Open Letters #04
21 октября 2000

Nemo open letters № 4.3

Nemo open letters № 4.3
429820 23.05.2000

            Hello, NEMO!

   I have problems with your card
KAY-1024. On the monitor ("Electronics" -201,
colored.), from screen savers, all the flashes, is skewed. 
Program shows that are downloaded. Plug in your old card still 
KAY-128 - the picture is normal. The point board.

   Can I send you a fee for repair
or maybe give advice as
to make (like, how quickly). All will be paid (how?).

   I was advised to simply change the D7,
D42, D48 (LNZ, LAZ, LL1). What should I do?

P.S. Fee you sent me, the 28/10/1999

              Dear N!

   Problems connecting display
"Electronics VTTS201" to the board KAY-1024
should not be. The most likely reason - the original way to 
connect the previous board - KAY-128, as there is no edge 
connectors, and users connected as they could, if anyone is in 
that much. Card malfunction is unlikely. Microchips Just 
Because should not be changed. Usually (90% of cases) ICs are 
OK. Faulty ICs can be diagnosed only oscilloscope (except when 
mechanically povrezhd1n housing or otkusheny feet). 

   Now the connection screen. The display has 2 inputs: 
semikontaktny XS9 (socket NL-7), indicated by the number "2", 
and pyatikontaktny XS8 (socket NL-5), indicated by the numeral 
"1". Should be connected to the input of "1", ie a plug-NL-5 /

XS8. Pinout for the plug (check the desoldering hose!): "C. The 
mixture - 1; "shell" (Land, GND) - 2; "R" - 3;

B - 4; "G" - 5. RGB lines are connected to
corresponding lines / pins socket-7 School Board KAY'ya 
connector (XS-5). Similarly, the line (check for breakage in 
this line, with a cliff effect will be it is so). The input to 
display "C. The mixture" (Pin 1 input "1") should give a signal

with the withdrawal of "VIDEO" (XS5: pin2: NL-7). May
your display to be more "like"
signal "SYNC" (XS-5: pin4), - you can try to connect through it.

   Followed by the unlikely cause:

   - In KAY'e excessive signal levels
RGB, they can "to plant on land at
by resistors 100 - 300 (or successively in a chain of RGB 50 - 
150 Om). Their You can set the socket XS-10 KAY'ya

(XS-10: pin2, 3,4) GND (XS-10: pin1, 6).

   - You lost the jumper connector
XS-10 (XS-10: pin9-10; pin 5-7), check their availability.

   You do not write, whether the display before with KAY'em. If 
you have not worked, it probably connection (see above) if you 
worked, then: 

   - Check the hose (there are no cliffs).

   - Check (and touch!) Jumpers on the XS10.

   - Try to change the signals "VIDEO"
on the "SYNC" (or vice versa, depending on the
how it was done - mean
Display connection through socket '1 "
(SS-5) - see above.)

   You do not write in what circumstances the display stopped 
working. Were Whether sparks, smoke, short-circuit power source

progressive failures images? In case if you send payment, it is 
necessary to specify in a nutshell. Repair motherboard (6 
months warranty., You have it ended), it is 100 rubles. + 80 
rubles. shipment. 

                                (C) Nemo.
601900 21.05.2000

  Hello, dear Captain Nemo!

   Vel wrote to you from Proxima Centauri /
Constellation of the glorious city Kovrova.
The other day I received your reply message with
complete set of price lists, plus Open Letters, for which many 

   Reading the Open letters, I noticed
that a sufficiently large number
people interested in you, not only
HARD'om but SOFT'om. You also "refers
them to LOGROS and WELCOME, which have been slow to respond to 
letters and execute orders. 

   Wanting to somehow rectify the situation
in this area, I decided to do you now
a proposal. You publish my
Open letter to your Letters'ah, and I'm from
its part undertakes to answer all those
who write to me.

   I am the chief editor of the free computer newspaper 
ZX-PILOT, published in 1996. Ready to send the full binder of 
our newspapers, plus some more information to all those who are 
not lazy send to our address from 1 to 3 discs

(5.25 "or 3.5") and postage stamps in the amount of 5 rubles. 
Address for correspondence: 

   601900, Vladimir Region, City Carpet, st. Degtyarev, 6, Apt. 
48, Petukhov PV, phone for rapid communication: 8

(09232) 22862.

