ZX Format #03
29 февраля 1996 |
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Programmers - adapttsatsiya games: immortality.

Allowance for a small dirty dog or HOW TO BECOME IMMORTAL (C) Rzhavelschik (A.A.M.) 1996 ________________________________ So, you've successfully copied game on the disc. However, chopped in her four hours concluded that if the attempt would be more, then, of course, the joystick would have remained alive, while the Galaxy has been rescued. From this it is simple as a cassette neutron warhead, the conclusion: Your dirty work is not finished yet. Have to re-ship the monitor and feel hungry eyes by kilobytes program. Here, Global Benefits Scorpios are the owners, because they may operate on live, just seeing the result. For other required to overcome the barrier of decompression and ksorki (ie browse to the game the way it was during her work). You can use the reset MAGIC'om and program @-CRACK (it is possible that the resulting file will not work as a game but that is not required - it only need to view). If LOADER beysikovy, it should be instead of the last RANDOMIZE USR supply output to the monitor. The hardest part will be the owners of 48K (Surely there are still 48 with the drive?), Advise them to use MONS - like monitor that is placed in the display area. So get started. First: the definition define the diagnosis. Suppose we have determined that the game suffers acute life-failure. Then we have to determine treatment - the addition of primary resources, or removal subtraction procedure (to know when to stop, otherwise we can overdo it, and instead of an infinite energy obtained, for example, BATTLE COMMAND, in which the tank safely runs through all of the objects to finish the game for 5 minutes and throw away). By the way, the search for immortality - the best way to learn assembler but if you do not know with this subject, we have difficult. Therefore record and remember the basic commands to that you have to pay attention. code: mnemonic: # 3E, # DD: LD A, # DD register A = # DD (Under # DD # DDDD and implied Any number of one-and dvubaytnoe) # 32, # DD, # DD: LD (# DDDD), A equivalent to POKE adr, A # 3A, # DD, # DD: LD A, (# DDDD) LET A = PEEK adr # 21, # DD, # DD: LD HL, # DDDD --- # D6 # DD: SUB # DD A = A-# DD # 3D: DEC A decrement A: A = A-1 # 3C: INC A growth rate of A: A = 1 # 35: DEC (HL) Accordingly, # 34: INC (HL) dec and inc contents of memory at the address which is in the HL. Next - assembly instructions CALL adr, JP adr and JR adr. Respectively - GO SUB adr and GO TO adr. The last two teams are different way to address the problem - JP in it's written directly in JR - the shift to a certain count of bytes. This team unconditional jump. There are teams conditional jump - ie transition will occur if the observed certain conditions. Condition is the state of the corresponding bit in the register F - "flag." The most commonly used two Flag: Z - flag "0" and C - Flag transfer. Zero flag is raised, If in the course of the calculation was obtained result = 0. Carry Flag - if, for example, more subtracted from a smaller (0-1). The command is accordingly so: JP Z adr, JP C adr - if transition occurs at elevated Flag and JP NZ adr, JP NC adr - when dropped. The flag is determined by the result of last operation, which affect it. Transition team for no flags influence. Remember? Then we go further. Say you want to freeze option, which is defined specific number - the number of lives, for example (if the parameter displayed on the screen strip its numerical value is difficult to define). Record the number of lives and all the rest numerical parameters, as well as all inscriptions, to retain the font (upper case letters have different codes, rather than lower). Now load game in its working form and run the monitor. All games at the start setting their initial parameters, ie number of lives energy, time, etc. View this need to start search procedure starting configuration. The most simple: enter search sequences of type # 3E NN # 32 - it translates as LD A, NN: LD (addr), A; here NN - number of lives. That is, for address addr placed the number of lives. Take for example REX1. There There are 4 lives and 99 units of the security field. Combination # 3E 2004 # 32 is found there more than once. Finding it necessary to explore the area for the initial units of other parameters. Inspection reveals that the most suspicious places will be the address where is located the following: LD A, # 04 LD (# A063), A LD A, # 02 LD (# A06C), A CALL # BA49 LD A, # 63 <- # 63 = 99! LD (# A04D), A Obviously, this initial installation, because are exposed not only the number of lives, but and energy security (99 units). Then ask the search for references to the address A063. Remember one thing: in the low byte code number is the first (if the number of double-byte) ie look to a combination of # 63, # A0. Links on the given combination occur 5 times. For us are only meaningful those that modify the contents of memory at this address. This fragment there is only one: LD A, (# A063) DEC A <-e # 9C79 = 40057 LD (# A063), A CP # FF JP Z, 9C .. Here we see that if the number of spare lives will be less than 0, will move to another address. This place is so suspicious that it is possible try this address (eg put in the loader before Last RANDOMIZE USR, click POKE 40057,0). For the final verdict must see what is there, where the transition goes under the banner of Z. There we see is: LD HL, # AAED LD B, 1 CALL # A13E Remember that the combination of this type typically use Print messages. Enjoying dump at # AAED. And there are 3 bytes of official symbols and the text: "GAME OVER". Conclusion: guilty suspect process the deprivation of life, and sentenced to a correction by replacing DEC A on the NOP (ie, 0). Everything. You immortal. This procedure could go out and by the inscription GAME OVER. Do this: find address labels (ie the address in memory which begins ASCII codes label), then look