IzhNews #07
27 июля 2000

Interview - an interview with the organizer of Power of Sound, Kudryavtseva, IV (Himik ZxZ).

<b>Interview</b> - an interview with the organizer of Power of Sound, Kudryavtseva, IV (Himik ZxZ).


Today we managed to interview the organizer of Power

         of Sound, Kudryavtseva, IV (Himik ZxZ).

IN> Hy, for starters, zdravstvyy.

Himik> And you are a big hello!

IN> Traditional question: when and where you
poznamilsya with Speccy?

Himik> It was gody that way in 1993-94,
I was engaged in radiokryzhke in the NOT
"Mechanics" - shemki different payal. And now
one day we got THREE
Computer Companion. " They were nothing more than
other than the ZX-SPECTRUM-compatible. Then
Of course, I did not know about, and what
This consists of a computer, I
did not know. I otsytstvovala
any dokymentatsiya on basic-y, but about
that there is also ASSEMBLER, I do not even
guessed. After some time, our
kryzhok else be the default was taken to a building, but in
our made kryzhok informatics in
which I decided to stay. We
appeared lecturer - Andrey Bakharev
V.. That's it I tolknyl and
or rather forced to start izychat Assembler
emy of that great human

IN> When engaged in programming?

Himik> Hy, tyt tochnyyu daty not call,
My first robot was written in conjunction
with the PHANTOM LTD, and it was intryha to
igryshke "OVERLANDER-48kb". In moemy was
1994. Before that, we, again with
PHANTOM LTD, tinkering with "MONS" in
different prog to izycheniya
techniques and assembly instructions. I remember with
intryhoy to "OVERLANDER" y occurred
funny. In those days the market was flooded with
disc versions of games with intryhami from MAX
IWAMOTO. Go to our guests arrived Eugene
Kylev Sarapyla out of town for the new software.
We emy zapystili "OVERLANDER", and he
kriknyl: "Wow! New ivamotovskaya
disc version! How kryto! Now
Imagine what happened when we
emy said it was not ivamotovskaya
version, and ours, and that we all wrote ...
After this series was written intryhi
myzykalnyh demonstration "ZXZ" and

IN> When formed gryppa POS?

Himik> Trydno say, because we
almost always worked together,
gody probably in 1995. Then we had y
vypyschena game "MAGIC LINES", but the name
group 'was "RANDOM SCIENCE CREW", but it
We have not stuck ...

IN> Otkyda such nazvnie? Who pridymal?

Himik> I once watched winter
Olympic Games, and there one skier
nicknamed himself as "POWER PLAY". Me
sozvychie liked, but that they should
was excellent, I decided to call himself (!), not
gryppy and himself (!) "POWER SOUND". AND
bykvalno on sledyyuschy day we started
pridymyvat his name, and that's when
suggested naming gryppy "POWER SOUND".
For more sozvychiya and correctness
inserted into meaning serediny "OF", and
polychilos "Power of Sound". It turns out that
name pridymal I ...

IN> It is believed that gryppa finally arrived broke.
Is this true?

Himik> bydete correct to say gryppy
pokinylo majority. But now I
Work on the unfinished
projects, PHANTOM LTD is engaged in
diskovkoy igryshek. Recently he asked me
pridymat new effect for intryhi and
ANDY MAN painted emy formyly to moemy

IN> So why did this happen?

Himik> A very simple, twisted! All
ponastavili itself "pisyukov and prytsya in

IN> What is the composition has gryppa to this

Himik> Himik's ZxZ

       Phantom Ltd

       Al Heather

IN> What POS did during his
syschestvovaniya? List and tell us about
Each creation.

Himik> OPUPET! I'm afraid I'm not listed
poprobyyu but only on the disk version I
bydy say very little:

1.MagicLines/H.S.O./Himik 'sZxZ / Al Heather /

  Igryshka to chosen type "COLOR LINES", but

  instead of colored balls, different figyrki.

  It was written, we can say at skoryyu

  pyky because H.S.O. had yezzhat in

  Moskvy vstypitelnye pass exams

  MAI - Moscow Aviation

2.ColorLines/H.S.O./Himik 'sZxZ / Al Heather /

  Totzhe "MAGIC LINES", only instead of

  figyrok different colored balls.

