ZX Format #03
29 февраля 1996

Miscellaneous - Amiga: questions and answers.

<b>Miscellaneous</b> - Amiga: questions and answers.

       Questions and answers.

               # 3

(C) Antony 1996


   Privet! HOW usually hochetsya
vyrazit udovolstvie you
zaglyanut have decided in this Section on
zhurnala. In this raz budet statya
postroena in RESIDENCE otvetov nA questions kotorye naibolee 
chasto zadayutsya about kompyuterov

Amiga. Itak ...


   What oznachaet mnogozadachnost

operatsionnoy sistemy (AmigaOS)?

   AmigaOS yavlyaetsya pervoy in
mire realno-mnogozadachnoy operatsionnoy sistemoy. This 
oznachaet that net neobhodimosti sozdavat programmy with 
uchetom of that they will rabotat in mnogozadachnom rezhime, 
skoree naoborot - nado spetsialno ostanavlivat lishnie 
protsessy in sisteme, If neobhodimo to rabotala only odna 
programma. In srede AmigaOS lyubye programmy

effektivno rabotayut parallelno
with others. Reaktsiya nA deystviya
polzovatelya nezamedlitelnaya,
ukazatel mouse peremeschaetsya bez

   HOW naschet "zhadnosti" AmigaOS

by otnosheniyu to resursam mashiny?

   AmigaOS not require large
obemov The memory and the speed ochen effektivna raboty. Imeya 
only 1 or 2 megabayta RAM, you uzhe

mozhete polnotsenno rabotat with
neskolkimi decent prilozheniyami, bez kakih any zametnyh
"Tormozheny. Ha Vashem zhestkom
diske AmigaOS and ee prilozheniya
takzhe zanimayut sovsem nemnogo

   Yavlyaetsya whether AmigaOS operatsi
onnoy sistemoy, rabotayuschey in pe
alnom masshtabe vremeni?

   Teoreticheski - net, prakticheski - yes. To tak nazyvaemyh
"Realnovremennyh" operatsionnyh
sistem dolzhna davatsya garantiya
nA takuyu harakteristiku, HOW
maksimalnoe TIME reaktsii nA
vneshnie signaly. For AmigaOS takie garantii DO NOT dayutsya 
but ona nastolko effektivna and bystra,

that uzhe ispolzuet in tehnologicheskih protsessah nA 

   Yavlyaetsya whether AmigaOS "obekt

   In versiyah vyshe AmigaOS 2.0
soderzhatsya elementy for object files contained within 

   What takoe "IFF" - format?

   This format hraneniya dannyh
for obmena mezhdu programmami.
Vse prilozheniya podderzhivayut this
format, tak that DO NOT voznikaet
problem in one and obrabotke teh
zhe dannyh raznymi programmami. In
this formate may hranitsya
graficheskie fayly, zvukovye dannye (instrumenty, muzykalnye
modules), and tekst konfiguratsionnye fayly.

   What imeyut obschego Amiga and


   Mnogoe. Amiga traditsionno
predlagaet everything you need for unto you
obedineniya kompyuternoy grafiki
and animatsii in sochetanii with simultaneous sound and the 
ability to convenient for controlling of polzovatelya vsem it. 
A is in printsipe and Apartment belongs multimedia. Listed 
vyshe "IFF" - format pomogaet obedinit razlichnye types dannyh. 
The Amiga imeetsya shirokaya palitra programm (in chisle 
professionalnyh) for raboty This napravlenii. In 1985,

Vse it esche DO NOT nazyvalos multimedia, but uzhe 
suschestvovalo and primenyalos nA Amiga.

   Can I ispolzovat Amiga

for "virtualnoy realnosti?

   Yes, and it uzhe delaetsya. Virtualnaya realnost ispolzuet
metody multimedia, plus dopolnitelnye datchiki and 
nestandartnye Charger otobrazheniya. Blagodarya svoey 
mnogozadachnoy operatsionnoy sisteme, Amiga good suitable for 
these tseley.Neskolko kommercheskih games in stile virtualnoy 
realnosti postroeny nA Amiga-tehnologii.

   Mozhet whether Amiga rabotat with CD

   Nay, but to any possible podklyuchat modeli Amiga CD-ROM 
cherez sootvetstvuyuschy interfeys (nekotorye modeli Amiga 
imeyut vstroenny). Nachinaya with versii OS 3.1 Amiga imeet 
vstroennoe programmnoe obespechenie for raboty with CD-ROM 
drayvami. A krome order Amiga CD32 and AmigaCDTV imeyut

CD-ROM HOW standart.

   What takoe ARexx?

   ARexx - a language programmirovaniya, is a part of AmigaOS. 
He sozdan for organizatsii obmena dannymi and komandami mezhdu

razlichnymi programmami. If the
programma imeet tak nazyvaemy
"ARexx-port", then ey can upravlyat from another programmy. 
Neskolko programm can svyazat in edinoe tseloe for organizatsii

integrirovannogo rabochego prostranstva.

   Pochemu for Amiga DO NOT sozdayutsya

moschnye programmnye pakety?

   Because they have net neobhodimosti.V takih paketah you ochen
chasto obnaruzhivaete that they DO NOT komponenty tak powerful, 
HOW otdelnye programmy, sozdannye for konkretnyh zadach. Ha 
Amiga gorazdo prosche sozdat for sebya rabochuyu sredu of 
otdelnyh programm. Blagodarya mnogozadachnosti and ARexx, you 
poluchite maksimalny effekt in dostizhenii Vashey konkretnoy 

   Can I ispolzovat nA Ami
ga analogovy joystick?

