Micro #22
09 августа 1999

AD & D - Diary Bard Silver Rose.

<b>AD & D</b> - Diary Bard Silver Rose.
      Diary Bard Silver Rose

          (Tale of Silver Rose)

  I was born in Elderest Forest (oldest forest) in a family of 
elves. My father was a man, the mother elf (it is likely alive 
and live much more than me), so that I myself am half-elves. 
Alas, childhood mine, all 40 years were bleak, although I

and learned from local elves sing, dance, play the guitar. 
However, in the end I'm tired of these druids, and I leaned in 
search of fame and wealth are in Bright Empire. There I found a 
wonderful Baron, and became his bard and clown. In Baron, I 
learned to play cards, bones, and other games of chance and 
cheat in them, as I learned the etiquette and learned

local history barony. Well than I do out there
did not like? Why do I have to let go of that silly joke about 
the goddess Helena? Deciding not to wait until the light 
Inquisition hang me by the legs and skin sderet I had taken 
alive from the pantry Baron twice a vicious short sword Thief 
of Life, a hat with a feather, which changes my appearance at 
my request (I hid his elf ears and changed

the color of his hair from black to white), native guitar and 
even ordinary kolchuzhku and taking feet in hands flew in 
Agdal. On the road I met a magician, and joined the

him. He taught me a lot of spells and
almost no resistance when I killed him. True to his death, he 
tried to open some bottle. Experiment with her I did not, but 
still took with him as well as medallions hiding my personality.

After much outswing I finally crossed the border and entered 
the Agdal border (Border, plus or minus 100 km) tavern.

         The first day. Familiarity

In the tavern were: two of some richly dressed man, let's call 
them traders, three prigranichnikov soldiers, and several 
farmers clearly something celebrating. I sat down and began to 
pick up the chords on the guitar as Suddenly the door opened 
and went to the pub priest in a black robe, belted white belt 
with a heavy stick in his hand. He looked about 40 years, as 
far as I could judged by his bald head. He ordered a room for 
the night, a cup of water and a loaf of bread. Then he went to 
the farmers and asked them to "Giving the poor priest." At this 
point, brought him a cup of water and bread. Farmers

long laugh. Deciding that you can earn money, I went to the 
farmers, and sing: "As a hard life in the bard Agdane as

difficult to be an orphan ...". One of them looked at me and 
said: "SL-lu-Xai. We holiday. Sing something cheerful, "and gave

me a silver coin. I sang a merry
song and at the same time threw a Charm Person spell on him. I 
do not know has had a spell at least some effect, but in the 
end they I appladirovali all together. While in the middle of 
the song there was another important event: the door opened and 
entered a a man dressed all in black. He told me once not

liked it. This type proceeded to the counter and
asked the master: "How much will it cost
a separate room, and something warm to
Dinner? "." Three silver coins. "" And if
bargain. "owner obviously did not want to take
smaller single room, but rather less
requirements of the customer offered him the basement
for 2 silver coins. The client decided that
better he zanochuet in a separate room.
After the end of the song (the priest in this
while quietly sitting and chewing the bread), I
asked the farmers' fault, so wet
throat and continue singing. Gave her a silver coin with joy 
gave me his mug. After drinking it I began to sing a song about

greedy merchants, robbing the poor,
Accident farmers, resulting in a dressed-up person evil look at 
me. In this time the priest had finished his bread and said: 
"Well brothers, we are a good dinner (it was in 18:00) and now 
we have to sing a prayer. bard Let me play something 
appropriate." I was stunned, but decided to make a joke, said 
"good" and began to play a fun tune, most less suitable for 
prayer. The priest said: "Wash you took a wrong chord, it is 
necessary play in a minor key. "And then a tavern, he heard 
something hit the ground. I got the impression as if some body 
dropped from five meters. He draws his sword, I ran to the 
door, rushed to the soldiers, priest, as I noticed the edge of 
the eye, took a combat stance, and neponravivshiysya I dressed 
man hood. Ran into the street I first saw a cloud of dust, and 
then when the cloud dissipated, man. The soldiers ran up to him 
and began to pick it up. When they realized that he himself gets

to the tavern, then let him go. This person
was dressed all in black, his cloak burned
at the edges. I decided that this person is not recovered and 
helped him get to tavern, or rather to the table behind which 
sat neponravivshiysya me man. I ordered affected wine, and 
began his rasprashivat. However, he did not answer my questions 
seen yet regained consciousness. Just said: "How can I repay 
you?". Remembering of the merchants I started talking about poor

