Scream #03
31 января 2003 |
cafe2002 gfx review - overview charts with cafe2002.
__cafe2002 gfx review __sq \ skrju + kq \ skrju I've said here is not about all the pictures, but only about those which have something to say. actually, as I do:) kq 25. Blaquadr Hellish_flameR ^ Magnetic_monsterS plagiarism, and is extremely unfortunate, the sinn / / dtr on the final shoque was better:) 21. ImmortaL want2alive? Hellish_flameR ^ Magnetic_monsterS I somehow feel sick on the type of the right eye. and I say this absolutely serious and without any metaphorical meaning. not that Had he somehow bad and clumsily painted - just really your throat. I do probably a lot of phobias. For example, I still sometimes disgusting form of child nipple caps and earrings-studs. brrrr. 21. she is the sun v00ha ^ xtatic (xtc) / / hoodlums (hlm) the picture was clearly painted under the influence of farsight by diver / / 4d, and more specifically, from the intermediate versions of the pictures. the honor of speaking, if you remove the banal and cutting the eye vectors of the line instead of hair, and ascii-sun, which is completely out of place (even if for fun), it would be much better. 18. scrangirl psychotron Like most pictures psychotron'a, this picture was painted long ago and in a spontaneous desire to draw something, so that to finish, it seems, has not been. and therefore exhibited the most recent minor version. in the standard psychotron'a style. Although there is already used paper, though so far only for the background, but still. 17. Mope Iron Lord ^ Green Bit Group in general, I am very pin pictures ironlord'ai dimidrol'a. I remember another final shoquebyli in the same spirit. fun and cute but no more. It seemed to me that a man with a knife is similar to Raskolnikov. Not remarked, bro? Edakii portrait of Raskolnikov's killing Yankees lender. And what, in my opinion a very nice job. Look, what feelings on his face as anger and determination in his eyes! kq 16. Turtle Keyser Soze ^ Colour of Magik a lot of empty space, and quite nice. although it is old. And absolutely no sense. In my opinion, this picture - not for the party. I mean, bro (yeah you know, I know), learning elementary techniques and drawing something, does not sure it is put on the party. I now noticed that I tired of writing this paragraph because the theme of indifference to the tedious, and generally I'm not used to writing about what I consider pointless. kq 14. The Principle of Evil Made Flesh Cannibal ^ Techno Lab So Canny. painted, probably in a hurry, as some details are not worked out. palette is not very pleasant, a feeling some turbidity. nneznayu even. Zznayu. Flat, as usual, miserable person, ugly textures, zadolbavshy plot. Most of all it disgusts me ugly circles texture! Draw them worse, I think, impossible. kq 13. Way Of Magick Deadie ^ HorrorSoft ^ CyberPunks Unity very beautiful and pleasant image. Ah, that's if it were not for the fact primitive painted beach on the right, as it would be fine. picture, no doubt, took the place of unfairly low. deadie really tried, particularly striking when color spiral. But one need only look at the spiral in "Prisoner of Time", how soon all will become clear. Squares off with bright apart is not entirely true, it seems chaotic colors and bustle of the artist. I would have howled wonderful guys on the left, eyes and facial expressions which is quite peculiar, if not for this black background on the 2 / 3 images! me crazy sorry that things worked out so well no other way - invent Deadieadekvatnoe content of this black 2 / 3 screen appeared to clearly something magical, but .. On this version of the image I just unpleasant to watch. kq 12. Shadow of the Past luka ^ original computer's association painted a very entertaining, even somewhere nice:) the only that confused, because it chereschurbolshaya palm. and the special perspective it is somehow unlikely. general lukaprogressiruet. it logs genzi invasion I was pleasantly surprised. noticed his little edakii "Fluffy" style. And spoil all the disgusting hand, ugly tomb, well, black. Hand explains that the artist is far from the real hardcore technology. After reviewing several other of his works, I noticed that the sad fact that even under no-no skills texturing, killing all the wrong shape, and the resulting This general disharmony final work. This seems to have defective, but, uh oh, I do not enjoy it. kq 11. .193 <06> Nochnoj Dozor Stanly Stall funny pictures. something like this should draw ink'om if you want to about you said that you do it dddovolno nice! And for me, so u guys colorless face. He's just - no. Zero emotion. Another girl somehow unnatural cut the, this, in my opinion, spoils ... something in general damages. ^ _ ^ kq 10. .194 <21> Past Dimidrol ^ Green Bit Group here dimidrol departed from their usual with ironlord'om cartoon style. a mixture of primitivism and the attempt use