ZX Club #07
28 февраля 1998

Ex Libris - Existentialism - a brief synopsis.

<b>Ex Libris</b> - Existentialism - a brief synopsis.
          F I L O S O F AND I

      W A B L U D W and X W V W X


   Jerzy Kossak - "Existentialism in Philosophy and Literature" 
(a short synopsis of the additions and changes). 

   ... The general awareness of the tragedy of existence, the 
metaphysical rebellion of mankind, the eternal drama of human 
existence, man's loneliness - these formulas reveal the real 
problems of people entangled in the historical contradictions 
... Man - is always a specific person ... The main idea in 
existentialism (Pessimistic and nihilistic course in 
philosophy) on the meaninglessness of existence, the absurdity 
and tragedy of human existence. This rebellion of the human 
thoughts against the current reality ... Various forms of 
pessimism and despair, escape from public life, consideration 
of his own psychology in isolation from society, the search for 
self-satisfaction of conditions of the individual, the search 
understanding only of himself in a world that regarded as a 
split, a hostile and incomprehensible. 

   ... The feeling of emptiness and tragedy, meaninglessness of 
life, loneliness and insignificance of his aspirations. "Low 
greed - writes Engels - was the driving force of civilization 
from its first to this day, wealth, once again the wealth three 
times and riches, wealth is not the society, but this 
particular pathetic individual was her sole defining goal. "

... Good one becomes in the course of social progress grief of 
others, and irrational ideology are threads that connect to an 
imaginary society torn internal contradictions. The march of 
the bourgeoisie was flooded (in the words of Karl Marx and 
Engels), all human senses icy water of egotistical calculation. 
People believe in love, honor and justice,

sensitive to other's grief and despise wealth, it becomes a 
comic madmen at maladjusted to life eccentrics.

   ... Time wins the bourgeois world - while at the same time 
the triumph of bourgeois optimistic philosophy of naturalism. 
With the fact that time wolf adoption laws

in society. Savage law of the struggle for existence and the 
law of natural selection find here a kind of social 
interpretation. Deepening moral crisis people who can not make 
a choice. This crisis continues, continues to exist for the 
capitalist world and its laws continue to rule over the 
destinies of people. We live in an era when a sense of 
disbelief, confusion and absurdity gain massive. The capitalist 
world destroyed the permanent connection between people,

that the only form of public
respect to bare the cash nexus.
"Freedom is the right to do anything that is not
harm to another, "says the declaration
human and civil rights in 1791 Freedom begins with identifying 
those boundaries, in which a person may move, without touching 
others. However, it makes everyone to see in another person 
limit their own freedom. The only

that this binds people together - it is a natural necessity and
personal gain.

   Description of the belly of Paris in Balzac novel 
"Zlatookaya girl:" Here the interests of the town are digested 
and converted into so-called business, here is moving and 
bubbling under the influence of acid and bile, undergoing 
intestinal process, the set solicitors, doctors, notaries, 
lawyers, businessmen, bankers, big merchants,

stockbrokers, judges. All day long they sits, hunched under the 
weight of cases get up at dawn to catch everything I do to give 
myself to rob another to capture all of your own, or at least 
did not lose to cop it man or money to initiate or disrupt any 
thing to watch out for an opportune moment to sentence the 
defendant to death or to justify .... 

   ... What kind of soul will remain generous, pure, moral, 
noble, What a person does not lose its beauty. These

People hid somewhere in his heart, but where?
Even if it is from them, they renounced him every morning. For 
them, no secrets, They learn the seamy side of society - they 
are his confessors. But no matter what they did, fighting the 
vice, they have in front of him horror, or just tired of 
fighting, go to secret deal with it, laws, people, institutions 
turn them into a raven, which fly to yet cooled bodies, and they

cease to believe in feelings. "

   Those who are trying to understand his position
in society, remains a choice: either a noble but fruitless 
utopia, or a shameful peace with the existing reality, or, 
finally, the despair generated by the consciousness of the gap 
between the spiritual capacity rights and living conditions, 
destroying and destroying these capabilities. Such a society 
reminiscent of hard labor, which breaks down a person mentally 
and destroy him physically. The destruction of old values ​​if 
it is impossible to find new forces to withdraw into the world 
alone emotions and feelings in the world of lonely joys, 
worries and aspirations. This kind of protest against the evils 
of public life. Often the whole belief in human dignity and 
beauty focuses on one loved one. Much love to one

man sometimes is the only
a refuge from the meanness, evil and senseless social life. The 
loss of this the latter is ideal for off-road of loneliness and 

   One of the main ideological and literary
representatives - Colin Wilson (and I'm with him
strongly agree) flatly rejects any political and social 
activities, arguing that human destiny and mankind will not 
change for the better any tangible reform and revolution. By 
his view of man and mankind can save only the purely spiritual, 
inner revolution. Therefore, the output of the paradoxes

contemporary social relations should
look only at depths below
the human soul.

