Deja Vu #03
31 декабря 1997

About Me - The story of creation Playgear Company.

<b>About Me</b> - The story of creation Playgear Company.
Author: Alexander Bazhenov / Ze PAGAN


Hi all readers, fans DEJA VU!

 For the third issue of our magazine you
                 walked into the light! You know, my

            diseased imagination well

            just will not let me live

            quiet ... I am here this morning

            thought for a bottle of pi
            va "Baltika", and why,

            Strictly speaking, we may
            Why not inform the world about

            ourselves and our group? Three

                 magazin'a na'make'ali and
himself molchok? Yes and prog done a lot ... Think modesty 
prevents? Never! Just forgot to park the. And so I decided

fill this gap and show the world the story of creation PLAYGEAR 
COMPANY! I'll start, of coz, with origins, I mean with yourself 
because at far the darkest hour of current playgear '

sheep and I know some did not know ... So sit back, boil a 
bucket tea, push all the urgent matters and attend ...


             Pleasures of communication


 It all started in about 1994. I successfully graduated from 
the Polytechnic Institute and three years as he worked at the 
mine. By the way, the specialty I mountain

engineer. The existence of Spectrum I even
did not know, because even with the institute
bench I have planted quite a steadfast aversion to computers in 
general. When I remember unforgettable super-calculator 
"ISKRA", so tremble! A super-zamorochenny language PL / 1!?

I am now for some reason it seems that he himself
the author is not very well versed in it,
Well to hell with him, and with the language and the author,
important that we are in "good faith" had studied it
in record time (one semester) and
as "good faith" passed tests and
term paper! After that, we cool
frolic in the pub and the next morning from all
language in my head left only his
name, which is there to this
day ... So, I went more for a beer and bought
this time, "White Bear", a couple of bottles. Oh, and rulez'noe 
beer! Well, maybe so to all, and continued: work-home-work, if 
I had not met at the mine a "sick" guy that passion, as fond 
Spectrum'om. As it turned out, we it worked in one shift and I 
had the good fortune listen to his ranting about the Speccy

every single day. Absentia imbued
great respect for this car, I finally decided to buy it, my 
wife under uboltav pretext of a gift for his son's birthday and

downloading it at the expense of universal computerization of 
light and heavy industry, I catching "grandmas", rushed into 
the store ...  The store on the counter, I saw the coolest 
Companion BC 001 "48kb, of coz! - Will you take it? - Politely 
asked pretty young prodovschitsa.

- Did I look like an idiot? - Just politely
I asked, eyes wide.
- Looks. - Answered a few seconds
prodovets intrigued.
- Then wrap! - I smiled.
- The Joker. - She purred, zavarachivaya
- Worse, crazy! - Otmurlykal I, giving 60
thousand. Nestle precious box
I headed for the exit.
- Uh-h, guy, what's your name?! - She called after me.
A couple of seconds I thought, then turned clearly said: 
"Pagan!" Why so and not otherwise, ask

you? Just the first thing that came to my
mind! The fact is that when I served in the Army, our regiment 
bore the code name Pagan. Oh, damn! Opened state mystery! Ah, 
so the hell with it! Still kitaezy know ... And since I was on 
duty on bond, often used this most

call sign, so it popped up suddenly.
 Little did I know that'll take this
alias in the foreseeable future ...
 Rushed home and read the instructions
manual, I hooked up the comp to the recorder and TV. As it 
turned out, the box was a cassette with toys, polite, young and 
pretty prodovschitsa not forgotten and about her! On this tape 
were some toys, I remember: Trantor; Simcity; Pacman; Elite; 
Tetris; Exolon and others.  Somewhere in a month, I increased 
the number of cassettes to ten or twelve pieces, the benefit of 
their the store was enough. By the way, "Companion" was a great 
car and never let me down, even if I spilled beer on him! And 
once we sat with the most "sick" a guy in his house and pretty 
rattled about different game. - Do you have ELITE? - Suddenly

