ZX News #03
28 февраля 1997 |
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Abbreviations - the standard abbreviations (which everyone should know).

(C) 1997 C. Michaell is an article from the series "IT must be able to EVERYONE" population, leading notes, Dedicated ... PRELUDE Just when I gave my synopsis on the History of one another, and he returned it to me immediately the next day with a familiar quote satirist: "Our texts untranslatable and have nothing to encrypt! .." So. In the following text kilo we will talk about the cuts, as well as any of its forms, which should know and able to apply each! .. Part One (Life) I remember very well my first day the University (hereinafter University). Probably it's because I was late and so I had to start recording a lecture does not first (I hope that the majority knows a fact record the remainder of the lecture, so I will not explain all the charm of this provision). In general, at the end of the lecture, glancing in his summary I realized that I should be able to reduce their record. Over the years I have developed certain principles that I try to explain below. Take the unremarkable phrase from my synopsis of physics: Taek made to the E-field, then it myself taek Ready-em noun. rev. <...> And because not everyone can understand that in the above sentence had to mind the following: If you make an insulator in electrical field, the field itself is undergoing significant change in the dielectric. As can be seen from the comparison I have you explain the de scho ... Part Two (Axiom) To get started you want to remember some common abbreviations. word or its juice is a word or expression sokvyrazhenie increment increment between the m / dy by h / r (M / y) surface types-ty plane n-ty sequence (Area-Th) system-ma distance p-e (system-ma) Mr. Law is char-xp-ka acteristic nature of x-p if and and so etc. only t.t.t, K. more ... if (TI is if so, k.) parallelism, but flax let them! perpendicular, but the chemical-x / c perpendicular to some soy-(chemical / s) union solution of p-p increases decreases seeks hence there Theorem th definition def Notes: 1.B other areas of possible its established canons of respect vyshenapisannogo, so I do not insist on their notation. 2.B Chemistry decline''may be different. It will not hurt to remind you of an international or just people's way of reducing that everyone knows. And the essence of it that the common words or expression can be replaced by a letter or group of letters that can stand together or separated by '/'. For example, If your synopsis on Teor.Meh very common well, just awful long term as a center of gravity, how nice it looks in the form of reduced 'DH'. And if you have almost sopromata for everywhere there is a 'Torsion', then the letter 'K' is fine will be recorded on your pages. But what if the words 'to' very much and besides they all long? Togda you have to read the next part my rich experience. Part Three (Main) The first thing I thought on the subject of abbreviations, it was the combination of English and Russian languages. But do not think that I know good English. In contrast, about my English there is an old saying, common sense is advised to learn even Russian. But it is not in this case. And that would relegate the course of the Institute. Lang. 'And the notion of plural possessive mood, I successfully applied it as described below. For example, such a word as the Ukrainian Well it is simply impossible to write it has not declined. After applying the material preceding paragraph, the word is reduced to Ukrainian's. And if we apply the popular method of cutting, the synopsis is cute reduction in's, which only you and understandable. And if you have "a lot" of Poles, something from them will only p.s. (I'll explain for those who are with the Faculty 'Brake Device': prefix. s to denote plural and 's - possessive mood. ) Now back to the issue of a letter, which appeared at the end of the previous part. It was about the letter K, which with the same success can be A, and B, etc. I came out of this problem is very simple adding a capital letter (by the way such letter-reduction is assumed to specify a large font, so conspicuous and not mixed up with prepositions (y's do not count as how is the copyright of the reduction)) another letter (or more, for more better remember) from declining words, but the fine print. For example, if in various summaries you have words such as dislocation, Differentiation, Dielectric, then they are very good reduced to Ax, Deaf and taek. (Because we understand the basics, I think that nobody will be against if the next article I will apply its reduction, namely: the word 'Reduction', I will shorten to 'cos'. You do clear, and my stuff will be less. ) Yet sometimes there are very similar reductions such as 'special case' and the 'hour hand', which are equally reduced to a 'b / c'. There is no What does not help. You can advise only remember where this soy denotes One of his interpretation, and where else. It happens that for some expressions such as the definition of + noun sokrascheopredeleniya at 's not give tangible effect. In these cases, I shortened it to the letter and tied it with a noun with a hyphen. For example, very often the expression 'kinetic energy' abbreviated to 'Kin. energy ', but will be much better if shortened to' K-energy 'or even more -' K 'N'.. '(By the way Therefore, I would like to remind Another method of reducing international words in the same words in John. lang. 