Open Letters #04
21 октября 2000

Nemo open letters № 4.5

Nemo open letters № 4.5
              Hello N!

   Wrote to you from the city spektrumist Iskitim
about your article in ZF # 8  
scheme I put together, but for some reason it does not work:-c. 
Although installation is made correctly, all m / s checked the 
necessary improvements are made in a computer (IORQ - IORQE). 
Plz help! AND even in ZF # 7, I read that the company sells 
Nemo  PCB KAY 256 (1024), if so, write how many

it stands at the moment. Next
question - whether out new issue ZF #
9? If released, can not you send
it to me COD? Thanks in advance.

633210 21.07.2000

              Dear N!
 1.1. The scheme was published in the <RL> without errors, 
because a technological rsv. file. The magazine ZX-F contains 
errors - if not wrong, of 3 pieces.

 1.2. Guarantee scheme works only
on the hard drive type CONNER, - other
kind of hard drives fit with a probability
about <Fifty-fifty>.

 1.3. On pro-Spectrumarhitekturu - but in any particular 
machine (clone) may be specific features that need to be 
 in place. The device was developed, tested, and 
obkatyvali on the architecture of the clone Spectrum'a type KAY 
(bus Nemo - vsch).

 1.4. There are systemic problems and deficiencies of the 
Company's design - is often happens when the machine is 
self-made and / or contains other improvements, rather than 
recommended by the manufacturer. 

 2. Firm (s) Nemo is not traded 
printed circuit boards, but RNPCSER SET, which includes  
printed circuit boards, - Namely, in the amount of 3-pieces - 
plus very complex (stuffed fee - 01/01/2000 Section -

See price) as a model + koechto in
the form of hard copies, docks needed to
manufacturing. Experience shows that one
taken separately <net> motherboard, in some,
individual hands in one, apart
take the place turns into a buggy
Comp. Why wet slightly its reputation?
This is covered in the ZX-F № (can not remember) as
<Export of technology>.

 3. ZX-F № 9 is not released.
 4. COD not sell. (C)

P.S. The promotional package, see a passport in
controller - there are no mistakes - the hard drive, see also 
"Op. let", - there is information on the subject. Develop 
technology to connect IDE-driva all Spectrumklonam impossible, 
ie my fault if not, that your unit  work. If 
you like to do kulibinstvom - is engaged - and then the firm 
(s) Nemo? As they say, . 

   Interested in music. CPUs, printers, modems, and all for 
what they communicate with computer. 


164504 27.07.2000

              Dear N!

  1. Relatively printers - the printer itself
by itself does not make sense - you want to support. Of the 
SP-B escort to ensure it will be impossible. You yourself will 
not be able to accompany him. Kakielibo structure related to 
the friction in your town, it seems, no. Because if there is 
such structure, and printers HAVE YOU IN TOWN. Domestic 
printers impractical. (Need to change needles, ribbons, most 
unsoldering interface (which is sometimes lit), where to look 
for something right paper - it's tiring. Perhaps the only 
printer that is now, unfortunately, not available, it is MS 
6022 (). It was a promising product. Import 
printers (new) cost big money. Maintenance is similar. Old 
printers have the physical wear and tear, to determine <rule of 
thumb> is impossible. It is also impossible to establish a 
regular supply of old printers, and a mechanism to organize 
trade. Trash - It's trash. This is for Kulibin.

All the old printers - it raznosortitsa with
different types of supplies, techniques and strategies and 
support services. Almost always there is no documentation. In 
addition, there is another important point. Printers are very 
difficult to distribute. They are massive and are afraid of 
attacks. Ie it parcel with very good packaging. The cost of 
such mailing will /`(,%`-., (on 27/07/2000), about 400 rubles. 
And then, as You imagine the guarantee? The SP-B is still 
possible. Comes a special person, brings another instance of 
the printer with the garbage, unsoldering INTERFACE is a 
specific (under this printer) DRIVERS - and cleaned away. On 
the way, throwing in the trash the previous instance. ALL THIS 
MONEY WORTH. I do not I can send you the person at home. There

general rule. Its good to know, and often
enjoy. If somehow a new thing
worth, say, 3,000 rubles. and the old 300
Rub it means that the difference, ie
2700 rub. You have to pay somehow
OTHERWISE, perhaps in a particularly perverse form. Something 
like the law of conservation of the price. 

  2. Modems. The situation with the modems in many respects 
similar to the situation with the printers. This Kulibinstvo. 
Generally, to establish delivery of mail used devaysov quite 
printers, modems and power supply are not applicable. 

  3. Used Soup associated with computer
Special person, who in the mail
can not be expelled.

                                (C) Nemo.


             Dear Nemo!

   Motherboard of a computer KAY-1024 kit
received 15.07.2000 for the vast
Thank you! Board is very pleased and comfortable
connectors and everything else. Very good
printed wiring. Unfortunately, no
keyboard, and still can not work!

  I specify on the keyboard.