he asked.
- ELITE? Seems there, just there! This one
that with vector graphics, or what? Well,
you know, I think full shnyaga! Munut five
downloaded, but it turned out: some plates
Dash, tsifirki. Generally, shnya ...
- Sam shnyuga you! - He interrupted me in a rush
righteous anger.
- Shnyaga. - Offended, I corrected.
- You played it?! You fought with Targon!?
You're on the Cobra flew user unhappy!? -
spluttering, he was advancing me.
- Only in a stall for the beer. - Unsuccessfully I joked.
- For the n-and-B-C-O-M! - He cried hysterically.
I did not answer, and frantically fumbled with his right hand 
in search of a stool, standing somewhere nearby, in the course 
of figuring his place in kakoeby deal a blow, but with minimal 
consequences ...  Beholding my quite obvious action, he

too, something began to look behind him,
but except for bits of cake on a plate (we
before that drinking tea) did not fumbled.
Prikinuv seems that the canister against the heavy projectile 
is weak, he put his in his mouth and have peacefully smiling 
said: "Come on, show you." - Aha, ni-ah, sir! - Angry eyes 
flashed I podkidyvaya stool.

- Careful! - He pleaded - It's grandma's heirloom!
- And here I am this relic so on Balde you
Targon aspiring! - More specifically
I ran.
- Okay, okay, chill. - He smiled,
lifting up their hands. - The truth will not regret it, come 
on, look. - Yes, Che's there to see something? - I shrugged my 
shoulders - well, go if you want. And we went into the next 
room: he, I and stool just like that, just in case.

There, he downloaded it and began to manipulate the keyboard, 
in the course of explaining the me what and how. For some time 
I stood there and just incredulous smile, until he left

from the station and started a fight with the pirates. Happens 
after that I remember vaguely, I remember only that stood for 
about an hour with my mouth open, staring pylayushy look at the 
TV. Finally he asked: "Well, shnyaga?" - The description is? - 
A question with a question I answered, leaving the faint and 
dizzy. - Of course! - He cried, waving a book. - As many as ten 
pages! - Come on. - I hissed and lunged a little there

do not run into the hallway.
- Where are you?! - He was surprised.
- He has asked! - I threw on the run.
- Stool leave, insane! - He yelled.
- What kind of stool? - I did not understand.
He twirled his finger to his temple, and pointed to
my hands. Downcast eyes down, I really saw in his right hand 
this antiques.

- A grandmother's heirloom. - I thought.
- Exactly. - He smiled in response.
I quickly got dressed, said goodbye and flew


     Nutty pilot from the planet Earth


 Rushed like mad at home, I barely
razuvshis, stuck a cigarette in his mouth and revealed
on the correct page collection of games. Reading
at several times the description, I quickly
jumped to the computer and become impatient
walk about the room in anticipation of tedious downloads. 
Finally game will start I am, fingers spread, hovered over the 
clave. A few minutes later my index finger,

without knowing it, abruptly changed my
destiny by clicking on the button with a picture
digit <1>. I made my first flight ...
 Flying for many months, about eight, I
played only in the ELITE. I can confidently
state that has achieved virtuosity in handling the Cobra! I 
have lost all three versions, which were then (hacked I do not 
think) and came in each to the highest ranking ELITE and with 
it more than once! Were made More than a thousand sorties flown 
and I hours, probably more than all the heroes

first and second world wars combined. Well, why then I just 
praised! Through some time in the store appeared com

with the drive. Since I first saw that
a TR-DOS, and immediately felt an urge to
buy. When my (then still quite normal), a miner's salary was 
not too difficult, especially because the sale "Companion" I 
have already arranged for 150,000. Leningrad 128 "with the FDD 
5.25 'worth while 430,000 timber. My soulmate

waved at me with his hand and called schizophrenic. The only 
reason for its perturbations was that I do not give to watch 
TV. Monitor I have not yet exist. And then a few days a new PC 
was at my house!  Well, to describe the storm of feelings from 
joy to work with disks I will not. Those who have moved from 
Tape loading error to A> K, catch me so. Here it should also 
add that I have not always worked as stupid pc'shniki 
user'stvom. After a while, which is absolutely natural, even 
when working with cassette recorder, I was terribly Steel 
intersovat Basic loader'y and I, surrounded by clever books 
neatly in them dug. In 70% of the 100 I could vzlomyvat simple 
protection, if any, was in general, and paste there different 
POKEs. But falls in loader'y mash.kodah and here I am

was powerless now. Incidentally, the ELITE I've never attempted 
either then or since. I do not like to play games such class as 
ELITE; UFO; Star Inheritance; Heroquest; Dizzy and others like 
them, using cheat mode! But let us return to our sheep.