   Existentialism expresses the sentiments of
passivity, disbelief and despair, he showed a dramatic way the 
people lost faith in the history and progress and seeking 
solutions out of this world: anguish covered or frightened by 
the ugliness of the outside world, people are turning to 
thoughts of the tragedy of universal destiny, there is a 
painful absurdity of existence and consciousness futility of 
any activity, human drama, devoid of prospects future turns 
into a tragedy of the eternal searching, longing for the 
unattainable ideal. 

   Existentialism - a philosophy (or
tone of speech) of human affairs, of
personality, sense of life, values, choices and
the limits of freedom. Augustine, Confessions X: "I
too late to love you, beauty so old
and so new, I love you too late. You
was inside, and I was outside, I was looking for you
there and stretched to its ugliness to beauty, created by you. 
You were with me, and I was not with Thee. You called,

called and interrupted my deafness; You flashed, beamed - and 
removed my blindness, You spread the fragrance, I breathed it, 
and now yearn for Thee, I have tried and now strazhdu and wish 
...". Jean-Paul Sartre, "The Devil and the Lord God:" I pleaded,

begging, had sent messages to the heavens - no response. The 
sky did not know him even my name is unfamiliar. I continually 
asked myself: what am I in the eyes of God? Now I know the 
answer: nothing, my god does not see, God does not hear me, God 
I did not knows. You see the void above our

heads? You see this hole in the door? This
god. You see this hole in the ground? It's a god. Lack of it - 
is God. God - is loneliness of people. "

        Philosophy of self-destruction

   The purpose of philosophical studies - the inner world of 
individual, isolated from society and history. The question of 
the meaning of life has an answer, recital meaninglessness of 
life, the absurdity of life, poverty of life and the 
impossibility of escape from its vicious circle. 

   Christian interpreters of the philosophy
consider a purely atheistic existentialism course, clearly the 
result of the disappearance of belief in God. The collapse of 
the world of stable values, chaos, meaninglessness, despair and 
hopelessness - the typical motifs all varieties of 
existentialism - - Interpreted by them as a consequence of 
Nietzsche's thesis about the death of god, the tragedy of 
existence, feeling of emptiness and anxiety, self-loathing and 
the world, the constant consciousness of the inevitability of 
death - the result of the disappearance Faith in God, the 
result of atheism. In essence, it is difficult to argue that 
existentialism clearly linked to an atheist or, conversely,

religious philosophy. After all, for the Christian philosopher 
Pascal starting point Philosophy is a horrifying thought

insignificance of this world and the inability to understand 
what surrounds man. Science, he believes, does not solve the 
problems of domestic life - no problems of moral values,

no questions of religion - and not indicative of the way
Fortunately, salvation, the moral
ideal. The first element of this philosophy
Doubt is the power of rationalism,
which is characteristic of existentialism in general. Doubt the 
power of rationality gives rise to despair. "I do not know," 
says Pascal, who made me into the light of what the world is 
that so I did. I live in a monstrous ignorance. "Rejecting the 
mind, he tries to lean on on intuition, the voice of the heart. 
But by joining on this path, he begins to understand the tragic 
fate of a man living under the constant threat of death. The 
main motive consciousness of nullity of human nature

leads to the assertion of impermanence of all earthly 
insignificance of the world in general, the baseness of the 
body, whose commitment to prevent evil, the victory of higher 
spiritual values, affection for dirt and infamy surrounding the 
man, throwing between spiritual values ​​and deformity of the 
material medium, generates nagging despair. It was previously 
thought that humanity and the individual

has its own purpose. For this purpose could be a god
or the absolute idea, the development of nature,
development of mankind and this could be a target
have not yet found a set that would
find, finally, this objective could be
internally calm personality. And only
Schopenhauer in his work The World as Will and
representation, "there is a new philosophical motive, the idea 
that life there is no purpose at all, that she - the mindless 
movement, devoid of purpose. Truly human strength, by 
Schopenhauer, is the will, but it represents a blind impulse.

And because it is an impulse acting irrationally and 
recklessly, without any aim, without any justification, 
direction, No sedation is impossible to find. A

because it is impossible ever to find the tranquility, the man 
tormented by a constant feeling of dissatisfaction, anxiety, 
frustration. Therefore, the life - the amount minor concerns, 
the pursuit of satisfaction urgent needs, the very same 
happiness - unattainable, and a man bent beneath the weight of 

   Philosophy and Religion APPEAR
decisions, the illusion of life purpose and meaning
life, bringing temporary relief to people
believed in these mirages. Philosophy and religion provide only 
the illusion of finding values ​​that are not, which does not 
exist. Man, get rid of these mirages, gets some 
cognitive-ethical satisfaction, but the stronger feels and is 
conscious poignancy of life. According to Schopenhauer, there 
are two things that bring relief. First of all, contemplation 
of another's suffering, just sympathy, temporarily distracting 
from own suffering, can bring temporary relief to the 
contemplation of works of art (as well as listening to music,

for those for whom it acts). Contemplation suspends will. 
Immersion in the beauty for a while consoles us. Nietzsche: "We 
must know that everything that arises must be ready to

suffering and death, we are forced to look at the horrors of 
individual existence ... " 

   If anything can save the lives of human beings, helpless in 
the pain of being, and make them vegetate further, that this 
force can only be illusion.