Agdal country, is controlled by the evil
merchants. Here because of their table came up
of them and said: "Listen. My patience may crack." I looked at 
farmers, they took a neutral position. I said to the merchant: 
"Let's compare how much money you have and as I have. 
"Neponravivshiysya my man (he was during the fall pulled the 
hood) he said quietly: "Work is necessary, but not the language

chatter. "I was offended and replied:" A man in the hood is 
better to keep silent. "Meanwhile, "Hood" beckoned to the owner 
and ordered him to "room for my friend," indicating on the 
victim. I finally got offended but temporarily harbored a 
grudge against "the hood" as and merchants. Meanwhile, "hood" 
has risen and went up the stairs, taking along with a victim. I 
quietly followed them. Near the door to the room "hood" I saw 
the victim and asked him to come down and play a game of dice. 
He said that down to me a bit later. I

went down and sat down at the soldiers, asking them to play 
with me. They agreed. At stake was placed a silver coin. 
Sleight of hand and I won. Down here down the victim and joined 
the us, and behind it came down, "Hood" and became

watch the game. True to this, he
asked the question: "Do you play fair?". "Naturally," - I 
replied. Rates were increased up to 2 silver coins. Once again, 
I won. Said that the game last time I won two more times in the 
last case was clearly seen that one of the soldiers mahlyuet. 
Since I also was not playing fair, I said nothing. In addition, 
the soldiers gave me coins, which he lost, but others

soldiers took his drinking companion's hands
and came with him from the tavern. Soon he heard blows and 
screams. It can be seen with not one I He mahleval. The victim 
and the "hood" got up and went upstairs. I paid the two won 
silver for the night and went to sleep. 

         Continuation of the First.

             Battle of the merchants.

  So I went to my room and thought,
it is sufficient to win today and I can
good conscience allow a deep
sleep, when suddenly someone knocked at the door.
It turned out to be the victim. He introduced himself as Jason 
and asked me to "go out and beat merchants," to which I gladly 
answered. I took with him all his belongings except for guitar. 
We went out with Jason and decided go down and find out which 
of the rooms stopped merchants. I threw for reliability

themselves invisible, and then put on a coat of mail. We went 
downstairs and found that but drunken soldiers to pieces (one 
with a good black eye), no one. I asked Jason to question 
remaining in the seated soldier of the merchants (themselves

understand what could be a reaction to
questions posed by me from the air). Alas!
soldiers of all-just grunted and collapsed
under the table. Jason decided to go out and look at the stars, 
then he will be able to predict our near future. We did done. 
Get outside (it was somewhere 22:00) we saw a stall on the left 
near which stood several carts, and on one of them sat a man 
and looked circle. Jason walked up to him. The man knocked on 
something in the cart and from there climbed his running mate. 
"Who are you?", - Said Jason. "Who are you ?!",- asked the man 
on the wagon. "I first asked the question," - said the challenge

Jason. "Are you expecting trouble for trouble?" - The answer. 
And then I decided intervene. "Yes," I said. It was 
spectacular. Still, how would you react to voice sounded out of 
thin air? However, my ploy failed. "Hey, get away from

my mage in the good "- said Jason.
In the tavern there was some movement.
People jumped off the carts and drew their swords.
I did not want to quarrel and so threw them on the
two silver coins saying: "I do not want to
you quarrel, I just-just looking for merchants.
Catch the coins. "Zero response. Meanwhile
from the tavern jumped two merchants. "Finally, I'll deal with 
you" - I thought. He draws his sword. I raced one of them.

Alas, my shock passed, but the good thing
I have not ceased to be invisible. Jason also picked up his 
staff and issued a narrow zipper on the second merchant. 
Lightning hit and killed the following items people: two 
merchants - one in which actually she was released, the other as

once ran for the door, several soldiers of the
table. Also collapsed tavern owner - the lightning hit on him 
when he ran to door with a crossbow. And another fell on the 
floor with Terrible noise (all monks are heavy) priest. priest. 
Next began the most terrible. Jason hit on all attacks, but 
Fortunately, none of them got on it and he became invisible. 
But I have ceased to be invisible after a hit by a merchant

with his sword. The merchant wailed and threw himself on me. 
His sword, the sword, and one person with vehicles, did not 
cause me any harm. But someone is bumped from behind and, using

