodbye. Remains with respect, Andrew Rachkin. ________________________________ _a
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