ZX Review #11-12
26 ноября 1997 |
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New Programs - Xas Review editor-assembler 128K (v5.05).
![<b>New Programs</b> - Xas Review editor-assembler 128K (v5.05).
<b>New Programs</b> - Xas Review editor-assembler 128K (v5.05).](http://zxpress.ru/screens/1/674.png)
NEW PROGRAMS Music by ZET Xas editor-assembler 128k (V 5.05) (C) Max Petrov I offer you a description of the latest version, the differences from the previous specified and marked with "*". 1. Background 1.1. What is it, why should and why Now, as you know, for our long-suffering, but dear friend, there are several similar programs with the undisputed leader Tasm'om (there is some Zxasm, but I have not seen him). However Tasm from the moment his appearance repulsed some users (me) its 64simvolnostyu, and today all outdated and its over'nostyu bunch of glitches. Actually, that's and the whole reason for the appearance of my program, thanks Rst 7. Based on experience in Tasme, on which was written The first version of the program, as well as on their own dreams and wishes of the VL, IK, and AB, has turned such a thing: - Assemble in 4,4 times faster Tasm 3.x. - Disc surgery is 2-3 times faster, with a large number files on a floppy disk - up to 10-20 (!) times. - Search text - almost instant (respectively, 20-30 times (!)) - The buffer to 1820 labels (* 1500) (Tasm - 740). - Editing the two texts simultaneously with the ability to move blocks from one text to another. - The text of the program in 1.79 times less than the equivalent in tasm. - The number of buttons that should press for a set of the same text, 1.333 .. 1.5 times smaller. - The amount of text that can otassemblirovan be without a single treatment to the drive - in 2.23 times more than in tasm (!) - The maximum amount of one text to 1.12 times greater than in tasm. - The time taken to search a string containing an error that emerged during assembly - 50 .. 1000 times smaller;). - Work with the half-ix and iy; - The possibility of assembling selected area n-th number time (* - no); - Macros that at any moment, you can edit; - The big Russian, and large and small letters; - Modes ins and ovr; - 42 characters per line; - Save the current position in text for all operations; - Avtotabulyatsiya; - Download at cursor, time loading and saving does not depend on count of files on a floppy disk (which not be said about Tasme, which, when the disc with a 40-files just goes to sleep); - Called Xas [ksas]; - Lots of friendly, unexpected, new things ... Disadvantages: - Do not merge; (but more than compensated by the possibility of transfer of labeled blocks of text from one window to another); - There is no substitute for find; - Tags to 7 characters (the other characters in the assembly ignored), (Tasm - up to 14); - Defb does not like strings; - Silly equ (in terms should not be indefinite labels); 1.2. Loading and Running On the drive there are two files: xas myself and (to be recorded immediately after it) STS 3.21. If You came out of XASa in basic, then back can be performed RUN, if the program is alive at BASIC (first row can be delete), usr 23465, if you do not touch the printer buffer to the addresses or 23465-23471 usr 49152, including Bank 1 (out 32765,81). 1.3. Memory location Ramtop installed on address 24575, but it can be rearranged in any address to 32768. Xas is page 1 in page 3 - the first text, Fourth - the second text in the 6-th macro, table tags, and a buffer for block transactions, in the seventh page is STS. At the entrance / exit is also used Xasa memory addresses, 23440-23471. You can use page 6 (Even killing a macro), as well as Page 4, if you do not load in her second text, and if assembliruemoy Program no options loadtext. By the way, we should say that loadcode and save code used screen memory STSa (ie bank 7). In general, you can make a muck of and Third bank - to hang it is not lead. And, naturally, at your disposal the entire 48-I memory (page 0, 2 and 5), except for some BASIC system variables. If you have a 256/512K Port # fd bits 6 and 7, then use the 2 nd Bank of 128K (ie, # 10 bank instead of 0, # 17 - 7th ...), that usually leads to conservation text in memory even after you reset ... 2. Entering text 2.1. Download When using any disk border color change means read / write error. After four attempts, it asks: Error t / s. Retry, Ignore, Abort. where t / s - a track / sector with an error. If you answer Retry be made 14 more attempts ... Interruption of operation with a - space. When you run the editor-assembler (the p-a), if the memory is not text, on disk for a file XMACROS.XaS (macro) and loaded in the presence (and lack of memory). Then, if the disk has files with XAS, xAS and XaS, before You get them spisochek and the amount of free disk space sectors. You can select file using the cursor keys and entera, or refuse to download by clicking edit (removal of load) or ext mode (removing Text from memory). Space - perezachtenie directory. If the file no hard drive, then the p-and immediately released into the editor. 