   At this end, let, with best wishes Paul Vel.

   Comment: stamps are not attached (the file
"Unsubscribe": see)

682927 29.05.2000

                Hi, Nemo!

   Just so I began my market, then
hello to all of the group "XL-Design"!

   I want to ask you a favor ...
Send me a price list with the rates for
June or July 2000.

   In Khabarovsk, not at all the distributors of your products, 
and radio market quite ... brrr ... oskudnel of Spectrum 
products, although people involved in Speccy, still missing. 

   I would like to know the price of General Sound and Kemston 
Mouse, and even on the "ZX-Format", Of course! I will wait for 
a new price list, but for now, Till you get! Everything! 
Sincerely, N. 

              Dear N!

   1. Please read carefully
processing conditions of correspondence -
they have changed since your last letter of 01/07/1999.

   2. ZX-F № 9 has not yet emerged.

                                (C) Nemo.
246003 15.05.2000

    Dear employees of the firm "Nemo"!

   You wrote a user Spectrum-compatible PC. I live in the city 
of Gomel. Here that made me write you a couple of

lines. I work (still!) On Spectrum'e about 5 years. Previously, 
it was all the more interesting it was with whom to 
communicate. And now on this PC almost nobody left. Many have 
gone on a PC, many do leave ... But I will not discuss much on 
this occasion. In short, not very long ago I

given CT-AT keyboard. I thought it fit, but not chickpea from 
it. All those who once engaged in the hardware, now with

this "tied". And so, looking at magazines, I saw your article 
"The controller PC XT keyboard to the computer KAY-256 "for

5 / 1995. The problem, of course, in the firmware ROM. What 
should I do? Maybe you me help in this situation? I understand 
that Did you receive once permission to use the flash ROM. But 
it was so much time. Therefore, it is you ask

Help me.

   With great respect to you, N.


              Dear N!

   "... Almost no one left ..." This
optical illusion associated primarily with
Your exclusion from the information.
Spectrum platform is designed so that information maximum 
efficiency, relevance and credibility distributed through 
professionals - ie people, money and distributes a (sales) 
soft'a and hard'a. On actually the most valuable product, which 
they did work, was the information that bound the structure 
Spectrum'a together. Gradually they went bankrupt and gone, and 
the public was deprived of any had links with the outside 
world, because these communication, in fact, supported by 
professionals. The situation is compounded by the fact that 
users are guided, as usually on a single supplier (binder

link) - and the care of such provider from the market broke off 
all ties. This is the first point. Secondly, the state media 
NOT INTERESTED IN PROMOTION Spectrum'a, - and not only in terms 
of material considerations. Therefore, mass, collective media 
are rather misleading role by promoting DCs. In fact, taught 
that everything else is dead. It is not.

   The foregoing can be illustrated as follows. Only in your 
city Gomel, installed and working 4 copies.

KAY-1024, in addition, about 3 people
also involved Spectrum'om (ie their
written request to the firm (s) Nemo).
How many users Spectrum'a in Gomel
in fact, nobody knows. As you can see,
sometimes more useful to look no TV, and
just on the sides - use more - and
less cheating.

   With keyboard can hardly something
help. Of course, we can send you a ROM
P ^ 2 - but it will cost somewhere around 250 rubles. (Advance 
payment on a common basis - see price list). Let me explain 
why. The time required to record a single ROM for about 4 
hours. Shipment in Belarus - about 100 rubles. (In

05/30/2000 $ 1 = 28.27 rubles. Russian).
Price information (code, written in the ROM
and the crystal itself - the actual IC) can be neglected. So 
free inherited keyboard to get it to work, requires an 
investment of money. Controllers HT-Claudia is currently already

not available. The new controller yet
only in the project. Will it be released (and
when) by CPG COMPEX - unknown.

   P.S. File on the firmware also send
not possible. In principle, it can be
read and write to a file, but it is the same
4 - 5 hours, because programmer is not realized at 
Spectrum'ovskoy car. In production is also used high-tech 
programmer type "crystal / crystal (sample recording).

                                (C) Nemo.
403893 02.06.2000


   Please send price list with
developments are compatible with your computer
"Scorpion 256 TURBO". Yours sincerely,

              Dear N!

