ZX Club #07
28 февраля 1998 |
Coding - technology and algorithms demomeykinga: rapid withdrawal schedules through the stack.
(C) Saruman / Dementia corp. Well, that was another demo-party, Enlight-97, and again vylilo on the heads of the poor users a bunch of cool and clever demos. A poor user sits, looks at them, and nothing at all, then it is not clear: how all this can be possible? But possible, and the proof here it is - before eyes. This is a small tip may serve as a starting point for a series of articles in which I try to tell a little about demomeykinge, his techniques and algorithms. Of course, I do not such a cool coder as Rst7, Max Iwamoto, Exploder, etc., but what I know - that little talk. I will be wildly happy if my work will help to write at least one distinct bend. And because it is best to start from the beginning, then today's topic will Rapid withdrawal schedules through the stack - You know, I have on screen wounds displayed 300 sprites in a single transformation on closing, and I can not get rid of the scintillation of. Help! - Now you someone advise you to withdraw them the stack. ;-) From the correspondence in the FIDO Perhaps the reader will carefully tracking for all electronic media, indignantly exclaim: "How much can you talk about it ?!?!?" How long does it! Once more there are demos with sprites and trembling glyuchaschimi effects (as they appear!), Then says not enough. Thus, the basic idea behind this method is as follows: The command execution time LD A, (reg) 7 LD (reg), A 7 INC reg 6 DEC reg 6 LD HL, (ADDR) 16 LD (ADDR), HL 16 POP reg 10! PUSH reg 11! LD SP, nnnn 10 So, what do we see? For the transfer of two bytes in the right place, we have three ways: a) use the register A. That is, we have about this piece of code: LD A, (HL) LD (DE), A INC HL INC DE Total 26 * 2 = 52 cycles. Ouch ... Mnogova then! b) Use register pair HL: LD HL, (ADDR) LD (ADDR), HL Total 16 +16 = 32 clocks plus time of change in ADDR. That is too much ... c) use the operations PUSH and POP: LD SP, nnnn POP HL .... LD SP, nnnn PUSH HL .... You say: "What is the best way, if it takes as much time with 41! "But I have not knowingly put in the code dots. Think of the action teams PUSH and POP: with PUSH is entering the value of the register address contained in SP, and decrease the value of SP at 2, with POP - on the contrary, these accrue from memory, and SP increases. And since we have as many as 10 register pairs, then we can set the stack only once for 20 bytes. The final code looks like this: LD SP, addr; SP = sprite_adr POP AF; H POP BC; and POP DE; m POP HL; and POP IX; e POP IY; m EX AF, AF '; with EXX; n POP AF; p POP BC; and POP DE; th POP HL; m LD (SP_1 +1), SP; Save SP LD SP, addr; SP = screen_adr PUSH HL; In PUSH DE; s PUSH BC; in PUSH AF; of EX AF, AF '; g EXX; and PUSH IY; m PUSH IX; n PUSH HL; p PUSH DE; and PUSH BC; th PUSH AF; m LD (SP_2 +1), SP; save SP SP_1 LD SP, 0000; SP = sprite_adr ............ ; Again reading ............ ; Data SP_2 LD SP, 0000; SP = screen_adr ............ ; Again conclude etc. Subtotal get 302/10 = 2.30 cycles for two Bytes! As can be seen, the difference is palpable, especially when withdrawal of large amounts of graphics. For maximum speed dostizheiya better to do without any cycles, and show more the whole sprite. Now we discuss some useful techniques that can help you. Often, especially in the demos, the picture consists of several repetitions of one and the same part. In this case, by itself, enough once considered this part, and then throw it to the screen the desired number of times. If you need to print a sprite with a mask, it is often convenient to proceed as follows as follows: sprite store in memory mixed with a mask, and read at the same time and then, and more. Example: LD SP, data_adr; address sprite LD DE, scr_adr; address screen POP BC; B = mask, C = sprite LD A, (DE) AND B; A AND mask OR C; A OR sprite LD (DE), A It is this way, slightly modified, used to display the cursor in the journal. The cursor is stored as two 2_bayta_dannyh _bayta_maski. Before displaying the mask and sprite is shifted to the desired number of bits and received _three_ byte sprite rush on the screen. As you can see, everything works without flickering and glitches! Oh, and all things that can be anywhere on the screen and still and move (different cursors jumping Smileys, etc.) need to show the very first to play music, converting coordinates, etc. Otherwise, even if you have everything working perfectly, can be caught any inhibitory complex, where the sprite begins to shake and flicker. Do not forget about this! A Whereupon I say goodbye today, if there are any questions, suggestions or proposal, then you can contact me by phone 54-01-70 (ask Oleg) or at the addresses given in Section "Editorial." Bye!!! _______________________________________End
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