   Nay, bez problem, though (to sozhaleniyu) DO NOT ochen many 
games the plug podderzhivayut.

   Kakova total ideologiya Amiga?

   This svoboda and flexibility. Amiga
DO NOT diktuet polzovatelyu or programmistu, HOW emu sleduet 
postupat. Vsegda imeetsya alternativny way. Any chelovek mozhet 
vybrat naibolee convenient way for nego realizatsii teh or 
other zadach. 

   AmigaOS yavlyaetsya 16 or

32-bit operatsionnoy siste

   With samogo nachala - a 32-xbitnaya OS blagodarya vnutrenney
32-bit strukture protsessorov Motorola. Therefore, the 
32-bitnye the possibility of new protsessorov used 

   Kakie imeyutsya nA Amiga Languages


   Assemblery, C, C + +, Pascal,
Modula 2, Oberon, Fortran, Basic, BCPL, E, scheme, Cluster,
ARexx, Lisp, Prolog, etc. Naibolshaya chast AmigaOS napisana
nA C, a TIME-kritichnye protsedury - nA assemblere.

   Sovmestima whether Amiga with MS-DOS

and IBM-PC?

   Yes, but not the live smysle.
Amiga - it pervuyu ochered -
Your World with svoey structure.
But blagodarya svoey flexibility
Amiga predostavlyaet neskolko
putey for dostizheniya sovmestimosti other platformami (in
chastnosti with PC). Programmy, rabotayuschie under OS 2.0 and 
vyshe can napryamuyu rabotat with MS-DOS diskami. Suschestvuyut 
takzhe programmnye emulators PC, Mac, Atari, C64, Spectrum. For 
large lyubiteley PC imeyutsya "zheleznye"

emulators soderzhaschie your protsessor and rabotayuschie full

   Kakoy obem RAM mozhet usta
navlivatsya in the Amiga?

   In zavisimosti from tipa protsessora you mozhete ustanavlivat
from (HOW least) 9 megabayt
to (teoreticheski) 2 gigabayt.
At any konfiguratsii and any
obeme memory is, ona ispolzuet
avtomaticheski, bez neobhodimosti in ustanovke kakih any 
drayverov, hand perestanovke adresov etc. Ha materinskoy plate 
modeley A3000 and A4000 You mozhete ustanovit to 18 megabayt 
RAM, and a date every slot of chetyreh rasshireniya Zorro-III 
You mozhete postavit kartochku 256 th megabaytami. In rezultate 
can "Rasshiritsya" to bolee chem 1


   What takoe Tyres Zorro?

   Tyres Zorro - this standartnaya
Tyres rasshireniya for powerful modeley Amiga. Ha Amiga 2000 
byla Tyres Zorro-II (16 bit). Zorro-III byla vpervye primenena 
nA Amiga 3000 and imela 32-bit

"Width". Ona yavlyaetsya one
naibolee fast from imeyuschihsya
nA segodnyashny Day of. Zorro-III
sovmestima with Zorro-II. One of the
glavnyh preimuschestv this bus -


   That takoe "avtokonfig"
and much more in chitayte
chetvertom nomere nashego zhurnala.

   P.S. Those who know
Amiga, and noticed (to my chagrin) any technical
inaccuracies in the text, please do not
scold me, and correct. Call us!

 This text written in CED3.5 on

  Amiga 500 + by Antony of TMG.

  Call: (812) 513-11-98 (Anton)


Other articles:

IS-DOS - "IS-DOS - for beginners" No 3

IS-DOS - "Window System IS-DOS".

IS-DOS - "object module format *. obj IS-DOS assembly language."

IS-DOS - "The format of the table of local symbols IS-DOS assembly language."

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.3

Iron - Bugfix TR-DOS.

Iron - a new sound card: General Sound.

Iron - a new model of the Spectrum: Scorpion ZS 256 Turbo +.

Iron - on turbirovanie Spectrum machines.

Iron - an overview of modems for the ZX Spectrum.

Iron - The bus architecture of the Spectrum (concept).

Toys - "Last battle" (The Last Stand) a detailed description.

Toys - 48 irons (second level).

Toys - a dozen of the most sold in St. Petersburg.

Toys - description of the game BATMAN-II.

Toys - What's new: The Light Corridor, Jonny Quest in Doctor Zins, Bedlam, Bubble Dizzy, Navy Seals, Pirates.

Contest - a competition for computer anecdote.

Lottery - a lottery for the readers.

From the authors - the third edition of the journal.

a rest - Hu, user, wait!

a rest - glyukodrom: Most ERRORS.

Help - Another treatise on ocherdnoy obolchka and beyond.

Mailbox - discussion.

Mailbox - Translator.

Mailbox - letters from readers.

Premiere - TASM 4.0 (Turbo ASseMbler for ZX-Spectrum 128k)

Premiere - The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.

Programmers - Basic to all number 3.

Programmers - Matching games: the adaptation of programs to disk.

Programmers - Matching games: zykrytye codes.

Programmers - adapttsatsiya games: immortality.

Programmers - assembler: Excursion to the anatomy of the ZX

Miscellaneous - Amiga: questions and answers.

Miscellaneous - Amiga: news.

Miscellaneous - Prospects for P / O.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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