the technique with the textures on the faces. With a total netehnichnosti nestsenovosti and pictures, and even to the that picture is clearly not for the party, I liked two things: a dynamic and easy to read feelings on the woman's face. By the way it makes it pleasant to keep in mind impression of the picture as a whole. It rules ^ _ ^ kq 09. .195 <02> Dullish Ice'Di ^ Triumph ice'di and again with his work. warm picture. Although many of these already, and have ice'dipohozhaya was not alone (Here at least since last cc), but still warm and soulful. Imagine, bro, if the background was a sandbox with wooden "mushroom" with oblezshey paint, dirty sand, mixed with black earth, and the heavy gray sky? And even better - unfinished building, with a dull brick, yellow-green crane, the dry dusty earth and sky overweight? I know that it requires a jewelry technique and a lot of effort, but it is features a picture of such workshops. kq 07. .217 <20> Karlshteyn Castle Dimidrol ^ Green Bit Group dimidrolopyat draws unpretentious and simple pictures. cute. I liked the lighting of the main tower. kq 06. .243 <10> CHUNKeD Gas 1913 the most ideological and conceptual picture. gas13stavil very the actual story, but ... generally the same, and gas13eto does not hide Image made using a program called poser. for those who do not know, explain that this 3d-modeler human figures. generally, rightly or wrongly, everyone decides for himself, but once such a practice exists and gives the fruit, then it has right to life. in general, read about it in the appropriate article. So, chunked. itself is a picture drawn, almost three flowers (ok, four:) and who knows, show gas13 more effort, maybe he would have taken place in the top three commercials. but generally, the picture is nothing, and wins some thanks its ideology. By the way, pheel also used when creating a poser prisoner of time ... Do not hesitate to say anything but: an objective - is striking a lot of black, subjective: I do not close this issue, and the picture just do not leave a soul any feelings. kq 05. .245 <25> Duck Kacuk ^ Sinclair Club but mileyshaya picture cacique. draw simple, classic and without any frills. and therefore completes the top five. penetrating the girl's face (do not be surprised if the cacique, and this once it redrawn by nature:), especially eyes. Well good picture, nothing more to say, I guess. The girl's face with a duck in the pond - what you can do here speak? kq 04. .250 <16> Atlantis of My Dream Paracels ^ Placebo paracelsnedovolen this picture. in general, agree quite unusual for paracels'arabota. and yes, I would say, the whole schedule in the inbetween, but red toothy guy - like new milestone in the creation of a humble artist placebo. as if paracels, that everything they say that it is very close pheel'u approached, and he himself is perfectly conscious, sharply spun the wheel and, perhaps, that not expecting to go on his way. diver / / 4dnazval this "poetry" and I think it is hard to find a word that would characterize this more comprehensively. then that showed us paracelsna cafe2002-this is not an abstraction, but no longer a straightforward show an obvious manner, not just zakos a reality - it is something else, still not clear and unknown [for Spectrum, probably]. in general, I believe that paracels'u not need to worry about the fact that the atlantis of my dreamneudachna and certainly more so - to be ashamed of it. is not so! yes - it is unusual. but paracels, know that it understood and appreciated by way. Naturally, it has its flaws. will not it praise, because it has already managed to learn that not paracels'u like when this picture someone compliments:) just say: "Paracels-you're on the right track, experiment!" Brough, and you noticed how much feelings in the girl's face and a dolphin her right hand? I only now feel that felt the people dying of Atlantis! I suddenly found myself on place girl, guest look at the world through her eyes! Imagine: your son went to school, now has annual control of mathematics, to which you are personally ready with him the last two week, every day, engaged for three hours. By the end of the classes he always began to tire and fun pretending to sleep, quietly opened his eyes peeping through a thin slit between fingers. You catch his eye and you laughed for a long time together. Your husband, your good Jay, as usual in the morning went to the river with his laptop to write "morning story." Outside, appealingly shines a bright, warm sun unmatched. You once again wash cool water, apply a little makeup, only the most necessary, putting on my favorite dress, bought for three days ago, and, smiling happily grumpy old woman on the bench, come out in a world filled to the brim sun. You have fun priprygivaya sent to the bakery around the corner, smiling the fact that you all look back and think of the expression that girl in your last picture. Maybe