   Man not only creates its own historical tradition, 
subjective erecting design of the future. According 
ekzistentsialisticheskim concepts, each epoch creates myths, 
give it an artificial wholeness. These myths give the 
appearance of meaning life personality, social being and the 
historical process. They create an artificial world of 
conventional values, form a surrogate of harmony and order. So 
way, the myths, ideals and ideology generate visibility 
agreement with the world, artificially harmonizing valid

chaos. They explain the laws of the world categories, in fact 
absent in the human fate and destiny peace, or unknowable.

   Ideals to which we aspire, are empty, being implemented. In
individual's life and in public
life we ​​see the gap between designs and
reality-between the plan and its implementation. Our goals are 
relegated at the when we feel that we have begun to

him to approach. We are like a lone pedestrian on their way to 
the far top (Joy in the range of towers in the stone near the 
trouble). The main problems Sartovskogo labor "Being and 
Nothingness" - the thesis of a permanent gap between intention 
and result, between ideal and reality, the definition of being 
as that that there is a cause annoyance,

and nothing - as the ideal to which we aspire and which is 
constantly extended and always reachable. Fulfillment of 
desires is not is their satisfaction. We go from

dream to dream in constant anxiety, constant search, constant 
yearning for a better life. Pursuant to the former desires 
reveals the emptiness, indicating lies hidden beneath the outer 
shell of the events. 

   A man of spirit, wrote Kierkegaard, different from us that 
can withstand isolation. And we, the people, by contrast, is 
always in need of others in the crowd, die, suffer, if we do 
not believe that being in a crowd, share the view of the crowd. 
Only isolated individuals, alone, contemplating different 
versions of the Aware personal responsibility for the result

choices and achievements themselves, can escape
Depending on the requirements of modernity,
generated by the pressure of public opinion. To be free - it 
means to be themselves.

   People are looking for completeness and to relate the 
details. Try to catch eternity burning in transient moments of 
sensual pleasure. Transfer any detail on their mental strength

looking for happiness in the here and now "on this earth, in 
the material organization of human society, or as part of its 
individual sphere of sensual pleasures and earthly life plans. 
His Don Juan, longing for the great love and a very tired lot 
disappointment, yearning the ideal and supersaturated ritual

sensual pleasures, - the image of a tragic, broken and 

   But man can not find myself also
at work for their families, society,
for the country. And that's because there he is lost in the 
maelstrom of various occupations and duties, is dissolved in 
the running functions, losing their individual


   When he is born the idea of ​​creating a perfect life on 
earth, he begins to blaspheme, seeking to create an infinitely 
good and fair structure. He wants to fulfill a moral ideal, 
forgetting that the original sin weighs on the human race 
forever. "My main goal," wrote Kierkegaard, "understand the 
mission, to find the truth, which is my own truth, find the 
idea for the sake of which to live, for you can give life. "

   Existentialists postulate brought against
genuine person, that is, a person who does not resort to any
external justification for their actions. He
courageously seeks to understand his position. Deliberately 
seeks to take responsibility and the associated risk.

This does not mean, however, that existentialism
considers human being, not related
with the environment, especially with other people.

   A man surrounded by a void, he is alone in
their feelings and trying to unload them at
another person makes it their
victim becomes an executioner. According to the existentialist, 
there is no one truth truth many, the truth is "subjective"

and, therefore, find it, not by dialectic or discourse 
analysis, and venturing into itself, exploring the structure of 
their own experiences, within these limits, a person constructs 
his world of objects, beyond it and not associated with it.

The only truly live person - it's her own ethical
reality. This activity
for her - not an external activity and internal solution. 
Civilization is creates a crowd of people deprived of their 
actual relationships and sense of community, ideas and views are

subjected to an artificial unification with
through the press, radio, television, advertising (I'd 
recommend reading "450 degrees Fahrenheit," Ray Bradbury). 

   This situation gives rise to ideological, moral and artistic 
compulsion, leading to a loss of individuality, to stereotyped 
ideas and views to the narrowness of the ideals and goals in 
life, lack of humanistic values, a deep sense life. At the same 
time creates a feeling of own insignificance in comparison with

the enormity of the modern city, its industry and the 
bureaucracy, sense of lack of initiative, inability to

real personal influence on the course
events (subject of a big city, "even with the kinks," depicted 
a master of the Soviet Socialist Realism, Maxim Gorky in the 
City of yellow the devil ").

