ZX Format #03
29 февраля 1996

IS-DOS - "Window System IS-DOS".

<b>IS-DOS</b> -
Category "IS-DOS - the programmers." No 3

              Eliseev VA

        "The window system IS-DOS"

          (Journal version)

(C) IskraSoft 1995

End, beginning at No 1 and 2.

        Auxiliary restarts.

               wtpos (# 6B)

    For the last two restarts printing directly adjacent restart
wtpos (# 6B), allowing to modify the
current position to restart the print
lnstr and str.

    Restart wtpos calculates the absolute
logical coordinates print the values ​​of the Y-coord and Print 
pos. vector of the window, which indicates the contents of 
register IX, taking into account the displacement of Y, defined 
in the register H and X, defined by in register L, and puts 
them into the system variable XYPOS, located in the vector

character of the output device. This system variable is 
actively used restart ttyout (# 0A), on the basis of which many 
of the restarts Print Level WIND.SYS.

    It is worth mentioning that for the coordinates of a print, 
you can also use restart prapd (# 0C) of Level DOS.SYS, which 
puts a system variable XYPOS register values ​​H (Y-coord 
lines) and L (X-coord in familiarity 6 * 8).

   Example using prapd:


; Listing 13 Setting the origin
; For lnstr (# 6D)

       ORG # 5D64

       CALL CLS; clear screen

       LD H, 5; Y-coord

       LD L, 2; X-coord

       LD C, # 0C; code restart # 0C

                      ; The level DOS.SYS

       RST # 10

       LD HL, TEXT; address text

       LD C, # 6D; code restart lnstr

       LD B, 37; the number of characters

       RST # 10; print line

       CALL WAIT

       JP EXIT

; Text buffer

TEXT DEFM "Printing line"

       DEFM "coordinates"

       DEFM "X = 2, Y = 5"

; Additional procedures

CLS LD C, # 73; restart cls

       RST # 10; to clear the screen


WAIT LD C, # 07; restart ttyin

       RST # 10; to wait for the clicking
       RET; Tia Keys

EXIT XOR A; standard output

       LD A, # F4; in the IS-DOS



   Same with wtpos:


; Listing 14 Setting the coordinates wtpos
; For lnstr (# 6D)

       ORG # 5D64

; Raw data:

; Y-coord window = 3
; X-coord window = 0
; Print pos = 1

; Required coordinates printing:

; X = 2
; Y = 5

And hence:

; H = 2 (displacement along the Y)
; L = 1 (offset X)

       CALL CLS; clear screen

       LD IX, WIND; vector window

       LD A, 2 opening windows

       LD C, # 1961

       RST # 10

       LD H, 2; Y-offset

       LD L, 1; X-offset

       LD C, # 6B; code restart wtpos

       RST # 10

       LD HL, TEXT; address text

       LD C, # 6D; code restart lnstr

       LD B, 37; the number of characters

       RST # 10; print line

       CALL WAIT

       JP EXIT

And the vector window


       DEFB 3

       DEFB 7

       DEFB 30

       DEFB% 00001111

       DEFB% 00000001

       DEFB 1

       DEFB 40

; Text buffer

TEXT DEFM "Printing line"

       DEFM "coordinates"

       DEFM "X = 2, Y = 5"

; Additional procedures

CLS LD C, # 73; restart cls

       RST # 10; to clear the screen


WAIT LD C, # 07; restart ttyin

       RST # 10; to wait for the clicking
       RET; Tia Keys

EXIT XOR A; standard output

       LD A, # F4; in the IS-DOS



               scrol (# 70)

    Another extremely useful when working with texts restart - 
scrol (# 70). He allows you to remove the contents of the 
window to line up or down. 

    When working restart required
Programming filling the extreme left and extreme right in the 
familiarity freed string (bottom motion up and vice versa).

   Input parameters:

  IX - the vector of window

  HL - extreme value fill byte

       freed string (image coding
       induces a binary representation,

       For example: a single-line on the edge

       coded as 10000000 00000001 and


  A - operating mode:

       A = 0 - Set the restart of the vector

       windows - called once before

       starting work in the window.

       Setting is retained for all time

       work until the next call scrol

       c zero value in register A.

       A = 1 - scroll to line up

       A = 2 - scrolling by one line

    For normal operation scrol need two more parameters are 
added to the standard vector and windows located directly in 
front of him: 

  IX-1-speed scrolling - possible

       values ​​- 1, 2, 4, 8 defines

       time during which the line

       moves to 8 pixels along the vertical

  IX-2 delay of scrolling - possible

       values ​​from 0 to 255 - regulates

       time interval between consecutive
       mi call restarting

    By choosing these two parameters is achieved in the most 
fluid motion required rate of scrolling.