his sword as a battering ram hit me. Strike
was not strong, but painful. While I
came to himself, someone else (probably
the second man with a cart added me yet).
For two minutes we were waving their swords without causing
no harm to each other. Me all the time
saved my blessing chainmail and agility. However, soon my luck 
ended. After I once again missed

by the merchant, the second merchant punched me so
hurt ... and one of the men from the wagon yet
napoddal. Well, that all of them were, as
and I have short swords. Suddenly, for no
with this I began to swell and rapidly increased in size 
somewhere in the half. This merchants apparently did not expect 
(like me). Using this I have a sword (which is now became for 
me something like a dagger), struck in the head of one of the 
merchants. From such hit he immediately died. Before my

eyes went to ripple, I felt something like my
wounds and delayed ... found himself in a
cave. I managed to squeeze into it. For
I was a steel door (though the way I was now, I hardly could 
get through there), before the same was seen well. Nearby lay 
my guitar and four bodies. Also near the far wall lay priest, 
above his head, twirling a white stone. "Well, what's here 
going on? "- I asked. The question hung in the air. I gingerly 
picked up my guitar and went to the priest, stone suddenly 
abnormally shifted to the side and disappeared. Here also there 
was the sound produced by air and I rapidly decreased to normal 
size. I wore a guitar and sang heroic songs,

that me and the priest raised the magic resistance. So, just in 
case ... And then a voice: "Do not be scared it's me - Jason 
teleported you here. I propose that you deal. We can go for

very valuable things. One condition: I
I will take any thing which will choose. Everything else can 
pick up yourself. "" Oh, very interesting "- I replied. 

   End of First Day. Second Day.

          According to a dark dungeon.

 "So, what do you propose to me?" -
I asked. - "Let's first prepare the way for a retreat - Choose 
from koldtsa, the benefit I can climb the walls.

By the way, you'll be able to tell fortunes by the stars.
The rope is? "" Alas no. "Suddenly I heard
by the priest some noise, or rather
some muttering. The priest was still lying unconscious, so it 
is unlikely he could say something. "I think there is a

someone else "- I said anxiously." Check the well, and I 
coroners' - the voice of Jason from the air. I went to the 
well, but noticed nothing suspicious. At this time, Jason began 
to explore bodies and I saw how he moved

(Actually I've seen there's some
things, and then immediately disappear): 90 gold
coins, some potions, a deck of cards. I do not
restrain himself and said: "Not fair!". Quickly
came to the corpses I have examined them and found:
four swords, three coats of mail, a dagger (which
I took with me), three boards (one of them I
also brought with him), and a broken bow, from
which has not been any good. Yes, I still
found a burnt rope, which was
checking for strength. Alas, the rope broke. "Okay" - thought I 
.- "I am not the same for her to climb. I so get out. "Jason

me in the meantime told her about the door:
"When someone tries to open it, then fires a fireball spell." 
And then I got the idea: "Let me tie the rope

to the door handle, then we both got up
I pull the rope. "" Come, "- said
Jason. With the firm intention to carry out its
idea, I went to the door when he heard
Rear scream: "DO NOT!". "This is
voice of the magician, who was with us in the tavern, "- I 
screamed and began to hack sword air, trying to deduce "hood" 
of invisibility. "Stop!" - Shouted Jason. - "You and for me 
will enter." I stopped. "Let's gluttony," - said the "hood"

from the air. "Let us" - I said. - "Let's have a written 
contract." Topics time the priest came around and began

something bormatat from what his wounds were
delayed. "I propose a system queue.
Let the first chooses whichever
object and passes in the queue. Then
second, etc. The main question: Who will be
first? "- said the" hood "." How many of you
here at all! "- suddenly shouted a priest -
He saw me only as voices
a few more people. "In fact, four of us, if not sitting 
somewhere in an invisible fifth" - "I said. The conversation 
returned to the primacy of the queue. "Ring me!" - Shouted 
Jason. There was a small altercation as a result of which, I 
realized that claiming the ring and "hood". First, I suggested 
that the sequence of Jason, I, and further who as he wants, but 
because This proposal was rejected, the priest offered to throw 
the dice. "Hood," said: "No!" I agreed: "Come on! Just going to 
throw I "" What I did not see that you cheat, even

does not mean that you do not muhlyuesh "- said
"Hood". "Let the kinematic plane," - continued the priests. - 
"Let them decide the fate of" The finally decided to leave the 
solution of this question to the best of times. "Maybe you and