2.2. Screen Going into the editor, you will see Several bukovok and tsifirok bottom of the screen. INS - mean that enabled insert mode (CS / 3), OVR - replacement; LAT - selected Latin alphabet (edit), RUS - Russian; 0 / 1 - The first number indicates the number the current row (from scratch), second - Number of lines in the text (Ie the maximum value for the first number). The text can not be less than two lines; The most right number - shows the number of the current text: 1 - text in a bank, 3 2 - 4 and in the bank 3 - a macro in the bank 6. Color figures indicates the following: White - You have not edited the text after the load, Yellow - The text has not been edited after the recording red - the text is edited, and with the next record it on the disk will increase the number, indicating the number of editions; number, which - number of revisions the text is in front of right number, and if it is zero (new or newly transcoded), it is not shown. At the bottom is a row of 29 characters in length. This is a comment which is stored in the text. The third bottom line is often printed model search (* No). 2.3. Editor Quite a tricky thing: when you try to go beyond the line, he will pack it, check the elementary syntax, and if all the procedure will avtotabulyatsiyu (Ie, a line like LabEL lD Hl # 4000; MDAAA .. turn to label LD HL # 4000; MDAAA .. If syntax errors such as: two labels in a row at the start line, the use of names Registers and conditions as labels, more than 3 marks in a row (A Z80 no teams with four parameters) (by def-s restriction does not apply), editor chtoto propischit nowhere to go and not allow it. Be careful nested quotation marks in defm: if you have two standing next to quote, since they continue to recommend putting the following line: for example, need text: "a" "b" - it must score at defm "" a "" b "", and defm "" " defm "a" "" defm "b" " Operations in line ext mode - exit from the editor; ss / q - rus / lat; location Russian letters 'yaverty' in isdos; ss / a - tab (very rarely button that is used); cs / 2 - ovr / ins; edit - home / end (start / end line); cursor - the cursor; graph - the prefix macro (see below); delete - guess, if click at the beginning of a blank line, the line is removed; break - removal of the cursor; ss / w - delete rows; ss / enter - restoration string, and returns the string form that she had to edit; ss / e - tag line for block operations do not necessarily mark the line in a row, to unmark, press again mark another kind of mark (See cs / ent), or press enter; (See also ss / s); cs / ent - tag line for memory, the same mark marks line assembler, if it detected an error, uncheck - see ss / e; Operations in the text cs/3/4 - page up / down; ss / g - start / end of text; ss / y / u - find predyd. / trace. marked lines, if such No, nothing happens; ss / s - cancellation marks; ss / f - search for the next model, if it does not, something is changing Border color; (see find); graph ent - search from the beginning Text of speech, which is pointer with a very handy thing to Search tags, not necessarily put the cursor at the beginning of words - this is done automatically; to find the next such word, press ss / f; Block operations ss / d - delete marked ss / e lines; ss / i - copy marked ss / e lines, if labeled No strings, it is inset text from the clipboard; graph ss / i - Copy the marked lines into clipboard, for example, to transfer them to another text; (* - A slightly different arrangement of keys: edit - rus / lat; cs / 2 - tab; cs / 3 - ovr / ins; cs / 4 - home / end; ss / q / a - pgup / / pgdw). To copy a row from one text to another, it is necessary first put them in a buffer. Labeled lines are placed in clipboard by pressing ss / i or graph ss / i. Followed by a move to other text (or download it simply switch to another window), remove it yellow mark (ss / e) and push ss / i. When assembling a large number of tags they can to collide with the buffer. (* In assembly buffer cleared) 2.4. Teams Xas When you press ext Editor you get to the command line. Back in the editor, you can press ext. Teams are selected by pressing the appropriate keys: aUto (respectively, - 'u') - Cancel / inclusion need confirm enterom team (this team is, in fact, rudiment, and the next. versions it will not, so enjoy now); Edit - a return to the editor; Save text - the text to write on drive; offers to change the name, in When entering the name of the command can be undone by pressing the ext, while name change is saved, if such a file on disk is, it removed and if the drive is not space communications shall not be issued changing the color of the red curb. Load text - file download at directory, if the disc has no files with the types of XAS, XaS, xAS or xaS, then the directory does not appear and xas vozrvaschaetsya in command line, when selecting the file running the following keys: space - perezachtenie directory edit - removal of load, ext - delete text from memory; Files starting with a '' - Remote, but they can be free download, file type 'T' means the text, 'M' - macro (It is automatically loaded into Box 3, regardless of the current); sTs - access to the sts (* - No); pressing cs / t in the pc address will be recorded starting otassemblirovannoy program, and in memadr - recently printed in the calculator (for sts 4.x); Quit - exit at basic, which