31 января 2003 |
hallowman speaking - впечатление комадорщика от спектрумовских демок.
__spectrum demos from a c64 sceners point of view __HOLL0WMAN/Fairlight i'd like to start this article with pointing out one important thing, i have only watched the demos in emulator and the reason is simple, i dont own a spectrumand i dont know anyone around here who does. hopefully the emulator isnt too inaccurate. with that sorted out i should perhaps mention who i am. my handle is hollowman and i'm a member of fairlight,i have previously been a member of triad. i've been active on the c64 scene since 1995 as graphician and coder. i recieved a bunch of demos from kq\skrjuand sat down to have a look. i really had no idea what to expect, what i heard about spectrum machines is that they are small, have rubber keyboard and dont have hardware sprites. so i figured i was perhaps gonna see alot of vector stuff in single color. the first demo up was condommed and i was rather pleasantly surprised, the theme of the demo seemed a bit silly but the effects, the music and the general look of the demo didnt quite look like anything i've seen before, atleast not on c64.this was more similar to amiga demos, with a nice lo-fi touch. a good start. if you play older games on c64its hard to avoid games converted from spectrum.i guess i'm not only one who have cursed the crappy conversions, especially from codemasterslike dizzyor slightly magic.they were slow, mostly ugly and didnt take benefit of any of the c64'sadvantages. 'spectrum gfx'was an insult i remember from 80's computer mags, so i was curious to see what the graphicians has managed to squueze out of the machine. as i understood the spectrumhas the same limitation as c64hires bitmap mode with 2 colors per 8x8 square. and if that is so i am pretty shocked by the quality of the pictures i've seen in some of the demos for example inbetween/placebo. hardly anyone on c64 tries to do anything like that in hires, partly because there are few good hires-editors, partly because its damn hard work. so what mostly is seen is hires pictures only using 2 colors. what i really liked about these pictures is that they have both adapted a modern style from amiga and pc gfx,but they still got a very unique feel because of the spectrums colors. and it looks like alot of hard work has been put into them. one thing that people has been arguing about on the c64scene is the use of effects in lower resolutions, using 8x8 or 4x4 pixels. i dont see this as a problem if its done in a good way, but most usually it isnt. a single chunky effect on screen, no additional gfx to spice things up, thats pretty much how things have looked so far. therefore i was really happy to see that in many of the spectrumdemos the effects in lower resolutions had bitmap gfx on top of it. that reminded me of amiga and pc demos a few years ago that had lots of 2d effects but always some gfx over parts of it. i was wondering how that was done on spectrum. when i showed the demos at a small meeting at vodkas place, trash/booze design told me that you could have two gfx layers on spectrum, chars in one, bitmap in the other. if that is so, i can just say: lucky bastards :) this makes alot of nice stuff possible. the 4x4 pixel mode on c64is done using multicolour bitmap mode so you can mix bitmap picture and 4x4 effects but not many have explored this. during the last few years we have seen a few demos on c64 that has been a bit different from the regular effect shows. obviously this has reached the spectrumscene aswell, i saw that focus great demo timewaster had been converted to speccy recently. in the collection of demos i recieved the demo summermilk did really stick out, it was quite different both in graphical motives and effects. what i would have wished for however was some more relaxed music. the text and the gfx builds a very mellow atmosphere that is sadly not reflected in the music, otherwise this would have been a really good demo to chill out to. to me, if a platform is interesting or not depends on if it has any special features that stand out. although some like to make demos on any platform just for the sake of it. the spectrumhas its gfx modes and colors that are different from other computers, this gives most spectrumdemos i've seen a nice old computer feel, this mixed with new effects and design provides an attractive style. i would like to have one of those more advanced spectrums, but the odds of running into one of those in sweden arent that good. anyhow, i really enjoyed watching the demos and having my prejudices about spectrum blown away, and i hope to see more speccyproductions in the future. [ kq: the demos i've sent to HOLL0WMAN were: Condommed, Jam, Dogma, Scenergy#2promo, Tryptomine Dream, The Loop, Life Forms, Stellar Contour, hARM, loveMaker, Cheap Z80, demo21, Inbetween and summermilk. ]
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