Jason get out of invisibility? "- I asked.
"I spent a spell from a staff," - said
Jason. - "So I do not want to go out of invisibility. "Hood" 
was silent. At this point the priest stood up and walked over 
to the corpses. He carefully examined them and took one

of the sword, which was not inrustirovan
precious stones, not like some
glass. "Why do it with no
took? "- I thought .-" Although I have a better
Metchik. "" Well, let's conclude the contract "-" I said .- 
"Does someone have paper and ink? "" Now look, "said the" hood 
"and I heard some commotion. - "Alas, no, I forgot this time to 
take these items with you. But I propose to conclude

agreement in oral form in front of witnesses. I
for example, trust the Holy Father. "" And I do not
trust, "-" I said .- "It is not known what
God he serves. Perhaps Helene. "Personally,
I would not want to meet with ministers
Helena ...", - began to "hood", but suddenly
for some reason stopped. In the end, we
signed a cooperation agreement. Question
of dividing the treasure remained open. After
contract all introduced themselves:
"Hood" called Ragnat (I asked him not to
be offended if I will occasionally confused
name and call Ragarilom. There was this magician)
priest called Shat. Long spoke ironically
over my name. Call and rose, and
Rose Silver, and Seroy. Ah, yes. Jason said that his name 
should be correctly pronounced as Jason, but generally it is 
written in the ancient language, and therefore translates to

general can be as Jason, and Jason. More
it turned out that nobody wants to stay here and would have 
been nice to get out of here. Ragnat took a rope and hook, I 
took them and was, ready to rise to the well. I had to climb 
somewhere 30 feet to almost smooth wall shaft. I took mail and 
stuffed it into his bag. Before taking off his hat, I threw 
myself on the spell to change yourself in order to continue

hide the fact that I'm half-elf, and not man. K
Unfortunately my Ragnat recognize my spell and was very 
surprised that after I have not changed him. In general, he 
said: "Better you turned into a giant spider. Then you would 
have been much easier to get out of the well". "What's done is 
done" - I replied, and put his hat in his bag .- "Lifting all 
my luggage, I trust the magician, that is Jason. On the one 
rope and hook, I climbed on top, but fell from a height of 8 
feet. Naturally I was hurt. I repeated the attempt. Now I'm 
broke from height of 15 feet. I'm pretty well down,

albeit painfully bumped his knee. It turned out that the staff 
includes Jason just spell levitation. All together

consulted and decided to raise me with levity. I was supposed 
to be their "Vanguard". Once again, I wore my

hat, picked up a sword and shield, put on his coat of mail. 
Guitar, after many doubts, I left at the bottom. Jason went to 
the well and I started to climb. At a height of 15 feet of 
levitation suddenly disappeared and I flew down. The blow was 
strong, I cried out in pain and rushed to me Sat. He bandaged 
my wounds and I felt a little bit easier. Ragnat went to the 
well and looked upstairs. He said that the walls of the well at

height of 15 feet shine and probably
they emit antimagiyu. I decided to make a final attempt, after 
all again with a lifting and placing in a bag. Alas!

this attempt also failed.
At this time I was hurt, though falling
I'm just from 9 feet. Although I wanted more
try, but then felt something that ends the spell Change
Themselves. So I quickly put on his hat and coat of mail and 
said that the more I go there not useful. Everyone decided that 
enough for today and do not suffer bad would have happened 
today sleep. First, though all agreed a

secure. Near the door, after
Ragnat learned that the Holy Father not spell Alarm, was a 
tight rope with a bell (and what is there not a sack Ragnata). 
In the well we have set upright left the corpses three swords,

rolled them by these same bodies. Proposal
Jason use the spell Portal Close to the well, or at the door 
had been rejected because when used on a well it is unlikely to 
work - there is no cap nothing, and through the door most 
likely to us have to go tomorrow, and neizestno as

she responds to it, suddenly work
Fireball spell? First on the clock
I volunteered to stand. I decided that a simple 4
hours. Leaning against the wall, I periodically looked to the 
side door to the side well, but eventually overcame a dream me 
and I fell asleep. I woke up this morning, when All were 
already on their feet and learn spells (except Shata, he did 
not have to do). I also opened a small book of magic and

memorized these spells: charm Persona
(2 copies.) Petty Magic (magic
foci) of the second round - Change Yourself
and invisibility. After all this we have consulted and decided 
that Jason uses his staff, in order to remove the spell 
Fireball from the door. But first I commented on what good 
would it eat and heal. Ragnat agreed with me and there will be 
3 diet (apparently Ragnat laid them out of his bag. It's 
awkward when half the people invisible). Bite we took views on 
Shata. He asked: "Who among you in need of treatment? "It 
turned out that better than all podranen Shat himself (after a 
lightning strike) and I (after falling). I podlechil not to

end, but good enough. After this
all moved away from the door to the well (Shat took
a shield in order to hide behind them if zaklianie Fireball 
still work). Jason raised his staff and said the spell. 
According Ragnat nothing magical the door is left, but I 
noticed that can stay and non-magical traps.