   The man bent under the weight of the environment and forced 
within this environment to repeat the same gestures and words, 
loses its individuality, dissolving in mass. He gets used to a 
situation things considered it normal. Surrounding

his men seem to him friends and family
everyday life - naturally. Heidegger
opposes such a picture of the world, portraying
social life as artificial and
nonsensical fruit chaotic efforts of generations. Material 
world is meaningless. AND only human activity organizes, 
constructs, gives it a meaningful and valuable. But in the 
course of this creative work of people become a slave their own 
creations. He created things take power over him. Absorbed

thousands of different concerns, a person loses
sense of the meaning of existence, ceases to operate
life. Instead direct their
life, he adjusts to things and people to the needs, 
requirements, responsibilities and dependencies. Instead of 
building world, based on their criteria and values

order, instead of acting
freely, a person is forced to perform various functions. Some 
external postulates forced him to commit acts which

he did not choose, and would not come up. He
like to become one more thing, mindless tool, among other 
things, and tools, and thoughtlessly accumulated operating 
automatically. Thus, the integrity existence and the meaning of 
life, broken everyday bustle, lost and still, passive

vegetation replaces real life.

   Anxiety has nothing to do with
specific fear - fear of something and
before anything else. This fear of man, he found himself a 
prisoner of the things and people lost in the realities of life 
and small concerns. In a state of anxiety as it gets

indifferent. But precisely because of this we
back to themselves. Overcome with anxiety, we lose the illusory 
support. Been recognized our integrity is being imaginary. Now, 
when we had escaped from specific things from his thoughts, we 
suddenly recognize alienation of our true

from everyday life, facts, practices and ideas. We must remain 
alert to exist. Only anxiety reveals to man

the fact that social life is trying to
hide, namely: that it is present in
view to death (Sein zum
Tode). Born in extreme situations,
states between life and death,
cataclysms, tragic twist of fate,
during severe illness, anxiety (Angst)
makes us aware of our alienation from
world and the tragic loneliness of his own, abandoned by all 
life, freeing up most people from the power of illusion and 
forcing him to take a bold and genuine attitude towards one's 
own existence. 

   When a person realizes that the surrounding
it represents a daily
complex of illusions and lies, he, according to Heidegger, will 
the real features of a human being genuine, namely: constant 
anxiety, anxiety, meaninglessness own and others' activities 
and, consequently, the absence of external and internal rules. 
If any action is meaningless, it is difficult to talk about 
some rational norms governing these

action. And if a person feels that
he was thrown into an alien and hostile world
and the only thing he has left - is
freedom of death, rewarding him for his
sorrow of life and at the same time eliminating
constant fear, anxiety and concern.
This is the notorious "freedom of death"
(Freiheit zum Tode).

   "When we bestowed a beggar, you might want to buy at this 
power over it and control it themselves. "

   "Dead is that the world has only
approving attitude. Need not endorse
that is, but life itself, which consists in
overcoming the contradiction between being and
that should be "- Hegel. Genesis -
- That is what exists and does not give satisfaction. Nothing - 
it's ideals to which seek, but that all the time relegated. 
Consequently, there is a gap between intention and result. Man

seeks to implement its own
value system, to bring their individual, particular existence 
in accordance with being, which would represent him a permanent 

   If the fact of my existence - an accident, it is still very 
fact makes me have the choice of the position which I occupy in 
relation to cases problems, ideas. But the choice of this 
position accidental. I myself have set myself the goal, and

In light of these goals is my place on earth gets the value. 
"Any contact between two people is the inevitable attitude of 
servant to master. " 

    ... So instead the idea of ​​patterns
development of an idea about human
reality as a projection of the random
positions generated by the random choice for
accidental circumstances.

   Speaking against the official world of false appearances, 
against the false conventions, sounding phrases against moral 
hypocrisy, the rebels of the intellectual formations are trying 
to get to the phenomena feelings and facts that can not be 
suspected of lying and deceit. So the world of real truths, 
beyond the ideological retouching, they seem to be their own 
personal feelings and emotions. Private, internal

is a basis of knowledge about human existence and the world. 
But this protest against ordered the world visibility in the 
conscious rejection of attempts to understand the social 
relations between individuals and social dynamics leading to 
the creation of the private world of sight. He condemns to 
unreality vneindividualnye all the facts, phenomena and

processes, but from the crumbs of personal experiences
creates creates a metaphysical creation:
temporary human existence. Same
internal integrity, which makes
speak, talk, write only about
own observations on the immediate, specific sensations.

