ZX Review #11-12
26 ноября 1997

reader-reader - Driver input in serial mode and direct access from the files of TR-DOS.

<b>reader-reader</b> - Driver input in serial mode and direct access from the files of TR-DOS.
     The Reader - Reader

Music by ZET and MITCHELL

Boris Kuritsyn,
257010 Cherkassy, ​​PO Box 1529


  In sequencing mode

       And direct access


   The author wrote this driver
(Or rather its first part) as
basic element of a high-level language compiler, development
which is engaged in the initiative
group from Cherkassy. But it is completely standalone program 
that can directly used by those who wrote to

assembly, and a dilator designed BASIC - and those
who BASIC programmers.

   In addition, analysis of her acquaint the reader with the 
programming of the driver of the channels and streams, the 
principles of writing BASIC extenders, the basics

parsing with the methods of extending the set of errors

   What is the purpose of writing this
driver? There is a class of programs,
who must simultaneously work with many
files (and commissioning, and decommissioning)
themselves at the same time hold enough memory, so that about
simultaneous loading of all the required files can not be
speech. Opening the System Stream
for each file, they can work through this driver, even with
10 files in length, say, 60
KB at a time, at the rate of memory about 290 bytes per file. By
driver functions similar to the operators TR DOS file handling 
direct / sequential access, but works with CODE-file and 
similar files with non-standard types. 

   In addition, as shown by the "father
All programmers "Niklaus Wirth
(Author of Pascal, Modula2), then the program is simple, 
correct and reliable when PROGRAMME STRUCTURE MEETS THE 

   To implement this principle, we need appropriate tools. One 
of them is this driver because it allows the program to work 
only with "abstract" aspects of data

ie in terms of "character", "read the position."

   First, the technical aspects. The author prefers an 
assembler ZX Turbo Assembler v.2.4, and listing is given in its 
format. Hopefully, users of other

assemblers do not have problems
transfer program texts.

   The author when writing programs
uses two auxiliary
modules: access to TR DOS
and the interception module system

   TR DOS module is very simple.
This is analogous to a system call
# 3D13, which mistakes TR DOS
converts exceptions (call RST 8) codes 100-112, which
eliminates the need each time to check the error code
system. In addition, the call itself
done through a vector (dosVector), which allows you to "hang"
the call TR DOS additional
function at run time
program by replacing the values ​​dosVector to address its 
additional handler. 140.

; ****************************************
* *
* System call TR-DOS v5.0x *
* *
3; * (c) B. Kuritsyn, June 1996 *
* *
* File: dosapi.a *
* File Format: ZX TASM *
* *
; ****************************************

The exception "error TR-DOS"
excDosError equ 99

; Mistakes TR-DOS
dNoFile equ 1
dFileExists equ 2
dNoSpace equ 3
dDirFull equ 4
dRecOF equ 5
dNoDisk equ 6
dStrmOpened equ 10
dNotDskFile equ 11
dVfyError equ 13

dos db # c3; it jp (dosVector)

        dw dosIntr

; Call DOS shell functions
dosIntr push af

        ld a, c

        ld (_fncNo), a

        xor a

        ld (23823), a

        ld (23824), a

        pop af

        call # 3d13

        push af

        ld a, (_fncNo)

        cp # a; if the function was performed 10 (file search), 
the code 

        jr z, dosOk; return - this is not an error code

        ld a, (23823)

        or a

        jr z, dosOk; if there was a mistake to initiate an 
exception ; Initiation exception DOS


        add a, excDosError

        ld (_errNo), a

        rst 8
_errNo db 0
_fncNo db 0
dosOk pop af


   Interested exception handling may apply to the article [1]. 
Here I will say briefly: an exception - it is extremely 
convenient programming technology, which allows implicit 
conversions of handling errors or exceptional situations 
without the need regular checks flags and return codes, etc. At 
the same time ensures the conservation status of some elements 
of the system and programs (at least the stack). In the form 
below supports multi-level exception handling with the ability 
to dynamically change set of conserved elements

and the exception handler.

