Deja Vu #03
31 декабря 1997

Coding - The procedure of the "floating attributes.

<b>Coding</b> - The procedure of the
Author: Sergey Kolotov, SerzhSoft


                        Behold the codes.

                           Kuzma Fes'kov

   If all the distinguished Sir Clive
Sinclair, after a Speccy would have seen
For example, boot with Enlight'96, he probably would not 
believe his eyes. And how would He was still able to react if 
his child with attributes that are tightly tied to familiarity, 
suddenly, "spits the high mountains on All these zamorochki and 
begins to move attributes as he only likes ...

   Like all guessed it - we are talking about
Floating-colored inscription "Enlight", consisting of colored 
squares the size of one of familiarity. Of course, after some

during the Great Sir surely would have guessed
"Where's the dog fumbled. The thing is
that, along with the change of attributes,
of work with the graphical information that is visible picture 
is collection of graphics and all those same attributes.

   For example, it is necessary to derive the black
screen box with a red X-coordinate 5 (in pixels). In this case,
work will involve two familiarity. In the first we establish 
familiarity Color INK equal to 2 (red) and zabem eight graphic 
byte with a value % 00000111. As a result, we obtain some 
desired us square in red, beginning with a 5 pixel and a length 
of 3 pixels. Now we will work with the second familiarity. Here 
we have the opposite color instead INK Place the red PAPER, but 
the schedule also fill byte% 00000111. Unincorporated pixels 
have the color of PAPER, and finally we obtain the missing part 
of the shifted square width of 5 pixels. Here we

painted red square the size of a single familiarity. To add to 
it, For example, the right one, say green, we will do so:

   The second change the color of familiarity INK
to green (4) - that's half the work already
done. Third, familiarity again zabem
byte% 00000111, and set it in color
PAPER = 4. That's it!

   Thus, it is possible to derive an algorithm
to fill a line of "shifted" to
Distance X (in pixels) of attributes:

1. Calculates the bytes of graphics, in which
will be included (8-( x mod 8)) the right bits.

2. This byte fill the entire line of familiarity screen (32 
characters). That is already scheduled, and brought ... 

3. Attributes will be output with (x div 8)
position. Moreover, each attribute will
two colors: INK - the color of this "square" and PAPER - the 
color of the previous one. In the the first attribute to set 
the color PAPER - background color (eg, 0), because previous 
something he does not. 

   Note. The operation "mod" - taking
the remainder of the division, and "div" - integer division.

   There is another "but." The whole range
attributes of brightness at each of them must
be the same. That is, or at all -
BRIGHT 1, or - BRIGHT 0. Otherwise, we get a distorted picture 
- one of the adjacent squares, which does not match the 
brightness, will be shown as two rectangles of one color, but 
with different BRIGHT'om!

   For better absorption of the material (these
words do not evoke Do you have some memories!) let's look at 
podrobnenko specific program from the full screen showing the 
"swimming attributes. 

   This program is just used
one of the techniques of modern demomaking'a
on the Speccy - Programming in realtime,
as I argued in the preceding article.

   Indeed, in time to bring
floating attributes the entire screen for one
interruption, while leaving a few thousand cycles per player 
music - traditional methods can not do.

Realtime-programming - that is what will save the

   To easily understand the software, you need to have a direct 
two texts: the program itself and its description. Better, of 
course, print them on printer (at least, the program), but it 
is not all, unfortunately, is available. The matter is 
complicated by the fact that the program listing is 
64-character format, which is still DEJA VU in the journal have 
not met ... But believing in the steepness of coders (DANIIL, 
CARDINAL !!!), I hope that it will not create problems for 
them. The best solution problems would have been possible 
without the interference switch between two windows show 
(window article - 42 characters and a window listing of 64 
characters), and stores the position text and there, and there 
... I think that the 128 KB memory will not create any problems 
for this. And further it is useful

for other papers. All the more so in other journals, this has 
not been (and if they pull?)! 

      So, we turn to the description ...

   First we must define the addresses: where to have the code, 
where the data; which generates realtime'ovye procedure? So

how we want our program to work and wheelbarrows on the brake, 
it means that all codes, we will have to sit in the second page 
of RAM, that is, addresses # 8000 (32768). 

