ZX Power #01
11 октября 1996

Desktop - Short description: A macro-assembler debugger "ALASM 2.8".

<b>Desktop</b> - Short description: A macro-assembler debugger
Shadow macro assembler, debugger

     ALASM 128/512 v2.8
Brief description of functional



1. Memory Allocation
5. Assembler directives
6. Compiler Error
7. In the next version

1. Memory Allocation
 Allows you to work simultaneously
multiple texts, located in different pages of user memory. The 
transition from one page to edit the other is performed by 
entering commands PAGE [page] of the working line asemblera. 
Number texts that can handle ALASM, depends only on

memory on your computer. Changes in the assembly are numbered
mask, the maximum value
output to port # 7FFD to switch pages.

 When you run the assembler from
TR-DOS screen is cleared and it
author entry appears,
then performed a memory test on the two older and three younger 
bit port # 7FFD. Its results are displayed in form XXX kb mask 
XX. The numbers indicate how much memory is available assembler 
on your computer and which bits of the port of entry # 7FFD

responsible for access. For these bits masked operand
PAGE. Lower memory test output HELP, containing a list of 
assembly instructions and his editor. Hotkeys these teams made 
in the title mode. Below are invited to click CS / 0 to start 
the SETUP or for more information. SETUP menu will allow you to 
change the visual konfigurativnye and parameters of the 
assembly and, if desired, burn them to disc. All changes made 
to the SETUP, written directly into the body monoblock assembly 
"alasm.C". Options run the SETUP or for more information

available only at cold start. After appropriate
Posts pressing any key
will clear the screen and output to a working string assembly.

 Wednesday assembler has its own command system, most of which 
are compatible with the teams TASM2.0. A list of these commands 
can be obtained on the screen by pressing klazhishi "H" (HELP). 
Enter the command you want by clicking the Latin letters 
contained in the composition of this team form of capital. In 
this case, the commands displayed in the operating line, after 
which, if necessary, waiting for input operands

or, depending on the destination, confirm by pressing
ENTER. After entering it
duplicated in the working screen and
holds. In the case of invalid operand is displayed a message. 
Executing any command can be interrupted by pressing the BREAK. 
If the result of the command

may be lost text, then
if it has been changed, you are
request for its preservation: File
has been changed. Save (Y / N)? In
command system environment assembly

Format: HELP

  Displays the list of commands
available in assembler and editor. HELP command does not contain
operands and does not need to be confirmed by pressing ENTER.

Format: QUIT [e] [Home]

  Exit the assembler. In the case
If not specified, exits through the bottom of the stack in
Otherwise, by
unconditional jump to the address provided. Parameter "page"
displays the port # 7FFD with setting a bit 4 (default is 0). 
As the parameters "Address" and "page" can be

use labels or containing arithmetic expressions.

Format: DEBUG

  Exit the debugger STS. In the absence of a display page 7
the corresponding message. If before entering this command was 
compiled text then the address pointer debugging

monitor will be recorded address of the last ORG. In this case, 
typing in the debugger SS / 5, you get

the ability to debug your program, watching the screen names
labels on their addresses.

Format: RUN [address] [Home]

  Performs the same action that
and the command QUIT, but before that
record in the stack return address
resident module assembler
that allows you to return to the assembly of startup programs
team-RET. By default, the "address" is set to the latest 
directive ORG, and parameter "page" - 0.

Format: WORK [filename [. Ext]]

  Download the file in the current working page. The default is 
expanding "H". "Filename" may be a mask.

In this case, will be loaded
the first file that it satisfies. If the parameter
"Filename" is not entered, the user can select a file from a 
directory current drive by selecting it

cursor from the list of files appears at the top of the screen.

Format: CATALOGUE [mask]

  The default is "*.*"
(All files). Displays
directory of the drive. Format mask is defined as follows:
mark "?" determines that the position can be any character. An 
asterisk specifies that, starting from this position,

All characters can be set arbitrarily. Upon reaching the 
limiter (the symbol "." Or end of line) is assumed

that the rest of the line is filled with a space character.

Format: NUMBERS [option]

  Change the number system display numerical information.
"Parameter" is
one of two expressions: "DEC"
or "HEX".