SENSATION!!! Appears ELITE 3 by Kladov.
What is most interesting, stumble upon it quite by accident. In 
a certain shop total area of ​​10 square meters, claiming the 
grandiose name "Radio components! Looking at all sorts of 
little shiny and not very things, I looked right and saw on the 
wall directly in front of his nose, "colorful" announcement as 
a notebook sheet, where very antediluvian printer was written

message about the release of ELITE 3 to do in Novosibirsk 
Cellars Volodya. Ie, is the one about which so much talking and

so much waiting for! At the bottom was reported
that this game can be purchased right here
for some 7000 rubles! This is twice the
common price, but as the saying goes, the game is worth it! The 
guy I'm not stingy, and immediately reached into his pocket of 
his wife. The game took a drive and was pretty cool to 
protected (to copy it to me then failed). I immediately put the 
string bags with the products themselves understand who and 
made a wry izvinyayushuyusya mine, jumped on the first bus.  
Just a couple of months, I just do not vylazal because of 
companies. The game was much steeper than its predecessor! 
Plenty navoevavshis and going through all the old and new 
mission, I decyl felt sad and lay down on the bed, re-read one 
of the numbers ZX-REVIEW. Here is when me and took it into his 
head to write something in Inforkom, while others write. And 
the theme there, lying next to the drive 5.25 ". Especially 
because of the ELITE 3 virtually nothing was in a magazine. 
"Disorder!" - I thought, and sat down to write a letter which 
described in detail new mission. At the end of the letter, I 
asked publish its address for correspondence. To be honest, I'm 
not hoping that letter to print. But that's just across the

Two months came the first letter, from which
of whom already do not remember where it was reported that
they say, read your article, etc. etc. ..
As it turned out, Inforkom (land him down)
printed my letter, with no cuts! Him for that thank you very 
much!  Here at me and came under a barrage of

letters which I barely had time to respond!
In the shortest time were established dozens of links and 
organize a large exchange, through which funds my thoroughly

replenished and continue to be replenished. Conversation is 
growing and has already included near abroad, Ukraine. Soon 
there I ob'emnoe received a letter from the fans with the ELITE

proposals in principle extend the game. In a letter to the 
three sheets were given to all the bells and whistles that 
should be have been SUPER ELITE. The authors asked

I earn some money, if necessary, a letter and send it to 
Inforkom. What am I, indeed, did. And mosquito gored me, 
Inforkom Again the difference! The letter was again published 
almost no reduction. By the way, as It is regrettable, but it 
was the letter had been almost completed the publication of 
ELITE. Real nightmare began, I almost did not let pen from his 
hand, perhaps only when sleeping .. 


            Hairy Neformal


 Well, when passions ELITE subsided,
you can put a warm bucket of the second
tea and drink a couple of tablets of sodium gluconate, well 
that is not tightly zaglyuchit. I Meanwhile sweep of ideas and 
will continue his long story ...

 Thus, the spring came in 1995. Most
time to enter the stage our first character.
I had noticed that many of my adventures began with a knock on 
the door, right as in a detective novel, eh? There were

without it, and at this time. Behind the door was short skinny 
guy with long hair. In his right hand he held open ZX-REVIEW 
and embarrassed shuffling of feet on foot, wandering eyes on 
the door, trying to find her some sort of accommodation, which, 
incidentally, and no current day. For some time I watched him,

puffing on a cigarette.
- Hi, - he said at last. - Tell me live here ... And again he 
buried his head in a magazine, looking for my name. - Hi, - I 
nodded my head. - Go. So took my acquaintance with the first