   Anyone interested can simply
analyze the text of the program. Briefly same can be said like 
this: if at the beginning of a program, call try (see listing)

with the address of your error-handling routine, then
in the case of a call RST 8 anywhere
within the program management be passed to your handler. The 
handler must, first of all, cause endTry to restore the stack 
and remove for themselves. That the same call should be made 
before command RET program.

; ****************************************
; * Exceptions handle *
* Exception handling *
3; * (c) 1994-96 B. Kuritsyn *
3 * Version: 2.0 06/18/1996 *
* File: except.a *
; ****************************************

err_SP equ 23613

; ---------- External Treatment --------- try db # C3; a JP 
(tryAd) tryAd dw mark

endTry db # C3
eTryAd dw unmark

; Continue the current exception
, (Just call the exception handler team JP)

; New exception code in the A
putErr ld (iy), a

; The same exception
contErr ld sp, (err_SP)


; Change marking stack
; Entry: @ HL-new handler Try, @ DE-new handler EndTry
, Output: @ HL-old handler, Try, @ DE-old handler EndTry
chMarking ld bc, (tryAd)

          ld (tryAd), hl

          ld h, b

          ld l, c

          ld bc, (eTryAd)

          ld (eTryAd), de

          ld d, b

          ld e, c


; ------------ SALES -----------; Mark stack entry: @ 
DE-exception handler ; Destroyed: HL, IX

mark POP IX

       LD HL, (err_SP)

       PUSH HL

       PUSH DE

       LD (err_SP), SP

       JP (IX)

; Demarcate the stack are destroyed: HL, IX
unmark POP IX

       LD SP, (err_SP)

       POP HL

       POP HL

       LD (err_SP), HL

       JP (IX)

   Necessary to stipulate that
those who do not know what a "channel" and "flow", before 
continuing reading this article should read the chapter on 
canals and streams in the famous three volumes Inforkoma 
Programming native for the ZX Spectrum

or an application to the instruction
Users of text editor BK Write, is spread

   And now for the driver itself.
Which set of functions it should
perform? Firstly, it is opening the file: creating a channel 
that is associated with the file, and connect any flow to the 
channel. Secondly, the driver must allows you to read the file 
bytes not only consistent but also

permuted index of reading directly to any position in the
file. Third, it is shutting down
File: the destruction of the channel, closing the stream. And 
how, indeed, entering information, you ask? It's very simple - 
the system procedure WaitKey (address # 15D4). Next, we 
consider the annotated text driver (Note: the driver is

moments associated with the withdrawal of
file - this part of the driver is not
over, in addition, include
her story is not
possible due to the large volume).

   Immediately turn to the basic idea of ​​the driver: it is 
necessary to give byte file, offset by a

file defines the current position. Position can be arbitrarily 
changed at any time. When reading byte pointer

position moves to the next byte. Trying to read
anything beyond the end of the file generated an exception.

   To implement this in a leader tape channel provides space
for one sector of the file. At any point in that buffer is 
loaded sector corresponding to the current

position in the file. With any change in the position number of 
the sector is monitored and, if necessary, the sector is 
overloaded. 140.

; ****************************************
* *
* *
* Driver streaming I / O *
* To / from files TR-DOS. *
* *
3; * (c) B. Kuritsyn, June 1996 *
* *
* File: stream.a *
* File Format: ZX Turbo Assembler *
; ****************************************

          include "dosapi.a"

The length of the sector
sectLen equ 256

; System variables
chans equ 23631; pointer to channel
curChl equ 23633; pointer to the current channel
prog equ 23635; pointer to the program (for the end of


; System variables TR-DOS
dfDrive equ # 5d19; drive by default
searchCh equ 23814; number of characters for a name search

; Protsedury system, details of procedures see

makeRoom equ # 1655
reclaim2 equ # 19E8
strData equ # 171E +3
chOpen equ # 1601
callJp equ # 162C

; Channel input and output is named "F", so they can be 
differences   chat,

; Established leader tape of the signature:
readSign equ # 5678
writeSign equ # 6789

; Throwing exceptions

        rst 8

        db 23, "is used incorrectly Stream

        rst 8

        db 14, "invalid name"

        rst 8

        db 18, "invalid device"

        rst 8

        db 7, 'end of file "

