31 октября 1998 |
AND SO ON Doxycon-98 ------------------------------------------ From: ekoz@ns.igs.ас.Ьу (Arseniy Astapenko) Наверное в этом году будет много грибов :) В общем, вот еще одно приглашение, может кто захочет съездить... 03.06.98DOXYCON 98 [SPECTRISTICKOU SLEZINU] Greetings то all SPECCY FANS! ----------------------------- * Теам E.S.A. (Excellent Spectrum Aces) has determined то repeat meeting of Speccy fans from last уеаг "DOXYCON", which had taken place in beautiful town near big pond - in Doksy near Macha-s lake. Meeting will таке place in SPECIAL SCHOOL in Komenskyfs street (near square). Start is planed то friday, 1Чth august 1998 10:00 and it will Ье officialy finished in sunday 15:00. There will Ье available 4 smaller classes, kitchen for cooking, showers (mabye), gym. There is planed except of standard exchange of speccy software also projection of reportage from ENLIGHT 96 and finaly there should Ье DOXYCON DEMO COMPO = competition for best demo оп DOXYCON (of course from own production). First and even only price should Ье with engraving (speccy theme). So this is proclamation of competition. Demo can Ье for 48 ог 128, as who wants. Rules аге пот defined. Best demo will Ье chosen Ьу written vote, which demo will have most votes, wins. Simple who will come то DOXYCON with his own demo (determined for DOXYCON COMPO), can Ье added то competition for already mentioned glass. ------------------------------------------ How то get то DOKSY: Doksy is situated in north Czech, cca 2Okm from Ceska Lipa and cca ЗOkm from Mlada Boleslav (if you want, 7Okm from Prague). Best way from Prague is Ьу bus from station Florenc, platform по. 18 directly то Doksy. Price is aproximately 50,- Kc [$1.5] (it-s also possible то get there Ьу train, but it takes twice time, you must change for another train and it is about the same priceas Ьу bus). If you аге from east (Morava, Slovakia, [Russia ;]), таке train то Prague and change there for bus ог you can change in Kolin (before Prague) change for train via Nymburk and Mlada Boleslav directly то Doksy. If you-ll travell Ьу bus, you-ll get off оп station "Doksy-bus station" and there youfll have it only few meters то square and from there it is very near то special school ;-) (don-t afraid, path will Ье marked Ьу arrows also from bus station, also from train station (which is little bit far)). You should bring with you your Speccy + all accessories which you can таке, it-s recommended то bring also monitor ог TV, because we can ensure only few of them (about 3 то 5). DON-T FORGET TO BRING WITH YOU: ******************************* - 100,- Kc [$3] as participation charge - Food for two days (ог money for food) (restaurant is across road) - Sleeping bag ог cover (if you want sleep there) - EXTENSION WIRES and ADAPTORS (there аге only few sockets) - own DEMO determined for DOXYCON competi- tion (of course it is пот condition) ;-) - money for travell back - your partner can Ье also, but it-s пот guaranted, she will пот bored ;-) * Participation promised for example OMEGA, KЗL Corp., Naughty Crew, 8ВС, TGM and others. It is rumoured that that there will Ье also guys from Slovakia (BUSY, ASTEX, BAZE, NORO.....) and maybe also DC РАК from Poland!!! SO IF YOU ARE SPECCY FAN, DON-T HESITATE AND COME TO DOXYCON 98 ****************************************** оп so bye for now and we-ll meet D O X У С O N - 9 8 ! ! ! Factor 6/E.S.A. address of main organizer ------------------------- TULEBY of E.S.A. Petr SINDELAR Valdstejnska 164 DOKSY 472 01 Tel.: +420-425-72037 It-s NOT NEEDED то confirm your participation before, but if you want Ье sure send E-MAIL то: petrik@ius.prf.cuni.cz (it-s me, Factor 6) (I wantask you то send this invitation то all speccy fans you know! Thanx!) [Translated Ьу Glip. Sorry for my bad english] ------------------------------------------ Довольно точный и подробный перевод при- веденного текста опубликован в электронной газете "Rip", #8 (август 1998). SWdZ
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