  Please send me a keyboard - the one that you
suggested in the letter: keyboard film
DC-4 in the collection. Here is just a keyboard I'd like the 
Spectrum. Upon receipt of the necessary parcels doplachu 20 cu 
If possible, send the packet quickly and preferably  
difference doplachu upon receipt. 

                          Sincerely. N.

690018 28.07.2000

              Dear N!

   Sending  is not practiced. The maximum that I can 
do is send in a week. Sent used the keyboard in collection and 
a new keyboard block DC-4. New enclosures under the keyboard is 
now not. There a number of new buildings on the PC

(The DC-4) , but to transform them into the keyboard, 
they require dodelok. 

                          (C) N e m o.

          Hello (c) Nemo.

   He has been one year since I have not subscribed
Your directory, and therefore do not have any
Information about your company and your business partners 
(Cogros, X-Tkade, ISKRA-SOFT, XL-Design). So please send your 
price list, catalog, and more COGROS some information about 
"Life> speccy or KAY'ya at:


184200 21.07.2000
Comment: unsubscribing
A: 21.07.2000.
Q: 07.02.2000


             Dear Nemo!

   I saw your friend's directory. I am interested in a new 
computer KAY 1024 / 3 SL / TURBO (p.1.0.0.). I would like to buy

its fully loaded, but the finances do not yet allow. As soon as 
the accumulation of money going to buy you Section 1.0.0. not 
in complete set: no klav'y without au'a, no hard drive / hard 
disk controller, without floppy drives A and B without VG'shki 
(since almost all my a), ie almost a mat. fee (§ (Motherboard, controller, FDD, passport
:) + Body + kit 411000 (n. + Firmware 27S512 (Section 1.1.7.) +
BS 9022 (1.7.). Do you agree with such a complete set? (I 
really would like that you have agreed).

P.S. There are discounts? When?

P.P.S. Warranty 6 months.? (Something is not enough
PC, [quote] "collected from
high quality parts ").

P.P.P.S. BP pulls a 9022 computer, disks,

P / P / P / P / S / Does the FDD controller
button MAGIC (it's not accidentally bridge

   I wish you good luck in this difficult time
market Spectrum

: And another. Recently, you wrote another one of my
familiar - N - and mentioned that we have here
formed ZX-club and that we were going to
publish a newspaper. So. You are advised
not to invent its own shell (tekstonositel), and use  
ISDOS'a. We never decided to do. I hope IS-DOS'a developers 
will not mind. Every room we decided to send you -

see to appreciate. Instead (although this
free ware, but the floppy-it costs money) you
would send us <fresh> Price per each
floppy disk. We could also insert into
newspaper advertising firms Nemo and IskraSoft (hopefully on 
the disk space remains), and since it's free ware, many look at 
all it. In fact, problems may arise

with the initial distribution, but I think
We agree with our urban groups (RED Ltd, T.E.M.A. group).

425200 21.07.2000

              Dear N!

   Still easier to put the brand, rather than
engage in such licentiousness. Himself a
did not broke - to save this way? In
Next time get the runaround.

  1. The new version of price list appeared packaging options. 
Other configuration is not practiced. (See price / Edition 
26/06/2000 - from the way it is clear that SCREW REQUIRED).

  2. Discounts are given only to dealers engaged REGULAR SALE.
In fact, it is paying for sales -
it also costs money. Payment, however,
purely symbolic. What if
Spectrum is undervalued cheap.

  3. "... High quality parts" and
thick-thick layer of chocolate "- and
I want to add ... If you make an explicit
quotation, reference should be made where
she said. From RS-Shnogh magazine? I do not vyrazhopyvayus.

  4. BP MS9022 pull everything in the range
capacity of 6 - 25 W (total power
for all voltages).

  5. Exactly. "... Random jumper
1-2. Does not make sense, as long as there is no telephoto. 
Does not endorse, maintained, not included in the stated 

  6. Thanks for the suggestions.

  7. Developers of IS-DOS'a not against it. If you have 
carefully reviewed "Op.het", (Section IS-DOS'a), then I think

This question would seem redundant to you.

  8. Your terms are acceptable. To me
sclerosis has not happened (and you do not have to be 
unsubscribed), please refer to the date of the letter (Or the 
number of "Op.het"). Moreover, it is possible inclusion as a 
sub in the price list (and Further to a subdirectory on ..... 
when the ready). Another thing is that this will happen no 
earlier than half a year - faster, this mechanic does not work. 
If not run away before, it is quite real.

  9. As part of the shell you can leave any files that you see 
fit - or do not leave them altogether - is means of technology 
Or.het. I can also guarantee the dissemination of

in author's edition - without any editorial comments, and 
censorship. (C) Nemo 

       Hello Nemo, Logros.

