IzhNews #0C
31 июля 2001

Entry - Persistence - the best way to respect tradition.

<b>Entry</b> - Persistence - the best way to respect tradition.
(C) NoViSeT / BrC Izhevsk

  _ AAU! What is it? Strange files appeared on the disc ... 
Perhaps it is a powerful new virus jammed "vents", throwing the 
positive charge of the electrons directly , the heart of the 
silicon filling your monster. Or a short twisted VG'shku,

employing a new undocumented
possible TR-DOS'a, whose destructive
force had done this ... That whose destructive power is light 
hallucinations, whose melodious voice annoying hearing and 
enters into the deepest trance, whose faltering heart thrills 
darkness, this is that revives long-forgotten feeling -

passion, anger, hatred and love ... Call it difficult, it must 
be understood and to understand Not everyone ...

   We have arrived. Already in the twelfth time we
you. Long time we did not have. Someone was waiting for us,
who had hoped that we would never go back, and someone just not 
care all ...  We are back, but those of us who were

earlier, no longer exists. Life has made some changes and 
changed our minds. All that seemed to us to correct if not 
changed Now, what seems right now, it was

confusing then ... Indeed, life -
the tricky thing, and razobratsya its tricks
not given to everyone. And sure enough someone said,
that our whole life - the game. And we - all
only valid characters, rehearsing
their supporting roles, so that one day shine on stage in a 
circle such as minor characters, and become


   Strange analogy of life and scenes, you will say and will 
probably be in something wrong, But even if we take a 
particular case - our favorite zx and us, his admirers. Do not 
you think that zx environment ie people, actions, thoughts - is 
also a game, the desire to surpass themselves to win himself or 
his opponent, show the best of their abilities and thereby 
impress others? And this is not theater? I will specific: not a 
scene it? 

   Yes, to many it seems silly. Probably
this is the case, someone from this nonsense already
sick. They, too, is understandable, but no matter how
Strangely enough, this seems the most logical comparison. Life 
- a stage area for game, and we, the actors play their 
unrestrained cheap role, not getting paid for it even

nothing. We are all with you sceners not even aware of it ...

  But life - it is the scene in a global sense, but if you 
narrow the scope to the smaller, everyday problems, the family 
- is also a scene where each family member plays his

role. Education - the scene work - the scene ...
Everything - the scene ...

  Hmm, IZHNEWS - newspaper of the country, but
country newspaper, and its publishers, the people who spare no 
effort and time doing their favorite thing and just as happy if 
their labor to someone interesting. Of course, back to us was 
difficult, but just go away we could not. Throw what was going 
on for over a year - it would mean to throw Izhevsk living in 
it spektrumistov, but now it is then throw zx scene. Naturally, 
not Like all such "clown" definition of what is happening on 
our platform, but a different definition, unfortunately, not 
yet, so let it be a scene ... A we are reborn, we are old now 
is not whether it is good, bad there - it's certainly not for 
us, and those who had been or would be interested in our work 

                   Constancy - the best way to respect 

                                   (C) Surv! Vor

  Now, what about "nestsenovoy" shell IZHNEWS. Of course, you, 
dear reader probably would like to

text scrolled in polfreyma, so were the sprites and animation 
in the text and simultaneously play digital music ... Well, 
that you can understand, but you have health evaluate both the 
possibility of machine and ours. Odnaznachno a little better to 
do possible. For example, the sprites in the text or scroll all 
the favorite framing. But all this possible only at the expense 
of something else. So while to be satisfied that is, but it's 
not on your nelly not mean that all will remain so. Of course

, no. Work in this direction, though I
and very slowly, but coming to, and perhaps
soon that will change for the better. A
until I tell you what has changed in this
again ...

   By popular discontent multiscreen we removed from the main 
menu, and now prazrachnost menus can only contemplate

holders lotions gigascreen or emulator Z # 80Stealth. Others, 
in order to better look at the cover picture, we propose to 
press the key "W". 

   As a result, increase the amount of material the newspaper 
has ceased to be ramzine. Now Every paper is loaded directly

with the drive, so if this magnetic
drive, I advise you not to pull it, otherwise
kryntets zasavit not long in coming :)...

   Even now in the newspaper 4 musical compositions, which vary 
by pedaling the key "M". 

  Also, by popular demand changed screensaver, and, of course,
Once again, the shell has undergone fix'ii
and optimization, which is invisible to the naked eye:). Use 
and joy! :) 

   And now I would like to enumerate and
express feelings of deep gratitude
all those who helped us launch this number ...

   Nik-O - really cool musician, his
Tracks are so strong that they can compete with the creativity 

Other articles:

Entry - Persistence - the best way to respect tradition.

Scene news - the completion of a Power of Sound Web Team. Unbeliever not leave the Spectrum. News from Optical Brothers and Delirium Tremens. Nemo wrote a book about the IS-Dos. Results ASCii. Broke up the group "Proxima Centauri". Triumph ROXX!

IzhNews - the history of ASCII 2001. Table of the Izhevsk spektrumistov the summer of 2001.

destroyer - an overview of fresh media: Body, MSF, Inferno, Psychoz, Insanity, Scream.

Report - The first national festival komyuternogo ASCII art in 2001: NoViSeT tells how it was.

Report - a secret report from Hidden part ASCII 2001.

Visitors - the guest list first Izhevsk demopati ASCII 2001.

Revelations - revelations of GAS 13 on konrversiyah on the Spectrum.

Grilling - Himik's ZxZ takes intvervyu by phone at ASC - Andrew Strikes Code.

Elite - Who is Kulnev sceners? Spektrumisty elite, who are they? Unbeliever and Arty?

Copyright - Spectrum is a non profit platform. Is there a copyright on the Spectrum?

Dialogue - Assholes Speak Russian: Raver covered with mud rucsko-speaking stage.

Millenium - the history of the newspaper "IZH NEWS".

Nonsense - the routine pointer with detailed explanations.

Commanders - Reflections of a perfect file Cmdr.

Cheats - some branded CHEAT'ov to play Raven Black.

Pokes - Abu Simbel Profanation, Alien Highway, A-10, Tb, Beach Vollei, Bear George, Chase HQ 2, Continental Circus, Dizzy A, Dragon Ninja, etc.

Results - The results of the survey of users of the Izhevsk BBS.

Netmail - readers' letters: Glushchenko Cyril (Kristoph), Oleg Nikitin (NIK-O), Garkushin Alex (GAS-13), Yuri Engelhardt (X-MAN), Sergey Kolesnikov (SKL- KEEPER), Chichkanov Constantine (ERASER), Tokarchuk Denis (DWT), Dmitry Klenin (RamTop).

Rulezniki - the continuation of the story.

Defikatsii - runs from sinn / dtr / fdm.

ENDets - postscript and reflections on how Pixel'a zarozhdalaks ZX scene.

Advertising - Free offers from Izhevsk.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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