Open Letters #04
21 октября 2000 |
Nemo open letters № 4.10
31.05.2000 Dear Nemo! To a question on networks and network software. At the moment, those who work on the Spectrum, available network Fidonet. To work in This (and other FTN networks, for example, local ZXNet). have the appropriate software. Situation is more complicated with iron. For the network Fidonet need a modem that can communicate with a modem PC. At the moment there are two solutions to this problems. This scheme Kondratyev and Shepeleva. But the connection of the PC modem to the computer KAY requires self-assembly scheme that are not available to everyone and is not supported firm (guaranteed). At the same time, there is a workable network software under ISDOS - mailer Dickie. Thus, if the firm would support any of the schemes modem: a) Finally there is the application of IC RTC DALLAS b) A network access at Sinkleristov, as is, without doubt, good. a) will grow and the popularity rating KAY as machines among users. In addition to mailers, it would not be superfluous to write a convenient editor-mail at ISDOS (a la Lara Cnoft under TRDOS). All the necessary descriptions I'm ready provide. 665772 26.06.2000 Dear N! Read with interest your letter. I want to note the following: 1. Specificity of the network as an information space. Networks are now working as Amplifiers chimeras. The scheme is simple: there is a user A with stupidity in the head X, and there user B with nonsense in your head W. They are joined in a network and vzaimoobogoschayutsya: as a result of each head - both A and B - sits on TWO stupidity: X and Y. With the proper chimera underneath it send some shit. There is a commercial return. Then comes the sobering, and all begins anew. Chimeras can be controlled. Respectively, and to ensure a regular flow of money (a tax on stupidity). I do not see any way sublimation / enrichment of information in networks. They all should be taught in college, years of five - and that is not enough. If a person does not has a practical, PROFESSIONAL relationship to the subject - then it weight - as a source of information - tends to zero. Ie an ideal noise generator. Moreover, he is not responsible for their words. Even the right information, being placed in the wrong for her context, it becomes noise. None a single ideology / methodology which would sublimate information. Professionals is not there - some scammers (it's one of those that work for money or for any other remuneration). I do not see structures and methods of their construction, which would reduce the entropy of the networks. Network degenerate. 2. The impact of networks on the platform. Network yield increasing consumer content companies - but only in the short term, because the essence of this increase is resources, ie, use of information resources without their resume to: a) they do not own b) they are not satisfied (ie, in the long run contribute to weakening of the network Spectrum'a, because in. a-. "% metabolism - parasitism) c) they are destroyed. Example 1. distribution of software. There are a trader, has his work is its database (the actual software, clients, programmers), established contacts (structure). Appear online. As a result, volume sales are down a factor of N, where N is the average number of users on the local grid. Trader ruined. Ie network is filled with software due to resources (capital) trader. But it does not make them. Once traders bankrupt, the network remains soft. Availability of software is determined not only by his quantity, but also labor intensive access. Without a database trader, in which systematized software, we can assume that This software is not. Thus, freebie *.- G% -, - something I have not heard that in the networks had their own database of appropriate power, - they are not AS THEY MONEY COST - and the network to pay is not accepted. Example 2. Composition and age of owners BBS. A friend of mine took a little research into Fido. Namely, he decided to find educational qualification and age of the owners of BBS, - and compared oposlya him with the situation ten years ago. Total: The average age of owners BBS about 1823 years old, against the 30-35 decade ago. It is clear that on the educational status, and even less about the professionalism say does not make sense. Doubt that users to represent Spectrume greater informational value for Brugg other than Fido (we are talking about ZXnet). How did it happen? Meanwhile, the process completely objective. Network of a non-profit - and this means that the winner is the one, * b. receives more information than it provides. Ie, roughly speaking, the more stupid exploit more intelligent, educated and informed - does not make up for - except that increasing noise (enropiyu) in the information space. As a result, more intelligent leave the network, and more stupid, by contrast, come - that somehow - Free, of course. And a grid of sufficiently informed, skilled and professional community has degenerated (or at least to go) in a group of teenagers, tormented by their own chimeras - to the reality of the relationship does not have (it can be name and the eldest group of kindergarten). Ideal environment for catching fish in muddy water. Ie zadesyat years - capital network - Namely, a skilled part of it - was simply destroyed, drive, resursto Not filled. 3. The prospect of networking Spectrum'e. Very interesting question, because is the question of the feasibility of kakihto projects in the network investment of money and in general systematic work in this direction. 3.1. Induced character Spectrum'ovskih networks. In fact, nets - a reaction to the aggressive, inadequate advertising by IBM, which is known to be proclaimed the Inet its strategic direction. On brainwashing (Rtehnologii ) are huge amounts of money - of course, someone starts to go crazy in the head and begins . Activity, manifested in Spectrum'e in this direction is forced, imposed by nature, and namely, the nature of mass / a (e. '. (This Incidentally, the side effects of any large-scale and massive advertising, so to speak, waste). What would happen if I-net, together with the United States, and IBM will fly into the tube together with its global scam? And to lighten this a bubble? On first glance the question seems absurd. But it is only at first glance. When spent so much money on PR, trust surface, a quick look dangerous. Ordinary sense misleading, since inspired. It is very difficult to understand for Europeans, and Americans in particular, because individualism, they have extraordinary. A individualism assumes full opposition his or her identity outside world. In this situation, see the drift, shift, Shift Self (mentality) is practically impossible. Self-identification is seen as a fundamental fact, as the origin, as zero coordinates, as an axiom. In other words, people can not see its own changes, both natural And externally