Scream #03
31 января 2003

britelite / dekadence - the interview.

<b>britelite / dekadence</b> - the interview.
Session Start: Mon Dec 09 2:33:05 2002

<kq\skrju> hi! i wanted to ask you some questions, may i?

 Hi. hit me:)

<kq\skrju> it's about your cooperation with haujobb


<kq\skrju> as you maybe know i'm zx-spectrum addict, so i'm
interested in zx sceneprogress. one of the main theme of our
e-mag new nuber is multiplatform groups. as you already have
got a work in cooperation with haujobbyou can tell me a lot of
interesting things ^ _ ^


<kq\skrju> how did it all began?! i mean, haujobbers just came
to you and said: 'hey, we want to start haujobb on c64 section,
so lets make a demo! ', or ..?

 It all started at some party when Droid / 
Haujobbtold me he wanted to learn c64-coding and maybe do a 
c64-demo ... so we've had the idea for maybe 1-2 years before 
My Kondom was made ...

<kq\skrju> oho!

 Then later (while being very drunk), I promised
Droidthat I would make a Haujobbdemo for asm2002:)

<kq\skrju> do you know, what was the point in c64, why droid
wanted to start c64 department? i mean, not atari, not msx but

 Well, c64 is probably the best known and famous
8bit-platfrom here in Finland.

<kq\skrju> oh! you're from one contry?!

 Yeah, we're both Finnish.

<kq\skrju> hehe;]
<kq\skrju> does haujobbknow something about zx-spectrum?

 Well, they probably know that the zx-spectrum scene
exists ... but there's not that many Spectrums around here in
Finland. c64 and amiga dominated the market here (in 1980's and
early 90's)

<kq\skrju> hm

 I've got some spectrums ofcourse, but haven't got
any Pentagons, so I've watched all demos on emulator

<kq\skrju> what did you think, is there a chance that any pc /
amiga/c64 group will start zx-spectrumsection?

 Probably not in Finland atleast, as there aren't
that many spectrums available ... Dekadencemay get a 
speccysection if I can bother to learn some z80-asm;) 

<kq\skrju> have you seen last zx demos, from cafe2002?

 Yeah, I've got them here ... can't remember how they
looked though:)

<kq\skrju> hehe

<kq\skrju> in your opinion, is spectrum lost for the 

 Not really. but most people who own speccys don't
even have diskdrives ... and most new speccydemos require
Pentagon, so that's a second problem

<kq\skrju> some emulators do their job perfect. btw i use
emulator in my work ^ _ ^

 Ofcourse, if speccydemos would get shown on more
european parties, then maybe some people would gain some
interest ... but most PC-sceners atleast don't even know of the
Russian speccyscene.

<kq\skrju> i think, what if we'll try to combine c64 and 
zxspectrum democompos on european parties? i mean, we've got 
some kicking groups now, i think we will be able to compete 
with c64. 

 Yeah ... I've actually been afraid of the 
possibility that someone would bring speccydemos to the 

<kq\skrju> oh! there is a possibility of this in rules?!

 Ofcourse. "Bring your own hardware"

<kq\skrju> damn! thats oh great!

 The rules state that the machine should have been
available prior to 1990, so regular 48k and 128k speccys would
qualify ... dunno about Pentagon though

<kq\skrju> ^ _ ^

<kq\skrju> hm, and there must be a man, who will bring a real
machine to party?

 I have a 128k speccy (+2) so I can atleast show
demos from tape.

<kq\skrju> hm ... tape is not that kewl

 I know

 But I haven't got a diskdrive

<kq\skrju> and if i'll send pentagon to one person (it's Exin),
how do you think, is it ok, i mean is pentagon oldskool enough?
^ _ ^

 When was the Pentagon released?

<kq\skrju> hm ... dunno realy, maybe in 89-92, but i'm not sure

 Ok. well, I think it would be accepted:)

<kq\skrju> have you seen our last demo, 'summermilk'? what do
you think of it?

 Hmmh, was it the one with singlecolors filled

<kq\skrju> yes!

 Yeah, it was nice ... I liked the design.

<kq\skrju> how do you think, could that demo compete with c64
demos on asm02?

 Why not ... but it's ofcourse safer to make demos
more PC-like, to get votes from newskool-people.

<kq\skrju> but demos by replayhad no fx-show, ie BOOKS, but
they did won the compos.

 Yeah ... but at least on Assembly it has always been
the most PC-like c64-demos that have won ... ofcourse demos on
"Exotic" platforms have a better chance than c64-demos

<kq\skrju> but our point is not to win the compo but to show the

 Yeah ... would be really cool to see some 
speccydemos at assembly

<kq\skrju> are you working on some cooperation with haujobbnow?

 Not at the moment ...

<kq\skrju> oh, have you seen that demo by gasmanat asm02?! it
was in wild-compo

 Yeah, he showed it to me:) but now I have to go to
bed ... see you later

<kq\skrju> g'night ^ _ ^

Session Close: Mon Dec 09 3:25:08 2002

Other articles:

editorial - kq: "the day when I stopped laughing."

editorial - sq: "To be honest, do not feel like talking. Absolutely nothing ...

editorial - zmej: "look up the TV, everything seems to be good, but .. and here Presley blow unsolicited kilobytes "...

news - the timing of release of the ninth issue of the journal Murzilka, Green Bit Group is working on a commercial project, OSA make a new e-mag, new releases from Hooy Programm, causes stagnation of Placebo, etc. .

charts info - new charts.

charts result - Poll Results: best musician, best group, best artist, etc

hallowman speaking - an impression komadorschika from Spectrum demos.

demos vs intros - arguments on "why the party so much and so little intro dem."

lai pissas - Relict Raver and reflect on the scene.

run scene run! - "In the form in which the scene is now, she can not develop. She is at rest, more than that - it is as if standing in quicksand," ...

speccy squad - speccy support squad for

translit - "there is a way for the suffering of people who do not want to write in English - write to translit!

in the hands - "is always used to lust after waiting for the results to the party, which participated. Occupied n-eleventh place and was glad. Can you imagine? Rad! "

letter newcommer'u - "spektrumist - is that such a profession?" I do not understand. Do I have to do something for the benefit of the Spectrum, simply because I love him? "

cafe2002 report - a report from the Kazan Scremer'a party.

demos review - an overview of new demos: Z80 Cheap, Traffic of death, Black & White, Demo21, Summermilk, Inbetween.

cafe2002 demos little review - kq comments to demos with cafe2002.

cafe2002 gfx review - overview charts with cafe2002.

cafe2002 music little review - a brief overview of music from cafe2002.

the loop - welcome deme "the loop", which we have waited for almost 3 years, At last, given the masses ...

britelite / dekadence - the interview.

nik-o - a dialogue with nik-o kq on IRC.

alternative interview - an interview with Sinn / DTR, author of Burial Grpahics Editor.

Unbel! Ever - an interview with Unbel! Ever / Extreme (MMA) on the Spectrum and the demoscene.

postbox - a letter from: Kurles / HS, POP HL, Fyrex / MAYhEM, Sinn / DTR, Himik ZXZ, Pheel / PHT.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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