   Many programmers (and I belong to
These included) always put the team in early
direct transition at the beginning of the program (JP
...). Then there are constants, variables,
data, finally ... And this, in my opinion,
correctly. Indeed, in almost all languages
programming at the beginning are descriptions of variables and 
only then is the program itself. Yes, and just convenient when 
the variables are always in sight, "and not necessary every 
time to strain the leaf search for the end of the program where 
they are, other time, sit!

   Still need to decide: where to have different tables, 
arrays, etc. We can proceed like this: Select

memory address # 6000 to # 7fff for data
and proudly call this area "segment
of data. "Specifies constants _DATA, indicating the beginning 
of this" segment ", and now all the plates and arrays we 
adresovyvat using this pointer. 


_DATA EQU # 4000
TRK_TBL EQU _DATA;, # 0100
SHF_TBL EQU _DATA + # 0100;, # 0100

   Here, for convenience, in comments after the decimal point 
indicates the size of plaques or an array of ...

   Yes, if you dismantle the entire program in detail - not 
enough for a megabyte, so I highlighted only some of the 
procedures and the most important points. Will hope that the 
rest of you will understand themselves, relying on his 
knowledge and given comments ... 

   Once launched, you'll have to wait
about 15 seconds while waiting for the program will calculate 
the 256-byte table "sinus" displacements (TRK_TBL), on which, 
and will "float" attribute. The table is calculated using the 
procedure CALCTRK, in which not the least is the use of a 
calculator, which slows the calculation. Of course, it was 
possible to fill all at once, or 256 bytes in assembler or load 
file INSERT'om (INCBIN) ... But assignment of such plates by 
hand - it rather tedious, besides here, you can experiment with 
different values, substituting them in the process CALCTRK. For 
example, try replacing # 3f on any other number and see what 
happens ... 

   By the way, I hope that the editors DEJA
VU will find a way to embed start
This program directly from the viewer
Articles with the support of the music (with special attention 
to the third bit is the port # FD). Moreover, in this If, 
instead of calling CALCTRK need to have already calculated 
plate TRK_TBL, to not to bore readers.

   So, what happens after you run
this program? On the screen you will see
nice picture of the eight-floating attributes. It is possible 
to change the rate of "navigation" (the key

'1'...' 0 ') and "style" (the key
'A' .. 'Z'). Feel free to experiment. You'll love it.

   On the curb you can see two bands:
blue and red. They show the performance and the relative speed 
of the procedures graphics output (blue line) and attributes 
(red). This is done for emphasis visibility - you can estimate 
approximately how many processor cycles is each of the 
procedures and how long it remains free ... 

   Perhaps a simple pattern you is not so interesting. It is 
possible to replace it on any of the images - 8 colors. For

This procedure should be replaced by MAKESCR
Transfer pictures to the ATR_SCR. The picture is of the format 
48 * 24 points, each point - 1 byte with color INK. The lines 
are one behind another.

   RENDER procedure converts a normal picture (INK) in a format 
INK + PAPER for further use in the program ...

   RAMPAGE procedure produces output in
Port # FD. Moreover, the full address of the port (# 7FFD) and, 
moreover, set the second bit of register A. This is done for 
preventive purposes - in the hope that Some lamer finally learn 
how to need to turn to port # FD and begin to carry out any of 
this ... 

   Most important, in my opinion - is
procedures and MAKE_FS MAKE_OA. These procedures, I would call 
the "virtual programmer"! They have a just and kodyat in 
realtime ... That is, generate the desired sequence of codes in 
the memory - the procedures and FILLSEG OUTATR2. On These 
procedures created and lay the responsibility for the rapid 
withdrawal of the image on the screen. Place reserved for them 
immediately after the last "normal" procedure (in this case, 
OUT_ATR). AND they have something just must be in the fast RAM 
- in page 2 (# 8000). For all the procedures generated

we distinguish the so-called code segment, which is addressed 
label _CODE. A it is all caused by the procedure should be 
"repelled" is from this label. In short, as well as in _DATA. 

   Of course, you can say: "Why
us all the freaking segments, _DATA,
_CODE! "Imagine that you need to link multiple effects, while 
sitting in memory, but working alternately. And we need to 
allocate space for each for data and additional realtime-codes. 
At all simply may not have enough memory, but if they will use 
the same area of ​​memory, addressing them segment, then all 
must come out. And the clearer it will look ... 

   The procedure creates MAKE_ST plate
shifts of bytes of graphics. There are 8 such shifts: # FF, # 
7F, # 3F, # 1F, # 0F, # 07, # 03, # 01. But the plate is 256 
bytes - shifts are repeated. The table is created for

accelerate the calculations and principle - not
required. But then everything will slow down ...