imposed. Especially since such a change can not be deployed in time to determine the directions - to IT push. It is impossible to determine how WAY distorting reality. And change the perception of reality is now possible as the associative perception (Through the video sequence, - technology and problems of this type of impact is as old as the world and in theology is known as iconoclasm) and diskursivnologicheskom (via text). Remains rely solely on the cerebellum, like dolphins. About these things difficult to `aac '$ bl, as they are on the brink and beyond language. Usually in such a (bc f (oe I, tired of words, I suggest that the other party (the opponent) read POTENTIAL DIMENSIONS OF LIES, by the example of the same Victor Suvorov (Reference: Rezun, intelligence officer, received British citizenship upon request and for a period of five MINUTES. Sentenced in absentia to death). When a prisoner of the chimeras, also created their own hands, tormented (mad) entire nations. And this is done through insperirovaniya reality, or in other words, the imposition of chimeras. Any internationalist doctrine prepodnosimaya se - exhibits in itself, if it slightly poskrebsti quite mundane and mercantile national interests. In 30's all over the world raving communist ideas and the Comintern. In fact, it was skillfully orchestrated a chimera. But the Comintern held by workers and farmers, which gnoili in the camps. It is clear that, unlike Russia, the 30's, America blew up its chimera for others account. In the NASDAQ (stock index) has invested the whole world. The actual software companies, ie share involved, already working capital - only INTEREST from attracted to stocks (ie debt) money. And now Bill Gates (losing weight is about three times), promises to Enable. For people used to the domestic terms, it would sound like this: there are monstrous, disproportionate with what funds, and they need to master in a literal sense, scratch - that is, perform an economic miracle. Chimera also faced with the reality of the world, ALWAYS falls apart. There ./`%$%+%-- k% time constants, which, although they do not have a literal, physical sense (ie, immeasurable SI), but nonetheless very real. Even if you collect nine pregnant women, they do not give birth to a baby in a month. Whatever bushunnye money they were promised is not. If you look at the history, the three centuries bogoostavlennosti Europe (Christianity in Europe beyond sugar cubes - as a living religion - there is no longer three hundred years - in Russia, by the way, too) give much food for thought. Creation of the Cartesian myth (Kartezy - is the name of the mathematician Rene Descartes, the Jesuits, who had never been famous for a special depth of Christian faith) has gone into several stages. And the fruits were obtained after three centuries (in its entirety, as the concepts of technical progress, Civilization, Western values). The first the fruits appeared only in the early twentieth century. XIX century - a century of experiments - no more. During the late XVI and early XVII century, developed the doctrine, ideology and produced by Esoteric (metaphorical, and mystical), the kernel of the myth of Cartesian mathematics, as kognetivny, cognitive device with one hand and DELICHESKY, creating the LOGO on the other, who was able to bring forth from her womb, a new vision of reality. In particular, only two centuries after Descartes, Augustin Cauchy formalized the concept of the operation limit, making it available to any Lameroo, regardless of its moral and ethical qualities. Prior to this notion of the limit was only available through fasting and prayer. (For reference, the fundamental work of Descartes <Reflections on the original philosophy of> sounds in Latin as <Meditationes De prima philosophia>). In result, the Charterhouse of the world was gained more than two centuries of moral and ethical foundation - and only after This Achilles caught a turtle (allegory Zeno of Elea) - Europe and the New Age has gnosis (knowledge) more than there were old (the same Archimedes). Ie Two centuries of hidden, latent development, bearing the new reality. Communist doctrine Unborn Almost a century before they bring their fruit - and was Skorospelka - quickly flourished - but quickly faded. What's in information technology? Mikakoy doctrine, a theory, not to mention the hermeneutic, the esoteric nucleus. Of course, something done by Wiener, something Prigogine. But the scriptures Prigogine for his depth of exploration and differs little from the labor of Descartes. Ie at the moment is no more than the bare idea. Even if it has an ontological status (and not a chimera), it can not be deployed overnight a new world - need an evolution - in which is likely to leave CENTURY. Well, Finally, mercantile, fiscal nature venture, which inspires disgust. Americans are very fond of Freud, and not very Young - but in vain. According to Freud the money - it's feces. Bill Gates recalls now Mavrodi, who took so much money that Learn them is impossible. (He wanted them to learn or not, whether it was the original fraud or have any commercial prospects for this, not in this case important). Many of the agreements, conventions, statement of the platform of MS Optionally, ie introduced purely VOLONTORISTSKI. There is no foundation for their study. First "a% #., Necessity and uniqueness. In Newton, the world DOES NOT EXIST arbitrary decisions. Any unjustified outrage points to ignorance and being implemented, leads to destruction based on its creation. And volontaristski introduced precisely the doctrinal position, rather than technical solutions - although, because of its arbitrariness, and they can be placed under questioned. Where there should be a theoretical justification alone unfounded approval. In other words, information Technology does not currently have no relation to science - but Positions EXACTLY HOW SCIENCE, ie replicated lie. It reminds profonatsiyu with the sale of condoms, branded "Checked electronics - or pun "Scientific Communism. "Moreover, not only at the moment, but never in the future of science in the traditional, orthodox, literal information technology is not BE. Science can be defined as the cognitive (knowing, Lat. Cognitio - cognition, research) system based on well-defined principles, WHICH CAN NOT BE MODIFIED. One such principles is the separation of the knower (reflectors), subject and object, which is learned through this reflection. Computer in the same applications that are implicit in the information technology, are always included in the "loop" self-reflection. Therefore, it may not always be regarded as an object. One thing to glasses and quite different glasses, dressed to the bow. About what kind of bugs you can fuck, if prinebrech Cartesian axiomatic knowledge in science, very good /. oa-(+ Sri Aurobindo (Ghose) - a quotation from the book "Conversations with