Ragnat called invisible servants - force
able to move objects with a small
weight. At my suggestion Servant tied
rope found in one of the corpses, to
door handle and tugged at her. The door is not
opened. It has been suggested that
the door opens the other way. Then
Servant pushed open the door. Nothing happened.
After a long time I hit the door, found out it was locked. 
Jason had use the spell of the Open Door

staff. True, he did not want to do this because He apparently 
left little charges in the staff. Finally, the damned the door 
opened! Behind it was dark, just visible red eyes of rats. But 
suddenly nowhere light came on (as later

Jason was a lit his staff).
Rats ran into a dark passage and disappeared.
Middle of the room, we saw picked
corpse with a backpack next to him. I went to the bag and tried 
to take him, but he turned into dust and fell out of it:

four jet (one of them I took), helmet
(For me it does not nalazil, but I still took
it with him), a gold medallion with a sword (the approximate 
cost of 30 gold), short bow, a jewel (Approximate cost of 110 
gold). All this I took with me. Torches were distributed

between other group members. Ragnat begged my medallion. He was 
silent and told us that he saw a sword on

cloaked attendants of the ancient god, who
fought with the officers of the god of death. All this
was painted on one of the images in
book on ancient history. He asked me
leave until that locket itself. I agreed. After consulting with 
all we decided to all become invisible and not to lose hold of 
light that radiates Staff Jason. I made a coat of mail, use

invisibility spell wore chain mail and again. Then Jason made 
invisible Shata. AND We went into a dark passage, which 
disappeared rats. It soon turned the corridor

right, but our attention ceilings, which were covered with 
mold. Ragnat invisible servants ordered to clean the ceiling

from mold and to our eyes appeared the picture. On one of them 
handed the sword to some knight. Ragnat suggested that

we were in the ancient temple of some ancient god. We moved on 
and soon the men glued to the double doors. She too was locked. 
Because Jason did not want to apply Open Door spell, then I 
began to beat on iron hinges door with his sword. After

third blow broke the loop and one
fold doors mowing. Unseen Servant
opened the door and we saw nine skeletons with clubs, who sat 
at the table, but there jumped up and rushed towards us.

Ragnat Shata asked whether he hit
by undead, he's a priest. Shat said
that it can. I heard him whisper and skeletons
turned to dust. In the middle of the room
There was a table, lay the nine of clubs, the remaining
from the skeletons, and anything else interesting
was not. In the opposite wall was visible and the invisible 
servants door easily opened door. Behind it was the corridor 
and flew two giant wasp. For wasps, there was another door. 
Ragnat first asked whether the Shat cure poison, and knew that 
he could not tossed Sleep spell on the OS and because of this 
became visible. Wasps did not react to it. I decided to take a 
chance and went to the door. The wasps did not respond to me. 
For me, followed by Jason and the Shat. I opened the door and 
we includes the following items in the room. In the middle of 
her lay an old patterned rug out what it was drawn it was 
impossible; also the room had three choices: two closed doors 
and stone arch. I heard steps behind - we dognat Ragnat 
apparently he decided to once again become invisible, and thus 
to get past the OS. I pulled the carpet to myself and 
discovered that underneath hidden pit. I covered the hole back 
carpet and invisible servants opened the door on the left. 
Probably due It was the kitchen. It held sway kobolds. There 
were eight pieces. Unseen Servant seized was lying beside a 
chair leg and dragged her to the carpet. However, it knocked 
out "Hands" servant. Then I said: "We are here."

