ZX Time #08
30 апреля 2002 |
Review-mail - readers' letters: Vitaliy Petrenko (SLY), Vadim Chumachenko , Nuts, Xmus.
Review of mail Denis Tokarchuk Here's what we wrote Vitaliy Petrenko (SLY) - one of the authors of the New Pentagon, which was replaced by a soap-mail now write to Painkiller@rambler.ru SLY: "A few words on the board: now is alpha-testing all this stuff, and when it ends - you will know first. I also want a little bit better. Chief ideologue and author fees AXLR. I just ordered it to communicate with the people and to poke its nose into the work, and bugs. Characteristics of the board remains the same. Yes, I repeat - fee! Nude! mikruhi have to poke yourself. " The following letter came from Alexander Pehimenko. AP :"... In my last letter I called you magazine, you would like to flatter. In principle, I would not mind if you have outgrown the magazine. But you do not need it. You as the newspaper has already taken its place. And I I think you could enroll in the top ten. From the frequency with which you leave with the information that you give, albeit not as informative, it is still better (in my opinion on moment for the Spectrum) than a magazine that you would have released 1 per year and a half, and all information would be outdated (To you and the newspaper )..." DWT: In my opinion, it is better to produce plump newspaper than a skinny log. AP: "At the expense of bread with raisins ... - draw poprikalyvatsya ..." DWT: Max does not want to paint:) AP: "With regard to e-mail Options ... - I did not say that it is bad, I just wanted to say that would be very was necessary in the newspaper the other cognitive Spectrum Information, or newspaper looks really lopsided ... " DWT: How do you present number? AP :"... A new board of the Spectrum all the bells and whistles. This is of course very happy, but there is one thing. I read an open letter NEMO (Incidentally, I recommend reading. For myself, I found it interesting information). In my view, to Spectrum lived on and developed need to Park Spectrum-compatible machines are constantly updated. Someone needs to produce repair of vehicles, as well as producing new ones. In addition, computer hardware must necessarily support of programming software, at least at the minimum level. And while these two postulates are supported - Spectrum will live. So, it means Spekrum still lives and will live! We now extend further. NEMO says that the climb with a soldering iron to the computer is strictly prohibited, otherwise you repairs would cost an exorbitant price, and besides This tick this computer "Kulibin" harm the entire platform, reducing the number spektrumistov to another. Probably will pull the others. From cluster computer wires are not reliable become. In the concept of NEMO his KAY already finished machine and mold on She pedals it will not (and not only on Technological difficulties). I'm with NEMO partly disagree - to sculpt gadgets at Spectrum necessary. It's like a motor progress for the Spectrum. Its capabilities must be improved. At the same time it stimulates the production of software software. Another thing is that standards all these gadgets do not. Hence - the incompatibility. I particularly like to stress - to climb a computer with a soldering iron to people who in iron is not sharyat - is strictly prohibited. From my own practice - there is some likelihood that such climbing can lead to fixed freeze, and then to find the defect can not leave one day and need not Only one tseshka, and the amount of knowledge at the rate of school. Therefore, if the gland is not sharish - Bring your computer to the spices, let better he soldered. And if we really want something to dazzle - lepite better through the system connector. Now move on (Well finally) proper to the new board. As I understand from the press release - is just a bare board, without a single chip. And it is unclear what technical documentation accompanies it. Hence - to build and run the computer can only people who can keep a good soldering iron ... " DWT: Maybe if the board will be supported by all of us, spektrumistami, then out, and a full PC. That is - stuck a fork into a socket, raz'emy the monitor, disk drives and Claudia - and rudders on the new Pentagon! Simply, everything comes down to support the development and its return on investment. And generally, in my opinion, if the PC solder all mikruhi, slots and all other rubbish - cost should not increase more than twice. It seems $ 40 - not such a big price for a specific and neglyuchaschy upgrade. AP: "There is one but. The board has large sizes. Most spektrumistov motherboard is a case type korvetovskogo or at least minitauer. Buy housing midi will be quite expensive. And the board itself could be at to 2 times cheaper. While spending on technology this can be and is it price - $ 20. Yes, and I live, for example, in Kazakhstan. It is not known how, and for any grandmother can take her there ... " DWT: about because of such "causes" (Namely - in quotes) and gubitsya most of the projects. If you were gonna run tomorrow in the mail order cost. First write to the author stating that his work - it's not a waste of time and needed and necessary to all spektrumistam. Say that one client, in the case successful completion of the project, he there. And then, when the board will already Talk about her shipping to Kazakhstan. The main thing - to do, and how to transport - a problem the second. AP :"... Even for the mere fact that this fee with all the bells and whistles have collected - it must be said Vivat! I know I run the board in