for his mention. If the options do not address found, then look for mention of the address by 1 less. In this example, the address is shifted by three bytes ago. Find the link (meaningful) to the address, look for the beginning of routines, which have this link, then look for the mention address entry into this routine. The procedure for subtracting the lives should have access to print messages that are already deducted nothing (for this example - GAME OVER). If you hunt, then we can further facilitate their lives through installation of an infinite protection. Looking for reference addresses # A04D (4D A0). Its also mentioned more than once. The procedure is definitely reducing the contents of memory this address is also the only one. LD A, (# A04D) SUB L JP C, # 99EF LD (# A04D), A <- # 99E8 = 39400 CALL # 99FA RET SUB L - A deduction of the contents of the register L. Experience shows that in this situation easier to remove the entry of new values in the memory - for example to replace # 32 to # 3A (this will not make failures in the program). Then at # 99E8 LD will A, (# A040). Or you can replace address on the address in the ROM area - it is enough to erase byte address (POKE 39402, 0). The latter takes up less space in the boot line, because this is preferable. For illustration see another Example - ARCANOID-2. In this game at first glance, given three lives, but the search 3E March 1932 gives a suspicious address: # 9DE4. If the search of his references, we can find the procedure that change the contents of the cell with this address, but do this is very strange: LD A, (# 9DE4) SRL A INC A LD (# 9DE4), A This is clearly not decrease by 1 to the same - there is no verification of the conditions. It is assumed that number of lives instead of 3. Consider carefully the game: before Every throw a ball subtracted one attempt, which means that it happens and when start of the game - that is, actually Life 4. Looking for 3E April 1932 - there are two references, and both are similar to the initial installation. Under suspicion enter two addresses: # 7F86, and # 7815. Next, look for links on the suspects. # 7F86 mentioned 3 times (the initial entry does not count), including references to: LD HL, # 7F86; INC (HL) - similar to the the addition of one life. LD HL, # 7F86 DEC (HL) <- # 926C = 37484 JP NZ # 82DC JP # FC7B This combination is rather suspicious, you can try. When the command is used DEC (HL), it must be replaced by OR (HL) - code # B6 = 182. The audit showed that the address is correct (check for yourself). If you already understand everything, then reset the machine and - in the battle. For the rest I will give some practical tips: When searching for links to posts please be patient - sometimes have to retreat too far, for example, in one tape HERO QUEST version had withdraw from the inscriptions already at 14 bytes. Sometimes the messages are printed from the table - then when you call Set the print starting address tables and the number of messages (look closely REX1, there done so). Sometimes the inscription displays program that standing right in front of the text - in this case, the address of the message is not states, but then this programm must face any single phrase. Sometimes there are such phenomenal Illiterate games that have set of almost identical procedures weaning energy (STORM HAWK, LICENSE TO KILL). As a rule, a procedure - one kind of danger. Do not hesitate to brute force - if it is not moves, then Locate all suspected sites, and freeze them in turn. Try to find an easy way - Always check out a full dump program - so sometimes come across secret codes and passwords. On different stages of loading poke at the keys - is that hackers that made this version pose undercover CHEAT MODE, for example in 48 irons need to startup Press and hold until the end of loading keys that make up the name of a group albums SEPULTURA, and DIZZY Y (free copy) - FCM when loading the second part. When used for subtracting DEC A, then wash it better. If the DEC (HL) - better to replace the address, command itself can be changed only OR (HL) (code # B6 = 182), Otherwise you will get GAME OVER immediately. When using SUB dd (Usually SUB 1), must be replaced argument to 0 (a SUB 0). If you are not sure of the number of lives - try both numbers. Sometimes the programs are used protective measures - such as check the status of major procedures or duplicate procedures that look sometimes peacefully enough, while as "empty" - literally screams about yourself. The hardest thing - when the obvious assignment procedure and the press not (eg, Silk Worm). In this case, you can throw a game with different amounts of lives and comparison method to find the address counter. Or - just for ZS256, - use the monitor, move, and ch. (Move a piece of the game in extra RAM and compare values in different positions). When the value of a strip show on the screen (for example, fuel), it can be changed is not what it seems. So in TRANTOR energy is not subtracted and added. Probably the latter - remember, that the assembly is a set of commands, and write the value in memory can be different ways (This is done via the index registers through LDIR, the stack etc.). P.S. The above information is not intended to be exhaustive, but will greatly help you take the first steps to hacking trail. To do this blindly - extremely difficult, I know from personal experience. I have not seen "Benefit for hackers", published in hard copy, and this - The only book on this a topic that I come across. The main advice one: learn assembler and then no one program will not stand in front of you. By the way, take the weapons: the game one of the company have usually almost identical structure. P.P.S. Perhaps the most interesting trick is done in XONIX (in one of ours) - there life is determined by the number of code number printed on the screen (ASCII code). ________________________________
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