   Procedure OUT_TRK displays
graphic information shifted attributes, and the procedure 
OUT_ATR displays the attributes themselves. During the call, 
these procedures interruption in any case prohibited,

as in OUT_TRK and OUT_ATR is working with
stack, and if, for example, execution time exceeds the interval 
between interrupts, the bugs - are inevitable! 

   I think you have decent "Download"
and therefore I will call it a day. Read carefully the 
commentary to the program, understand, and better download the 
assembler and try to make any changes to the

listing ... can then cool and you get ...

   If you do not become ill after reading
this article and you want to know more about anything else that 
cool effect, for example, from best'ovyh megadem, then do not 
be lazy to write to the editor. That "order" effect, which 
receives the greatest The number of votes and will be 
considered next time. But manages, as release magazine do not 

Author: Sergey Kolotov

; (C) SerzhSoft, Shadrinsk, 07.10.97;

        ORG # 8000; address assembles.

        JP MAINPRG; jump through ne
                         variables at the beginning
_NULL EQU 0; used in
                       change commands
LAST_K EQU # 5C08; code down the fold.
BANK_M EQU # 5B5C; copy port # FD
STACK_A EQU # 2D28; entry of A to

                       stack calculator
FP_TO_A EQU # 2DD5; withdrawal number of

                       stack of pa-in p-p A
_DATA EQU # 6000; address segment
                               ment data
TRK_TBL EQU _DATA + # 0000, # 0100 -



SHF_TBL EQU _DATA + # 0100;, # 0100 -



ATR_SCR EQU _DATA + # 0200;, # 0480 -

                                col. ct
                                Tinka 48 *

                                * 24 points
DATAEND EQU ATR_SCR + # 0480; end


TRK_UK DW TRK_TBL; Index "beginning
                         la "trajectory
STP_TRK DB 1; step change

                         in the motion. on

STP_SCR DB 6, a step change in

                         output image
MAINPRG; top of the head unit program

        EI; bit. prairie.

        LD A, # 17; selected 7 th

                          page of RAM and


        CALL RAMPAGE; see 0th eq
                          wounds (the third bit in


        XOR A; A resets

        OUT (# FE), A; BORDER 0

        LD HL, # 5AFF; further -

        LD (HL), A; clear the 0th eq

        LD D, H; and starting

        LD E, L; since the last am

        DEC E; and moving from above
                          xy - down.

        LD BC, # 1AFF; it is necessary that
                          would not arise

        PUSH BC; situation where

                          schedule is

        LDDR; reset to zero and one hundred
                          rye attributes

        POP BC; still "sit"

                          on the screen.

        LD HL, # DAFF; similar eyes

        LD (HL), A; the first screen of


        LD D, H; with # c000, because


        LD E, L; connect the 7-th


        DEC E; where he is and we find

        LDDR; it is on this


        CALL CALCTRK; calculation of trajectories
                          theory of motion


        CALL MAKE_ST; calculated shifts

                          bytes SHF_TBL

        CALL MAKE_OA; creation Ave algebra

                         output attributes

        CALL MAKE_FS; capacity-e pr-algebra

                         filled. Segment


        CALL MAKESCR; drew al
                          ributnuyu car-ku

        CALL RENDER; and changed its

                          as needed

        SET 3, (IY + # 30); caps-establish
                          Vili mode zag
                          Lavna letters
LP_MAIN; main loop

        HALT; waited


                           (Ns of the beam)

        LD A, (BANK_M); and changed

                            active and


        XOR # 0A; screen space
                            mi, ie

        CALL RAMPAGE; "see one,

                            and working with
                            others "

        DI; ban interrupt th

        LD A, # 01; BORDER 1

        OUT (# FE), A

        CALL OUT_TRK; derive the boundary
                            crystallographic Institute

        LD A, # 02; set

        OUT (# FE), A; BORDER 2

        CALL OUT_ATR; derive Atri
                            butnuyu information

        XOR A

        OUT (# FE), A; BORDER 0

        EI; permit limit
                            closing the

        LD HL, STP_TRK; produce

        LD A, (TRK_UK); movement of


        ADD A, (HL); (modified


        LD (TRK_UK), A; with a given step
                            GOM (STP_TRK)

