Buzz #13
12 февраля 1998

Our news - copier Mandarin Turbo Copier. Collection of 3-color'nyh Japanese images.

<b>Our news</b> - copier Mandarin Turbo Copier. Collection of 3-color'nyh Japanese images.
                   · Nm A. The W • And · N • O • In · About · 
With · T • And · 

(C) D-Man

   Hi everyone! 13th edition of the newspaper not long in 
coming, was just simply a month :-) So, what's new happened 
over a month ... 

   A bit of news from Eternity Industry, ie what people are now
involved, etc.

   Paracels does everything and makes a variety of defense, is 
also going to doklepat his copyist "Mandarin Turbo Copier". 
Well course preparing for the upcoming FunTop'u 98 - planned to 
draw something unprecedented. 

   Demiurge Ash makes a new mission to the 12-and a secret 
book, and working on his "Strip Poker'om". neblshuyu conceived 
to do (?) animation jockedemo "Black Fury". And of course, too, 
is preparing to FunTop'u. 

   D-Man (ie, me) almost completed "Advanced Nether Earth" 
(ready approximately 90%), as well in the near future going to 
do collection of 3-color'yh Japanese images.

   In Syrus'a finally came the computer and now he writes 
music, which we so lacked, as well as kodit cool sfx. 

   Senat almost completed bump - COOL!

   Spy's going to make a couple of cool releases, or more 
precisely a "After The War I 'II"' etc.

   Crazy sulking in Bard's Tale.

   Well, perhaps all the news from Eternity Industry at the
moment. Bye!

Other articles:

Amiga or PC - Amiga or PC. Where to break the deadlock?

Amiga UMA - Pros and cons of Unified Memory Architecture.

Chip'n'Dale - 1 - Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers zaSAVEitsya Part 1.

Demoz - Demos kodit I want - let me teach. Basic requirements to Eurodemo.

Enlight'97 - The results of voting at Enlight.

Moscow - A brief report on how the newspaper went to Moscow.

TOP ZX - five of the best music programs, a dozen of the best games and eight of the best magazines.

Towdie - Description, prohodilka game Towdie.


Jokes - 20 jokes ...

Assembler - Procedures: Stretch texture engine, Texture mapping engine, Texture mapping + gourauds hading engine, Gouraudmapping engine for Z80.

Horoscope - Horoscope for programmers.

Likbez - Nostradamus - his prophecies about the future and the end of the world in particular.

Our news - copier Mandarin Turbo Copier. Collection of 3-color'nyh Japanese images.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...


Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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