   Decadence - is not only a passive,
despondency and despair. Decadence Culture -
- It is also a dramatic way of thinking of people who, having 
lost faith in history and progress, looking for the ideal 
outside world, people who are tired of the "external" or

scared of them and fell into extreme pessimism,
exploring the tragic mystery of the universal

   The representative of a religious objective
idealism, Bostrom said about God, about spiritual being as the 
true reality. The material world, claimed a philosopher - his 
reflection. This god, the absolute, does not change and does 
not develop. It establishes once and for all sacred order world 
of nature and society, guarantee the inviolability of the 
eternal rights and responsibilities. Boström criticized Hegel's 
concept world, the Hegelian dialectic of thought and history.

   Literature Søren Kierkegaard: "either-or", "Fear and 
Trembling," "Stages of Life Road "," Exercise in Christianity. 
"The basic idea:" Man is exposed here public pressure that 
oppresses and destroys it. So he loses and loses his true 
identity. Social pressure and demands of the authorities

force people to abandon personal freedom and the opportunity to 
dispose of him. They forget what it means to be a person.

Their existence is no longer true. "

   Thought and meaning beyond the example of
Jacob Boehme, beyond expression, an idea -
beyond the form, and "contemplation" was
ideal life. "Ideal," says Brandes, "Indian inaction: a 

   Kierkegaard wrote: "The idea of ​​Christianity
was to change everything. The result of
Christianity is such that everything, absolutely everything
remains as it was, just get the label "Christian". 
"Christianity is like purity - hence off brothels. Indeed, 
there was a change ... but now we have Christian brothel. Pimp 
is a pimp today, Christian ... 

   Christianity has sought to honesty and
equity, and hence any fraud has to stop. To this end, produced 
a significant change: Fraud rampant in the same way as in 
paganism (every Christian in the cheats their area), but it 
added a definition of "Christian", it became a Christian 
zhivoderstvom, and the priest blesses a Christian society, it 
is Christian state. "" Everything in general -

- An abomination. These two thousand temples, or
How many of them out there, from a Christian perspective - an 
abomination, and these thousands of priests in velvet, silk ... 
from a Christian point view is also an abomination. "

   What is salvation? How can I change
this state of affairs? What should be
effective form of protest against the appalling prose of life?

   When, says Kierkegaard, the man went through years of 
childhood, deprived of consciousness individual's personality 
and inner spiritual center, where he learned the life and lost 
his sense of an idyllic, harmony and strength of being, then 
his protest against Life philistine contempt for the stagnation

the latter find expression in the irony (I recommend reading 
"Steppenwolf" Hermann Hesse). He becomes a taste, - a life 
neglected, denied existence, singing nothing: crumbs, instant 
fun and excitement Summary of sensual pleasure. Life -

- Desert, and the fleeting pleasures - ephemeral oases in it. 
Thus, the aesthetics - it hedonist, whatever he enjoyed: the 
intellectual harmony, beauty, art or sensual pleasures. In the

search for eternity in an instant, and complete - in
pipsqueak sensuous life lies the source of
emptiness and despair. For this is the decisive
rejection of absolute values, and such waiver, and such care, 
says Kierkegaard, generates anguish and despair (the most 
complete rationale for the "sensual" life is given in Freud in 
Fiction - "Emmanuel" Arsan in the books of the Marquis De Sade, 

   Making life a fleeting, immediate and transient sensual 
pleasures, one rooted in nothingness - is fenced off from the 
eternal. Life, dedicated exclusively to the pursuit of a brief 
moment of sensual pleasure and pleasant emotions, like a leaky 
jar, which can not be filled. The selfish greed, expressed, in 
particular, insatiable desire for individual

possession of things, greed, not knowing
restrictions and limits - another reason
abandonment, which brings with it a
approach to life.

   "The official religion, both in its Catholic and Protestant 
in the publication - - First and foremost a victory of form 
over content. Ritualism is here euthanasia morality. It 
authorizes the middle-class life, leads to a calm, 
self-righteousness, moral ossified, spiritual death "- 

   Faith - is irrational and passionate
conviction. This is a leap beyond the mind. In
human love is mainly a subjective feeling, of reason only
justify the passion that existed before
them. According to Kierkegaard, faith alone can
save the meaning of the imperfect world. "If I
not keep the light of faith, fear and dread engulf me. "If this 
interpretation is not retained any of the functions of the 
church as constructively reactionary institution. Remains an 
individual belief, the subjective conviction as a last resort 
the person who is aware of the baseness of the earth of social 
relations, hostility, social institutions and the falsity of 

   Kierkegaard: "The existence of - a live stream, constantly 
creating ourselves. A Mining fix any definite state. He is not 
able to catch this live stream. If my own inner world can not 
be objectively analyzed, then a fortiori not can be no question 
of an objective analysis the inner world of another person. 
Subject - That's the truth. And how many individuals -

so many truths, the truth - this mystery of each one of us. 
Moral issues each person decides for himself within himself. My 
life confined to my moral choice. Not

the real facts, not an external activity
not real practice, but a purely spiritual
action - a moral choice, internal solutions, loyalty, passion 
direction and internal redemption - that's what defines my 
life, my human value. "Kierkegaard preached the idea of that no 
external material revolution can not change anything in human 
destiny. The only real revolution - a revolution inside the 
human spirit, the inner transformation isolated, detached from 
all over the world unique individual.

