ZX Format #07
05 декабря 1997

Miscellaneous - Electronic Samizdat: A few words about a new kind of software - Electronic books.

<b>Miscellaneous</b> - Electronic Samizdat: A few words about a new kind of software -
Electronic books.
 Electronic self-publishing
 Technology shells

music by MIDISOFT

Bring to your attention Article
represents a conceptual and ideological developments related to 
the support and development of domestic information technology. 
 The fact that Spectrum is in crisis (in Greek-court gods), said

enough. However, constructive
proposals for such a statement is much
less than a loss. The prevailing opinion is that
1) Spectrum is an urgent need to increase hardware capacity 
(wrongly assumed that the cause of the crisis in their 
neostatochnosti);  2) It is necessary to create a new one from 
scratch, the computer and everything on it to pass. From a 
practical point of view and that, and another - unrealistic. 
This can be proved, but it is beyond the scope of this article. 
 The audience itself is asking for trouble, causing 
manufacturers to create a regular series of monsters. There is 
such a American proverb: "Wanting to be careful not to get what 
you want." Pointless to jump above the ceiling and build 
socialism (capitalism) in one single apartment. Development - 
is cumulative and continuous process. Consumer quality computer 
connected to the its specification is very

ambiguous. This quality computer
can be greatly improved and a number of
other ways that do not have any relation to the characteristics 
and tehnicheskm architecture. And, with much greater 
efficiency. Ie increase the real value of a computer without an 
escalation of the most specifications and create a new 
architecture. This does not mean that the specifications do not 
need to improve. There is an optimal speed development 
apparatus, is determined primarily by all parameters, the 
structure of the platform and its objectives (in this case the 
platform Spectrum). For him it is about five years

per doubling of hardware parameters.
This is an organic criterion, ie resorting
analogies, we can say that much
or pull the tree over the crown, soon it will not
grow. The platform is similar to a tree, and
Architecture - his seed. The tree can be
to destroy, to plant a new - but change
it can not.
 Every case is judged by its fruits.
The IBM has already begun to bear fruit, that
led to an increase in expenditure
Budget spending on state administration. This means that out of 
your pockets will rip it out of the money - regardless of

that you agree with it or not. This is
no fruit - it's the flowers, berries ahead.
 But let us return to the Spectrum. What
it is for such ways to increase consumer quality computer 
without changing its specifications? Fluently enumerate:

 1. Improved support for already existing
parka.Delat it is extremely difficult because
in most cases submitted specifications (for which he fought for
then ran!) no more than a thin
layer of ink in the ad booklet, ie so-called value of 
"imaginary" consumer. However, support can and should do as 
much as 

  machine is standard.
 2. Development ideology platform Spectrum. The user must 
clearly understand what it represents Spectrum. No point where 
its use, and where He is irreplaceable. How, where and how to

use it and that it can be expected. It is required to try to 
make the user smarter that he is not throwing money down the 
drain, and stimulate development.  3. Structural change, 
development and expansion of the platform. Nothing is more 
damaging Spectrum'u as a monopoly on the production, feeds, and 
information. It is also time to think about how to get rid of 
marginality (ie, exclusion and isolation Spectrum in itself). 
Looking for publications in mass media. Spectrum is worthy to 
be a massive computer - it has quite unique features (well, for 
example, as an independent and reflect the opinions of ordinary 
Russians Information Institute in society).  It is possible 
that it is time to think about official status (well, for 
example, a public organization).  What might be the practical 
ways implementation n.1-3? One possible option (satisfying 
these requirements and practically realizable) and will be the 
technology of electronic books. 

So tedious and lengthy introduction is necessary for the user 
to understand the example that the conceptual-ideological 
development is not sucked out finger, and it is quite rational 
and immediate consequences of the economic, social and cultural 
goals rather general plan. And already the basis of conceptual 
and ideological development, formed Specific terms of reference 
for the development of hardware or software (the conceptual 
ring).  Consider the conceptual ring technology of electronic 
books, as the group of roots imaginary unit (ie, try povertet

this technology and consider it from different angles in the 
context of the above). 

  The traditional view of software.

 Software Spectrum is divided into two classes: the "systemic" 
and "playing". Electronic Journals (ZF: St. Petersburg) and 
newspapers (Zx-News: St. Petersburg) are neither the one nor 
the other - it's the media. The popularity of such publications 
leads to the thought about the possibility of a third-class 
software - information. If you are risen information software, 
as the spectrum Media on efficiency, the obvious flaw:

Publication is a high speed - the newspaper, the average speed 
- the magazine low speed - el.kniga. So

of low efficiency does not exist yet, but should have been - 
it's publisher.  Commercial point of view. Commercial

Software Spectrum `and is divided into two classes:
"Nobody" (brought from the West and hacked - the lowest price 
on the cost of media, printing and distribution) and 
"Copyright" (minimum price + copyright reward). Between the 
first and second class as there is a gap in price.