Pavitra" (it is the Theosophical Society of HP Blavatsky):: They have never gone beyond the vital plane (Which in their terminology consistent astral plan). I also kick off possibility of fraud (and I, for example, in relation to information technology, would not throw away this opportunity - (c) Nemo). But here we may have to deal with unintentional self-deception [wilful self - direct], since on the vital plane see what they want to see mentally. This complicated and wonderful realm where truth and falsehood are hopelessly confused. It all seems a logical Organized and seductive (but ultimately illusory) form. "As an example quoted from Wiener. Context enough volume, or simply do not understand what they mean. Words and phrases highlighted in capital letters I, (c) Nemo. "In India there is still a classic Type saniyasi (Indian monahotshelnik - (C) Nemo): However, a purely contemplative lives of these elders were not able to satisfy India, which became the mistress of his fate (We are talking about the period of time after the British protectorate over the former colony after independence, 50s of the twentieth century - (c) Nemo); in this the country still needs so much to do to break the vicious circle of poverty, ignorance and misery, that there can not afford the luxury to provide capable and experienced people to deal with the salvation of his soul. Therefore, deep religious commitment refined old to devote himself to another world (speech Europeanization is about - (c) Nemo - in general, and industrialization here in g ab-.ab () transformed into a willingness to serve the needs of society beskorytsno wherever necessary experience and honesty, and WHERE CAN NOT BE Talk about personal interest. The Indians quickly found in their writings justification for a more secular, but so closely associated with religion Lifestyle saniyasi (you can even specify where found; - (c) Nemo - Buddhism, Mahayana, Tantra, ie the top four chariots (-Jana, in Sanskrit)). Of course, this it was absolutely necessary. No country can make suitable USE OF INCENTIVES AND introduced from outside Borrowing METHODS; SOMEWHERE IN THEIR Own traditions, in its own SPIRITUAL order should it find the moral strength for development, which is necessary to solve new problems. " With regard to their own traditions, they ended when Patriarch Nikon. Live Logo has been destroyed. Peter epoch did the rest. Now into the traditions can only be through the mat and vodka that the public is properly and does. Dolls, a balalaika and kokoshniki ag% b is not goes. Now about Norbert Wiener. Characterizing the quote: "As for me, then personal interest in the development of computers took me far beyond the beyond the circle of ideas connected with the past, present and future machines made of brass, copper, glass and steel. Human brain and nervous system in some relations are also like computers. "Both quotes from the book" I - a mathematician. "Now this man in America hidden in a dusty chest. We analyze The first quote. After playing with quantifiers - according to d. `, + l-.) logic - that is, in my view, it is permissible - because wrote mathematics, - we obtain the following statement: "Any country will do MISMATCH use of incentives introduced from outside, and borrowed techniques "- so Further, according to the text. Fun game in beads, as he said Hesse. In essence, this means that denies the international character Western doctrines - they are absolutely universal, the significance and applicability. This not even talking about information technologies and their generation - RSke and I-nete. It is possible that some APPLICATION can take place. But clearly denied direct cloning of foreign regulations and their imposition. Points to the need to develop their own technologies. And this is sedition, heresy, all-conquering U.S. doctrine is being questioned. Bad, bad for the U.S. citizen. More Quote: ": ambitious people belonging insufficiently loyal to the company, or, more elegantly, not inclined to worry because of the fact that spending someone else's money, was once afraid of academic careers, like the plague. And since the war (there is a mean 1939-1945 - (c) Nemo) such adventurers, were getting used to stockbrokers or a "% bg, (insurance businesses flooded science. Us had to abandon many of the old representations. We all know that the scientists has its drawbacks. Among us there were pedants, lovers of alcohol, chestodyubtsy, but the normal state of things we did not expect to find in their midst and liars mischief "This is written about someone, not about Does Bill Gates? (Quote from the same source: NA Wiener. "Mathematician." Publishing House "Nauka / Home edition of Physical Mathematical Literature. M. 1967. / Translated from the American edition: New York, 1956). You can certainly assume that all the above not more than generalities, - just idle talk, no specifics. In fact, it is not. When it comes to hundreds of billions of dollars (and maybe even trillions) other examination will fail. Say, an analysis by Economics will lead to meaningless results, since is the level of secondary and, in especially small businesses - that is, larechnikov level, managers and clerks. C any idea now worn Americans (Like a chicken with egg)? This idea of missile defense - about I-net'e has long been forgotten. Meanwhile, problems of information technology for some reason, discussed in connection with: ABM. What is the connection? Well, for starters, defense is irrelevant to the real needs of defense USA. This is only a pretext, screen, "PR". All These "rogue states", International terrorism, etc., etc. - It's just rhetoric. All that really exists in one form or another, in one way or another sense. But the "peg" to the ABM artificially - It is far-fetched. AMD makes no attitude to solving these problems, but on the contrary, will only complicate the problems. So why need a missile defense? These questions are asked and America (Source: "KD" № 123 dated 08/07/2000). Below is the view of Professor Theodore Pestola: : A system designed to protect against nuclear attack, is not able to distinguish the warhead from the moulage. I contend that we are talking about THIS FRAUD. In scientific terms, I The comparison, which will close and Russian clear: we are talking about such chemto Lysenkoism. "You can certainly spend not b. + l *. estimated 60 billion and much more, but much good it still will not. It's a giant Bluffing (similar to "Comintern" and "Information Technologies" - (c) Nemo). About the need for funding of the fundamental cycle in the economy. Must somehow use "bind" the money. And that, as a rule, the military investigation. Thus: 1) U.S., in fact, recognize that the real capital intensity of information technology negligible compared to the amount of funds that were held there. I think that is quite convincing explained Bill Gates to Bill Clinton, when they are for some reason MET. ABOUT BORN idea just then. 2) the U.S., in fact, recognize that the funds will be used not in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - as if in them, without any commercial prospects in the near future. 