At the same moment one of the kobolds snatched
knife and threw it in my direction ... he came in
its the same. Began to flare up a quarrel. It is a pity
I only know Elvish and a common language. Meanwhile kobolds 
rushed into our side. Invisible Servant again seized

leg of a chair and carried her right over the carpet, but the 
kobolds do not run there. But One of them ran into one of our 
own, but the latter still went by the sword and not dropped out 
of invisibility. Kobolds opened the right door and muttering 
something in his language disappeared behind her, closing it 
behind him. After inspecting the kitchen, we are not anything 
special found. After some discussion we decided to secure

his rear and go for kobaldami. Decided not to call anybody and 
kill them on their own. Opened the door behind which 
disappeared kobolds and saw a corridor. Passed on it

(I was ahead of me, Jason) and hit the
room. Kobolds huddled near her
leader, who was shouting and waving mechugoy, after it was some 
kind of door. Suddenly he rushed in our direction and

more began to wave a sword, just not hitting on me. Behind me I 
heard the tramp, or group has decided to retreat, or 
approaching someone else. Deciding that enough to be invisible 
hit me with his sword on the main kobold. He howled and shouted 
something to her, they crowded around him and closed his

bodies, so that more get on it I
I could not. But I hit another kobold and
killed him. Kobolds retreated to the door. While they were 
retreating, I killed two more kobolds. The residue (5 kobolds 
and their leader) slipped through the door and they started to 
shut down it. I swept past the legs of chairs and

butted between the door, getting close to her.
However, the foot was dragged inside and the door was locked. 
Then I (and I understand returning members of the group) began 
to ram the door bodies. Trying to succeed. It opened and we 
were in a room the end of which there were kobolds. O

There were no more. "Giving up" giving up "Do not kill us!" - 
Shouted the ringleader of kobolds a common language. "Well" - I 
said. - "Perform all their weapons and leave." But

Kobold chieftain did not want to lose their
sword: "I can not give it to you. This family heirloom." "Give 
us a sword, and love to confess all you know and we will then 
let go, "- said Ragnat." Sword - heirlooms, "- repeated the 
ringleader. "Let's play dice or cards for

sword, "- I suggested." No, the sword - family
relic. If you attempt to take away,
we will fight to the last "- is already
the threat said the ringleader. I did not want
fight. And the blows rained all to me. Hardly anyone came out 
of stealth and would help me. "Okay," - "I said." Tell me 
everything you know and go from here "- I decided to." You 
should not give them a good sword, "- said Shat. "What sword?" 
- I did not understand, but the kobold understand: "So, We seem 
to agree, and we do not tell you. "" Yes, we have agreed, 
agreed, "- I began to certify the ringleader. Ragnat became 
rasprashivat kobolds that they knew. They knew little (or a lot 
silent). Of wasps was told: "Do not know what kind of wasps, we 
do not touch and they do not touch us. "" And what you

themselves doing here, "- said Ragnat." we live HERE! "- an 
explosion of kobold." Why we were attacked? "" So you killed 
the same of our Two "" Actually, three of them, but you 
attacked first. A sword you from? "" That was a long time. Even 
before we settled here ' "What's here for the monsters?" "Some 
of the rats' A wasps? "" Well, there are insects, "" And what 
kind of arch "" And there is a long tunnel. He leads a cave, 
we're there live. Even where there is a way of the cave. We 
are, when you release us, lets go "" And what is it? Located 
there near the exit of some city? "" Actually,

there steppe, and about the city we do not know. We
live in a cave "" A lot of you where you live. Well
okay go, we go behind you to the cave.
Oh, and while there are no more corpses? "" There are
Two more of our dead and several more, and
because of what they died is unknown. General
badly here, nothing, no treasure, nothing on this and ended our 
communication with kobolds they went through the embossed door

and we went after them. Soon we came to
arch, went through her and walked down a long corridor, came to 
the cave. Kobolds slipped into a kind of gap and disappeared. We

emerged from the cave into the light. All around was a
steppe. Nearby stood a hill
all overgrown with grass. Everything stopped and
began to think what to do next. Personally
I offered to take a rest and Shat offered
return all to view. Jason suggested
sleep in order to restore the magical power, but anyone not 
sleepy. Personally, I was clueless and did not know what to do


Other articles:

Foreword - a story about the gathering of fans of AD & D.

AD & D - Ragnata History (Part One).

AD & D - Ragnata History (part two).

AD & D - History Ragnata, magician Jason cleric and Shata (part three).

AD & D - Diary Bard Silver Rose.

AD & D - The history of the bard, the story of Conan: Diary of the Silver Rose.

AD & D - Songs. (Part One).

AD & D - Songs. (Part Two).

AD & D - Songs. (Part Three).

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   29 April