Incidentally, in this gap and live cockroaches - pirates 
(hackers). It would be better to call them "pickpocket", 
because they clean the pockets of both dealers and authors. 
With the technology of electronic books can be "zashpatlevat" a 
pirate's nest. If the publisher is valid regularly, and tools 
(actually el.kniga) otrabotanny well, then return el.knigi with 
specific text may occur at 100-300 single (!)

orders for drives without protection (!) copy for the price of 
the disc close to the "nichemu" software. Hacking is 
meaningless in the absence thereof. In addition, commercially 
sell books without the support of high and average speed can 
not be - they vested interest in the observance of copyright. 
If we succeed in such a way neutralize the pirates, the term

possible and reducing prices and increasing volumes of 
"copyright" software. Total: have a positive structural change. 
By the way, and networks will have to do an unusual thing, if 
they want to participate in the endeavor - they need to develop 
counter-routing technology for electronic books. One thing to 
send out "playing" software, which all crave, and another thing 
is almost megabyte el.knigi, calculated at 200. So little time 
and hard drive to load under the "eyeballs" or, for example, 
splurge on the "long distance". Price e-books can be reduced 
further by narrowly focused advertising, as el.kniga very 
subtly sets range of human interests, wants his

purchase. Introduction to commercial status free-ware market 
will enhance energy platform due to the structural complexity

- Some users have grouped with the same interests - which is 

 Gammaelektronnyh books (Semantic
spectrum). Shell content can
divided into:

 - Humanities. Academic texts
able to raise the consciousness of users and mental epidemic. 
Such such as Nazism (Millennial Reich)

Communism (bright tomorrow) Technologism
(Idiocy on the basis of IBM).

 - Publicist. Publicist
el.knigi (for example, on the basis of major city newspapers, 
intellectual and spiritual elite) are well able to reduce level 
of entropy (noise, indifference) in society. It is no secret 
that the pro-American officialdom climbs out of the TV so 
tightly that it gives the impression that the TV tower jammed.  
- Technical. Purpose - utilitarian. Support metabolism 
platform. This text Hardware, technology transfer, 
manufacturing and repair description software, commercial 

   Technical features.

 It is assumed that el.knigi will be guided as to 128 C. And on
256Sp .- clones. Slippery places is
prolonged work with the user's TV-receiver. TV-receiver or 
domestic display (the usual TV-receiver without channel) is a 
standard platform, as Almost all users are sitting exactly

on such equipment. Therefore, technically
advisable to have 43 characters per line and
Standard Spectrum-screen - otherwise we may
spoil your vision. Video processor
Spectruma ideal for televizinny standard.
 Clive Sinclair released simultaneously, and small-sized TVs, 
so such a technical solution and not reasonably accident. More 
characters on TV tired eyes, and the reading of the text will 
take more time. Black and white or monochrome monitor is 
preferable color TV, which has mask and the error due to the 
attention of the rays. 80 characters per line - is the standard 
office - which is why it is used in professional commercial 
(Buisness) computers. Newspaper same for example, costing 40-50 
characters in the column - and nothing, easy to read.  
Telestandart and engineered (designed) It was under him. Video 
Amplifier Bandwidth 8 MHz can be compared with the diameter of 
the pipe fanovoy. Even the most qualified plumber can not shove 
it in a signal with a bandwidth of 16-20 MHz (in diameter).

 Psychological point of view.

 The effect of habituation to the Spectrum, as well as to
every other computer, fed to computer games should not turn a 
user to an idiot. At some stage, need reorientation more 
conscious use of the computer as a tool for mining information 
for more in-depth development of personality and its creative, 
active principle. A computer can be both the strongest

synthetic psychedelic drugs (for example,
LSD) capable of creating an artificial
reality and a tool of eugenics.
The exponential development of the apparatus causes degradation 
of the individual, while Architecture as a conservative (with a

time constant of the apparatus)
turns the computer into a tool of the apparatus. Thus, there
optimal speed of the equipment.
The technology of electronic books and suggests, in fact, build 
their own "Brains", and not those in the computer.

 Structure el.knigi with
 programmer's point of view.