Format: NAME newfilename [. Ext]

  Change the file name to something new. By
default is expanding
"H". "Newfilename" - a new name

Format: PRINT [bytes list]

  Displays the port ZX-LPRINT tekuschiytekst the interim 
conclusion given a list of bytes. Bytes

specified using a comma.

Format: EDIT [filename]

  Go to edit the file
in the current page. In the case
If the option "filename"
file with this name is loaded
the current page. If the file is
the disk can not be found in the current
page creates a new file
introduced by name.

Format: MERGE filename

  Podgruzka text file
ALASM format to the current
file. The parameter "filename" is optional.

Format: COUNT arithmetic. expression

  Computes the specified arithmetic expression.
Calculation result is displayed in
decimal, and hexadecimal
systems. As the parameters
Arithmetic expressions can
used tags, their senior
and low byte.

Format: SYMBOL [mask]

  Displays the list of labels
satisfying the "mask".
The command is executed only in
If prior to this was a compilation. As
attribute tags can be displayed
the following message:
number and value labels defined
       lennoe when compiling;
NoDef-label has not been determined,

       but has been used;
Macro-label is

       block name makroopredele
Wrong-format label is not defined

       component due to errors


  Produces a compilation of text
the current page, starting with the first row. In the process 
of compiling the screen displays the number of compiled lines 
for control hangs the machine. By

After compiling the screen
the following message:

     Symbols: AAAAA-BBBBB
 Said difference is
a number of free memory in the page allotted for the
table tags. If
table tags divorced on different pages, setting AAAAA
specifies the address of the last record
in POST SYMBOLS PAGE, and the parameter

        Time = XXX.XX
 This number represents the
the exact time of compiling the text with
within hundredths of a second.

Format: SAVE

  Tekusheyu file is written to
disc. If a file with that name already exists on the disk, it 
will be deleted without any additional queries. 

Format: INFO

  Displays the version number
list of numbers system pages
memory and transfer files
located throughout the computer's memory at the time of the 

Format: PAGE [page number]

  Go to the page specified
as the parameter "page".
Until the next change of command parameter PAGE specified page 
is current and all command for the current page will be 
performed on it. 


  At the entrance to the editing window screen is divided into 
two parts: the edit window and an information line, which

shows the number of pages in the current file's name, amount of 
memory available in this page, and the number of bytes 
transferred into the pocket (if that number is is not equal to 
0). In the same line provides the delivery service

maintenance commands text. In
While editing a user accessible service team servicing the 
text, but Unlike the assembly environment, the result of their 
performance is not displayed as text messages, and monitored by 
the user. A list of editor commands asemblera ALASM: 

Format: Q

  Exit the editor in Wednesday

Format: B

  Go to the top of the text.

Format: E

  Go to end of text.

Format: SEARCH [character string]

  Search for the string of characters
text. The search starts from the position following the current 
cursor position and continues until end of the text. When you 
stop searching it can be extended by entering a combination of 
SS / I, and if such a command is given for end of the last line 
of text, search will be started from the beginning.

If the "string of characters"
not specified, it will be used
string entered in the previous

Format: SYMBOL [tag name]

  Search tags descriptions of
text. When you search for it is assumed that the first 
character of name tags is in the zero position. Properties - 
like SEARCH. 

Format: CODE XXX> [character code]

  Setting the cursor position
symbol with an arbitrary code
typed on the keyboard. When
Typing code appears
symbol at the current
cursor position and proposed
replace it with another. If this parameter is ignored, no
Action will not be made.

Format: R

  Copying the contents of his pocket at the cursor position. 
Line, on which the cursor is

is the first since the contents of his pocket. After this 
operation resets the flag resolution complement the pocket. 

Format: C

  Cleaning the pocket.

Format: REPLACE string1-string2

  Starting from a position next
for the current cursor position,
search for the text "string1". Once it is detected, the message
"REPLACE (Y / N / G)?". In answering
"Y" current "string1" is replaced by
to "string2" and the search continues. If you answer "N" search
continues without change. If you answer "G" all encountered the 
expression of "string1" will be replaced by

"String2" without any additional queries. At any time during
command its implementation may be
interrupted by pressing the BREAK.

Format: LINE line number

  Sets the cursor on the line
with the specified number. Rows are numbered from zero to the 
end Text increments to 1 on each


  When editing text
available to the user function
caused by simultaneously pressing two keys. These features 
speed up the editor and operands are:

SS / I - continue the search;
SS / D - Switching and Russian

       Latin registers introduce
       Yes textual information.