still runs sts; Find - enter the model search by ss / f and search for the first since the early text; ext - Undo model and the search for the old model; when entering the model must take into account that if the input words are not limited to quotes and are not comments, if they are the names of operations or operands, it will be found exactly operations and operands, which means that to find the register "A" you must dial "A", to find the same the letter "A" (the register will not be found), we need to introduce "; A"; example: enter "IN" - will be found all Operation "IN"; entered "; IN" - all words, including "IN" (but not operation IN); if you need to find word, not the name com. or operas., then the symbol "" is not necessary, and if necessary to find model, starting from character ";", Then you can enter with ";;"; search tags and enter their numbers large letters; Run - run the program from last otassemblirovannoy ent or, if entov not the last org or if orgov no, # 8000; if the program intends to return to xas, it is not should spoil the memory address 23465-23471, system variables associated with the flow of N2, and finish its work operation ret; cs / r - after returning from the program and to clear the screen would be expected when any keys; remarK - editing comments; Assemble - assemble; fullCat - complete directory of the drive; cs / c - all the data displayed in decimal form; neW - delete text from memory, must confirm the 'Y'; laBels - displaying table tags, sorted by the first character; to interrupt press the space; if you used when assembling the block operation 'copy' and labels were so many, you see not all tags; cs / b - print in decimal form (* - not supports tap-cs, and asks the question 'hex?', which should answer 'n', if needed print in decimal); save cOde - write the object code, with code length over # C000 record is not made, as such lengths in the memory of 48K are not happen; Mac edit - Edit macro file, which is located in the 3 rd box; aNother - switching to another editing window: 1, 2, 2> 1 3> 1; comPute - calculator. Can type of expression as well as in program text (the names of tags, binary and character constants ...), the result will be printed in decimal, and hexadecimal systems; calculator can be used to transfer numbers from one system to another, view label values, set the address on the importance sts tags (see sTs) (* - No); 3. Assembling Assemble in two passes, but not traditional. On the first pass is a table of labels. At the end of his message on the length and end object code. Almost all errors are announced on the second pass. Assembling can be interrupted in the second pass, pushing cs. Second passage ends with the sound signal. Now the program can be run (see run) or write to disk (save code). Want to note that the time assembly, mainly depends on the number of labels, and from, say, the length of the text - much smaller. From this very simple conclusion: do fewer labels, and a formula for approximate computation time assembly: t = 0.000163 * n ^ 1.72, where t - time in seconds, and n - count tags. 3.1. Errors When an error is detected, the It prints a line with the error below - its number, name errors and, if the text is loaded loadtextom or simply found on the second page, it name. In this line is marked in red (see cs / ent), that it can be easy to find and edit ((c) I). Error List No Label - there is no such label; Syntax In Number - syntactic Kaya error in number; Label Exists - issued on the first PTO pass; label with such Kim name already exists (See introduction); Syntax - Syntax error in the parameters of the operation (in Example (ix +)); Target Too Far - surgery or jr djnz can not jump so far; Number Too Big - in operations, not related to (ix / iy + d) - just a warning, that the parameter is number beyond the admissible timoe for the opera tion (for example, bit 3 +15, a), in this case will be taken number of significant bits, in The parameters for (ix / iy + d) may indicate an error; Fatal Error - usually an error in parameters of the operation, which Paradise exclude the possibility its assembly (ld sp, bc); LTB Over - no more space in table tags, is showing Camping on the first pass and stops assembles tion; No File - file does not exist in teams loadcode and loadtext; Skipping - warning ignoring commands loadtext, if it is encountered tilas in the text in the second rum window (see below) or Team loadcode, if file is missing (in the second rum pass); Prevention assertion of the attached! assm; Attention! At Fatal Error Error object code is so flawed that it can not be used (this due to the inability to determine the length of the operation, in bytes, which leads to incorrect drafting table tags. Other district and if such errors generally stop assembling. 