Deja Vu #01
30 июня 1997 |
Topic - Musical ability ZX-Spectrum: What was, what is and what will happen.
(C) 1997 DANIIL Musical ability ZX-Spectrum. What was, what is and what will happen. __________________________________________ - To be commended person for that, being so bad musician, he does not throwing music for enced by it and not becomes a thief. Diogenes. * In recent years, trying to SPECCY connect a whole bunch of different devices (And often succeed). If the increasing graphics capabilities of the case The situation is not the best way, then this skazt not about musical opportunities in this oblsti our craftsmen rather priuspeli ... But a little distracted and look at the recent past, try to remember what music capabilities possessed SPECCY literally years 5-7 ago. In those days, sound control reduced to switch a single bit port # FE. On the musical co-processor only knew of the toys with options SOUND 48/128, and for many it was a mystery. But even this single bit Western developers have managed to squeeze impossible (remember the episode SAVAGE). Though for playing Mouzon took all CPU time, even so a three-channel sound that could be obtained by software division, was very cool (Of course at that time!) but life goes on. Almost simultaneously with the connection controller TR-DOS began a widespread and global implementation of the architecture of the Spectrum Music coprocessors AY 8910/12. In our time difficult to imagine at least one user in which this piece is missing. At first, all pulled from the company Mouzon of the toys, even the beginning of demostroeniya was based on the use thereof. Then began the development of music editors. Tangible mark on the history SPECCY left editor SOUND TRACKER. Domestic softoproizvoditeli also did not remain in debt, and saturate the market with things like ASM (Sendetsky, 1994), PRO TRACKER (GOLDEN DISK, 1995), SOUND TRACKER PRO (KSA, 1996). The quality of these products is incredible, from AY now squeezed same opportunities that Western musicians do not even dreamed of. I would like to mention an invaluable contribution to "Music Fund" the following people: KSA, MIC, VOXON, IRONMAN, IMP, KLAV, A. KOLESNIK, LAV, SLACK DEN, DOC, etc. Now, slowly, smoothly and quietly, I pass from MUSIC ON INTERRUPT for DIGITAL MUSIC. Personally, I first heard DIGITAL on AY in Polish demos and SABRINA LAMBADA. It was unusual at the same time, the sound quality left much to be desired. More or less quality sound I heard in the demos WELCOME TO AMIGA WORLD and SATISFACTION megademo. That was something especially when you consider that the editors DIGITAL at that time was not yet. Then came the editors: INSTRUMENT, DIGITAL STUDIO, DMM, SAMPLE TRACKER etc. And they went and poeholo, now high-quality digitization can create any user. All of the above applies to tsifrovkam for AY, but recently appeared koechto more ... COVOX. How much of this sound for the heart Russian merged ... A lot about this devayse I will not tell, except to say that it You can listen to an 8-bit DIGITAL music as close to the original. Editors COVOX'a this: SAMPLE TRACKER and DIGITL STUDIO for COVOX. More sophisticated version of Kovacs is SOUNDRIVE. At this time last version is version 1.05. which is processed MYSTERY / FLASH. Compared with version 1.02 (VOXON / FLASH), Version 1.05 a small number of different elements (Only 5 chips), and ease of assembly, and as the presence of the switch SOUNDRIVE / COVOX. The sound quality is just excellent! Four eight-channel can hear even the MOD files from a PC and AMIGA. Rumors that connect to Scorpion'u This device can not, ostensibly because of the use of port # 1F unconfirmed. Brothers # 1F is in fact lower byte port, and skorpionovskom # 1FFD, # 1F is a senior bytes, and no conflicts simply can not can! In addition, MYSTERY and DR.BARS of FLASH have SCORPION'y and both installed SD. Yes, and your humble servant, too, has recently set itself the thing. Everyone is interested in software. Soft-have for SD There FLASH TRACKER, SAMPLE TRACKER and DIGITAL STUDIO FOR SOUNDRIVE. It should be noted that the four possible channels on SD, supports all four only FLASH TRACKER, a SAMPLE TRACKER and DIGITAL STUDIO support only three! Would like to express gratitude VOXON'u / FLASH, for the development of SD and FLASH TRACKER. Besides the editors would welcome comments on this Articles from above nzavannyh persons. SOUNDRIVE but it's not the end of the musical epic, loomed on the horizon is another device called GENERAL SOUND, which developed a group of X-Trade of St. Petersburg. The sound quality playback GS very high and is comparable only to that of AMIGA or PC. The biggest advantage of this device is that GS has own processor (Z-80), as well as RAM. Therefore, to play music not to waste time the main processor, control is carried out at ports and on time, I think, no more than AY. This opens up incredible opportunities for creativity, though not currently there are editors for GS, but I think it is a matter of time. So let's sum up what we currently have: hardware components softovaya presence Editor Support BEEPER big to-the most common port # FE lichestvo possible to extend branded editor Games for re-WHAM 48 kb. Benches 48 kb. Since 1993 almost not supported is called. A huge musical-to-huge you LIMITED resistance lichestvo for boron-core processor musical western and GOVERNMENTAL editors AY-8910/12 Fatherland-ditch, and editing (GOVERNMENTAL games, and Tori FX. tayzhe mass of most races demonstration-is large enough: onnyh pro-ASM, SOUND gram. TRACKER, PRO At present, TRACKER, widely SOUND TRACKER sup-PRO, DIGITAL OTE is-STUDIO, DMM, quantitative INSTRUMENT, softoproiz-SAMPLE drivers. TRACKER. LPT-COVOX Small Very small the number of shoe Fatherland-proof editors GOVERNMENTAL developed moat. current in terms of resource-SAMPLE novnom de-TRACKER, Monstration. DIGITAL Since 1995, STUDIO FOR number COVOX, it software disordered-perhaps everything. inclined races tet. SOUNDRIVE small FLASH TRACKER, number SAMPLE Patriotic-TRACKER, GOVERNMENTAL developed-DIGITAL current in terms of resource-STUDIO FOR novnom de-SOUNDRIVE. Monstration. Since 1995 number software disordered inclined races tet. GENERAL Soft Editors SOUND absent. no. Even after writing this article to us Received Received demonstrtsiya o SOUNDRIVE version 1.51 which contains useful information, in particular after the completion which does not require switch SD / CVX. Two demonstrations of SD v1.05 and v.1.51 you can be found in the appendix. END ...
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