3) the U.S., in fact, set a world community to face the fact that: either the world economy is collapsed, and it will to the World Depression. Either the U.S. will be given opportunity to invest this money in the long run in its economy. This ultimatum. Now as to why this do not say on television. Imagine the following situation. Rises once in the morning, the PC-shny lamer, all night prodolbavshiysya on the keyboard, or the clerk, who its RS-ke no soul denotes and is equipped with / a (e ( b `(g% a *.) attachment to him, and turns on the TV. And he's plain language - For example, the program "Good Morning" - pose the above three points. Habitual thought, "And if I might not drink coffee?" replaced $ `c #.), - namely:" How to stuff face "- a) the one who seduced his PC components (ie he sold it) b) the one who decided to make The official doctrine of the PC platform - and it thus framed. Will not even any period of fermentation. People simply get up and go. If we consider the degree lamerizatsii / Lumpenization RS-ka, a serious social upheavals are inevitable. Therefore, the program "Good Morning" to you again promoyut brains about I-net'a. You can then drink the coffee. This the first reason. The second reason is that America is impossible not to love - tremulous love the creditor against the debtor. America loves the whole world community. But let us return to Spectrum'u and Spectrum-networks (S-networks). What conclusions can be drawn in relation to Spectrum'u based on assumption of truth of the above? 1) The distance from RSplatformy and I-net'a, in particular. Ie use them only where it is unavoidable. 2) PR-pressure, and accordingly, psychosis, will be gradually reduced, so the induction of S-networks will be weakened. From the standpoint of lamer it would be be perceived as lowering the tone and motivation in networks dizorientatsiya. Degree clouded will decrease. 3) The share of operating costs associated with RSkomponentami in networks will increase. This will occur for the following reasons: 1. Exit PC platforms to the real level of cost. At this point, in By pyramidality / + bd. `, k, and upgrade active in state institutions (the all% i% continues, though went to decline) costs are understated. 2. The Law of Silicon Valley start working in the opposite direction. Due lower production volumes will grow cost (about 15% for each twofold decrease in). What is already occurs. Information: (KD "№ 135, Wednesday, 07.26.2000) "published earlier this week in the U.S. figures indicate that that the supply of personal computers 2 quarter decreased by half compared with same period last year. "- ie cost, as a system, a set of parameters (namely, it involves the law in Silicon Valley - but not the volume of a single enterprise) has increased by 15% per year. 3.2. The strong dependence of S-networks from PC platforms and PC forms (heroin traffickers). It is no secret that the sites / servers S-networks are implemented on RSkah - properly and the owners of servers targeted at PC companies, as depend on them, hardware. Spectrum-BBS still are not full BBS, since, due to absence of Axis, are unable to perform operations on files. Some proliferation and expansion of this type of networking Russian hinterland is simply impossible - there is no RS-ers, nor Inet'a. So, based on such a structure can neither expand the market, much less creating a single global Ssetki. S-Network this kind are bound to the locality. 3.3. Bias and control S-nets. Some special democracy networks, and S-networks (in particular) are not more than visibility. The audience really given the opportunity to produce chimeras quite a ".!.$-., - but that's because they have no relation to the reality. And why not 'b `# (" nb anybody's interests. Moreover, the greater the chimeras, the more hit on the money. This profitable. Therefore, the PC companies are not interested in some quality improvement information exchange in networks - and the fact more, S-networks. PC firms use S-net as a plunge pool / septic tanks, where customers (as long as potential) are On rearing and maturing as buyers RS-ers. In such a structure is senseless to invest, because one way or otherwise, sooner or later, will be in the pockets of PC vendors. System, in the final account is closed on them. Easier to throw money out the window, or just give them RSfirmu. Bias networks is also evident in the fact that any information compromising potroniruyuschuyu RSfirmu firm in the best case occurs with hostility, at worst - is destroyed. In the best just ignored. Manageability of networks by means of clerks patronized RSfirmy that softly and gently manipulate objects idle talk, as well as sisokov that hardware dependent. They will gladly help you get lamer PSU PC, PC-modem, PC enclosure, FC1, 44 MB - 3,5 "floppy drive, etc. and so on - is gradually training the client buy food at the right place. By that time, whenever he wants to buy a PC monitor and RSmaterinskuyu fee, the client already knows for sure where to go and bring my money. Maybe it good - but these people and this structure is not Have no relation to Spectrum'u - and if (they have, it is very peculiar. Are parasites. They view the Spectrum as a thoroughfare, and even not lift a finger to create something, something bring, such as to improve the situation - not to mention investing their own money or labor. Psychology is such - the very atmosphere of networks - that it is the object and purpose of management. 3.4. Impending introduction of hourly pay for a phone. Actually, deloto already settled - the question when. XTR2 (the guys who bought out the production of XTR-modems) have already announced that a cease their release and are going to shift to post-mail (ie, read, technology shells tekstonositeley). If we speak generally, it does not katostrofa. Just lamer cut from the freebie - telephone channel with a symbolic payment, which is significantly below cost. In fact, it practically does not impact on individual users, as such, virtually none. Positioning RSka as Home Computer'a - it just a bluff. It also has no relation to reality. 90% of users PC platforms are "styrennye" piecemeal work with MS-ki; I-net, payable by the employer (regardless of whether he knows or not your employer or the employer is a friend who is always ready to do a service), support again at the place work (ie, consumables, consulting, repair, upgrade). Therefore, the Indeed, the introduction of povremennki lead, primarily to an increase OVERHEAD COSTS OF EMPLOYERS - because source of freebies out there. As they say, bring to the work each nail - you're the boss here, and not guest. And bear. So much so that the overhead jump $. 