ZX Review #11-12
26 ноября 1997 |
Forum - A procedure with colored stripes on the curb. " Noise Reduction FDD.
(C) A. Grichanenko, Nalchik Program 'COLOR' - one of the possible 'MULTICOLOR'-effects remotely resembling a curb- effect in the game "RESCUE" (mode 'PAUSE'). The essence of the effect: to curb moves up and down, color bar, perekrashivaya border (On himself). This program I wrote after reading an article on 'MULTICOLOR'e in "ZX REVIEW. Effect in my program can be changed by changing the delay in the routines 'DEL' and 'DEL1'. However, it must follow, that time the entire program was not too big. Otherwise, the unpleasant flicker on the curb. I also want to offer a competition for the best curb-style effects' MULTICOLOR'a, and hold it in section "Etudes". CBD Nalchik INDEX: 360032 Phone 3-41-20 st. LEGENDARY house 8 kv.8 Grichanenko Alexander The program typed in assembler ZEUS +, dump - obtained by dump.com in IS-DOS, there all recruited. Especially for INC Inforkom. 140. ; (C) ALEXANDR 3; __12.03.97__ ; - COLOR - ORG # 5B00 ENT STEP EQU # FF; maximum displacement ; COLOR PACKAGE LD D, 1; number of repetitions EFFECT BEG LD C, 7; number of colors in CYCLE LD H, STEP ; ; MAIN PROGRAM ; ST EI HALT; interrupt latency DI; PROHIBITION OF UNINTERRUPTED LD A, C; PAINTING IN THE CURRENT COLOR OUT (# FE), A; BORDER WIDTH CALL STP; Tasks in the 'H' XOR A; \ OUT (254), A; | Drawing CALL DEL; | eight color LD B, 7; | LINES THICKNESS LP LD A, B; \ DETERMINED OUT (254), A; / DELAY 'DEL' CALL DEL; | The rest of the DJNZ LP; | Border Staining XOR A; | IN COLOR 'A'. OUT (254), A; / RR0 DEC H; ___________________ LD A, H; / \ RR1 XOR 1; | procedure changed-| JR NZ, ST; of VELECHINY CME PUSH HL; absorption color bar LD HL, RR0; LD A, 1; AND DIRECTIONS XOR (HL); MOTION EFFECT ON LD (HL), A; SCREEN. LD HL, RR1 +1; LD A, STEP; XOR (HL); LD (HL), A; POP HL; LD A, (RR2 +1); XOR 1; LD (RR2 +1), A; RR2 JR SK; | | DEC C; \ ___________________/ SK JR NZ, ST; DEC D; CHECK AT THE END LD H, 1; number of repetitions LD C, 7; EFFECT AND WITHDRAWAL JR NZ, ST; PROGRAM. EI; RET; DEL PUSH BC; display time LD B, 20, one line DL DJNZ DL; (line width). POP BC; RET; STP PUSH BC; OFFSET PROGRAMME LD B, H; FROM THE START SCREEN. SPP CALL DEL1; the indentation DJNZ SPP; Sets the 'H'. POP BC; RET; DEL1 PUSH BC; MORE LD B, 13; DELAY IN EXECUTION DL1 DJNZ DL1; PROCEDURES. POP BC; RET; 2 color.cod 5B00: 16 01 0E 07 26 FF FB 76 5B08: F3 79 D3 FE CD 55 5B AF 5B10: D3 FE CD 4E 5B 7 June 1978 5B18: D3 FE CD 4E 5B 10 F8 AF 5B20: D3 FE 25 7C EE January 1920 DE 5B28: E5 21 22 5B 3E 01 AE 77 5B30: 21 25 5B 3E FF AE 77 E1 5B38: 3A 41 5B EE 41 January 1932 5B 5B40: January 18 0D 20 C1 15 January 26 5B48: 0E July 20 BA FB C9 C5 06 5B50: October 14 FE C1 C9 C5 44 CD 5B58: 5E 5B 10 FB C1 C9 C5 06 5B60: 0D 10 FE C1 C9 00 00 00 COLOR.bas 1 RANDOMIZE USR 15619: REM: LOAD "color" CODE 2 RANDOMIZE USR 23296 The effect is easier - the color bars on the curb: 140. ; (C) ALEXANDER ; __12.03.97___ ; ___ LINES ___ ORG 23296 ENT LD DE, 200; hold time bands on the ; SCREEN ST HALT XOR A LD C, 80; NUMBER OF PACKET FOR BANDS ; SCREEN LP OUT (254), A CALL DEL INC A OR 248; \ MASKING insignificant XOR 248; / BIT IN BATTERIES DEC C JR NZ, LP; END OF CYCLE DRAWING ; PACKAGE DEC DE LD A, E OR D JR NZ, ST RET DEL LD B, 30; thickness of the individual LINES DD DJNZ DD RET 2 lines.cod 5B00: 11 C8 00 76 AF 0E 50 D3 5B08: FE CD 1A 5B 3C F6 F8 EE 5B10: F8 0D 20 F3 1B 7B B2 20 5B18: EA C9 06 1E 10 FE C9 Noise Reduction FDD Want your SM53XX (5,25 "FDD) worked as quietly as TEAC (5,25 "FDD), and TEAC - quieter 3,5 "FDD? - Then lubricate their machines butter (do not mix: the engine, not motor engine). Even if only the system to lubricate the runners, which moves the block with the head, and spring stepper motor, the noise decreased 2 times (especially noticeable on the Soviet model drives). Minimum noise level can be achieved by brushing both the internal bearing, rotor teeth and stator (which is possible, if you look stepper motor). If the parse engine problematic, it will restrict foreign lubricated bearings. This recipe was tested on five drives of different companies. The work of foreign drives can now be traced only by LED lighting up. And in the Soviet model - only the weak noise when the head moves over long distances.
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