'e. For example, the colors are very effectively replaced by their English translation. The word 'red' great looks in the form of 'red'. A 'Energy' in general could be reduced to the letter 'E' or 'W'. Then the above soybean can be reduced to 'K-E', but I do not do recommend to those who have no memory very well dekryunchiruet. (Oh, and, method of substitution of words is remarkable that helps to remember the words of Foreign Languages' s)) To conclude this part, I would like provide some copyright words and expressions that were born in consequence crazy cuts ... I know that the summary of the HSE (from soy Higher Mathematics) izobiliruet large number of examples of what makes an honest student to do the title 'Example' or abbreviate it to 'Note. " (I I do not advise anyone to continue the soybean and finish the letter 'P.', because after reading the synopsis with a similar soem letter P dekryunchitsya not on the 'Example', and often to 'dirty tricks' or some other Left synonym. And as a result - no Serious situation, which is so necessary before the exam. Then these people instead of memorizing course material think about film 'The Night Before tower', which ends not in favor of the protagonist), and If these examples are not alone and more? Vskolyhnuv their knowledge of English I decided that soy 'Exe' (partial derivative of the Example) is even the way will be look at my outline, and the expression 'Example' in soy Exe '4 '(I think decrypted value figures should not be). I remember I was very annoyed such small words like 'through', 'if' and others. But if most of them there are universal reduction, something about 'If' all was forgotten. Who knows, maybe someone manages to write the word, when he dictated a lecturer, but to me This does not apply. Although I wrote it long enough the whole word, my brain worked hard on his soem.I here it appeared in the form (given this sign is very simple: 'if' in English 'If', but if I seemed too long record, and therefore discarding 'i' and 'f' adding a dash, I went out and the same sign). Complete their copyrights soybean words to me I would like to express soem 'depends on' but should warn that the original the idea was not mine, what I'm really sorry. Principle reduction is as follows. In function definition (remember towers) was a remarkable phrase: "the expression y = = F (x) means nothing but the dependence of y on x ". But if, instead of the brackets to put the word 'from', and the sign of the function to leave, then we obtain the following cos 'f by'. For example, if you met vyrazhanie type: 'constant C depends on initial conditions', then, in view of the foregoing, we have the soy:' C f from n / a '. I understand that the above a lot of useless self-explanatory, but so from all this have to do specific memorable conclusions will be withdrawn in the next section. Part of the latter (Welcome) Here it is, most importantly, for the sake of which is worth studying in the institute ... 1.Do not be afraid to use international methods - they just develop your PA rumple. 2.Horosho remember the main table juice increments. Sure, the creation of slabora zvitoy fantasy they will be useful. 3.Uchite Foreign Languages (If not all, at least short term). 4.Razvivayte your imagination, because it is It pushes your mind to crazy reduction. 5.Ne afraid that someone is not divided retract your konspekt.Glavnoe that you would Lo understandable. 6.Chem funnier obtained by reducing better than they remembered. 4 Exe, if razdekryunchit cos 'feast-yes' will 'Pyramid'. 7.Horoshy handwriting conducive December ryunchirovaniyu. 8.Staraytes remember the process of juice increment, then the best soy de ... It sa mine. 9.YA does not insist on their FPIC Bach, because I do not want to kill you creativity. 10.Eto not the Ten Commandments. Tenth you Water was written just for the account ... _____________ P.S. To check whether you are good Shaw remembered material, try decipher the sleek passage of my notes. Shift - Def, with the cat. 2 are close. Sich. rate lzyat oh etc / etc, not deplaniruyut ie ost. flat. and-governmental. I'm sorry that I chose a few light quotation, but more difficult to find there was no possible, because Alex took my synopsis of the history and culture. See you at your KB Journal 09.02.97 ____________________________________
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