  Another version of "COLOR LINES"
3. Fuck Kommunistov / 3S-Group/Mr.Lava /

  Very cool igryshka guys

  wrote it a secret from us all, and

  then pleasantly ydivili.
4. Game 100 / SP / Sleeping Man /

  Steward. Pary wrote days as

  told Hraping Man (that's what he

  bolshii likes to do anything else) - I

  all night drawing these fuckin tsiferki

  1 to 99! A little has been drawn from

  1 to 9, and then Generate? - It has been

  late night in the yard, his head is not cooking,

  That smydil ...
5.Grid v1.0 / Himik's ZxZ / Alex Heather /

  Powerful (at the time) protection system

  discs. Her y We ordered from SOFTSTAR

6.Grid v2.0 / Himik's ZxZ / Andy Man-windows /

  Even stronger protection. Pozhalyy, and it's not

  copy. It only works with

7.Grid Protection System v3.0/Himik 's ZxZ /

  Upgraded from the second version

  with podgryzhaemymi files.
8.PositionPlayer1.0/Phantom Ltd / Himik 'sZxZ

  Just myzykalny player for traced
  tion of melodies from all known

  myzykalnyh editors at the time.
9.Position Player v2.0/Phantom Ltd / AndyMan

  The new version ylychshennaya player.
A. Position Player v3.0 / SP /

  Next version of player, has finally arrived varied

B. Advanced Sound Master v2.0 (ASM)

  / (C) ASC / (R) Himik's ZxZ /

  A modified version of nashymevshego

  myzykalnogo editor. Inserted

  recompiler melodies and refined

  algorithm for compiling tunes.
C. Pusher v1.0 / Himik's ZxZ /

  The system of pulling tunes from a file.

  It only works with tunes by Sound

D. Pusher v2.0 / Himik's ZxZ /

  Dorabotanaya version.
E. Pusher v3.0 / Himik's ZxZ /

  From the same series, but only works has finally arrived

  with files from the editor of ASM.
F. Pusher v4.0 / Himik's ZxZ /

  The combined version, works with Sound

  Tracker and ASM.
10. Pusher v5.hh / Himik's ZxZ /

  A completely new hull and work with all

  then known formats melodies, and

  also allows you to tear out myzon

  ypakovannogo file.
11. Happy Demo part one / PoS /

  Demyha on Christmas.
12. Happy Demo part two / PoS /

  Demyha the new year 1996, with

  gadgets for the CPM.
13. Tr-dos v6.xx / PoS /

  Veresai tr-dos with any revisions,

  all I do not remember exactly, but what if

  save the file I get a message

  (Overwrite y / n?), That's for sure.
14. Abyss / PoS /

  Demyha on Enlight'97, it took 7 th

  or 9 th place.
15. Pro-Bank v.x.x / Phantom Ltd /

16. Pos'Tsun / Himik's ZxZ /

  Demyha, as a proof of reconciliation

  grypp TSUNAMI and the Power of Sound.
17. M.K.H.G. / Himik's ZxZ /

  Demyha with a history of gryppe "Mortal

  Kombat Hackers Group ".
18. Turtles-2 128k / PoS /

  Release of the game with a full set myzyki.
19. S.D.D.S.

  The System Disc Doktor Service / Himik's

  ZxZ / Project Disk Doctor. K

  Unfortunately, he never saw the light ...

  : (

  The next game, but it bogged down in

  wilds PC y Phantom Ltd home.: (
1B. Hard Days Night / Mr.Lava /

  Again the game, now it weighs on me. I

  I promise it vypystit.

This is not a complete list of our works,
not all ypomnish.

IN> Which of the above made
it was you?

Himik> If you ask, what of all this
pridymal was I, then the answer bydet this:
thanks kollektivnomy
tvorchestvy could be born such

IN> What are you working now?

Himik> I am currently working on another
version of the program PUSHER, it has finally arrived bydet
sixth, but krytaya and less buggy
version. Then zaymys for dodelky Hard
Days Night and bydy in every possible way to kick Phantom
Ltd on dodelky SCHLACHT.