   Kierkegaard executed sincere aversion to the man in the 
street, to the bourgeois way of thinking, to official religion. 
It seeks to change lives, to win the spiritual principle, to 
creation of new human values. He advocating for a full life, 
for Free personal development. "Existence" for him - a painful 
effort of will and passion, aimed at having to throw something

within us that we are not satisfied, and
refer to something different, better,
"Improved." It emphasizes the personal nature of this 
experience, personal responsibility for finding meaning in life 
and implementation of their way of life in

single and lonely inner torments

   Jaspers describes the situation of modern man as a unique 
and massive loss of sense of being. Current people he argues, 
is not able to cover the entire totality of life, living only a 
gray gritty, filled with a passive compliance current tasks. 
They have no opportunity to exercise creative initiative: they 
do not see perspectives of the past, since lost

relationship with cultural tradition, they do not see
and prospects for the future, since all
consumed for the day, trapped in a vise
media technology, administration, organization, mass culture. 
They allegedly universal consciousness that all is doubtful, it 
is problematic, and life - Broken lies, deception and illusion. 
Tehnizatsiya leads to the feeling of abandonment in the crowd.

  General provisions Jaspers (very similar to
The Rose of Peace "Daniil Andreev):
1. Must create a new synthetic
philosophy treats the world as a whole and about
role in it each of us.
2. Necessary to create elements in common,
conscious and active attitude towards tehnizatsii world to new 
possibilities, enhanced by technological advances, were again 
put to the service of mankind. 3. Necessary to create new 
interpersonal communications, new commonwealth people of good 
will involved in all the humanistic cultural values. 

    According to Jaspers, philosophy must
to consider such categories (which are beyond scientific 
analysis), as will, freedom, personal integrity, choice and 
responsibility. Its main goal - again awaken people to the 
individual life, To do this we must first achieve

"Freedom from": get rid of the ideals of
social illusions of the laws of the gregarious
life of faith in science, involvement in
rationality of the world.

   Gabriel Marcel: "... This life - a protest against the 
existing situation and a profound ignorance, loss of values 
​​and prospects, the loss of path and purpose, and meaning of 
the byetiya. Belief in the omnipotence of science - harmful 
utopia, science is unable to explain to improve and save the 
world. Knowledge does not solve the problems of domestic life, 
incapable of identify the true values, claiming

moral ideal. Being beyond thought, and any attempt to 
mentally-rationalistic comprehension of life represent an 
attempt to stop its development. I can not name, define, 
formulate who I am. People - it's a personal "secret" which 
covers a whole and completely. That is something infinitely

a unique and personal, not
treatable objectification, exciting
I have no balance, is the secret of my being.

<Lyrical digression>

    Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Uninteresting people in the world no.
Their fate - as the history of the planets.
Each is specific and unique,
And there planets similar to it.

And if someone has quietly lived
And unobtrusiveness was,
He was interested in people
Samoyu unobtrusiveness her.

Everyone-his secret

                private world
There are in this world is the

                Best moment
There are in this world is the

              darkest hour,
But all this is unknown to us.

And if a person dies,
With him died his first snow
And the first kiss, first fight ..
All it takes it with him.

Yes, the books remain and bridges,
Machinery and artists canvases
Yes, many are here to stay,
But that is surely going anyway!

Such is the rule the game.
Not people die but worlds.
People we know, sinful and earthly.
And what we know in fact about them?

What do we know about the brothers, friends,
What we know about his only?
And own father
We know all know nothing.

People go ... They will not return.
Their secret worlds will never revive.
And every time I want to again
This irretrievable scream ...

   According to Marcel, the path to truth leads
through acts of internal consciousness,
Specifically, through the formation of a kind
internal position. Man - this is a pilgrim
the gaze fixed on continuously
changing patterns of their own
"I". Things, things are eternal existence, and animal life - 
eternal repeating the same actions. Man

can exist as a stone, and spend
Life on the repetition of actions that contribute to the 
maintenance of the primitive vegetation. Transforming the 
issues of domestic life in the impersonal, object symbols 
available global understanding, identifying with the subjects, 
and, finally, to consider himself as a thing among other 
things. This is turn leads to a view of the target

human life as a goal achievable in this, life on earth, in the 
industrial, social and physical organization of people's lives 
- the organization which, according to Marcel, is contrary to

whole and in all their personal details
values ​​of human existence (see
Book Marseille "Homo Viator" (Man wanderer) and "To Be and to 
have", "Existence and objectivity ").