worth give it some more excitement? And maybe those rays in the eyes of all the same have fallen by the way ... Suddenly, you feel fine drizzling rain. He is everywhere. You do not understand, smiling think had to take an umbrella. From the depths of the sea before you heard increasing noise, it becomes louder and louder, starts blowing a strong wind. Noise becomes enveloping hum, you do not understand: where it penetrates to the bone the wind stubbornly smashing you up and not giving even set foot step? That happening? And suddenly - you see on the horizon hundred-meter pole water. Dark blue, dense water, tall with a huge skyscraper she seems to be frozen in place, not moving stood on the edge city and as much as to see every detail of the wardrobe people Atlantis, though it is going to touch every button on the shirt men, each stud to explore every hair on their heads women. Dense dark blue column of water stood on the outskirts of the city, You envelops the unbearable din, strong wind gusts blowing away you down and you stand and can not understand anything! Instantly, this wall of water begins to move quickly, as if someone had turned ignition key and pressing the pedal to the floor the gas, you can see how it rushes at you, it does not stop! Instantly drawn to the imagination picture: Jay laptop comes out of the hands, a strong wind slams the notebook's son, Jay, smiling, running for laptop, a son, winced, reopens on the same notebook location to the next second it pulled out of his hands gust of wind, Jay picks up and blows up, he hysterically shouting, waving his arms, the son runs into the street and sees the water. In one moment in the city falls great mass of water Millions of tons of instant turn the town into a meaningless piece of the ocean. You slowly move your hands in the water, swirling around you two dolphin. With a missing eye look at the blue water. You understand everything. It's hard. It is more powerful than anything that existed on this component. kq 03. .257 <14> Wrong Way Diver ^ 4th Dimension (4D) situation diver'omi wrong waypohozha the situation with paracels'om and atlantis of my dream. diver'u far as I know, this picture do not like:) although I probably would have given her all the same first place. not because there was no picture better, but because there on the party, on the big screen it looked just fucking awesome! although and it has its flaws. nedorisovano person, for example. diver explains this by saying that it did not have time to finish, too hurry. with respect to the background, its absence in my opinion here is more appropriate than his presence. although, most likely, I think so only because he had not seen the version with the background:) As I understand it, you can only discuss the technique. Of course, and nice story, and the guy with long hair, and even jeans - bell bottom, but this is all compliments to the author .. And as for the technique to say nothing. "Realism", as defined by himself Comrade. Diver/4D. kq 02. .265 <05> Bloody tears Schafft ^ Colour of Magik, Brothers but this is required! schafftpopal in second place, being literally in the midst of the elite spekovskogo pikselinga:) with than his, and congratulations. Of course, there is still work to do, but second place - it is my opinion seriously. Remember in 2000, anyone still unknown if zsv.a now, two years later, No one is surprised that he took the first vlegkuyu place. So, bloody my opinion, here are two drawbacks - face contrasts with the background (the background is drawn a bit more primitive) and a small bust with a texture on the face - too much. Although not know, maybe I only think so. As far as I know, a copy of female faces. Again, I do not see subject, except that mention a wonderfully drawn strands hair above the nose. kq 01. .268 <08> Elite Rion (exZSV) and here is the winner. second conceptual work (after chunked) and certainly the first (together perhaps with the wrong way, diver with no hard feelings:) on technology! y rion'asvoy style, and as paints, he does not draw anyone (tell you a secret - even diveremu jealous:) in general, a person in the picture you can still find out if know who it depicted. I'm here, for example, on the whole party chips not rides (there was a beer), and realized the essence of the only at home. Well, probably, judging by the justice, then this picture and had to take first place. because the idea of + technology and without specific flaws did their job. rion, with the victory! Pheel / PHT unlike yourself, your face painted like Serega (No wonder - a mirror-then there is always at hand ^ _ ^), but that I was most upset - Paracels / PCBvyshel really bad not at all like himself, and obviously older than his years. Sorry for the Shura! But given the uncommon technique, and yet the originality, I his chart work put into second place. kq
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