        LD A, (LAST_K); took the code

                            seq. down


        CP ""; if this code


        JR Z, EX_MAIN; then complete the


        SUB "0" when pressed

        JR C, LP_MAIN; digital cluster

        CP # 0A; (ie

                            '0'...' 9 '),

        JR NC, GO_MAIN; its value

                            (No code)

        LD (HL), A; put in a ne


        JR LP_MAIN; the main

GO_MAIN SUB # 11, but if pressed

        JR C, LP_MAIN; any

                            friend. key

        CP # 1A, then

        JR NC, LP_MAIN; respectively

        INC HL; puts the number of

                            0 .. 25

        LD (HL), A; in cell


        JR LP_MAIN; stuck ...
EX_MAIN; completion

                            Work Goals
                            Noah percent-algebra

        LD HL, # 2758; set

                            register HL '

        EXX; to correct
                            Nogo output in


        RET; that and you
RAMPAGE; Connection page of RAM and a choice
visible screen

        OR # 40; set 6, a-a

        LD BC, # 7FFD

        LD (BANK_M), A; remembered with
                             derzhimoe A in


        OUT (C), A; and gave it


                             Port # FD

        RET; exit from the
CALCTRK; calculation and populate the table

        LD HL, TRK_TBL; top Tabley
                             particle trajectory
LP_CTRK PUSH HL; store ad
                             interest element


        LD A, L; number of elements
                             that in the table

        CALL STACK_A; puts on

                             stack tracing

        LD A, # 40; 1/4-aya width

                             screen at the peak

        CALL STACK_A; placed

                             there is

        RST # 28; calc

        DB # A3; stk_pi / 2

        DB # 01; exchange

        DB # 05; divide

        DB # 04; multiply

        DB # 1F; sin

        DB # 38; endcalc

        LD A, # 3F; maximum



        CALL STACK_A; put on

                             stack tracing

        RST # 28; calc

        DB # 04; multiply

        DB # 38; endcalc

        CALL FP_TO_A; shoot number

                             from the stack

                             Calculator pa

        JR Z, $ +4 ;-----> if

                             number of positive

        NEG; a =- a |

        POP HL ;<---- v Vos

                             your e-ta

        LD (HL), A; (HL) = 63 * sin

                             (L * 256/2/pi)

        INC L; the transition to

                             seq. elements
                            that table

        JR NZ, LP_CTRK; cycle calculation

                             All 256


        RET; output
MAKESCR; establishment of demonstration Color
Image 48 * 24 points

        LD HL, ATR_SCR; buffer address

                             a picture

        LD C, # 18; height car
                             Tinky: 24
LP_MS21 LD B, # 30, the width of car
                             Tinky: 48
LP_MS22 LD A, B; compute

        SUB C; color point

        AND # 07; reject

                             extra bits

        LD (HL), A; put

        INC HL; transition to

                             seq. point

        DJNZ LP_MS22; spun



        DEC C; until the picture

                             not finished

        JR NZ, LP_MS21; twist cycle

                             the lines

        RET; output
RENDER; bringing images to the desired
for the program note

        LD HL, ATR_SCR; address is located
                             Proposition car

        LD C, # 18, height: 24
LP_REN1 LD E, (HL); have color

                             first point

        INC HL; and moved to


        LD B, # 2F; left -

                             another 47 points
LP_REN2 LD A, E; A = value

                             previous color
                             duschey point

        LD E, (HL); to E have brought

                             color of the current


        RLA; eventually

        RLA; all these

        RLA; operations
                             we get:

        XOR E; color previous
                             ing point-like


        AND # 38, and the value

                             color of the current


        XOR E; remained
                             netsya color


        OR # 40; include bits


        LD (HL), A; here, a new

                             value and

                             calculated ...

        INC HL; move


        DJNZ LP_REN2; twist cycle



        DEC C; continue


        JR NZ, LP_REN1; until the transition
                             doing everything


        RET; exit from the
MAKE_ST; computation table shifts bytes

        LD HL, SHF_TBL; starting address

                             table shift
LP_MST1 LD A, # FF; primary


                             bits to 1
LP_MST2 LD (HL), A; put those
                             kuschy element

                             in table

        SRL A; shift

                             bytes to the right,

                             7_bit = 0

        INC L; the transition to



        RET Z; if the table

                             ended -


        OR A; if bytes is not

                             full of

        JR NZ, LP_MST2; simply

                             twist cycle

        JR LP_MST1; otherwise - again


                             all bits
MAKE_FS; creates a procedure for filling in one segment of the 

        LD HL, FILLSEG; starting address

                             buffer under


        LD C, # 10; height in value
                             COMEST * 2
LP_MFS1 LD (HL), # 08; command code

                             ex af, af '

        INC HL; more ...