       Changing the case of indie
       induced by a modification

       Niemi cursor;
SS / Q - delete the current row.

       When you run this to
       Manda removable stroma

       automatically transferred

       in his pocket, but only in

       if he does not

       was busy with other information
SS / W - insert a blank line.

       The current line is indented

SS / E - Copy of the current row
       Key in your pocket. After this

       command cursor is moved
       is the next line;
CS / 1 - tab;
CS / 2 - insert a space in position

       cursor. The rest of the

       line shifted to the right;

5. Assembler directives
 When writing a compiler Author
adhered to a set of directives
taken TASM3.0. Directives,
not present in the above creation, selected in accordance with 
international practice writing compilers, assembly language, ie 
by lantern and English-Russian dictionary. References

compiler directives and their ALASM

  1. ORG address [Home]
 Address set compilation. By
default option "page"
is set to 0. As
information on current address compilation can be used
$ character, an equivalent treatment to zarezervivovannoy 
variable containing the address of the first byte command, 
which occurred appeal. Example: 

        ORG # 7D19

LDIR recorded at # 7D19

        ORG # C069, # 84

INDR recorded at # C069 in
page # 84 512y memory.

  2. Label EQU value
 Assigns the label of a value equivalent to the parameter 
"value". Example: SCREEN EQU # 4000; SCREEN = # 4000

ATTRS EQU # 5B00; ATTRS = # 5B00

                  ; SCR_LEN = # 1B00

  3. Opreatsii highlight older
and low-byte words:

    NUMB1 EQU # 1234


    STBMLB EQU. NUMB1 * 256 + 'NUMB2
; STBMLB = # 34AB

    MLBSTB EQU 'NUMB1 * 256 +. NUMB2
; MLBSTB = # 12CD
; Try to avoid division by
And 256 for senior buy, the one word necessary, because
; Division occupies 280 times
; More time than just opera, portable radio release of the high 

          DEFB 'NUMB2
; Absolutely equivalent, but we; Nogo faster than

          DEFB NUMB2/256
; When setting byte value
; Mark the low byte is allocated
; Automatically

          DEFB. NUMB1
, Equivalent

          DEFB NUMB1
, And therefore is used mainly
; For

          DEFW. NUMB1

  4. DISP address
; Address setting in which
; Should work program.

; Assignment at work about; program compiling of the current 
address; function. Example:  SCREEN EQU # 4000

          ORG # 8000

          LD HL, BEGIN
; Move the screen area

          LD DE, SCREEN
, And run the program expectations

          LD BC, END-BEGIN
; [A] Interrupt


          CALL SCREEN




          JP NZ, MARKA
; JP - not by accident



  5. INCLUDE "name" [Home]
 Inclusion in the compiled file
additional text block on the disc under
name "name". In this case, the specified
file is loaded into the page, a parameter "page"
(Default - current). By
After compiling the included
Block compilation continues with the
line that follows this
directive. A feature of this
directive is that the file
specified in it, will not boot from the disc if it is already
is necessary page. Example:


         INCLUDE "TOKENIZE", a


         INCLUDE "ALASM2"

 First bydet compiled
LDIR, then the text "TOKENIZE.H",
loaded in the page 1, then
OTDR, then the current page
will be downloaded and compiled
text "ALASM2.H", after which
drive will read the main file
and compilation will continue with the command HALT.

  6. MAIN "file name" [Home]
 Specifying the master file compilation. The directive should 
MAIN be the first enforceable directive of the slave file. Be

careful with file names
contain the characters "." or "*".
It is better to replace them with a "?".

         MAIN "MAKE6? 7", 6

; After giving the command ASSEMBLE
compilation is passed to
MAKE6 * 7, located in the page
6, then it is in INCLUDE is a subordinate program consisting of 
directives MAIN and team LDIR. In the included files MAIN 
ignored Therefore, after assembling

LDIR will return to the main program and the continuation of 
the compilation. 

  7. INCBIN "filename" [, length]
 Inclusion of a program to compiled code block, on the disc 
under the name "file name" size "length" bytes or default of 
the directory data.  Example:

         ORG # E000

         LD HL, SCRFILE

         LD DE, # 4000

         LD BC, 6144


To the address SCRFILE in
compiled file is loaded
SCR6 * 7, which after launch
will be transferred to the screen.

