ZX Time #08
30 апреля 2002

zhelezyaki - shemka: Video Spectrum Binding to the black level.

<b>zhelezyaki</b> - shemka: Video Spectrum Binding to the black level.

                     Alexander Pehimenko

    I want to give to light a small but necessary shemku: 
binding to the video black level. By itself, the scheme is not 
new. I pulled her with a scheme Green Scorpion, and tried to 
Leningrad. On some computers, this is not binding. In these 
black square looks like a high-brightness white and sometimes 
with the alternation of colors can occur even failed 
synchronization. Also, this scheme is necessary for the regime

Hardware multikolora (about him I wrote in
ZXTime # 4), otherwise the colors will be incorrect. Those who 
decided to make this revision - this scheme should be required. 
The scheme represents the two additional transistors QD 315 and 
m / TM2 scheme. In it all clear from the figure. The scheme is 
given for Leningrad, but for other computers

it is similar. Mounted it all over one of the m / schemes or in 
free site fee.

                 - - -

    Editor's Note: Plans as always - in
annex to the newspaper,. pcx-format, which you can view the 
program Brujeria.


Other articles:

From the Editor - DWT chastises Pavel Pavlov for the tip about the newspaper.

Review-mail - readers' letters: Vitaliy Petrenko (SLY), Vadim Chumachenko , Nuts, Xmus.

Review novya - Press: Adventurer # 13, Lamergy # 5 - # 9, Body # 33 - # 36, Heresy # 8, Target # 1910, DonNews # 16. Download: ACEdit 0.60, Pro Tracker 3.53. Game: Magic Music Toy 1.02, opener, 3D-Roost, Citadel demo.

News and age - continued Contest , Nuts stopped work on Commander TRouble, Dizzy Game Editor is almost ready, the demo version is ready, etc.

Opinion - Thoughts on the System Software on the Spectrum.

Opinion - lzb/j77: "I'm here and I will not be silent!"

Opinion - Passage: The new print newspaper for Sprektruma.

Coder - private moments in the work of TR-DOS (TR-DOS port level).

zhelezyaki - shemka: Video Spectrum Binding to the black level.

PC and Spectrum - Unreal vs ZX Mak: comparison of two popular emulators ZX Spectrum.

PC and Spectrum - an overview of PC software for ripping and converting Spectrum files.

about everything about everything - "The path before dawn."

and laughter, and a sin - Letter to the Military History forum.

Advertising - rekalama and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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