   ... Every step in this world full of chaos
and dishonesty can lead to spiritual
collapse, despair and death. Soul, withdrawn into himself, or 
seeking deliverance from their domestic woes outside, tortured, 
susceptible to the temptations of shame associated with 
existence, have lost human form, slipping into pessimism and 

   A genuine man, a man open position - a person, striving for 
peace higher values. We were thrown into the material, chopped, 
"split" and meaningless world, must find the absolute values, 
to restore peace moral values. 

   Earthly disasters, war, injustice and poverty are not the 
result of historical errors and follies era, imperfections or 
deficiencies in management social and economic structure of 
society. Marcel considering the earthly world As the world 
fallen, the cradle of sorrow and disasters. The earthly world 
is broken forever times.

   The human person is included in the flesh.
I do not identify themselves with their flesh, but
I can not break away from it. Through her, I set the presence 
of other objects around me, creating a circle of his existence. 
I am, therefore I exist and be tested. I am responsible for the 
usage of their lives. Existence in the flesh is the first large 
danger to the soul. Through the flesh external penetrating into 
our inner spiritual world. At the same time seek to flesh to 
seize power over us - learn us deprive us of his will. Limp its 
subordination to the needs of breeds inertia and spiritual 

   For Marseilles is the only type of creative, activity of 
mind is manifested in acts of access to the being of other 
individuals. This activity is the secret of love.

   ... However, some have other desires, there is no limit 
desire for new achievements, new improvements. The desire to 
possess things, which I do not, their inability to zaimet 
currently generate suffering. Fear of losing what I already

have, breeds fear.

   Marcel sees two alternatives: either
mysticism, or the world struggling against each
other individuals whose lives have been spent on
satisfaction of their selfish desires.
The material world, from his point of view, blunt
and soulless, he is deprived of its own harmony
and is the only place for the test.

   Choosing a way voluntary. Voluntarily and
follow up on it, despite all the difficulties and pain 
associated with it through to the ideal.

   For Hegel, man as a creature of physical imperfect. Natural 
motive his actions is to satisfy desires. Perfect man only as a 
spiritual being. And spirituality is intended to overcome the 
natural human addiction.

   Matthew Arnold - the opposition of civilization and culture. 
Ethics pursuit of material wealth and political power inherent 
in the barbarians and philistines, gave birth to an ugly 
civilization coal and steel. If anything can stand up to these

creatures, then only the high spiritual
culture, was to strive for perfection, beauty, and high moral
qualities of personality.

   Dreams of social justice and
overcome social conflicts, finding no real ground for their 
full or partial realization in life, generate

complex ideological and artistic structure.
Such dreams appear in the beliefs, thinking, in the fine arts.
Suffering of the people led to the creation of mirages "Golden 
Age" or lost happy kingdom, the path to which is lost. 
Directing their frustration in the past or into the unknown 
distance, directing, finally, its fantasy in the future, people 
formed a historical utopia, or seek solace in mysticism, 
creating a paradise for the afterlife disadvantaged. This is a 
revolt against the present the just past, or better

future. Instead, to realize the enormous force of chains, 
people have created an idealistic illusion of happiness in the 
afterlife. She discharged mental stress. Mystical ups in the 
field of fantasy help tolerate the vicissitudes of life in real 
life. Lit. An example from the poem: "In Formerly the tribes 
people on earth lived. Grievous sorrows not knowing and not 
knowing hard work. Great harvest and an ample

themselves gave a hlebodarnye land. They
as much as wanted, worked quietly
SBIR wealth. "People tend to dream: someone on Rae, who on 
communism. And if closer, Mr Zhirinovsky promised in the near 
future, every officer on the plot of land, each student 
scholarships, each woman in the peasant. Good knowledge of 
psychology. Longing for social validity of the tribal community 
for human justice in the land turned into a dream of fair life 
after death - in the afterlife. Protest against

Slavery body spawned the myth of the independent soul.

   Albert Camus. Can there exist
and continue in this world is big, blooming joy friendly and 
blagovolyaschih friend other bodies? People escape from each 
other. Life - a move that is chasing her

form, not finding her again. Man
seeking normal, meaning the harmony of its existence, dreams of 
living being, with which could connect forever. We

longing to love to last, but we know
that it does not last. Even suffering is not forever
and suffering no more sense than

   Shameful suffering abandoned lover
is not so much that it more
do not like much in the consciousness that the beloved
of man can and must love again.
The most tender union ends thirst death
very close until the creatures. (Let me disagree with Camus. 
For me love (not love this hackneyed and trivialized the word) 
- it is not just intoxicating thirst for possession, it is also 
a desire to happiness for the people close to you, it is

desire to understand and accept him as
it is, this feeling of joy when he is well, and a sense of 
sadness when he was bad). 

