Nicron #11
12 декабря 1996

Radio - novice - scheme for the ZX.

<b>Radio - novice</b> - scheme for the ZX.

          "With a soldering iron in hand"

   In this category will be placed simple, but useful,
schemes and arrangements applicable to both, loved by all,
SPECTR'umu and other electronic devices and circuits,
working independently.

   There are people who look at the soldering iron can not 
calmly, they start itching in the palms and spasms in the 
brain, and writing God is not at hand will be some sort of 
scheme then beware home electronics. But for those who were 
possessed, and is this topic. But to take advantage, driven

Here schemes may of course, less expansive personality,
that this or that scheme seems useful. Well, the circle
of schemes will be described in some detail. Category not
is "closed", ie anyone can share in
her or his development, or that somewhere I saw
tested and apply to all offers.

    Pleased to suggest the scheme of the Executive Board. 

The use of which in the Spectrum will enable more
its wide application. And the use of port TAPEINOUT
allows you to connect it to any PC, because such a port
there are literally all Spectrum and its variants.

                               > A

       March 1 D223 10k

             '>> B
 10,0 mf
+ DA1.1 ∙

          2 * 50.0mf <

   1.2k KT315G ■


    KT315G ■

                                                   > C

                                       +12 V.

        14 a> 240om

       4 KC156A


             6  7 1k ■ KT807bM


   c> Common.


   Execution unit that can be used for virtually any purpose. 
Srabatyvat of the signal from the port SAVE TAPE or the command 
OUT 254,7, but in principle it is triggered when the filing of 
any audio signal. The author of these lines such a scheme works 
In particular in the program and photo printing has never 

   Reactivity of the scheme is determined by capacitor "*" 
changing its denominations.

        Until next time, waiting for your charts and tips.

In the next issue will continue the examination performance of 
schemes proven practices. Then we turn to the issue of 
information input from peripheral devices.


Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Iron - an overview of the microprocessor Zilog Z380, continued.

Programming - a course of study assembler Wlodek Black, continued.

Games - A citizen's go ... game: "Santa Claus".

Search - search for game programs.

Psychology - Dreams, Part One.

Radio - novice - scheme for the ZX.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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