IN> Kogda planiryetsya release?

Himik> Speaking of Pusher-6, the closer
the fall, the rest for now and did not mogy

IN> what means when polzyeshsya
creation programs?

Himik> Now I work in ALASM. Ispozyyu:
Tr-dos 6.08, Sts 5.1, and minor software.

IN> What car y you now?

Himik> I Celeron-366 PPGA, 64 mb, 8,4 gb,
4 mb AGP, Sound Card. Yuzayu emylyator Z80
Stealth Emulator by Kirill Kolpakov.
Very pylnaya thing, a sound can emyliryet
in one, and the video too.

IN> Do you remember the times when
your table and what was Spektrym
chyvstva assotsiiryyutsya y with you
computers in this class today?
Than you yavlyaetsya Spektrym?

Himik> How not to recall, and not just me
remember. Sometimes, my mother recalled how
I sat in front of the monitor screen, and I
was no tear. Says: "sit, something
muttered under his breath. "And for spektrym
I have nothing like ychitel! Thanks to
this machine, many stayed at home and kodili,
draw, write myzyky instead
so that the basements run hither, and eat narkoty
chop, drink like a pig! You can say, I
lived to these days, normal healthy
man. Now I do not drink and do not kyryu.
Married. If in those years I was in drygyyu
rut ...

IN> Will your visit gryppa
are planned in August Festival
Computer iskysstva Construction
Chaos 2000, and for what purpose?

Himik> Yes! Al Heather will go to 100%. Purpose
visit - tysovka, dating and socializing with
people. If possible I also poedy.

IN> What do you dymaesh about today
spektrymovskoy demo scene, and how much
She otlichaetsya from that which was in
the heyday of the group 's POS?

Himik> The demo scene is alive and thriving.
The current trial is different from our times
only that myzyka was
zhytko-chmoshnoy and graphics overtaken with IBM
or AMIGA. Looks good of course, but
Here myzyka with kychey effects, but the style
many are not on dyshe.

IN> What, in your opinion, the influence
has byrnoe development spektymovskih
networks to life spektryma and spektrymistov?

Himik> And why not? Network, it nyzhna for
exchange of information. I'm for! If I was y
spectrum was then yzh modem - just ...

IN> Bydem happy if vyskazhesh general
impression of our newspaper. Pluses there
minysy sorts.

Himik> Plus the fact that this is the first newspaper
in the history of Izhevsk. Thank you for your
tryd ... About minysah I personally do not like
write when are played, then telefony.

IN> What suggestions are played Izhevsk

Himik> While there are forces that press on the button ...
Radyyte those who are in this nyzhdaetsya.

IN> Many POS'ovtsy now, moemy
view, far from the real Spectrum, and
hence, on realschikov. Which group 'or
individual Izhevsk spektrymisty you

Himik> I, like many, is far from reality
life, I know in general:

       Dream Team



       Flash Inc.

       Digital Reality

       Dream Makers Software

       Andrew Sendetski

       Concern Chaos



       Ksa software

       Royal Software


       Brutal Creators


       Golden Disk Corp.


       Power Hackers Group

And a lot of old and new
grypp, writing about all of it makes no sense.

IN> Thank you, that he agreed
answer our questions. Bydem happy and
continue to maintain a relationship with you.

Himik> Well, I am also glad to talk with
our successors. I can always
found at:

2:5050 / 11.44 @ FidoNet

e-mail: himiks@mail.ru
e-mail: himik@format.udmnet.ru

Also on the site group 'Power of Sound:


Come ...

Other articles:

Introduction - Izhevsk room is dedicated to the group "Power of Sound".

RSSS1 - a day in the life of the group "Power of Sound".

RSSS2 - a day in the life of the group "Power of Sound".

Happy 1 - extract text from scrolling to the 'Happy Demo 2' to ZX Sspectrum, written for the new year brings joy to people.

Happy 2 - laws are bad luck and humorous advertising.

Interview - an interview with the organizer of Power of Sound, Kudryavtseva, IV (Himik ZxZ).

Pusher - Pusher v6.01p program for pulling out and play music.

Present - Application of the newspaper.

Rekalama - listing of Izhevsk Profi Club and not only.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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