Insanity #04
18 декабря 1999 |
Hard-a - Midi interface device.
- - | MIDI INTERFACE | - - ■ Dr.Dismal ^ lfg | What is MIDI? Anyone who has tried to build on their own sequencer (English Sequence - sequence) for a musical instrument or to interconnect a variety of tools, from their own experience understood the need for a uniform standard the transfer of musical information. Quite recently there have been many types of electromagnetic radiation, so differ from one from the other circuitry to that of any of their docking there could be no question. Sometimes, though, managed to string together the tools and sequencers manufactured by one company, but it is not always satisfy all the demands of musicians. Attempts to unify a number of tools in single network, managed as one entity, led to the creation of digital monsters and the interface block with the tools were sometimes complicated instruments themselves. Such systems occupied entire rooms and constantly in need of repair. Now all these problems of musicians and Designers EMR with the advent in 1982 one way 'communication' between an EMR - Musical Instrument Digital Interface - MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital English Interface) in the past. In computing interface - is system of unified communications and signals, by which devices or programs communicate with each other. The interface is based on the interface between two systems, devices or programs. Usually you can spend a similar section between the score and conductor, conductor and musician, as well as between the musician and tool. In each pair is a given and performing devices. In the computer the same music function of the conductor carries a sequencer, a memory which as a set of numbers stored score, a function of the musician in the orchestra - performing part of the EMI, the game simulates an instrument for command sequencer. Score MIDI-score Conductor Sequencer Performing Musician part Tool Zvukogeneriruyuschaya part Sound Amplifying Student speaker apparatus Sound Listener What can MIDI? The introduction of standard MIDI led to the development new technology of computer music, through which the musician alone and with using simple tools available has ability to manage multiple synthesizers blocks of sound processing, mixers, tape recorders. Select this music equipment can be from an extensive range of devices manufactured by different companies, and not at all worried about their compatibility with each with one another. The simplest - is to connect two MIDI- synthesizer keyboards to the keyboard of one of them could play both instruments simultaneously. Useful in this case timbre instruments are different, and play on two keyboards simultaneously always convenient. Much greater opportunities will connect sequencer to the EMR. In this case, all actions musician during the game, including changing the switches, knobs on the front panel, the sequencer remembers in his memory, and will play later in the same sequence. Using a record with the overlay, you can enter in Memory sequencer complex musical works that are not available for execution in alone. often to connect a sequencer Several EMR and muzykanye parties for different EMI recorded separately by only the keyboard. The principle of connecting blocks of sound processing, mixers and other apparatry similar, only 'Play' they are not using the keyboard, and using the buttons switches and knobs regulators. Information about sostyanii all organs management as tools and equipment perdaetsya via MIDI same type of way, so All of Sound Director - mixing, control effects - are recorded along with musical score and synchronously with it. In concert practice MIDI is used for unified management of all the synths and other devices with multiple keyboards and sequencers mounted on the stage. Otherwise, musician is simply not enough hands and time to quickly reconfigure all sounds instrumntov. Often use pre-recorded in memory Sequencing batch of some tools such as rhythmic accompaniment. At this framework imposed executable 'live' solos - and it all sounds like a real orchestra, but with a conductor, musician and by producer rolled into one. First, of course, such a work style was keyboard player for them followed by drummers and guitarists. MIDI has a distinct boundary application, but this does not diminish its universality. The fact that the interface sent only the information about the actions Executive and no information about the proper sound. The same information is passed on Different MIDI synthesizer that can lead to quite different effects. Occurs so because from the point of view of the interface of any tool - a black box with pass outside government. And what happens to sound within it - is inaccessible to the MIDI information. So, the task interface is to transfer Information on the Performing Device - keyboards, control panels, sequencers and other governments, which affects the musician during the game - to zvukogeneriruyuschim and processing devices. If, for acoustic instruments division by performing and zvukogeneriruyuschuyu parts can be to purely conventional - with the exception of Is that the keyboards, and analog instruments are highly isolated - that in modern digital keyboard instruments and actual sound synthesis are serviced separate and often different electronic devices. All impact on the musician controls EMR transmitted through the interface sound synthesis, which may be different way to perceive these commands. On a keyboard, connect the MIDI-equipped synthesizers of various types, including simultaneously. MIDI 'inside' Rocker EMR that contains in one housing keyboard and a synthesizer sound, has 3 sockets interface. MIDI IN - input of the synthesizer sound, from which synthesizer receives information from external Performing devices such as external keyboards. MIDI THRU - out of transit, is immediately transmits data received on the input MIDI IN, serves to connecting devices in the chain. In this case, all instruments receive the same commands as one master device, in this case sequencer. MIDI OUT - output which receives commands from the built-in keyboard and other information produced by inside the instrument. MIDI THRU ·············· ················ Sound MIDI IN · · output Receiver Synthesizer> · Sound · · · MIDI OUT ·> · · · · EMR · · Keyboard · ································ MIDI OUT MIDI IN ° ∙ · · ∙ ■ Sound ° ∙ · · ∙ ■ Output Keyboard EMR> MIDI MIDI Sound MIDI OUT THRU THRU MIDI IN output ° ∙ · IN IN °°°°°> ° ∙ · ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ \ > EMI1 EMI2 <■ ■ Sequencer Mixer The electronic part of MIDI - a standard asynchronous serial interface with rate of 31.25 kbps, with one stop bit and no parity. Transfer bytes spent 320 ms. Thus, the throughput MIDI channel capacity is 3.125 Kbytes in second. Electrical connection device by means of the shapers of type 'Current loop' Isolated optocouplers on the receiving end. The absence of current sotvetstvuet as a logical unit, current value of 5mA - logic zero. S-logic 1 start bit S 1 0 11 0 11 0 E E-stop bit logic 0 > - <32mks 320mks <> Standardized and connector interface - is 5-pin connector type NL-5 involved contacts 5.4 and 2. MIDI cable should be made a twisted pair of wires of length no more than 15 meters in the shielding. ____ ■ √ √ √ √ ■ ____ / 5 4 / / 5 4 / / ∙ ∙ \ / ∙ ∙ \ 2 ■ √ √ √ √ ■ 2 \ ∙ / \ ∙ / \ ____/ \ ____/ X1 X2 Here's one way to connect size sockets interface to the transceiver chip K580VV51. Please note that the reception part is completely electrically isolated from the transmission, and the common wire is connected to razemu only at the transmitter end. These measures prevent penetration of noise into sound outputs interconnected tools. DD2.1 DD3.1 X1 MIDI OUT DD1 ____ 1 3 1 2 R1 5 / ° ° \ 4 R2 +5 V 'O 1 o 2 °> 200 \ __ _ / 200 2 TXD 19 5 ____ 4 MIDI IN / ° ° \ DD1 K580VV51A X2 2 ° R3 100 DD2 555LA3 \ ____/ DD3 555LN5 Vd1 D220 > __ RXD / <\ 3 2 1 U1 +5 V ^ 4 <3 AOD101A \ __ / R4 1K __ VT1 / \ \ R6 51K \ KT3102V \ / __ / X3 / ____ +5 V DD2.2 DD3.2 / ° ° \> September 4 6 5 6 R5 ° 'O' o 1o \ __ _ / MIDI THRU 10 8 200 5
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