    Fulfillment of a wish is not his satisfaction. Reaching the 
goal to which pushes a great passion, you find there anxiety, 
emptiness and boredom. 

As breast, faded
from the dirty fondling, nibbling
In den beggarly
a reveler idle
We have new sweets
and a new dirty secret
Searching, compress the flesh,
As an overripe fruit.
------------------------------- And loneliness over us
like rain, rising above the sea

and extends there beyond the hills;
up to the sky, they are always fraught.
And the sky falls on the city.

Livy, it shines at dawn
on the streets, confused at first,
When a body embracing these
already that do not look they were looking for,
and people with hatred and sorrow
a bed connected forever ...

Then the loneliness goes away in a river.

    Baudelaire first used the approach in the analysis of love, 
the terms "butcher" and "Victim".

    Give a man something means to take
his prisoner ... give something to destroy something that you 
give to the person to whom you give, make a slave. This 
sartrovskaya wording from the book "Being and Nothingness" good 
reason backed by example affair. 

   "Hell - is other people" - Sartre.

   "If you're helping others, even for a moment he thought how 
good you are, you not help others and themselves "(almost folk).

   Impotent madness of love. No creature, not even the 
favorite, which pays you the same, never belong to you

altogether. On a brutal land full possession
another being, an absolute unity in the
throughout life is impossible ... You want to love was eternal, 
but even if by some miracle it will last

all your life, it is still in some
moment, she breaks off ... ("Sooner or later
each Vasilisa the Beautiful is Baba Yaga, "a fairytale, it 
refers to and Ivan Tsarevich, too). People always escape from 
you, and you're slipping away from them too. 

    "The man who is loved," says Mauriac, "always maintains his 
slave (in family is always one likes, the second allows

self love - folk wisdom), and the adoration that is to feed 
him, seeking a sense of his being. Sometimes he is tormented, 
angry, watch how far his power, or re-kindle the damped

passion. He returned when the partner
begins to get used to his absence, and
again moving away, making sure that it is necessary
victim to that did not suffer. But
sacrifice even more cruel than her executioner.
Loved one it needs air,
as bread, operated victim breathes it
absorbs it, it's her property, her
mining ".

   Not find themselves in a society places
worthy of true humanity, the human person also can not wait and
real moral support, spiritual support from neighbors and itself 
from its parties may contribute to their

moral renewal (do not want this
believe). Self-loathing and despair,
caused by the consciousness of his inability to
get out of the swamp into which man is immersed carnal 
temptations greed, envy and hatred - of mind

state of the existentialists.

   (For myself, I see life as a huge
dirty and smelly swamp in the center of which is a huge 
slippery rock, resting the top of the sky. The slope

crawl and roll people, some above, others below. Some wallow in 
the mire, let bubbles spew verbal diarrhea and brazhnoe

stink (they and the people that do not like), others are 
creeping up - there is cleaner air, but it is difficult to 
resist. Man fate is doomed to an endless and, in general, 
meaningless motion. Goals to achieve can not be too steep and 
slippery slope but as soon as you stop moving, start sliding 
down, and bottom rot and spiritual death degenerate).

   In the movie "Woman in the Dunes" sounded
phrase: "You shovel sand to live,
or live to rake out the sand. "Obviously, we all shovel sand, 
each in its place.

  Trying to formulate for ourselves what is good and bad, came 
to the formula: "Evil there is anything that brings moral and 
physical pain to yourself and others. Evil to myself and bad 
for others differ only in the direction, but does not cease to 
be this evil. Good is everything that leads to

reduce or eliminate the moral and physical pain (preferably 
with others). All other actions are neutral (and not subject to 
condemnation). But as one and the same action can cause a joy

and other pain, after all (as it is not sad) absolute good or 
evil, no. So as there is absolutely "good" or completely "evil" 
people. " _______________________________________End

Other articles:

From the Editor - On the new shell magazine.

News - How are things going with the organization of Barnaul Spectrum network.

News - Olimpiada'97 informatics or reflection at the end.

Games - Description of the game "NIGEL MANSELL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP".

User group - Review of music editors: WHAM + AY, ASM, SUPER SONIC, SOUND TRACKER v1.1, STD v2.01, STR v3.00, SOUND TRACKER PRO, PRO TRACKER and utilities: S.T. COMPILER, S. T. RECOMPILER, S.T. MUSIC STEALER, S. T. REC + +, FLASH DECOMPILER.

Coding - technology and algorithms demomeykinga: rapid withdrawal schedules through the stack.

Ex Libris - Loneliness - a brief synopsis.

Ex Libris - Existentialism - a brief synopsis.

Ex Libris - Press: What are books?

Hard group - Expansion of computer memory, "Synthesis of 2 'to 128 KB.

Enjoy - The Tale of Saltan.

Enjoy - Short Story "Learn to shoot."

Advertising - free advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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