member / well, and word! / Future Group
Prosvirin Artem, who call themselves ARTIO.
 That summer I quit mine because Money
still not paid, and sealed freedom '
nym man. A couple of months doing nothing, I
reached a "kollosalnyh 'success in assembly programming and 
could easily be installed on any screen border ink'a! By 
purchasing the book "How to make a game in Assembly, I had 
studied it carefully, and using some of the procedures there, 
for example, printing square, zamazdryachil its catalog of 
software. ARTIO also knew about the machine code, as I do. AND 
here we are, two "great coder", intending to evenings, they 
built grandiose projects and going to surprise the whole world, 
a revolution in programming! Yes, I have not said that was a 
good ARTIO graphmaker'om and decent draw in the Art studio. 
Foolish completely from the Basic one day to the next

gathering, he told me, breathless with excitement, that was 
intended to do something great, but namely: Super-mega-turbo 
new graph editor! Much steeper than there some kind of Artist

or Art studio. And here we are, virtually no
horseradish did not realize at coding'e, choking and 
interrupting each other, set to discuss the implementation of 
this idea, which undoubtedly had shaken the whole of humanity. 
Artem immediately undertook to draw shell and nasuval there are 
many different functions (barely fit on the screen) wherewith, 
in his view, had to have a decent editor. On this matter he 
handled quickly and in a couple weeks design was completed. 
Understand what I am 'm getting at ..? Exactly! Who all fuck 
entu will encode!? Certainly not me or Artem! Of course, I knew 
many of the assembly instructions, such as: NOP; CALL; LDIR; 
LDPR .. Oh, it's not there! But know one thing, but to be able 
to I use them - is quite another. In short,

We desperately needed a good coder!




 That is the word shouted Archimedes, soaping
feet in the tub. After hundreds of years, this same word, only 
in Russian enterpretatsii, shouted ARTIO. We normally sat with 
him Home and languished in idleness. He flipped through the new 
issue of ZX-Revue, and I played with the computer chess. The 
machine is clearly losing party losing one piece after another. 
Panic in her electronic brain increased exponentially every 
time I take a good speed, deep time trouble was brewing. I have 
already began to nod, when the comp is once again a long 
thoughtful, trying to save party. And then came the roar of 
rhino mating season!

- Found! - Cried hysterically ARTIO.
Before mislaid his chair, I habitually carried RST 0 and 
theatrically waved hands, fell to the floor.

- Are you INTO the mother ... ... raz'etak! - I began
with a note "DO" of the first octave, rubbing his bruised head.
- You are ... ... I just Zaika did not! - Followed by a smooth 
transition into the second octave. - And if I broke his head 
off! - Oral I raising his voice for another octave.

- Yes I am the only one in the family and the favorite child! - 
Failure to falsetto, I completed his monologue somewhere in the 
middle of the fourth octave. Seriously angry with Artema

I went to him with the firm intention
tear off any part of the body. Sensing the obvious threat, he 
tried to slip under my hands, but to create such in his nine 
squares was not easy! Being cornered, he made a desperate 
attempt to scramble on the curtains on the curtain, from which 
I have been successfully removed out of his pants, along with 
blinds and curtains. Collapsed after him curtain hit him right 
on top of these things and event is immediately slapped down 
all his attempts at resistance. While he sat and Ukhalov as an 
owl, rolling his eyes, I quick diaper its shutter and zavisnuv 
over him like thunderstorm cloud, offering a choice of any of 
the kinds of executions, with a sadistic pleasure to him 
writing out all the details of each of the procedures. However, 
he quickly out of a coma, and begged for mercy, but I was firm, 
as Rock and proudly told him, crouched terrible

face that the court will not accept cassation. Realizing
in that sense it did not shine, he
resorted to the old and experienced reception, a bribe. And as 
a bribe, he suggested, you know what? Hardball encoder! Which 
is to Moreover, a local residence.