800 1000%. In this case, start conversations that labor productivity in Russia is lower than what in the U.S. as much five times. In reality, only a 2-3. But at the expense of another, not of Western ways of distribution of the total social product, existing as the fundamental economic reality and commonly referred to as theft and corruption (and sometimes public consumption funds, sometimes the shadow economy, some misuse of funds) Any /. / kb * (pull up his ears "Russia's economic reality of the western theoretical models lead to lush the flowering of the most theft and corruption. Ie first whoredom - false theories, false beliefs, heresy, then consequence - theft, ie, material obogoschenie by falsity of these theories in relation to Russian reality. And Gaidar, in his time, like a real communist, with manic persistently tried to fit the Russian reality to Western standards, just as those Communists who at the beginning of the century tried to "adjust" its communist Russia under the scheme. In information technology approaches are absolutely the same. The result of Potemkin villages. Meanwhile always easier to adjust and most importantly, useful, a theory for the reality rather than a reality under the theory. Thus, employer will be put before the fact introduction povremenki and, accordingly, growth in overhead costs. Of course, he wants to get something in return, ie REGULAR compensate losing money. AND here he has several degrees of freedom. 1. The first thing that comes to mind, mb. "Push" Terms and Conditions. If we are subordinate to the clerk pilferers and freeloader, then we can take this this, increase the degree of exploitation. Offer, for example, to work overtime, or ignore health requirements or impose additional duties kakieto. And the clerk will not refuse. So it depends - on your own as freebies. 2. Second. You can try to shift from dividends received by procurement of office equipment (and support) on income from other areas - at least opportunities, reducing expenditure on office equipment. Area, not far behind in terms of passing funds% retracement, and that the risk / '(this - it's construction, for example. In Stroycomplect can "uryt" any amount, good walking Excavators still missing. This idea ingeniously developed our mayor Yakovlev. Creatively developed the slogan Yeltsin Buy Russian goods and by creating their own, homebrew and simple as a penny, a theory which, however, better fit the Russian reality than all Western together. Our esteemed mayor reasoned that if they believe - and this fundamental reality, and not some grimaces transition - that let him believe INSIDE metropolis - and not withdraw money abroad through RS-ka. And planted tsirkulyarchikom of bureaucratic Faust rounds in Truck PC shnomu tank. Consequences have already been discussed in one from the letters. 3. Third. Try to offset the costs from the budget. There likely will not work. Where you sit there and slezesh. I do not think that the government in the face Reiman zatvaet this povremenku to /%`%+.'( Bl funds from one budget pocket to another, from one expenditure to another. Ie it is not realistic. 4. Fourth. Try to "break off" the price tag in the PC's offices. For example, to change supplier. It's also not realistic. Since own PC-shnyh offices costs (overhead) would grow, grow, and the purchase price of the PC-ers. Most likely, this will lead to a narrowing of the RS-Shnogh market. Of course, PC-nye office will try to somehow resist and defend its market. For example, try to push garlopanov (Lamer, who decided that the PC-to - is Home Computer) on the street shouting slogans type: "Down povremenku", "Long live access to I-net drain. "" We demand protect our right to buy bread and circuses. A as an inalienable human right and citizen as a gargle in the brains of shit ". This has already happened. Likely that the situation will evolve in a second direction, and partly in the first. PC shnye clerks will be permanently enslaved (As serfs) in government agencies and to be completely controllable. This will be accompanied by a decrease in their status to the office of rats due to the implementation of the second direction. Overall Introduction povremenki significantly weaken RSplatformu and its lobbyists delivering tangible snieniya volume khalyavnykh resources Now that the PC-to use, but in essence, subsidized by the state. Ie funds from RSplatformy will be removed in favor of telephone companies, on the one hand, and diversified into other areas of the economy - on the other hand (due to Step 2.). Now, how it will affect - Spectrum. 1. There is a high probability that Ssetki begin to fall apart, especially for through appreciation RSsegmenta in technology S-nets. Season Attempts to attract money from its customers will likely to the fact that they just run away, because other option except freebies they do not know - Are simply not accustomed to. 2. Maybe a slight improvement with the creation and distribution of software, because usual pastime in the networks will be complicated. 3. Probably, S-Network will try to get by adapt. However, due to the fact that No fundamental previous work related to ideology / strategy for further development in They do not, and they are entirely dependent on the patron of their PC's offices, most likely low-intensity decay. As they say, for what fought for it and ran. Freebie tends to run out one day. 4. The situation creates good preconditions to implement a "Technology of shells." In general introduction povremenki -% A *. + l *. weaken the Spectrum platform - but this happens to a much lesser degree than for the PC platform. First only in abstract considerations. Srplatforma fairly well balanced and due to the predominance of negative feedbacks is more resistant to perturbations. The impact will be damped ie weakened. RSplatforma, in fact, the whole based on positive feedback (the pyramid), and so destructive the effect of introducing povremenki will be strengthened RSplatformoy itself. In addition, Srplatforma has quite a long natural evolutionary prehistory and better $ / B (`." - To the Russian reality, rather than DCs. In Sp-platform, the most vulnerable will be those segments that oriented to the Fc-and Freestuff resources. Also creates good preconditions for the development of domestic information technologies, and Spectrum'a, including. Very I hope that Rayman will be consistent and steadfast in implementing the plans to introduce time-based charging. Unlikely whether the government would collapse in the Fc-platform, as this can lead to social unrest. The point, apparently, will be without fanfare, din, dust and soot launched on the brakes. From the standpoint of lamer is a feeling that just the weather deteriorated. Practical, immediate efforts to impact on the network. It is true that the company (with) Nemo in any way not trying to establish contacts with kakieto network. 