        LD (HL), # D9; command code


        INC HL; more ...

        LD A, # C5; to begin with
                            Manda push bc
LP_MFS2 LD B, # 10, all you need

                             16 teams to

                             1 line
LP_MFS3 LD (HL), A; code of the current

                             push instructions

        INC HL; next


        DJNZ LP_MFS3; total floor
                             chile 1916 push

        ADD A, # 10, moved to


                             team push

        JR NC, LP_MFS2; and reiterated

                             yet exist.

                             such a k-hole

        DEC C; reduced

                             meter semi

        JR NZ, LP_MFS1; repeat

                             8 * 2 = 16 times

        LD (HL), # C3; command code

                             jp ...

        INC HL; more ...

        LD DE, RT_OTRK; address

                             "Return" of


        LD (HL), E; record in


        INC HL; settings to
                             Manda jp

        LD (HL), D; and get in

                             eventually jp


        RET; exit from the
OUT_TRK; procedure for graphics output
"Floating attributes"

        LD IX, (STP_SCR); record in the XL values
                              of STP_SCR

        LD HL, # C000 + # 0800; final

                                address first
                                Vågå segment

        LD (SP_OTR1 +1), HL; paste

                                the team

                                LD SP, ...

        LD HL, (TRK_UK); pointer


LP_OTRK LD D, SHF_TBL/256; starsh.bayt

                               Address Table
                               Litsa shift

        LD A, # 08; in the segment

                              - 8 lines

LP_PUSH EX AF, AF '; kept in

                              Otherwise AF '

        LD E, (HL); value

                              Table spectrum

        LD A, (DE); this shift



        LD C, A; here and take

                              bytes out

        LD B, A; and records

                              reg-algebra C and B

        PUSH BC; and then this

                              a couple of throws

                              on stack

        LD A, XL; move

        ADD A, L; on the table


        LD L, A; to step in

                              Register XL

        EX AF, AF '; the number of wasps

                              string of characters

        DEC A; subtract

                              unit, and -


        JR NZ, LP_PUSH; they do not con
                              chilis -

                              twist cycle

        LD (HL_OTRK +1), HL; remember



        POP BC; shoot

        POP DE; obtained

        POP HL

        POP AF; 8 values

        EX AF, AF '; trajectory

        EXX; from the stack

        POP BC; and put

        POP DE; all

        POP HL; working p-algebra

        POP AF; BC, DE, HL, AF

                              , BC ', DE', HL '

                              , AF '

        LD (SP_OTR2 +1), SP; remember





                              segment is equivalent to

        JP FILLSEG; call cos
                              Data Repository


RT_OTRK; here we are "back" of the procedure
FILLSEG team jp

        LD HL, # 1000, go to


        ADD HL, SP; segment



        LD (SP_OTR1 +1), HL; put in


                               Download SP
SP_OTR2 LD SP, _NULL; recovered
                              Vai systems
                              Noe value


        DEC HL; check:

                              indicates whether

                              Register HL

        LD A, H; end


                              screen ...
HL_OTRK LD HL, _NULL; (restore



        CP # D8; ... or already

                              time zakrug

        JR C, LP_OTRK; if we have

                              in the screen, then

                              run around

        RET; exit

MAKE_OA; creates a procedure for the withdrawal of "floating" 
attributes on images 

        LD HL, OUTATR2; buffer address

                             under the procedure

        LD DE, # D800; starting address

                             attribute is equivalent to

        LD B, # 18, total - 24

                             line Atri
LP_MOA1 PUSH BC; kept on


        PUSH DE; DE used
                             is later

        EX DE, HL; in DE - Address

                             buffer under


        LD HL, BL_MOA1; block address


                             one line

        LD BC, LN_MOA1; the length of this

                             code block

        LDIR; transfer

        EX DE, HL; on creating
                             Dime piece


        POP DE; fast

                             O line

        LD B, # 10; attributes Th
                             cut glass

                             (16 * 2 = 32 b).
LP_MOA2 LD (HL), # E1; command code

                             pop hl-take

                             2 bytes

        INC HL; more ...