; Shift in the leader tape, relatively unique structure of the 
leader tape 

  see [3]
oPrint equ 0; address inference procedures
oInput equ 2; address of a procedure entry
oName equ 4; channel name
oSign equ 5; the signature of the channel
oClose equ 7; address of the procedure file is closed
oLength equ 9; length of leader tape
oIntern equ 11; More

; Image of the leader tape channel for reading

        DW invStream

        DW inputIn

        DB "F"

        DW readSign, noOp

        DW 1930 + sectLen; length of leader tape

        DB 0; device (displacement oIntern +0)

        DB "C"

        DS 7; directory entry (...+ 1)

        DW # FFFF; file position (...+ 17)
; Here: DS sectLen - buffer sector file (...+ 19)
rdRecLen equ $-readRecord + sectLen

; Procedure for entering characters from a file, the next byte 
of the file 

, In A. Byte is always returned, so the state INKEY $ # 5 = ""
; Does not happen.
inputIn ld ix, (curChl); address of the leader tape

        ld l, (ix + oIntern +17); current position in file

        ld h, (ix + oIntern +18)

        ld c, l

        ld b, 0

        add ix, bc

        ld a, (ix + oIntern +19); fetching bytes from the 
current sector 

        scf; Flag: Byte received from the device

        push af

        inc hl

        call _seekRead; the transition to the next position

        pop af
noOp ret

; Positioning in the current file for reading
; Input: HL-position
; --- External version, verify that the current channel - F and 

; To read - if not the wrong thread)

        push hl

        call testChl

        ld l, (ix + oSign)

        ld h, (ix + oSign +1)

        ld bc, readSign

        and a

        sbc hl, bc

        jp nz, invStream

        pop hl
; --- Internal version

        ld ix, (curChl)
, Check to see whether an end of file

        ld c, l

        ld b, h

        ld e, (ix + oIntern +12); compared with the length of 
the file 

        ld d, (ix + oIntern +13)

        and a

        sbc hl, de
; Position just after the last byte of the file, the buffer is 
not overloaded zhaetsya 

        jr z, atEOF

        jp nc, endOfFile
; Establish a new position

        ld a, b

        cp (ix + oIntern +18); in the same sector?
atEOF ld (ix + oIntern +17), c

        ld (ix + oIntern +18), b

        ret z; yes - complete
; Not - the new position of the corresponding byte from another 

; Download a new sector in the buffer

        ld l, (ix + oIntern +15)

        ld h, (ix + oIntern +16); position of beginning of the 
file on disk 

        call makeLog; transformation into a logical sector

        ld e, b

        ld d, 0

        add hl, de; a logical sector number that you want


        call makePhis; inverse

        ex de, hl

        push ix

        pop hl

        ld bc, oIntern +19

        add hl, bc

        push hl

        push de

        ld a, (ix + oIntern)

        ld c, a

        call dos; drive select

        pop de

        pop hl

        ld bc, # 105; boot sector

        jp dos

; Convert Options "Sector L - track H" in the "logical

  Sector HL "
; NOTE: The conversion to a "logical sector" can

; Calculate the position of the sector on the disk as logical

And you can add and subtract like normal numbers.
; Transformation formula: log. sector = track * 16 + sector
makeLog xor a

140. srl h

        rr a

        srl h

        rr a

        srl h

        rr a

        srl h

        rr a

        or l

        ld l, a


; Convert Options "logical sector HL" in the sector L -

  lane H "

        ld a, l

        sla a

        rl h

        sla a

        rl h

        sla a

        rl h

        sla a

        rl h

        ld a, # F

        and l

        ld l, a


; Type of file to open, changing this value before calling
Or you can open a non-standard files
fileType db "C"

; Opening file for reading;
; Entry:
; A-number flow, @ DE/BC- name string (as usual: the address of 

  length of BC)
; Specified thread will be opened on the file.


        ld (stream), a; verifies that the stream is closed

        call strData

        ld a, b

        or c

        ld a, dStrmOpened; if not - the error DOS "thread 

                           open "

        jp nz, dosError

        call newRdRecord; create a channel leader tape

        ld (record), hl

        push hl


        pop hl

        call parseName; parse name

        ld hl, (record)

        inc hl

        ld bc, (chans); find the offset of the leader tape 
(Chans) ... 