   Firm (s) Nemo is engaged in development, consistent with 
Spectrum'om (note attention to the case: compatible, but not

"Compatible"). Specific features
SPECIFIC CLONES supported by producers / developers of these 
clones (Unless of course they generally supported.) It is their 
obligation, and under these commitments they got money - so 
make a complaint and ask to be them. As for the Clones 
"Scorpion 256 TURBO ", he maintained, to the extent

in the sense and to the extent in which it
Spectrum 128 K (Amstrad 3 +). With regard to
perversions Plumber Zonova in
architecture, circuitry, and ideology
systems, they can not support any Zonov, nor God himself, not 
to mention firm (s) Nemo. As for the actual architecture of 
Spectrum-128, it is not enough unlike common in the 91 -

93 years. other clones (eg, Pentagon)
and in some special support (Scorp'a as
clone) does not need. Another thing is that
practice is nothing more than a Spectrum-128
(Amstrad 3 +).

   Tiring to explain for the umpteenth time,

   - RS 232 is missing because no
standard connector and power supply -12 V
(Ie, a fetish, shit, fraud);

   - TURBO-mode must be switched off
almost always (ie it is a broken
thing or the same sex, fetish, shit, and fraud). People who 
work professionally with clients Scorpion'a, usually "Modify" 
the regime until it disappearance - that costs about as much in 
his time took Scorpion for his "vdelyvanie" in the basic fee.

   - Centronics absent because again
also has a standard connector and
Obligatory set of signals - it is not
more than a primitive printer interface
(Ie, again the same trio: FM, FM and AM)
which, incidentally, is, for example, in the same

   - Bus in Scorp'e absent, so
production of the periphery, oriented
at Scorp, - is unrealistic. Sheen - is not
only the connectors (which are absent in
Scorpio, and if they are present, they can not use because 
THERE IS NO STRUCTURAL LAYOUT-uniformity (standard). In 
addition, the tire includes the corresponding quality of the 
synchronization system and an appropriate level of reliability 
of the system as a whole. There are Other points that have not 
yet suspect users Scorpio, and discuss that this letter is 
inappropriate and premature. 

   - Shadow Monitor contradicts the ideology of the OS. 
Activation of memory above 128 K required to turn it off. For 
reasons of a fundamental nature. In a computer can not be two 
control programs - both in Army can not be two General Staff. 
Resident with absolute authority and the appropriate status can 
only be ONE. Parallel simultaneous operation

two systems is impossible in principle. On
practice this is reflected in conflicts over the control of the 
eighth, STRATEGIC (System), the banks and the inability to use 
version of Chic OC'i ISDOS'a. (It should be specially pointed 
out that Chic is efficient at Scorp'e, - but only in the If the 
user rejects shadow businesses). Meanwhile, the question right 
the engagement of additional (excess staff for Spectrum'a) 128 
K - this is an issue solvable only through OS'. Shadow 
businesses NOT Create an adequate environment to create

programs - it is not for this, create -
not for this purpose. Thus, - additional 128 K - is a resource 
of the shadow of the monitor. Thing is self-sufficient and are 
already involved. Support is not possible. Little Moreover, 
even in hardware terms, in terms of hardware implementation of 
the synchronization system - this was done through the ass. In 
Scorp'ov first shipments up 10% of cars sold had a TRIP to the 
RAM. If a 1994 (93?), The r. (C) Nemo is not transferred to the

r. Scorpion Some purely technological TS.U. (Valuable 
guidance), then each 10th Scorp buggy would probably still


   Therefore, your same question to you is the same and forward 
- that there is support? Should be specially emphasized that 
the r. (C) Nemo slightly different status than, for example, 
the lamer of the networks. I do not have to make your fingers 
like a fan, to multiply chimeras and give unjustified promises.

Any declaration on my behalf will be
perceived as a liability. This
bill, which sooner or later present for payment.

   Returning to the computer Scorpion,
we can say that a package of counterfeit
Bills, payment of which (eg,
as hard'a) IMPOSSIBLE. Trying to somehow
support DIRECTLY Scorp, - and not
the underlying architecture of the Spectrum-128 - will lead to 
more Issue counterfeit Notes. Sale

device will be broken for
life, because support was not originally assumed.