        LD (HL), # 22; ld (...), hl

                             - Put

                             to screen

        INC HL; more ...

        LD (HL), E; ml. Byte Hell
                             rez on the screen


        INC HL; more ...

        LD (HL), D; Art. Byte Hell
                             rez on the screen


        INC HL; more ...

        INC DE; moved to


        INC DE; address in eq

        DJNZ LP_MOA2; spun

                             cycle - the creation
                             Is 16 pieces

        POP BC; restored

                             row count

        DJNZ LP_MOA1; and spun

                             cycle (24


        LD (HL), # C3; command code

                             jp ...

        INC HL; more ...

        LD DE, RT_OATR; address


                             Create REC. pr-algebra

        LD (HL), E; put in


        INC HL; address commands
                             hole jp, sex

        LD (HL), D; Thus
                             Thus the command

                             jp RT_OATR

        RET; exit from the
BL_MOA1; block codes for the formation of Pr-algebra
OUTATR2 - calculations

        LD A, (BC); took bytes



        CPL; proinvertiro
                             Wali and fast

        ADD A, # 48; - beginning with

                             "0" instead of


        RRA; divide

        RRA; obtained

        RRA; number 8

        AND # 1F; reject


                             high-order bits

        ADD A, E; added to

                             top line


        LD L, A; attributes -

        ADC A, D; calculate the hell

        SUB L; biased if

        LD H, A; attributes - in


        LD A, E; Index

        ADD A, # 30, beginning

        LD E, A; current

        ADC A, D; line

        SUB E; translate

        LD D, A; the next

        LD A, XL; move

        ADD A, C; on the table


        LD C, A; offset

                             in XL

        LD SP, HL; attributes will
                             We shall withdraw

                             from the stack
LN_MOA1 EQU $-BL_MOA1; length of the floor
                             chennogo block

OUT_ATR; procedure for deriving image attributes on the table 
on the screen 

        LD (SP_OATR +1), SP; store



        LD DE, ATR_SCR; address Atri
                              butnoy car
                              roughcast 48 * 24

        LD BC, (TRK_UK); pointer

                              Table the motion

        LD IX, (STP_SCR); XL = STP_SCR:

                              step in Table
                              chain motion

        JP OUTATR2; transition to


                              pr-py O
RT_OATR; here is a "return" from the procedure OUTATR2 by jp
SP_OATR LD SP, _NULL; recovered
                             Vai systems
                             LIMITED stack

        RET; exit from the
_CODE EQU $; top segment
                              ment gene
                              of the recorded

FILLSEG EQU _CODE + # 0000, # 0423 - for

                              segment that is equivalent to
OUTATR2 EQU _CODE + # 0423;, # 0873 - you
                              water attributes
                              Comrade Pictures
CODEEND EQU OUTATR2 + # 0873; end

                               Tel'nykh to

Other articles:

Amiga Sensor - naked under the gaze Rulez.

Amiga Sensor - steepest home computer - Amiga.

Coding - Demos kodit I want!

Coding - New procedures for 1940: the shift of the attributes of the left and right, up and down, shift by one character to the left and right, up and down, shift by one pixel to the left and right, up and down; Merge images, inverting the screen, inverting the symbol vertically or horizontally; rotation symbol clockwise change attribute, change attributes.

Coding - The procedure of the "floating attributes.

Software - Review of the demoscene: Bizarre Construction, Real Action, Rise, Xtaz, Abyss, Acid Revolution, Spirius, Rage, Art Vision, Ecstatic, Fractals, Popew UP, Excess.

Software - Review of the game prograkmm: mirror maze of death, Angles, noughts and crosses.

Aperativchik - Competition for the most buggy cracked version of the magazine.

Entry - On the control of obolochke Deja VU.

Entry - From the authors.

Hall of Fame - An Interview with Alexander Kotolvym (CAV / Auryn group).

Hall of Fame - schA tell you!

About Me - The story of creation Playgear Company.

users - How to print articles from journals in Scorpio.

attempt at writing - Short Story "The War Continues" (Chapter 4.5).

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Seven and 1 / 2 - Bribes! (Interview with the doctor).

Seven and 1 / 2 - Presentation Deja VU.

Topic - Enlight'97 - a brief report.

Topic - Speccy and the future ....

Topic - On the forward-looking and just TECHNO music.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Entry - TARGET was created by us with TsELyuzamenit asleep C_NetWeek.

В этот день...   18 February