        and a

        sbc hl, bc

        push hl

        ld a, (stream)

        call strData

        pop bc

        ld (hl), c; ... and open the requested stream to the 

        inc hl

        ld (hl), b

        ld ix, (record)

        ld a, (ix + oIntern)

        ld c, a

        call dos; drive select

        ld c, # 18

        call dos; setting a floppy disk

        ld hl, (record)

        ld bc, oIntern +1

        add hl, bc

        push hl

        ld c, # 13

        call dos

        ld hl, searchCh

        ld (hl), 9

        ld c, # a

        call dos; search for the file to open

        bit 7, c

        jr nz, noFile; if the file does not exist - everything 
back to its original 


        ld a, c

        ld c, 8

        call dos; if the file is, get its directory entry

        pop hl

        ld c, # 14

        call dos; and copy it to the leader tape channel

        ld a, (stream)

        call chOpen

        ld hl, 0

        jp _seekRead; establish a position on top of file
, In the absence of a file all returns to its initial state
noFile ld ix, (record)

        call freeRecord; remove the leader tape channel

        ld a, (stream)

        call strData

        ld (hl), 0; close of thread

        inc hl

        ld (hl), 0

        ld a, dNoFile; an error DOS "no such file"

        jp dosError
stream db 0
record dw 0

; Parsing the file name
, As "[drive:] name". If the drive is not specified, is taken
  drive on
; Default. Name and drive into the realm of oIntern

  leader tape.
; Input: HL-mail leader tape to open the channel, @ DE/BC- Line


        push hl

        pop ix

        ld a, b; empty name string - Error

        or c

        jp z, invFileName

        ld a, (dfDrive); until the drive by default

        ld (ix + oIntern), a

        ld a, (fileType); set the file type

        ld (ix + oIntern +9), a

        ld hl, -3; name is longer than three characters?

        and a

        adc hl, bc

        jp m, nameOnly; not - hence the drive to name just


        inc de; check with respect to the drive ...

        ld a, (de)

        dec de

        cp ":"; if the second character - a colon ...

        jr nz, nameOnly

        ld a, (de); ... then the first - the drive

        res 5, a; leads to the Uppercase

        sub "A"; separate the correct names: A, B, C, D.

        jp c, invDevice

        cp 4

        jp nc, invDevice

        ld (ix + oIntern), a; drive is found and installed in

                            leader tape

        inc de; shifted to the name ... (2 characters)

        inc de

        dec bc

        dec bc

        ld a, b

        or a

        jp nz, invFileName

        ld a, c; if the name is 8 characters long - error

        cp 9

        jp nc, invFileName

        ld b, c; if everything is ok - copy the name of leader 
tape copyName

        ld a, (de)

        inc de

        ld (ix + oIntern +1), a

        inc ix

        djnz copyName


; Creating leader tape read channel
; Output: HL-mail created by the leader tape

      ld hl, (prog); at the end of Chans ...

      dec hl

      ld bc, rdRecLen; ... allocate memory for the leader tape 

      call makeRoom

      inc hl

      push hl

      ex de, hl

      ld hl, readRecord; ... and copy back the image of the 
leader tape 

      ld bc, rdRecLen-sectLen


      pop hl


; Removing leader tape read / write channel
; Entry: IX-mail leader tape

       ld c, (ix + oLength); of the leader tape get its length 

       ld b, (ix + oLength +1)

       ld (recLen), bc

       push ix

       pop hl

       jp reclaim2; ... and release the area occupied by them
recLen dw 0

, Check that the current channel - a channel of "F"
, Output: IX = (curChl)

      ld ix, (curChl); if the name of the current channel ...

      ld a, "F"

      cp (ix + oName); ... not "F" ...

      ld a, dNotDskFile

      jp nz, dosError; ... mistake DOS "is not a disk file"


, Close the file read / write stream A
close push af

      call chOpen; makes the channel current

      call testChl; verify that this flow is associated with our

, Perform the procedure closing the channel

      ld l, (ix + oClose)

      ld h, (ix + oClose +1)

      call callJp; transition to execution
; Free memory

      ld ix, (curChl)

      call freeRecord; remove the current channel of memory
, Close the stream

      pop af

      call strData

      ld (hl), 0, 0 - stream closed

      inc hl

      ld (hl), 0
; Adjust variables for streams Streams 0-15.
; The fact that after the opening of this channel could be 