   Considered a purely academic question like: "Did Zonov so 
impassable stupid or totally unprincipled? "I think

superfluous - although, of course, I have
a definite opinion on this matter. In fact, it's the same 
dilemma Milyukova (MP II-nd state

Duma) - ie: "What is this? stupidity or treason?" There is a 
fundamental response to this question. This is a dirty trick, 
in which stupidity and treason, there hypostatically,

ie Inseparable and unmerged. Whoredom
, in turn, leads to theft,
ie enrichment-based and follows from the floss.

   To illustrate this, I will give an example - is now history.

   Zonov handed in §. (C) Nemo to review its "User's Guide." It 
was somewhere in 92 (93?) Year. The guide was peer reviewed. 
Zonov offered to host copyright company (with) Nemo titla under 
"review". I refused, because it would mean taking some share of 
responsibility (for writing it) firm (s) Nemo (something like a 
stamp: "Min no). Unlike lamer, for which

distribution of its own copyright
regarded as self-promotion (which has no any limitation) for 
the company - this reputation, which costs money. Converged on 
the right to place outside (on the cover) advertising the 
workshop, "Shine" (R substructure. (C) Nemo). Bosons readily 
agreed, since at the time was not a stitch - and had nothing - 
no structures, including structures to support / maintenance. C

My hand was meant only indirect moral responsibility plan
through a third party. Ie It was a Solomonic decision. There 
were a few thousand printed manuals through p. (C) Nemo, - I 
once again point out the fact that Zonov had no structure at 
all - that is, path p. (C) Nemo was ordered. Somewhat later, 
when the air smelled fried - that is, fried chimeras (Released 
KAY-256 V1.0), the order was transferred to p. Peters. They're 
pretty quickly "prosekli" technology and profanity

do the same thing.

   Zonov indignant - Bread theme swam out from under the nose, 
because losing its monopoly on profanity: propihivanie RS-ers in

Spectrum under the cover of Spectrum-logo
and chimeras (from the hard'a). In practice
this resulted in a public denigration of chimeras
made in Peters (Sprinter), which does not go, however, beyond 
the technical specifications. Any other consideration, of 
course, would place in jeopardy and the very r. Scorpion.

   Denoting the historical outline by clicking
to the point.

   Open page 5 User's Guide Scorpion-ZS256 ". And we read: "Can
For example, to connect more complex device - "accelerator" 
programs based on more high-speed processor

Z80H ". So it's impossible. It was
clear even then. There are fundamental limitations. That was 
explained Mesons. This small fact has a significant meaning and 
value. Mesons has been put in a situation where, in deciding to 
sign in circulation, went on a deliberate fraud, giving the 
promise, in principle unrealizable. And got under him money. 
This is FRAUD. That's why the logo (s) Nemo there and no. 
Indirectly, it was confirmed he Zonov, hung the noodles from 
MGTF'a does not replace the processor (easier) and received a 
30 - 40% of the acceleration, rather than 2 - 3 times

as stated in the manual. Technology
DMMTS only then developed in §.
(C) Nemo, and zonal, of course, then it
has not yet been able to apply. Now all this
have to "uproot" with wire cutters
and a soldering iron to work though is that
can work - namely, architecture
Spectrum-128. Stipulate that the guide we are talking about to 
replace the processor (only) because supposed use a 
synchronization system (pretty curve - I note the word) of the 
base board: "To synchronize, use the signal CLK" (ibid.). 
Satanic the idea of ​​GMX, in fact, more than one computer,

BUILT-IN COMPUTER (and this is
so as GMX provides a complete computing core - including the OWN
Synchronization System) was implemented
Zonal later. Paid for that reputation Dima Lomov (a magazine 
"Spectrum-expert" was turned into a lamersky In fact, - The 
name of the publication was included in a contradiction with 

   In conclusion, once again return to your
question: "... with the development are compatible with
Computer Scorpion ". development of what?
Chimeras, which will never work?

                                (C) Nemo.

Other articles:

Nemo open letters № 4.1

Nemo open letters № 4.10

Nemo open letters № 4.2

Nemo open letters № 4.3

Nemo open letters № 4.4

Nemo open letters № 4.5

Nemo open letters № 4.6

Nemo open letters № 4.7

Nemo open letters № 4.8

Nemo open letters № 4.9

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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