  8. DUP number
 Left soft brace. Indicates the beginning of the block which
need to compile a "number"
times in a row.

 Right soft brace. Indicates the end of the repeated
block. Example:

     DUP 1932


     LD A, B

     OR C

     JR Z, $ +3; $ - address of the first
; Byte compiled command

     LD (HL), D

; Block of text between the DUP and EDUP
, Will be compiled in 32-fold.

  9. DEFM "character string"

     ["Character string"]
 Reservation line character.

     DEFM "Here was the line"

     DEFM "symbols", "John"

  10. DEFB byte [list of bytes]
 Reservation list of bytes.

     DEFB "Y", 13.10, "Booty", 13.10

     DEFB "was", 13.10, "dog"

  11. DEFW word [word list]
 Reservation list of words.


     DEFW # BD15, 32767,. NUMB1

  12. DEFS reps

      [List of bytes]
 List of bytes (default - 0)
copied to the current address of the compilation. Number of 
cycles is the parameter "number of repetitions."  Example:

     LD SP, # 5B00

     DEFS 8, # C5, # D5, # E5, # F5
, Equivalent
; DUP 8


  When you compile the source
Text can be issued error
Compile-time associated with
inattentive programmer.

  List of errors at compile time assembler ALASM128/512:
0 - syntax error;
1 - zarezervorovana;
2 - reserved;
3 - a short passage is incorrect
4 - reserved;
5 - reserved;
6 - re-description tags;
7 - reserved;
8 - reserved;
9 - reserved;
10 - Compiling the ROM;
11 - Invalid operation;
12 - Incorrect MACRO-operation
13 - not used;
14 - fault system stack;
15 - disk error;

Error filling time:
wrong short - abnormal formation
  generalization to a label outside

  "Short" field;
not defined - the label is not defined

7. In the next version
 The current version does not ALASMa
is the last, since the path
improvement are numerous.
The author will make every effort
to make the assembly more convenient for the user.
A list of refinements that can be expected in future versions of
First of all:
- Increase the speed compilation

  more than 2 times;
- The ability to configure systems
  experimental data;
- Increase opportunities for confit
- ASSISSTANCE regime extended

  memory on all types of machines;
- Recoding QWERTY-yaverty;
- Increase in storage density

  text while maintaining sovmes
  irreversibility of formats as above

- Directives for conditional compilation;
- Macro-and makroopredele
- Output tags not only has
  no, but by value;
- RAMDISK files, loading
  emyh with INCBIN;
- Elimination of drawbacks associated
  coupled with a single pass.

  Typed in a text editor
ANACONDA Mishchenko Alexey (ALEM). Address:
Ukraine, 310177, Kharkov-177,
Ave Glory 7. Sq. 17.
Phone: (0572) 70-37-49.

Other articles:

Iron - PC -> ZX: Connecting to the Spectrum multicards.

Iron - Communication port for the Speccy.

Iron - On connecting AY MOUSE.

Interview - Interview with editors of the magazine taken from Cobra.

Likbez - Transfer Memory - Memory: Myths and Realities: Is it possible to transfer the screen in less than one interrupt?

Review - Apple: a look at past and present.

Review - O computer "Silicon Graphics".

Review - On the specialized LSIs, that create uniqueness Amiga.

From the authors - Short description of the features of the shell.

From the authors - On the history of the magazine. On ovtorah.

a rest - A. Snizhko "great scientist".

a rest - Jokes ...

a rest - Small Encyclopedia of Computer beings.

a rest - Tips pervokurssniku or note-taking options are boring lectures: outline of a tough student; glosary.

Perspective - "Hellraizer" (based on the book A. Norton, "Queen of the Sun").

Perspective - The script of the new game - Theseus (THESEUS) Part 1: "In the steel maze.

Desktop - O capabilities of the new commander "Win Commander 0.02".

Desktop - Short description: A macro-assembler debugger "ALASM 2.8".

Desktop - The program of digitization of sound "Digital Factory v1.0" (COVOX).

Miscellaneous - Viruses on the Spectrum and their detection.

Miscellaneous - Results Enlight'96.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Fantasy - G. Garison (Part 1-3)

Fantasy - D. Galeev "Vostan in Mohlyandii or plush revolution."

Fantasy - Frederik Pohl "Hunters".

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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