ZX Time #08
30 апреля 2002

Advertising - rekalama and announcements.

<b>Advertising</b> - rekalama and announcements.


       Spektrumist, as you are with us?

    Newspaper "Passage" - Printed editions for those who want 
to get the latest news on developments in the world of 
Spectrum. Subjects of articles - from source

various procedures and schemes of various
"Wash" to computer-related humor, and
reviewing new products software. "Passage" - a newspaper for

    At the moment, produced 11 issues!

        How to buy "Passage"?

    To order the newspaper "Passage", you must send money order 
in the amount of: 

---> 15 rubles for one copy of the newspaper,
if you live in Russia;

---> 30 rubles ($ 1) for one copy
newspapers, if you live in
other CIS countries;

---> For residents abroad
cost of the order of one copy of the newspaper is $ 2,5.

     Home address:

             160035, Russia

           Vologda, PO Box 136

     Shushkova Alexander Dmitrievich

   Editorial Telephone: (8172) 25-28-71

          e-mail: axor@mail.ru

    If you wish to purchase a "Paragraph" from
Official Distributor in Ukraine, then you need to send email
transfer in the amount of:

---> 3 hryvnia for one copy of the newspaper,
if you live in the territory of Ukraine;

--->$ 0.8 for one copy of the newspaper, if
you live in the territory of other CIS countries.


      Distributor in Ukraine
accepts orders only from residents of


     Home address:

             79022, Ukraine

          Lviv-22, PO Box 798

      Debris Valery

       Phone Distributor:

            (0322) 62-28-05

      e-mail: distributor@ukr.net
 2:462 / 167.64 @ Fidonet to: Valera Selev

  500:322 / 67.64 @ ZXNet to: Valera Selev

    In the section "written communications"
specify, for example, # 11 (1). This will be
mean that you need an eleventh

    The number in brackets should indicate the
desired number of copies.

    Earnest request, please contact your
return address in block letters, and
also specify all of their name,

  Official Information Support

     newspapers led by an on site:



Other articles:

From the Editor - DWT chastises Pavel Pavlov for the tip about the newspaper.

Review-mail - readers' letters: Vitaliy Petrenko (SLY), Vadim Chumachenko , Nuts, Xmus.

Review novya - Press: Adventurer # 13, Lamergy # 5 - # 9, Body # 33 - # 36, Heresy # 8, Target # 1910, DonNews # 16. Download: ACEdit 0.60, Pro Tracker 3.53. Game: Magic Music Toy 1.02, opener, 3D-Roost, Citadel demo.

News and age - continued Contest , Nuts stopped work on Commander TRouble, Dizzy Game Editor is almost ready, the demo version is ready, etc.

Opinion - Thoughts on the System Software on the Spectrum.

Opinion - lzb/j77: "I'm here and I will not be silent!"

Opinion - Passage: The new print newspaper for Sprektruma.

Coder - private moments in the work of TR-DOS (TR-DOS port level).

zhelezyaki - shemka: Video Spectrum Binding to the black level.

PC and Spectrum - Unreal vs ZX Mak: comparison of two popular emulators ZX Spectrum.

PC and Spectrum - an overview of PC software for ripping and converting Spectrum files.

about everything about everything - "The path before dawn."

and laughter, and a sin - Letter to the Military History forum.

Advertising - rekalama and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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