; Others. Their leader tape located in the memory after our 
leader tape. ; With the removal of our leader tape displacement 
of Streams in the 

; Channels become null and void and must be corrected for
, The length of the remote leader tape.

      ld d, b; offset the already remote leader tape

      ld e, c

      ld b, 16; scan the 16 streams

      push bc

      ld a, b

      dec a

      call strData; choose a value for the flow

      push hl

      pop ix

      ld h, d

      ld l, e

      and a

      sbc hl, bc; if it does not shift more of our ...

      jr nc, noCorrt; ... no adjustment is required

      ld h, b

      ld l, c

      ld bc, (recLen); otherwise reduce the bias on the length 
of leader tape 

      and a

      sbc hl, bc

      ld (ix), l; and save

      ld (ix +1), h

      pop bc

      djnz strmLoop; cycle for all streams


   Thus, the driver is written. And how
I use it? Elementary.
First, any free flow (say, # 5) open at

          org 60000

          jp start

          include "stream.a"; enable drivers to ...

          include "except.a"; ... and exception handling

name db "textfile"; to name the file ...
nameLen equ $-name; ... and its length

start ld de, name

          ld bc, nameLen

          ld a, 5

          call openRead

   File is opened. Now, for example, print it on the screen.
We will read a file character by character
and transmit bytes channel "S".
Because the process is completed except for "end of file", 
catch the exception: 140.

          ld de, endOfPrint; address of the handler

          call try

   Now you can display the file in
"Infinite" loop.
waitKey equ # 15D4
process ld a, 5; file stream

          call chOpen; chOpen = # 1601

          call waitKey; introduce the symbol

          push af

          ld a, 2; flow screen

          call chOpen

          pop af

          rst 16; derive symbol

          jr process

   At the end of the file or
another exception management
will be sent here:

          call endTry; remove handler

          ld a, 7

          cp (iy); current fault - it's "end of file"?

          jp nz, contErr; if not - keep it

                           spread the word
; Yes - everything is in order, the withdrawal is completed

          ld a, 5

          call close; close disk file


   What about BASIC? Like
would be able to open
files directly from the operators BASIC.

   Nothing could be easier. The following interface to the BASIC
driver realizes this and more
something: it converts the new
DOSovskie exceptions to the new
BASIC errors, which are displayed in the same way as 
conventional. Except He displays the status of the streams

system on the screen or in any
another thread. New operators
BASIC is as follows:

   LET d = 64000

   REM opening <flow> on <filename>

   RANDOMIZE USR d: OPEN # stream, filename $

   REM closing disk file associated with the <flow>

   RANDOMIZE USR d: CLOSE # stream

   REM transition to  in the file associated with 

   PRINT # thread;: RANDOMIZE USR d: GO TO position

   REM display information about the state of flux at <thread>

   REM to display flow = 2

   RANDOMIZE USR d: LIST # stream

   A small remark about the operator GO TO: operator PRINT, you 
see ahead, only makes the flow of current as well as working 
with GO TO current flow. Note the ";" at the end of the operator


   Operator LIST lists
all open streams with an indication of the channels that they 
are open. 

   Direct input from a file in the usual way: the operator

   INPUT # thread; simv_peremennaya $

to enter a character string or

   LET simv_peremennaya $ = INKEY $ # input stream for a single 

   The second way is preferable, as in the ZX Spectrum has this 
feature: assumed that the operator

INPUT data is entered only from
flows associated with the keyboard and the sound of the 
keyboard is handled in a statement INPUT. Therefore, when you 
enter the file you hear the squeaks of the sequence "keystroke" 
in the enter each character. In addition, input lines will be 
completed only upon receipt of a character code Keys <Enter> (# 
0D) and this very character in the string will not be included.

   Throughout the program, well
It can be seen as a dilator BASIC
not only performs the action, but
and analyzes the syntax of the program.