1) During the pre-sale preparation network users to the commodification Sprinter'om, at the request of Timothy Lano, I commented ekhi. The result was: a) disavow Dennis Parinova b) neutralize General Discussion Ivan Mac in) to prevent massive hit users this is bullshit. A could not have to. C the very beginning! k +. It is clear that the idea is doomed to failure. It was enough to simply IGNORED happened in the networks. The result, in terms of firms' earnings (C) Nemo, would be the same. Ie IT WAS an act of charity (Goodwill). 2) Next, I called up to napisatelyami MMD. Discussed two points: 1) BBS Software should be based on the OS, it is desirable to ISDOS'e (for lack of a OS'i, even so). Napisatel MMD with This a. # + a (+ ao. But now, two years like - and things there. And yet S-network is much more painless to have survived the introduction of hourly pay. A Now generally it is not clear - will survive whether S-network or not. Did the man of the future Their networks and, if thought, what place? Or do I have to call him every day, and gouge him temyachko - can be think I have other things to worry not. 2) It was invited to comment ekhi. CHARGE with voices, followed by padding on the phone at the rate of half an hour-hour a week. Also passed - no reaction. And fact is, in essence, subsidizing the network. On Currently the average salary in St. Petersburg, approximately, 2800 p / month (at 26/07/2000). Divide by the norm of hours per month: 2800/167 = 16.8 p / hr. Multiply by # of weeks: 16.8 x 52.1 = 876 rubles. And this at least, because they do not take into account overhead. Thus, the network offered GRANTS in the amount of rubles a year. Fools poherili this proposal with a clear conscience. In general, the network exists an unspoken rule of equal correspondents. Full equality. And yet it is the greatest folly. Correspondents in the network have different informational value, as information provided by them, differs both in quantity and quality (namely: efficiency, reliability and relevance). In addition, various correspondents may be% i% and different status. In real life the same way For example, the correspondents of the hunt for sources of information - and not vice versa. If the source of the information provided "Advertising information", ie brings Network NOISE, distorts information, then he had already hunt for the correspondents. That is why the PQ-clerks of the patron of RSkontory and are willing to work in networks under Fairness. They have a real commercial from this output. Trying to get by develop Spectrum (not parasitize on it as it makes the PC-clerks) by Ssetey much less lucrative job rather than the cultivation of chimeras and vparivanie RS-ers. Here the principle of fairness is not suitable. For the firm (s) Nemo line, on the principle of equal, the presence of network costs, as at least in the 15 20 thousand rubles. / year. This is unrealistic. Such a sum can "fight off" just parasitic on the networks (engaging in mental debilitation). Furthermore, the principle of equal access provisions on individual brainwashing every user of stuck there feces. Again, this is unrealistic, because Costs money. Meanwhile, the technology, for example "Op.Let." (Desktop / tekstonositeli) postmail quite a pays off, because working mechanism of payment, That can not be circumvented. Annual Budget "Op.Let" - depending on method of counting and recorded items of revenue / expense now ranges from 2.000 to 8.000 rub. This is a real and promising mechanism (post-mail, as opposed to the best network technology, provides a guaranteed return on investment money - and it is more important than SPECIFICATIONS, because creates the conditions for their money). 3) attempted attract Kondratieff to cooperate (by Indeed, the rights of the co-owner) in ISDOS, to Leontiev. This would: how to strengthen ISDOS (as Kondratiev highly /`.#`,, (ab), and to create conditions for introduction in the network OS'i ISDOS, because he enjoys it "B.` (b% b.,, and, moreover, has enormous experience in this field. Kondratyev refused. Ie would not seriously, methodically and systematically, for the money (Ie, responsibly and professionally) involved ISDOS'om. And it is required it is not qualified to write any programs for hire. Apparently decided that the skin is not worth the candle. And do not is because the freebie is flourishing - Now Reiman and solve all the arising questions about the freebies. With by Kondratyev something, do something. 4) Has been discussed with Dmitry Lomov (XTR-modems) need to impact on network through its authority (well, at would, as a manufacturer of modems). For example, through changes in the charter of the network, closer contacts with the owners of BBS. In principle, this would, in my opinion, his long-term interests of both manufacturer of modems. However, the producer, he has not become, PRO modems, he was not engaged. Considering production either as a hobby, or as game. It seemed to me that this person can BCO time "citified", but it was otherwise - to seduce RSkom, and annoying failure to publications in "Sp.Exp." played their role. It is difficult to require the person some kind of systematic effort and work in management, if it has eight classes of education and he has at the time go to kindergarten, and the notion of prospects for him exhausted by the sale of another modem. The more such work and dangerous and difficult and at first glance as bydto - not visible. It can not be helped fingers like a fan, too, the steepness of visual not enough, the prestige is not obvious - cheap popularity is not threatened, and the fruits of $ also not obvious and strongly delayed in time - including commercial plan. 5) An attempt was made to organize the writing of a BBS ISDOS. But it ended anything, including my fault - too much promised and failed to meet its obligations. That, in my think should be done in S-nets. General remarks. Further considerations will be presented in a rather abstract, general form. On the one hand, it gives a certain freedom in the implementation in practice, on the other hand, so I do not myself to any specific obligations - that is important, because it binds hands. Still less should it be understood as ponatseyu or the only true doctrine. Considerations should be mentioned below taken as the angle of vision problems in which their solubility is most likely. In addition, it is necessary for coordination. Since my actions one way or otherwise, sooner or later, here or there will be in line with the reasons mentioned below. Ie this is a purely theoretical development topics predictability - and, hence, reduces risks. Sadly, however, is it's the most deeply understood by those who understand it and does not worth it. So: (D - direct, direction). A.1. As has already been written, it is necessary to distance themselves from the PC-platform and Inet'a. Try to minimize the PC