 In essence, the system of the shell -
nothing like the OS. Nothing prevents a
As part of the systemic use of IS
DOS. Versatility allows the OS to significantly reduce the cost 
of solving technical problems and to deliver the e-books on the 
flow. At the same time solve the problem of advancing the 
standard IS DOS in the market, opening opportunities in

perspective for the development of equipment.
System Add-IS DOS does not diminish
volume of the disk, because compared with TR DOS
(640 K), IS DOS disk capacity is 800 K.
Consider the scaling in the structure:
- The system consists of a IS DOS-kernel
(1) and BIOS `a (2). In the BIOS `s sitting Driver
printers, mice, GENERAL SOUND and CODEC information part.
 - The information part consists of a picture-cover (3), 
comments Publishers (4), the introductory article (5) proper 
maintenance (6), TOC paging, and bookmarks (7), a glossary and

a list of hypertext subsystem (8), references to the literature 
(9), the thematic plan Publishing (10).

- Advertising is part of the price-list
Publishing (11), third-party advertising (12) and
poll-surveys (12.1)
 - Data Region (13) consists of graphic images, and music 
mod-files.  - Free range is designed to

Notes user, the list of detected
user typos (14) and marks
Routing (networks), or coordinates
dealers and commercial user (15)
 The proposed outline should be viewed as indicative, ie, ideal
model. Real el.knigi, especially in
Initially, in the technical sense will
much more miserable. Samizdat always
was homely, but informative.


Tedious loading is finished, dear reader. It's time to talk 
about what is almost done. We are currently

practical implementation of the shell "Ordinary Fascism", 
"Diamond beads", "Computer Apocrypha," Silicon Valley ". 

Now annotations:

 "Ordinary Fascism": hull contains
four texts of different levels of depth and
academic, devoted to the events of half a century ago in 
Germany. Anticipating consideration, noting that "Mein Kampf" 
where you not detect. This text is primarily

just a symbol. Mediumistic speech of the author
This grim-known book, dictated by other lips, quite frankly,
tiring in their monotony. In addition,
it is forbidden to spread and the shell is not included. If you 
are interested in this question, or want to write on

this subject in the school essay, a shell
would be very helpful. The fact that the teacher will fall from 
the chair, do not guarantee, but His hair will follow exactly. 
Read will not be bored. To quote something:


  "I'm not driven primarily my conscience
doctor, which makes me ask
to those few who want to listen to me, and warn them about the 
need prepare for events that marks the end of a eon, the end of 
one of the great eras of world history. Frankly speaking, I 
care deeply about the fate of all those who will be caught 
unawares by the course events, and not having the necessary 
training, will be bound hand and lacking the ability to 
understand anything. As far as I know, nobody has asked 
question about what the consequences might be. " 


 . Mussolini then belonged to Hitler
with suspicion, and even unfriendly. Korrespodent newspaper in 
Vienna, closely followed the development of the National 
Socialist movement, headed by Hitler was one of the informants. 
In his report on his meeting with Adolf Hitler, May 8, 1929, in 
particular he reported: "Hitler - anything, just not a buffoon, 
which portray his opponents. Molestation with which he returns 
to the same arguments, calls into

I suspect that there is no material
for "genius", but he compensates for this
obstinacy, said emotionally convincing. Is able to enter the 
image of man inspired, or throw a comment that brings him one 
stroke with listeners. Realize that

this man is able to drag the
the masses and create their own school, so I believe his 
assertion that the Currently, the best orators and 
propagandists of Germany are in the ranks of the National 
Socialists. " 


  "The Nazi magic hidden under appliances. It was marvelous 
news. All deniers of our civilization - Theosophists

occultists, Hindus and others who have returned or are trying 
to return to the spirit ancient times - have always been 
enemies of technological progress. Magic spirit of fascism, 
armed with all the levers of the material world. 

  Lenin said that the Soviet power plus
electrification of the whole country is socialism. Nazism, in 
its way, it's magic plus panzer divisions. "


 Hubbard was a disciple of the infamous Aleister Crowley. The 
fact is, Ron Hubbard was introduced to a group of "black magic" 
Crowley to deal with situation. The situation was serious. 
Several major specialists in nuclear Physics Caltech

Institute were frequent guests at home, where
housed a branch of black magic
led by specialist firm
rocket fuel in America, Dr.
Jackson Parson. Parson has been closely associated with the 
English black magician Aleister Crowley, who called himself 
"the beast 6.  _

 "Silicon Valley": This shell puts a few more points on the 
material from the log Spectrofon n23. Public just need to know 
where, who and how engaged with the computer. Noted as

say, the details of the moment of conception
computer age. Essentially, this is -
History of Silicon Valley in their faces. Who
were these people that did the era, from
drew inspiration from the kind of problems

Von Neumann's interest in computers, to some extent associated 
with its participation in top-secret Manhattan Project to

the atomic bomb that was developed at Los Alamos New Mexico.
There Von Neumann proved mathematically that the feasibility of 
an explosive detonation method atomic bomb. Now he's thinking 
about a much more powerful weapon.. " 