140 .;*****************************************
* *
* *
* The interface to the BASIC *
* Download streaming I / O *
* To / from files TR-DOS. *
* *
3; * (c) B. Kuritsyn, June 1996 *
* *
* File: basint.a *
* File Format: ZX Turbo Assembler *

; Codes tokens
t_open equ # d3
t_close equ # d4
t_goto equ # ec
t_list equ # f0

; System variables (or bias)
oFlags equ 1
oTVFlag equ 2
oFlags2 equ 48
oFlagX equ 55
oXPtrHi equ 37
defAdd equ 23563
strms_6 equ 23574

; Used semiconductor ROM. For details, see [2].
class06 equ # 1C82; syntax. Analyzer - should be

                       numeric expression
class0A equ # 1C8C; syntax. Analyzer - should be a line

separator equ # 1B6F; parser - should be

stkToA equ # 1E94; stack calculator - the A
stkToBC equ # 1E99; stack calculator - in BC
stkFetch equ # 2BF1; stack calculator - in the A / BC / DE
clsLower equ # 0D6E
setMin equ # 16B0
copyBuff equ # 0ECD
stackA equ # 2D28; A - a stack calculator
printFP equ # 2DE3; print number from the stack calculator
po_mess equ # 0C0A; display a message from Table A (DE)

           org 64000
; Entry point
startUp ld de, newErrors; new handler issklyucheny

           call try

           ld c, ":"; a separator after the USR 64000
; Separator verify that the current symbol interpretiruenmy

, Is as follows. If not - error "nonsense in BASIC"

           call separator

           ld c, a

           rst # 20; take the name of the operator ...

           ld hl, statms; ... and look for it in the table 

           jr compare
nextSearch inc hl

           inc hl
compare ld a, (hl)

           inc hl

           or a

           jr nz, cont_comp; if the table was over - a mistake

           rst 8

           db # b; Nonsense in Basic
cont_comp cp c

           jr nz, nextSearch

           ld a, (hl); found, select the address of the handler 

           inc hl

           ld h, (hl)

           ld l, a

           call callJp; ... and run it

           call endTry; remove the exception handler


; Table description operators.
; Format: token, the address of the handler, token, address, 

  ... 0.
statms db t_open

           dw _open

           db t_close

           dw _close

           db t_goto

           dw _goto

           db t_list

           dw _list

           db 0

listStrm db 0
The text for the operator LIST
listMess db # 80, "Streams status:", 13 + # 80

           db ": opened to", 34 + # 80


           db 34,13 + # 80

3; operator LIST # stream
_list ld c, "#"; check symbol stream

           call separator

           call class06; should be followed by a numeric 

           call stkToA; it - in the battery

           call chOpen; open channel for output

           ld de, listMess

           sub a

           ld (listStrm), a

           call po_mess; output header
listNext ld a, (listStrm); for the flow ...

           call strData; ... selected data from the Streams

           ld a, b

           or c

           jr z, listCont; when closed - the next thread

           ld a, "#"; print symbol rate ...

           push bc

           rst 16

           ld a, (listStrm)

           call stackA

           call printFP; ... and its facilities

           pop bc

           ld hl, (chans)

           add hl, bc

           inc hl

           inc hl

           inc hl; definition addresses oName bias in the 

           push hl

           ld a, 1

           ld de, listMess

           call po_mess; message "open with" ...

           pop hl

           ld a, (hl)

           rst 16; ... such and such a channel

           ld a, 2

           ld de, listMess

           call po_mess
listCont ld hl, listStrm

           inc (hl); next thread

           ld a, 16

           cp (hl)

           jr nz, listNext; move to the next thread


3; Operator OPEN # stream, name $ - no comment
_open exx

           push hl

           call openParams

           call openRead

           pop hl



; Parse OPEN statement
openParams call class06; must be thread number - a stack


           ld c, ","

           call separator; then a comma

           call class0A; then the character expression - the 

           rst # 28; exchange name and the flow in some places 
on the stack 

           db 1, # 38; exchange

           call stkToA; stream - in the battery

           push af

           call stkFetch; name - in the DE / BC

           pop af


3; operator CLOSE # stream
_close call class06; must be thread number - a stack


           call stkToA; stream - in the battery

           jp close

; Operator GO TO pos
_goto call class06; number - position in the file

           call stkToBC; with stack calculator in BC

           ld h, b

           ld l, c

           jp seekRead

; Error handler: visualizes new errors
newErrors call endTry; remove handler


           ld a, (iy); error code

           cp excDosError + dNoFile

           jp m, contErr; usual errors SOLD further
; This part of the program virtually repeats the action

; Error handler from the ROM to output error messages.