segment in the Stehnologiyah. This will improve the stability networks and prevent the withdrawal of money and other Resources RSplatformu. It is very important. Inet, for example, in the limit, just as transport layer. Assuming the contrary, it is easy to see that lost any usefulness S-networks (well, `'"% for PC firms - but that the firm (s) Nemo has no relations, and to Spectrum'u, perhaps, too). S-net can be regarded as no more than the orthogonal complement I-net'a. A.2. Must somehow increase quality, level and quantity of information "networks. This organizatsionnostrukturnaya problem. E.3. Should try to somehow tie separate grids into a single structure and create conditions for further spread (translation in space) network structures. S.4. Information circulating in networks should have a predominantly text nature or character of the executable files. S.5. Must somehow protect the capital (Ie USERS USING MONEY) and the accumulated resources Spectrumplatformy from the destruction of networks. This is due to: D.5.1. Spill-proof people. resources, technology, money in the PC platform. D.5.2. Subject to copyright. That formal approach, which is available at Currently the networks inefficient. The existence and nature of the technical means of networks, as well as their structure in practice contribute to and provoke the theft of programmers, regardless of good intentions and the declared value (for example, in the charter, either by word of mouth from Season). This applies to the purely formal side, a literal understanding of copyright. C On the other hand the networks do not understand what in fact copyright protected not ideas and not the code, and their implementation, ie Goods like forms of capital, ie nested money. If you develop this idea a few further, it turns out that the same protection should not only use "B.` a *.% reward a programmer, but and structure / distribution mechanism, distribution, ordering software. Otherwise even formal adherence to copyright (Ie the guarantee of receiving compensation programmer in 5-10% of the price of the drive August 2000 approximately 5,060 Rub. ie 2,5 - 6 rubles. with a copy) will not leave even the programmers a chance to get accruing remuneration. If '% of the network believe that it's not worth the money, then let them try perform this part of the costs themselves, ie LEAD its databases. But they something on it do not go. And do not go because it costs money. You can call it cunning, but it will be mild. Example: a widespread misconception that frriwa'chnoe spread HARDLY AT ALL worth the money. Yet it costs almost as much as the author and soft (but excluding royalties). There is the price of storage, advertising, printing catalogs, ordering, - not to mention the price bisket and copying (this is, indeed, a network may Debit from the price, but it is not more than 1525% of the resulting price). Result is that due to the fall of the availability of software, its volume over the past few years has fallen several times. This general considerations. Now, specific (T - tool, instrument): T.1. Maximum systemic effect has promotion OS'i. Try to justify: T.1.1. Substantially narrows the PC segment in the S-technologies (see Section A.1.) T.1.2. Through the standard and universal OS'i it is possible to create databases, increased interoperability of files (both within the site, and in structure of nodes, ie in the network ab `c * bc`%) (see Section D.2).. T.1.3. By reducing the criticality of the hardware file under OS'yu can try to implement Section E.3. T.1.4. Technology shells. It is no secret that now the S-network kusochnorazryvny and do not form a continuous coverage and uniform information space. Or, in other words, there is no a single operating network space. Shell can associate these fragmentary pieces of at least laskutnoe blanket. If the shell is used as a "chassis" ISDOS, it is ! A. + nb-. operable. And in the network space can be included on Post-mail'u nodes do not have access to the tel. network, not to mention about Inet'e. This corresponds to item A.3. On the other hand, Again, because of the absolute interoperability through converters ISDOS'a can result in the transport layer I-net'a. Ie Wednesday becomes one. T.2. Changing the statutes networks. T.2.1. Fairness rule. With him something must be done. This type of equality leads to skotobaze. Without ceremony You can get the situation in perspective, when the network will literally Pets are only the older group of kindergarten. The action of this principle leads to the degradation of networks. On the other hand, it is a very sensitive issue. He directly related to censorship and the manipulation of the network or her addiction. Therefore, early maturing and hasty decisions likely will harm than good. For example, the introduction of charging for the money could easily lead to manipulation mass consciousness on the part of wealthy individuals (regardless of physical or legal, representing the #. Aab `c * bc` k, businesses, civic organizations or politicheskireligioznye (sectarian) public education). This is the Achilles' heel of the same I-net'a. Meanwhile, billing is very effective. Index IQ user, as when it comes to the contents of his pockets, jumping at least twice - Yes, and chimeras, in part, fly around. So the question is who to whom, how and what to pay. In my opinion, should always pay the person receiving the information. In fact, your money and you must determine the nature of information resources online. This is directly associated with A.2. At present, S-network is mainly represented by users who not materially wealthy, - at breakfast not much to save, and the amounts allocated for spending are limited. Therefore, there is another approach. Type "corvee. Coley are using network resources, whether nice work out. In particular, as an example, sysop easily can (and should!) pripahat user which in itself is of no interest as a source of information on extraction of the information itself. Such ballast, not being involved in the production information, in fact, it turns out boarder, but still bargain and noise generator. Ie objectively reduces the quality of detail. space. This should be replenished. Now the magnitude of payment (regardless of what it is calculated - workdays kilobytes of information, or rubles). There are two parameters that are generally inconsistent. This amount of information (such as instant total volume of information circulating the local grid) (quality of information (Namely, its efficiency, reliability and relevance). When free nature I do not want to go into details formulation of the problem - I note only that most primitive form, this linear programming problem (transport problem). If we assume that the structure is not linear (and it is likely so) it will challenge the calculus of variations. We are not talking about getting some kind of quantification (final) result, but rather on the mathematical type of the object with which we have to case. It is possible that the optimal size of payment will be that at which volume of circulating information falls twice with respect to the free version, - Anyway, it can be taken As an initial approach to interatsionnom process. I want to emphasize that Payment is considered here not in terms of view of someone's selfish interest or economic considerations, as well as plain Technical parameters optimizing the exchange of information - that is, we are talking about some norm. T.2.2. Requirement compliance. In my opinion should be gently but strongly promote ISDOS, - and this should be accounted for in the statute. Kulibinstvo and rukosuystvo in matters of standards bring more harm than good. The ideal option would be one in which the public will be concerned about it and the actual information in the network, not the method and technical aspects of Sseti. Standards - the case of professionals. Also in the statute Ssetey should be a clear indication of the TV-standard and its derivatives. For example, the format of the text screen (the number of a (,".+." and rows in the screen). Needless fooling users imaginary advantages of PC-display in Spectrum'e. This is directly contrary to Section A.1. and E.3. (On the village dumps monitors do not occur). Indirectly, this also contradicts Section A.2. and S.4. N. Now on a common policy form (s) Nemo on networks at the moment (H-about Himself). H.1. Direct investment of money in network is now impossible. Reasons include: N.1.1. While the S-network is the patron of PC company (and in fact, a parasite), any money invested in the network will be assigned PC company. It's the same thing as flushing the street - or throw money away. That's why I, for example, refused to production modems XTR. N.1.2. State networks is now such that they first need to decide for themselves some problems in order to improve their attractive and promising - only then can we talk about production. Without a network of manufacturers not do. Kulibinstvo and rukosuystvo absolutely hopeless - and only slightly slow the degradation. Doubt ktolibo that will now buy Modems (Taking into account the impending povremenki) to rinse their brains in the sludge that Available networks. H.2. Ability to work on the roundabout ways that are indirectly related to the network, but nevertheless very important for her. It is primarily the direction in which the patron of the RS-firm is not able, for one reason or another, assign someone else's the money invested. They can be called dual-use technologies. N.2.1. First and foremost is to promote OS'i ISDOS. N.2.2. Technology development and shells post-mail'a. N.2.3. Improvement of hardware (motherboard) in the direction of maximum efficiency OC'i. In the light of above, I think, it makes no sense to explain how it relates to the S-networks. Also, I think it bears noting that the firm (s) Nemo is in a hurry. And therefore, if the S-network will persist in its Durkee, it will be busy waiting attitude - namely, will have to wait for the fruits of those stupid things that there are cultivated, - namely, destruction of S-networks, available at the moment. After that is likely to intensify in Postmail ISDOS'e, and he may already be used as a base to create new networks - already ISDOS'e. Parasites planned to cut right on the threshold of a bright tomorrow. In the meantime, let them live. When creating new networks into account the experiences available at the moment Ssetey and their errors. This is a pessimistic scenario. Very Hopefully, however, that the available figures in the S-networks from which anything depends, shall instruct and take appropriate action. That should do it they are - a form (with) Nemo is no help here can. Well, finally, a concrete response to the letter. Without the above, I think it would have seemed meaningless to you. Also let me note that I am not a fan of write such treatises - is very nedno, - and the time lost (three working DAYS) - but it is necessary. To better understanding. Thus, hereinafter letter: "There is a network Fidonet" - more precisely, conditional See: Butt inefficient and Fido has 80 characters per line - requires /% `% D.`, b (`." Bl. OS'i Without a very time-consuming - requires a gateway. In addition, All pseudographics practiced in Fido, flies under the cat's tail. "We need a modem capable of installing connection with a modem PC. "I think that this should occur at the sysop (gateway), rather than directly to users. Too expensive - is exclusive. "Circuits Kondratyev and Shepeleva" - is Kulibinstvo, kustarschina. Users can do it, but I got to do with it? Their Durkee - THEIR PROBLEMS. ".. Is not supported by (guaranteed) - this is easily cost over the bus (there is a mind guarantee). In addition, as far as I known scheme Kondratiev - is not that other than the BUS ADAPTER. Another thing that as a result - a barn. And for the alteration requires fairly ": hardening, sharpness, workout. "In large numbers it is unreal. Also, I know that change is needed in the firmware ROM. ": There is a workable network Software under ISDOS - mailer Dickie ". Exist, then he can, and there, but its demand (frequency of use) and support about the same as CP / M - ie, Software vrodeby there, and seemingly and not: Unfortunately, no one uses them. Ie no experience in the use and support. In the form of an order I can not compel the public to use it. Someone needs to push it, to accumulate experience, to replicate: The only thing I can do in this case - is to try and change the preferences, such as interest ISDOS'om - not more than that. Looking for people who have these specifically engaged. I can not do that work for them - himself. By the way, read Bashu floppy failed: Is there help'y there? Description? : Support any of the circuits connect the modem: "How can I support? Generally, the purpose of E-Mail address producer (manufacturer) modems - it is his headache - and misrepresented the number of compatibility. This internal standards - the company which produces modems. Except when they use OS'i this problem does not exist. There is a descriptor device and device driver: If You mean propaganda Kulibinstva - it is again, not me. Another thing now nobody produces modems, but the fact there are other, more compelling reasons. The solution may be an external modem through RS232. In this case, at least disappear constructive layout problems. Relatively higher price external modem - is a secondary thing. Buying a modem - is a one-time payments - and glitches when working with the barn and the inconvenience of its use - it regularly hemorrhoids. Requires "pile" adapter for RS232. For qualified specialist does not think it will be a big problem. But this is again Kulibinstvo, of course, if someone does not start do m
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