- You lie! - I responded immediately.
- Can you see yourself! - He offended.
- And in what way? - I asked sarcastically.
ARTIO not answer and just nodded his head in
fresh issue of ZX-Revue, lying on the floor.
I took the magazine and leafing through it, stumbled, or in 
heading FORUM, whether in his study, (Do not remember) to the 
address Bayanova Daniel, living in Kemerovo. Judging by 
materials stated in the article, this guy was a decent encoder, 
which is what we were treba. Here already and I could not stand 
it and issued a series of sounds, carefully imitating the cries 
of Tarzan of the captured German film.

Then I nearly had a small nakladochka. The fact that my lungs 
can hold five cubic liters of air, and this quite ample to 
cause a "slight" shock y is near ... In general, finding a 
coder, I almost lost graphmaker'a. Yes, I almost forgot! Artyom

was a strong cat fluffy and perfectly white, this hefty beast! 
So Now, that's a pretty creature, assuming that the rightful 
owner of the apartment and the coolest cat in the world is he, 
priperlos to noise, we have arranged for the first time. After 
seeing the traces of the pogrom, kotyara dissatisfied snorted 
and powerful jerk threw his fat ass on the nightstand next to 
Artem. After a while, until I read the magazine, he made 
another gaffe - he had the misfortune to fall asleep ... And 
then I break its undisturbed sleep their trills!

 Kotyara, which probably had a dream
that he was castrated, released from a whole
daily ration of water right there on the bedside table and with 
a wild scream makes a desperate jump on his head ARTIO ..! Why 
did he choose this direction, remains a mystery

until now. Nevertheless kotyara even awake right carded out the 
distance, but did not consider the size of the runway, but she 
is clearly not corresponded to his own size.

With varying success, trying to gain a foothold
on the beachhead, the cat helped himself diligently in front 
and rear, using while the only tool given to him by nature - 
the claws! ARTIO, which the same nature is also something that 
gave unfortunately can not use that gift for the reason that I 
upomyanal above. Here the fun begins! Poor

Artem is starting to feel pale, was captured bloodthirsty 
Indians are alive, removed from his scalp! D-a,

exactly the screams I heard in uzhastnike
"Murders in the Rue Morgue." Heart-rending and wailing
slo speaking, Artem vain babbling
head from side to side, trying to throw the animal zonked. 
Stupid kotyara, which by the roar of ARTIO povyshiblo past

brains, instead of leaving an insecure foothold, deeper plunged 
its claws into the skull. The case took on a serious turn and 
had to do something. Decision is ripe and immediately formed 
into as an ordinary household sneaker, which was very 
successfully removed a foreign object from the head of Artema. 
I'm not fooling dear readers a detailed description of 
emergency medical assistance. Just ask: "Did you see the pad

for sticking pins bathed in iodine ...?"
 A few days later I called and Artem
inquired about his health. He mumbled something nasty to me and 
said that contacted Daniel and he is currently

is with him. I quickly dressed,
of cozzz, pulled to ARTIO. Entering the room,
I saw a steep living coder, who was sitting
for the Pentagon and idly pokes a finger in
clave. "The x-y-you! Here you are, coder real!"-I thought with 
admiration. Man I'm sociable, and put out his hand,

immediately rushed to get acquainted, describing the present 
and not a name ... Thus ensued our familiarity with Daniel and 
further cooperation. We threw out of my head all delusions and, 
finally, get down to business! Still not healthy for Artem head 
up with the name of our group - PLAYGEAR COMP. For those who do 
not know explain what PLAYGEAR sort of a pun (of pokoryabannoy 
cat head ARTIO) and translates, roughly, Playing as a 
mechanism. Pretty soon appeared our first joint product, which 
is probably already seen many - KEMKAT. Artem tried again! 
This, you see, if not other than the Kemerovo Catalog! Well

to take the wounded ... Already it took shape
some design of future programs, which, incidentally, can be 
seen in DEJA VU.  We are very well complement each other

ie everyone does what is best
currently able to: ARTIO engaged
graphics; DANIIL turned all our crazy ideas into object code, 
and I had calmed down after the encoder and picked up the text,

simultaneously engaging swapp'om and correspondence.
 Time passed, there are prog's as:
CRUSHER / very good game /; MONOBLOK CREATOR
'RUNNING LINE EDITOR / cool system progs /;
KEMKAT v2.00; some disk versions of games.
In general, life is fun ...