  I do not know exactly who to write. Recently
We arm caught Journal ZX-Format 8.
I do not know whether this latest magazine or
no. In general, I decided to write you because
I saw the address there. I do not know whether your
organization, or there is, unfortunately,
no. If so, please, please,
because I'm curious, and not only me
Does anyone else alive SPECTRUM, made it a game or not. In the 
price list I saw that You can order the game. If you can,

send me a price list, and game titles,
that you have (with their price). I want to
order a few games. I am very interested, got a game CH.V. - 2. 
We are very waiting for when he will go on sale.

Really want to order it. CH.V.-1 we have
passed all the levels up to 2 months (and for the people
and a kung together). Even themselves are already doing
levels and go through them. The mirror is also almost
passed, reached a password and everything.
If you can, send it, and then really want to see what there 
next. If is CH.V. - 2, be sure to buy. We think that CH.V. - 
The best game in the SPECTRUMe. Thanks again. Goodbye.

663020 21.07.2000

              Dear N!

  1. ZX-F № 9 has not yet emerged.

  2. Our disorganization is still yet
functioning, although not an organization. But as in any real 
case, there is a loss - Logros more Spectrum'om

not engaged.

  3. Of the new games I can only offer
MT 2000 (such a fancy Tetris - see
price list). Software - this is not the area of 
​​specialization r. Nemo, but only related products. 

  4. Game FT-2 has not yet happened.

  5. That's a shame - the password, I do not know.

  6. In principle, you can order a CV-2
subscription - see price list. But the prospects of very vague.

                                 (C) Nemo



   This user SPECTRUM'a from the city
Kharkov, N. Because Kharkov became respectable
hole on computers do not - IBM,
then have to go that far, but
but to the original source. Because of NEMO reviews
much better than on Zonov and C0, we decided to contact you.

   I PENTAGON / 2Mb RAM / RAM multiport PROFI 2048 + ATM + 
PENTAGON 512 512 / Cache RAM 16 (32) kb / 3,5 '5,25' FDD.

That's not enough, as can be seen, Kempston Mouse, HDD 
controller (preferably by ZX-NEXT (ports # XXAF)) and of course

ZX-BUS. About GS: here we have in Ukraine
appeared (already relatively long) development called ULTRA 
SOUND DMA - by Indeed - Interrupt Controller + DMA + controller 
set DACs: Channel 4 to 8 6-bit bit-Noy volume control and

top sampling rate 1.75 MHz.

   And do not hang the computer when you run the software under 
it, in contrast to the GS. While the setting may suffer: one 
connecting to ZXBUS not do. So GS is not the same. Please send 
me a catalog HARDWARE ZX-BUS and produce you a fee - A set of 
buffers and slots for ZX-BUS, as in many CIS and other 
PENTAGON'ov ALL-IN-ONE, and the tires have no: with.

   Prices, please bring in a dollar ($
USA), taking into account shipping to Ukraine. And please lead 

   If there is no envelope with a return address, it is not 
because they feel sorry for the money and because there is no 
relevant agreements between Russia and Ukraine by mail services.


61143 31.07.2000

              Dear N!

   1. Kempston Mouse is not currently
available. Whether the controller is made
MKEY - unknown. Even if it is
done, then by bus NEMO-bus. By the way,
under this bus is available and Creat soft mous.

   2. Desirability in this case is misplaced. In the production 
of address card can be only one. Otherwise it is impossible

produce, maintain, promote. By
Essentially, this standard. Bus, again, Nemo-bus.

   3. If the device, as implied
bus, requires any other connections, rather than simply 
installing a slot it's NOT Tyre DEVICE. Highly doubt any 
prospects of such devaysa because it rukosuystvo and 
kulibinstvo. Mass is a device to become not can, regardless of 
its technical characteristics. 

   4. Board with a set of slots for Nemo-bus
produced, see price, n. 01/01/2000. -
Works well with no buffers -
They are not needed. Buffer - it's just
IBM-stereotype. In Spectrume they are not needed
- At least not yet. When needed, the rational is simply to 
replace the motherboard, rather than engage in Kulibinstvom / 

   5. Indeed, in many CIS and other Pentagon'ov All FOOL - IN - 
ONE, that creates serious obstacles for the development of 
Hardy. In particular, it makes unprofitable production of 
peripherals - like a bus, and without. Can only hope that by 
that time, as this sucks out your resource - and it is already 
making itself felt, - the public does not scatter in all 
directions, and will buy a new, more advanced techniques. Then 
it will be possible and the bus, and peripherals. Once 
repaired, accompany and support this <motley> hodgepodge 
impossible. There is no universal RECIPES RUKOSUYSTVA. As well 
as can not exist standards based on rukosuystve.

   6. At 7/28/2000 $ p = 27. 70 K, 1 Ukrainian hryvnia = 5 p. 
10 K. Calculate able to price their own.

Other articles:

Nemo open letters № 4.1

Nemo open letters № 4.10

Nemo open letters № 4.2

Nemo open letters № 4.3

Nemo open letters № 4.4

Nemo open letters № 4.5

Nemo open letters № 4.6

Nemo open letters № 4.7

Nemo open letters № 4.8

Nemo open letters № 4.9

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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