Insanity #04
18 декабря 1999 |
Hard-2 - O controllers, mice and reeds.
- - | About the controllers, mice and reeds ... | - - ■ Dr.Dismal ^ lfg | Oh, how much has already been articles on the subject of mice, but and not just mice, but specifically Kempston Mouse ... But apparently, people do not realize that the best enemy of the good. Then, here's another opus on the this is probably an eternal message to Speccy. Everyone always goes on, until he something you will not see or touch. So, relatively long, about 2-3 years ago, I had the pleasure to feel that same Kempston Mouse. Then it was certainly unusual. Soul spektrumista exploded. "Here! There are at Speccy mouse! PTsshnikam the envy of all! "And as I was a little drawing in the Art Studio, it was The first program, in which I have tried this device. I have had the benefit of the install version. That was cool - I was stunned. Speed drawing increased 2-3 times, and it is only at first glance. The second was a ZX Format, Naturally, there were only positive emotions. Yes, I said to myself, and I have such a apiece. The main difficulty was itself a mouse. Buy new did not want to disembowel her to the nines, holding it : E'''was a variant - buy scrap - used. Such sold in the Cellar "- sort of place where You can buy new and used, almost any hardware for HRC. (Firm Abitronik "previously worked Speccy) But, having bought there, it was worth a lot pomuchatsya because sold on the cheap non-working mouse and it is with burnt optocouplers. I took the expectant attitude. In For some time went by PCshnikov dead rat, but the bogey circuit for 8 blocks chips. In the hard time I was still quite green so lamer. Time passed, about devayse little forgotten. But Now, I had to work for almost a year, and the work - access to a PC. Naturally emulators here and there, and as a free application - Emulation Kempston Mouse. That's when this small, gray pribambas was for me commonplace. After retiring from work, home living Speccy was again switched on at home. But the draw and work was impossible. Uncomfortable - it is very mildly. Anyone who has worked and steer mouse, already shall never refuses to ... And now, 3 months no one started figure was not me finished. Case that CyberJack'u, and myself too, I gave my word that yet I will not have myshepodobnogo devaysa, graphics from me will not. Here's why delayed our toys, but this is not to say me and do not in this article ... Okay, enough of epithets, talked about the mice, Now let's talk a bit about the controllers. Came time to assemble the controller. But, before than to collect, was still necessary and the scheme choose. I hear many screaming in disbelief all throat and into my left ear: "And what they choose something?? There is also the scheme in Spectrofon # 20!! But what if a bad head hand rest does not?? All I found 4 scheme. The choice fell on the scheme in the # Z80 from 4Dimension. Curiosity can get. In what advantages of this scheme?? As stated in the most # Z80 - smaller bodies, more convenient to burn on each other, compactness. What about the 2 nd and 3rd I agree 100%. Indeed, the assembled controller, I was placed in a box from under the matches:) Ie 8 output circuits (with TL2 in the mouse itself) - 2 pairs of "sandwiches" of 4 chip. All this, of course, but cool the controller does not work! Glitches lovilis up-to-the-olgo and hard. A total of 3.5 weeks. Week gathering, watching bugs. On spektrumistov coterie (there is such a feature in Perm on Thursdays) consulted local "Zhelezyachnika" - aka Xam/4D, next week worked through tips, catch the new bugs. Not absolutely nothing helped, the truth caught a bug in its competence - the data bus has been, well, until the pile unstable ... Now everything is OK. So, let us return to our sheep, more precisely to the mouse controllers ... Fortunate at that time for me Record familiar from the Speccy another harder'a - "Master'a". Was necessary to him oscilloscope break tried the local cable TV. Here they say, and so I laid out his whole problem. Minutes per 30, with the help of the same oscilloscope other schemes controllers have identified and caught glitch. The thing is that the scheme was not to coarse decoding ports, you can even say that it was not there at all ... :) (Joke) In the decoding was not involved signal A0. Vobschem controller is something they did not even hang everything on the keyboard, because when you click on keys, if the PC in general run, be sure going crazy. Another 5 minutes it took to draft the scheme, correcting bug. In the refinement was additionally involved three address lines, but based on what he saw on the oscilloscope, and there A0 crap, I decided to make it easier. As a result, I it took another 2 chips, because free elements in devayse no longer observed. If get to the point, here's a revised scheme of # Z80: on the scheme find signal IORD, going from 11 feet LP8 on 1 foot LL1 and break switch 2 element: A0 ____ 1 = 'IORDnew ____ 1 DD7.1 IORD 11 DD9.4 But I doubt that this is someone you need to, because turned over 10 buildings, with 2 mikruhi half "idle". Especially, do not give guarantee that the scheme of the # Z80, even after modifications will work as necessary ... Well, not I saw a fully working version:) Achieve glitches so me and failed, could that during the soldering process burned, can anything else, in general by Y-coordinate my mouse, even his nose did not move, yes and a button I did not check, but X-coordinate went fairly briskly and do not stray (see below). I just picked up and collected the controller scheme of Spf # 20. Now, even the bugs are not caught had, the controller has earned right "to cheers." Had, however, still a little tricky with the mouse, because in the last assembly TL2 was in my soldered to the sandwiches with the remaining chips. Now I put it in the very mouse, instead of the existing there, which ruthlessly vypayal. Everything fits just perfect, though had to cut a couple of tracks and pull a couple of wires on the board. The mouse I have the most common - ABS mouse Model 300 Taiwanese production. Perhaps the only good solution in the scheme JtN'a - it instead of using TL2 TL1 in the chain after optocouplers. Everything goes very simply, beautifully and economically, even two trigger remains. Now a little talk about food LEDs: later identified as (tester you in the arm, or an oscilloscope, like me) do not was to remove the native resistance, because it's perfect approached, the mouse was fed to +5 V, rather than +12 V. But I still put his nearly 100 ohms LEDs now I work at full steam, even warm up a bit, a couple with a resistor:) But there is no false positives: if this bug Seen or bad mouse responds to changes in direction, there is one piece, correcting data conn glitch. I do not know how the mouse is not buggy on the PC, but in the original version, (tested 2 mice), a window through which light LED through the wheel with slots, too. Such that the opening up two slots at once. When movement in one direction is not fatal, but a change in the opposite direction side of optocoupler is not fixed. This, of course The same applies to dual optocouplers, separate located must not fail. Yield very simple: it is necessary to obscure part of the window. In During the experiments, I found the optimal blackout - is the upper 1 / 3 part. For this I used a piece of black electrical tape ... Summary: The scheme of the # Z80 apparently not consistent and buggy, with all its attractiveness. And on this occasion I would like to express his great "Phi" (you know who) for placing the material in the buggy newspaper. At the However, I want to say JtN'u its great ... THANK YOU, for what came up this masterpiece and little taught me to understand the iron (and Thank you for the repair of my Profi). From my own experience add that the controller Kempston Mouse expedient to collect the scheme given in 20 Spectrophone + TL2 use the scheme of the # Z80 to convert IBM PC Mouse from active to passive. That's probably all. It is a pity that dany text will not appear until I started collect controller. This information is very even a shortage. I hope that someone useful, and that no one in this article offended ... - And where are the reeds?? - And the reeds absolutely nothing in common ...
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