          Suddenly, like a fairy tale ...


 More precisely, the first in her knock, and only then she 
squeaked. If you, dear reader, have not yet glyukanata glut 
oneself and not burst of tea, then you are most rulezny

reader! Change your diapers, put the matches in the eye and 
patience to finish reading FINAL PART to its logical 
conclusion! Topics more so that it is already close ...

 So, once I sat at home and molded kakieto disc feeders to some 
game. More precisely reworked old games per file downloading to 
a candy bar. Through the door someone persistently scratched. I 
opened it and saw another tipchika from Revue in his hand, 
embarrassed shifted from foot to foot.

"Old as the hills"-Philosophy noticed I'm talking about
themselves and not having time to recover a guy pulled in
room. As you may have guessed, probably,
it was a CARDINAL. He modestly sat down and
began to survey my house. I sat there, stuck a cigarette in his 
mouth and chin resting on his hand, give the face a light 
expression of sadness, waiting for questions like: "Do you 
there ELITE 4?. "However, as it turned out, he did not come to 
that. Simply, he sought communion and a fellow hobby, I think 
that he found both. Denis often began to visit me and we long 
bazaars He was a very intelligent person,

Despite his young age and I was with
it is interesting. At that time he had "heaped" wheelbarrow 
type QUORUM 48 with Tape loading! Knew BASIC and began to dig 
into mashkodah. After learning about his "ruleznoy" 
configuration, I genuinely outraged and immediately also began 
campaigning for TR-DOS. He replied me too was thinking about 
changing companies and chose Scorpion'e. Through

month and a half Scorp stood on his desk.
And here the Cardinal proved himself on this! In record time, 
he mastered Assembler, and started coding. Each time

getting better and better. Needless to say,
He immediately joined our team and are actively
went to work. Currently, I do not
I think that part of the coding, he concedes,
for example, RST 7. And to be sure, not
necessarily nakodit DeMouy!
 Well, this is possible and to finish his story about the 
history of PLAYGEAR. I want to believe that I'm not too you

tired and you were wondering. Otherwise
If you can always press BREAK. Unfortunately I must inform you 
that as it may sadly, ARTIO us apparently left because about a 
year does not accept no participation in the group, despite

all his assurances! Well ...
 Oh, so tired I am! It's no joke, stuff
26,230 bytes of text! And therefore round out ...

Other articles:

Amiga Sensor - naked under the gaze Rulez.

Amiga Sensor - steepest home computer - Amiga.

Coding - Demos kodit I want!

Coding - New procedures for 1940: the shift of the attributes of the left and right, up and down, shift by one character to the left and right, up and down, shift by one pixel to the left and right, up and down; Merge images, inverting the screen, inverting the symbol vertically or horizontally; rotation symbol clockwise change attribute, change attributes.

Coding - The procedure of the "floating attributes.

Software - Review of the demoscene: Bizarre Construction, Real Action, Rise, Xtaz, Abyss, Acid Revolution, Spirius, Rage, Art Vision, Ecstatic, Fractals, Popew UP, Excess.

Software - Review of the game prograkmm: mirror maze of death, Angles, noughts and crosses.

Aperativchik - Competition for the most buggy cracked version of the magazine.

Entry - On the control of obolochke Deja VU.

Entry - From the authors.

Hall of Fame - An Interview with Alexander Kotolvym (CAV / Auryn group).

Hall of Fame - schA tell you!

About Me - The story of creation Playgear Company.

users - How to print articles from journals in Scorpio.

attempt at writing - Short Story "The War Continues" (Chapter 4.5).

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Seven and 1 / 2 - Bribes! (Interview with the doctor).

Seven and 1 / 2 - Presentation Deja VU.

Topic - Enlight'97 - a brief report.

Topic - Speccy and the future ....

Topic - On the forward-looking and just TECHNO music.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   7 May