; Listing 15 Application scrol (# 70)

       ORG # 5D64

, Opening a window

       CALL CLS

       LD IX, WIND

       LD C, # 1961

       LD A, 2

       RST # 10

; Setting procedures scroll
, The vector window:

       LD IX, WIND; vector window

       LD C, # 70; code restart

       LD HL, # 0000 completion

       XOR A; in Reg. A - 0

       RST # 10

; Print line prstr subfunction 3

       LD IX, WIND

       LD HL, TEXT

       LD C, # 1968

       LD E, 3

       LD A,% 00001010

       LD B, 1

       RST # 10

; Scrolling the window up in the cycle in 5 rows

       LD B, 5


       LD C, # 70; code restart

       LD A, 1; scrolling up

       LD IX, WIND; vector window

       LD HL, # 0000 completion

       RST # 10

       POP BC

       DJNZ M1

       CALL WAIT

       JP EXIT

And the vector box + 2 bytes for restart
; Scrol (# 70)

       DEFB 25; delay

       DEFB 01; rate

       DEFB 5

       DEFB 12

       DEFB 25

       DEFB% 00000111

       DEFB% 00000001

       DEFB 2

       DEFB 25

The text for printing

TEXT DEFM "It works scrol (# 70)"

       DEFB # 0D

       DEFB # 03

; Additional procedures:

CLS LD C, # 73; restart cls

       RST # 10; to clear the screen


WAIT LD C, # 07; waiting for the keys

       RST # 10


EXIT XOR A; output in the IS-DOS

       LD A, # F4



    Application restart scrol with
restarts printing (eg prstr) allows you to organize the 
on-screen mode "running text". 

   Consider another example:


; Listing 16 The "running text"

       ORG # 5D64

, The procedure for opening the window

       CALL CLS

       LD IX, WIND

       LD C, # 1961

       LD A, 2

       RST # 10

; Setting procedures scrol
, The vector window:

       LD IX, WIND

       LD C, # 1970

       LD HL, 0

       XOR A

       RST # 10

; Input parameters for the routine

       LD A,% 00001010

, In ref. A - bits 7 and 6 determine the mode
; Alignment
; Bits 5 ... 0 determine the indentation
; From the top
The windows

       LD B, 1; line number in

                      The text (lines

                      , Separated

                      ; From other characters

                      ; ID # 0D)

M1 PUSH AF; save Reg. A

       PUSH BC; save BC

; Print line on the number of the text

       LD IX, WIND; address vector window

       LD HL, TEXT; address early. Text

       LD C, # 68; code prstr

       LD E, 3; subfunction code

       RST # 10

       CALL SCROLL; call scrol

       POP BC; restore BC

       INC B; increase the number

                      ; Line in the text

       LD A, B; check on the number of

       CP 9; lines printed

       JP Z, END; output if all

                      ; Line printed

       POP AF; recover A

       JR M1; go to print

                      ; The next line

And the vector box + 2 bytes for restart
; Scrol (# 70)

       DEFB 25; delay

       DEFB 01; rate

       DEFB 1

       DEFB 12

       DEFB 28

       DEFB% 00000111

       DEFB% 00000001

       DEFB 4

       DEFB 35

The text for printing

TEXT DEFM "This program

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "is an example"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "organization in the system"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "IS-DOS to the screen"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "in 'running text'"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "Text output is organized"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "with restarts"

       DEFB 13

       DEFM "scrol (# 70) and prstr (# 68)"

       DEFB 13

; Additional procedures:

CLS LD C, # 73; restart cls

       RST # 10; to clear the screen


SCROLL LD C, # 70; procedure to scroll
       LD A, 1; linga window

       LD IX, WIND; line up

       LD HL, # 0000

       RST # 10


END POP AF; shutdown

       CALL WAIT

       JR EXIT

WAIT LD C, # 07; waiting for the keys

       RST # 10


EXIT XOR A; output in the IS-DOS

       LD A, # F4




Other articles:

IS-DOS - "IS-DOS - for beginners" No 3

IS-DOS - "Window System IS-DOS".

IS-DOS - "object module format *. obj IS-DOS assembly language."

IS-DOS - "The format of the table of local symbols IS-DOS assembly language."

Authors Journal - ZX-Format No.3

Iron - Bugfix TR-DOS.

Iron - a new sound card: General Sound.

Iron - a new model of the Spectrum: Scorpion ZS 256 Turbo +.

Iron - on turbirovanie Spectrum machines.

Iron - an overview of modems for the ZX Spectrum.

Iron - The bus architecture of the Spectrum (concept).

Toys - "Last battle" (The Last Stand) a detailed description.

Toys - 48 irons (second level).

Toys - a dozen of the most sold in St. Petersburg.

Toys - description of the game BATMAN-II.

Toys - What's new: The Light Corridor, Jonny Quest in Doctor Zins, Bedlam, Bubble Dizzy, Navy Seals, Pirates.

Contest - a competition for computer anecdote.

Lottery - a lottery for the readers.

From the authors - the third edition of the journal.

a rest - Hu, user, wait!

a rest - glyukodrom: Most ERRORS.

Help - Another treatise on ocherdnoy obolchka and beyond.

Mailbox - discussion.

Mailbox - Translator.

Mailbox - letters from readers.

Premiere - TASM 4.0 (Turbo ASseMbler for ZX-Spectrum 128k)

Premiere - The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.

Programmers - Basic to all number 3.

Programmers - Matching games: the adaptation of programs to disk.

Programmers - Matching games: zykrytye codes.

Programmers - adapttsatsiya games: immortality.

Programmers - assembler: Excursion to the anatomy of the ZX

Miscellaneous - Amiga: questions and answers.

Miscellaneous - Amiga: news.

Miscellaneous - Prospects for P / O.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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