Turing probably could have still much to accomplish in this 
area (the hypothetical universal machine), but this was 
prevented his eccentricities. Turing was fond of

problems of machine intelligence (he even
devised a test that, in his opinion,
allowed to determine whether machine think). Difficulties have 
arisen in his personal life. Propensity for sexual perversions 
has meant that in 1952, Turing subjected to compulsory 
treatment methods of psychoanalysis and hormonal preparations. 
Two years later, doing the game, which he called "Desert 
Island" and the meaning of which is to manufacture chemical. 
substances from household products, Turing was potassium 
cyanide and adopted it. He died at the age of 41 years. "

Among the developments was, in particular, a machine that was 
used to solve problems associated with the creation of the 
hydrogen bomb. Von Neumann wittily christened her

"MANIAC" (abbreviation of Mathematical,
Analyzer, Numertor And Computer - mathematical analyzer, 
counter and computer). 

In a short time and Computers, IBM
began in the minds of almost synonymous
most Americans were convinced
that IBM and invented these machines. However, nothing could 
smooth out the old resentments - the heirs Uotinp at IBM did not

forgotten the insult firm Aiken. A quarter century after the 
creation of Mark-1 at an exhibition on the history of 
computers, organized by IBM, its president Lirson going to the 
pictures of Howard Aiken, an essential attribute of such 
exhibitions, focused on moment and, barely audible muttering

> passed on to the next exhibit.

Other articles:

From the authors - a few words about the next issue.

Ator magazine - ZX-Format No.7

Content - short contents of the magazine ZX-Format No.7

Toys - an overview of new products: Los Angeles Drugs Bust, Jungle Warfare, Dragonia, 3D Starfighter, Rock star ate my hamster, Star Cobtrol, Malstese joe's pool challenge, Dynamite dux, Blood Brodthers, Galactic Games, Motor Masscre, International Kickboxing.

Toys - Tai-Pan: a masterpiece of classic ZX Spectrum. The game that combines the quest and the manager. Interesting story and a rather detailed description.

Toys - Operation R.R. Opening a new graphic novel from quest'u GALAXY.

Toys - Adventyury: description of the game-parody "Bored of the ring" - "sick of the Rings" can be used as a description, but can simply be read as a parody of JRR Tolkien.

Toys - 3D construction kit: a detailed description of the editor of 3D games such as Castle Master. The article describes the internal language sistemmy, which in fact, makes a set of locations and objects in a full game.

Programmers - Basic - 7: The End of the description of Beta-Basic.

Programmers - library of mathematical procedures. Series of articles for those wishing to learn how to program in assembly language.

Programmers - algorithms and examples of procedures for quick calculations on asemblere: multiplication and division of 3-byte numbers

Programmers - Mod Format files. Describe the format of the standard MOD file used in the General Sound.

Programmers - BMC 2. Esche few words about the conversion of PC-shnyh images in 3-color.

Review - An overview of the passage of the regular Demo-party ENLiGHT 1997 with photographs of some of the guests.

Review - A few moments with the exhibition of video and audio Video FAIR, held in autumn in Saint-Petersburg.

Iron - Captain Nemo invites to share technology KAY all willing to do production.

Iron - Information on a new project by Scorpion - motherboard expansion graphics and memory GMX.

Iron - An article about the audio amplifier and a price list (for those wishing to buy a ready-amp or kit assembly).

animated cartoon - Description of a new turbo-assembler from STORM X-Trade.

animated cartoon - Riff Tracker New Music Editor for General sound.

animated cartoon - Description tekstovgo editor of ZX-Winword, allowing to make graphical inserts in the text, and its utility Sprite Cutter - Cutting these insertions.

animated cartoon - Head Ball - Golovobol: Description of a new game.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Digital Reality.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Extreme.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: MMA, ALK.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Flash inc.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Progress.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Felix / Softland.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Slash.

Interview - interviews with participants ENLiGHT'97: Vyacheslav Mednonogov.

It was you - Lord of the teeth - 2. Continuation of the adventures of the brave Hobbits.

It was you - Switch - A small philosophical parable.

Mail - A masterpiece. Another interesting letter - "the majority of applications and system software - complete nonsense, and Labuda!

Mail - readers' letters: Nikolai Sergeyev, Jobman, Nikolai Parfenov, Dmitry Zalissky.

Mail - free advertising and announcements.

Miscellaneous - prospects for the software. A new RPG game from Odessa Group "Oberon" - an unknown world.

Miscellaneous - prospects for the software. STATE OF THE ART: a new graphical editor for the Spectrum.

Miscellaneous - Electronic Samizdat: A few words about a new kind of software - Electronic books.

Amiga Club - A new article of the former Spektrumista Max Petrov on Amiga.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   30 April