3.2. Program text Text can be typed small and large letters, with or without tabs instead of commas, you can type spaces (Except for def-s). Small letters typed with the cs. Macros are typed by pressing the graph and then any key. When you try to go beyond the line, it will transcode; gaps where necessary, replaced with a comma tags to improve readability (perhaps first you will be impacted, but then, I hope you appreciate my effort) will be printed in small letters. If the line there are errors, you can not go beyond it, do not fix it. Russian letters can not be used in labels. Instead, (ix / iy +0), you can dial (ix / iy); halves ix / iy denoted by hx / y and lx / y. In the ex af, af 'apostrophe can not to. At a set of hexadecimal numbers instead of icons '#' you can press '..' In the operations ld (adr), rp; ld (Adr), a; out (n), a; in a, (n) bracket set does not necessarily (Ie you can ld l01 +50 / 3, de). In out (c), r and in r, (c) '(c)' You can omit the (out l). (* - no). Push or pop a few in a row can be replaced by one, listing the pair through register comma: pop af: pop iy: pop bc = pop af, iy, bc. Numbers Instead of any numbers you can dial the expression, where - Letters in quotes - a number consisting of the codes of letters (in quotes (except defm) can be one or two letters) where the first letter - Star shy of bytes, the second - the younger. If the letter a, the first byte is equal to zero; - Parentheses and operator precedence are not supported; - Admissible operations: +,-,*,/ and! - Xor (example: "B"! # 80, 1520! Label1! # F001). Supported by the binary number la, they must begin with '%' character and be in the range Zone 0 .. 65535. Another two logical operations: 'L - to take only low byte 'H - to take only the most significant byte, placing him in the minors, ie # 5cf4'h = # 5c; 'L - the result of a cyclic shift to the left,' r - the same right, ie # A703'r = # d381. If have moved several times, then operation is simply a duplicate. Features (Def, work, ent, org, loadcode, loadtext,! assm) defs - supports up to two parameters, if the second parameter is no, then it is accepted zero. The second option - two-byte number, which will fill the memory defs. Examples: 1) should be 15 zeros - defs 15 2) have 31 push af - defs 31, # f5f5 3) should be 10,0,10 - defs 3,10 4) have 32 ldi (ed a0) - defs 64, # a0ed work - you can create program, working not with those addresses to which they will assemble. Parameter indicates the address from which you will run the program. Applies to the whole program and All org'i and retains its influence to work without the option parameter. Recommend to put it at the beginning program after org'a. Example: need otassemblirovat program to work with address 0: org # 9000 work 0 lab1 ..... org # a005 lab2 work lab3 ..... lab1 label will have a value of # 0000, lab2 - # 1005, and lab3 - # A005. ent - allows you to specify the address from which this program will run the team run. Used without an argument. org - indicates the current address for the location of the program. Org'a If not, the address will is # 8000. Attention! If the the beginning of your text org'a no but org'i is on, and if they more # 8000, the length of the object code will be calculated wrong! (Will not be counted org # 8000). Therefore, if you wish to save code, then in this case should be put in the beginning of the org # 8000. loadcode "name" - the name must be quoted; boot file type code; loadtext "name" - if in second page already have a file with that name, the reference to ROM does (!!!), if is not, then it is loaded there, removing the text that there was before. From the second page, for obvious reasons, does not work. If someone does not know what such loadtext - this option allows you to have a program in assembly, consisting of a set texts that are loaded and assembled one by one, with They use the same table tags, so some of the files may be freely refer to the labels from other files. ! Assm! On /! Off Still has the original option! Assm, which may have parameter! on or! off. It gives able to allocate chunks of text that should be otassemblirovat only once, or do not have to assemble. Parameter! On means that the option ! Assm ignored, but after assembly it will be translated into! Off. ! Off also causes Pass the text to an option! cont. Example: You write drayverok press, which enjoys a downloadable fonts. So why did it load at each assembly? You can download it only once, and then it will sit in memory: ... font org # 7000 ! Assm! On loadcode "font51" ! Cont org # 7300 ... or you do not need to assemble some of the code, and not to score all the lines in comments, simply limit the their options! assm! off and! cont. ! Assm n (* - No) The parameter n - number of repetitions. Allows otassemblirovat piece of text to an option! cont n times. Recalls defs Tasma, but an order of magnitude steeper than it: ! Assm 128 ld hl, 0 push hl ! Cont ! Assm # 50/2-% 0101 "I zachem eto?" ld hl, 0 all 1 ! Cont Instead of n may be a label if it is defined above. Put between tags! Assm n and ! Cont is not recommended. Use $. Nesting! Assm with any parameters is not allowed! defm - instead defm "string" You can simply type "string", In this case, the number of characters per line will increase to 40. defb - if you defb only hexadecimal you can instead defb # n1, # n2, # N3, # n4 ... just dial # n1n2 n3n4 ... Here, the first '#' character optional, and each number must be typed using two digits (0 = 00, # a = 0a ...); numbers for clarity, we can share the icons '#' (# n1 # n2n3 # n4 ... - as whatever) and, of course, instead of '#' You can press'. " 