production is not so easy and cheap. Maybe at the moment Nude fee - this is the cheapest and most convenient option. I say: people! Publish in more Information about this new board. Zhelezyachniki and firms - support these cards! Maybe we have something and you get for the cause of the Spectrum. Their attitude towards this board say when will it more complete information, maybe I'll buy it and. If I'm in something wrong - correct, at mylte palex@langoo.com, paalex@hotmale.com ... " The following letter came from our "Countrymen" - from the guys from Dnepropetrovsk. According to Vadim Chumachenko: VC: "I am writing to you about the 7-th number Your rulnoy newspaper ZX-Time. I want to express to you my great appreciation for the material of Clive Sinclair - was very interesting to read! .. " DWT: Gratitude redirected RGB (Sergey Loboda), which we This material is provided. HF :"... I also liked the section News and analysis software. Keep it up, guys! Suggestions: - To make the graphics in the text [sprite] - Add mouse [optional] - you can even without the cursor, and the movement of the mouse to move around the text. - Selection of articles from the [so it will be more convenient than flipping on all the articles in search for the desired ]..." DWT: Eighth Room - the penultimate newspaper in the old shell. Now razrabatyvaetya principle (for ZXTime) is a new environment. RF: - unloading of [a must :]..." DWT: That is unlikely. HF :"... Suggestions: Let's work together. We have [eternal champions team] for their part offer to be an official distributor of your newspaper in Dnepropetrovsk region [not only newspapers but also the entire software, produced by you and other groups in your area - commercial and nonprofit ]..." DWT: Ok. The following letter came from our constant reader and has correspondent. Nuts'u word. Nuts: "I read now, and I hasten sabzh express their opinions. About registration and zest. Very liked the splash image and Mouzon in the paper (first) - from it I'm so dragged, well liked shorter ... Raisin did not seem to appear:) - but was generally harmonious combination. The newspaper has found his own style ... " DWT: For Resurection Oleg (Nik-O) should put a monument! This is my favorite AU-shny track! Nuts :"... my number 7 seemed very complete, with no complaints. On reasoning about dosas. People are taking action and keep the direction on a purely HDD axis. I was right - disskusiyam come to an end, there are only tiresome philosophizing and disassembly of ... " DWT: I am very glad this course of events. Hopefully, the deployment development of new operating system is and we though insignificant, but merit. And that they are designed purely for hdd I I see nothing wrong with that. It is even very well, because progress for the Spectrum - is inevitable, and I am deeply convinced. A chatter "scenery" that SPECTRUM should not go further than the 128 + AC + FDD it seems no one believes. Nuts :"... About KRIK2. Well said ... When I read the magazine itself - it was still nothing. Type, all smoothed out - just magazine, as it were with an unusual design (Color awful) - and like materials are interesting and can be read. But I read a couple of reviews about this magazine - so all turned upside down: and as I could read such a dirty trick and did not notice:) On the other hand - it's different from other magazines, leading his shell and section titles of ZXFormat! .. " DWT: In principle, yes. Apparently Creek and conceived as a kind of alternative to all existing publications today. However, Krik'ovtsy seem "too far went in search of a custom image. The following letter came from Xmus ... Xmus :"... I really do not know what the fuck I udostoen such an honor: right on the box comes fresh ZXTime! How did you hear what I have? Probably you have a handful of addresses from spam newspaper Passage and decided to share with all of its fresh pochetatelyami number. There is another theory; yet it is already known to you through Mr. SirX'a ... " DWT: I do not know, Internet-swap deals with Golden Max. But his on-close not to ask:). Xmus :"... To be honest, Sergei I always said that your newspaper smart, but I somehow ignored: (This is two explanations: 1) I do not really like newspapers, because their very much and more of them windbag (on the media situation in Speke you know very well); 2) We've got enough software exclusively through SirX'a (for which he lifelong THNX), and a newspaper is usually not interested. But now I see that you are working operatively. Be sure to take the previous number. Now go through a newspaper: The first word, as always, about the interface. It's a pity there is no mouse support, as there is no and any semblance of the cursor: (This may lack yuzersky, but I used to slip interface. Though you and the newspaper (with capitalized), but can afford such a chip ... " DWT: Oh, I already flushed :)... Thank you for the good words. Xmus: "Tepericha under: selection does not and bad news are those, only Here NetWalk you describe later gathered. Toy-it is not super fresh. Great joy and great relief brought me an article about Krike2. I do this Journal of terrible hate hate! Why I just took it - the mind-then no, although Serega warned that the mass media complete bullshit ... " DWT: What do you mean just like that of Creek. Well anything interesting out there is! Oops! Again, I got carried away with the letters. For more than 10 kilobytes took mail section. We must call it a day ... Until the next mail section! Write! Always your DWT. *
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