, [3] from the address # 1303

           res 5, (iy + oFlags)

           bit 1, (iy + oFlags2)

           call nz, copyBuff

           ld hl, 0

           ld (iy + oFlagX), h

           ld (iy + oXPtrHi), h

           ld (defAdd), hl

           ld hl, 1

           ld (strms_6), hl

           call setMin

           res 5, (iy + oFlagX)

           call clsLower

           set 5, (iy + oTVFlag)

           ld a, (iy)

           sub excDosError + dNoFile

           ld b, a

           add a, "a"; new codes Posts

           rst 16

           ld a, ""; gap

           rst 16

           ld a, b

           ld de, messages; new posts in this table

           ld (iy), # FF

           jp # 1346; further processing of the standard - in 

; Table text messages about new bugs (in the format of the 

messages db # 1980, "No fil", "e" + # 80

           db "File exist", "s" + # 80

           db "Disk ful", "l" + # 80

           db "Dir ful", "l" + # 80

           db "RecNo overflo", "w" + # 80

           db "No dis", "k" + # 80

           db "(7) DOS erro", "r" + # 80

           db "(8) DOS erro", "r" + # 80

           db "(9) DOS erro", "r" + # 80

           db "Stream opene", "d" + # 80

           db "Not disk fil", "e" + # 80
3 db "(1912) DOS erro", "r" + # 80

           db "Verify erro", "r" + # 80

; Enable drivers and exception handling

           include "stream.a"

           include "except.a"
; *** End of basint.a ***

   Well that's all. I think to check the interface you will be 
able to write as many programs. I hope that my brief (Due to 
the large amount of assembly code) comments given at least a 
general idea of work program and the program will be useful to 

   If you have any problems or
specific questions you can
write to the author at the address above.


1. B. Kuritsyn. Interception system
programming errors in the
Assembler for PCs "ZX
Spectrum ".: Radio amateur, 10 '
1994; p. 12 - Minsk, 1994.

2. Logan, O'Hare. Full description Rom ZX Spectrum.: 
"ProgrammAss" - Kharkov, 1992. 

3. K. Kurylovich, D. Madej, K. Marasek. Guide to the ZX 
Spectrum.: "Program-Ass" - Kharkov 1992.


Other articles:

Authoring - S. Zonov, A. Larchenko. On the controller SMUC (HDD IBM and peripherals).

Computer novella - Warriors Stars (the game Shadowfire).

New Programs - Overview of Digital Studio v1.12, Digital Studio Compiler v1.01

New Programs - Xas Review editor-assembler 128K (v5.05).

New Programs - Review of Musical Instrument v3.01 editor

New Programs - Overview of programs and FASTzasm @-zasm.

New Programs - Overview of No Kempston.

professional approach - Algorithms for the construction and transmission of labyrinths.

laugh for no reason ... - Proceedings of the humor magazine SpectrofUn.

Expert Tips - Game FEUD.

Expert Tips - Game Killed Until Dead.

Expert Tips - Game War in Middle Earth.

Forum - Conversion of Spectrum color images at IBM. Conversion of B / W images from IBM's ZX Spectrum.

Forum - On the Russification of game programs.

Forum - The program detector emulator.

Forum - A procedure with colored stripes on the curb. " Noise Reduction FDD.

Forum - The transfer numbers in decimal form. Procedure - scanner password.

Forum - Unprotect Microprotector'a.

Forum - Emulators, which we choose: 'UKV Spectrum Debugger', 'Z80TRDOS'.

reader-reader - Driver input in serial mode and direct access from the files of TR-DOS.

Studies - Graphic effect "Plasma 2.

Studies - Graphic effect "Plasma 2.

Studies - Graphic effect "plasma".

Studies - Useful tips. Rapid transfer of your screen.

Studies - remake of the procedures in 1993.

Studies - The effect of "flame".

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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