4. Macro Macros are typed by pressing the graph (cs / 9) and then one of Shift keys with or without. When This screen will be printed on a string is assigned to a macro file of this letter. Macro file constructed as follows: he consists of lines, where the first character must be a ';' second - a symbol, when clicked on the screen will be displayed line, which is located at this second (ie, up to 40 characters). If at the end of the lines needed spaces, the latter space should be replaced with underscores (ss / 0), otherwise they will be cut editor. If it is necessary that after the withdrawal of the macro is automatically pressed enter, finish the macro point. The length of the macro file should not exceed # b20, then, actually, quite enough to have a macro at all possible characters (about 90). Length limit associated with the table of marks: under the block copy operation is a macro cut to specified lengths. If in your program a huge number of labels (> 1500), the file macros in memory may be partially or completely destroyed, which, however, to hang will not, just if you using macros, you will have to restart. 5. Text Format Section for those who want to Decoders and write their others or to understand the work p-a ... The first 29 bytes of a file stored comment, then 2 bytes - the address of the current position in the text (Address _nachala_ current line); on 2 bytes - the current cursor coordinates (x, then y); 1 byte sign ovr / ins; 1 byte - Number of File Revisions (0 .. 127); B # 01 - sign of the beginning of the text. Format of text strings explained by example: Screen: label LD HL, # 4d00-"a"; EXAMPLE Memory: LABEL ', # ac, # d2,' # 4D00-"a"; Example ', # 0d tags are stored in large letters; tabs are not available; commas can only be in the comments, quotes, or as dividers in defah; gaps can only be quoted or in the comments, the last byte line can be # 0d - Line Conventional color, # 09 - yellow or # 0c - red; an example: LD (IX + "1" / 2), "V" in memory: # Ac ,'(',# d3, '+ "1" / 2) V', # 0d Russian letters: Similar in shape with Latin in the Fonte do not duplicated and have codes of Latin, the other codes are: DZHIYLPUFTSCHYEYUYA - from # 10 to # 1f, SHSCHBG - with up to # 7b # 7e. And thus the last byte in the text should be # 00. 6. Programming Tips Newcomers May, of course, it's arrogance on my part to give any advice, but still I have already written two major programs, so that something could be you useful. 1) Try to plan software before writing it. Similarly, decide what it will do and how. 2) Try to do less labels - and will assemble faster, and will not have problems with Overflow table - use the icon '$', which means the current address, if there are a few notches, it can be turn to one using + name of the other shift. 3) to save memory, use the following things: if you need a cell, then do not do like: label defb 0 .... ld a, (label) .... ld (label), a and replaced by: label ld a, 0 ld (label +1), a As the cells for storage of anything you can use variables BASIC. For, For example, the press, through its Driver can override the channel and use the rst 16. About speed: remember that works faster jp jr, ldi faster ldir, the fastest way to stuff into memory byte or take it from there - it push and pop. 4) On the '$': Remember that $ specifies the address of the beginning of the current operation, ie label djnz label is equivalent to djnz $ rather than, say, $ -2. 7. Recoder Recoder wrote hacker Cris, and the thing I can tell you pretty cool: it encodes of the gens, isdos assembler or tasm 3.0 xas in and out of xasa in txt, and text format (gens / isdos / tasm / xas) defines itself, so I think in general not necessary. In a conversion in it xas writes the number of errors - overflow line (as in tasme and isdose line 255 (?), but I have up to 42 characters long and lines are cut in half. At the same time line will be marked in red color, and it can be easily found in xase (at ss / y / u) and corrected. After the conversion may glyuchok: when assembly is an error, then as a string looks fine. Here we have to just stand up to this bar and hit anything other than the cursor up and down. For example, you can simply press ss / u or y. 8. The End Well, all over this destructive work on getting your helra, Now you can relax and admit that all the help and all Xas Max Petrov wrote from St. Petersburg in January 1996 with phone 598 0159 (for which You can report a glitch). And also to say that recoder wrote hacker Cris, seems not without the help of his Virtual brother Johna Stunnera. Thank them for that, because in time, the writings they have caught some glyuchkov in Xase. Johnnu another thanks for the acceleration of Pts. small, but very good. important protsedurki, which resulted increase the speed of assembly by 15% compared with baseline, but most of all I thank him for the fact that its acceleration got me thinking about another greater acceleration, and I got another 32 percent reduction time assembly ... As a result, the score in our favor increased by half. And, finally, to convey greetings and wishes for happiness in the new year all users, players, hackers and sympathetic. *
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