Deja Vu #02
30 сентября 1997

attempt at writing - "Spike in Tronsilvanii" (short story to the game).

<b>attempt at writing</b> -
Author: J.C.L. from "L.A."
Edition: The Pagan / PG


          Spike in Trancilvanii.

            / Jack C. Landmark /

 Morning zactalo me miserable (vecma)
dusty (I sneezed a couple of times) and finally,
procto to nevozmozhnocti dirty room.
Potrebovaloc me some time to
coobrazit that night, I obviously spent
derevenckoy forge. Memory vernulac to
I finally, when I sneezed for the third
 Vocem my fellow Vikings the gently sifted through yesterday, 
uctroili fight and were thrown into dark dungeons of the 
castle, nahodyaschegocya just poblizocti. Razumeetcya I should 
their ocvobodit!  Pomnitcya, namely c this myclyu I went 
yesterday cpat, hoping that the "morning evening wiser. 
"Carrying out an inventory mycley you to refill my night, I 
discovered that any of these camyh mycley in my head

was not. I pricnilac couple cnov, Contents are nocit Too 
personal, that they can be zdec pereckazyvat, but in general - 
nothing. Any ideas. Complete zero.  Okay, pridetcya improvise. 
I oglyadelcya saw valyavshuyucya zdec door pen and a pair of 
gloves. Wearing gloves, I priladil the handle to the door and 
went outside.  The air was-clear and Fresh, and underfoot dart 
hideous creature cerye c resembles kryc. Pocle how one They 
tsapnula my leg, I ubedilcya that it deyctvitelno krycy continue

poctaralcya avoid vctrech c them.
 Ranked Among the dilapidated ctroeny, here and there carelessly
izmazanyh krackoy whitewash, I laid a
view of hotel allocated wood.
Raccchityvaya a sip of anything, perekucit and see this local 
cpletni I otpravilcya in cie cimpatichnoe institution, but the 
door was octanovlen Tolstyi lichnoctyu in dirty apron.

 - No galctuka not puckaem. Korolevcky
op. - Probacila lichnoct.
 - Do not puckaete without galctuka? What kind of idiocy?
 - Hey, man, I File Type you that it
korolevcky decree. Hence a common cmycla
It does not look.
 - I think you're not very happy?
 - You bet! In this local bolshinctva no money
even on new shoes, not that
galctuk. I almost lishilcya vceh pocititeley.
 - Maybe you vce still set as Exception? Just for me? Only this
time? I owe no octanuc.
 - No way, man. Ecli you zdec zactukayut Derzhimorda, I have 
taken away the license and konfickuyut of hotel. - Obyacnil 
owner. - So, or seek cebe galctuk or forget

about drinking.
 Forget about drinking?! It sounded worse than
cmertny sentence. I left the hotel is,
politely poproschavschic c friendly owner (he grunted in 
response to me) and walked on derevenckoy street. Where in this 
zaholucte I find galctuk? Maybe in a barn?

 I ocoznal that has been a while
ctoyu near caraychika c curve nadpicyu
"The Barn" and pyalyuc at him. Galctuk in a barn? What a 
idiotckaya mycl? I do not ucpel argue camomu cebe as was 
already inside. Barn was puct. Something unpleasant smell.

Simply put: the stench ctoyala nevynocimaya. I
popyatilcya to the exit clutching hand noc, but
cpotknulcya on something lying in camogo
entrance. "Something" okazaloc small but
rather uvecictym sac c gold coins. Who, Wondered ponadobiloc 
store it in a barn? However, this is not my business. My job - 
ocvobodit my friends. AND poect. Cperva poect and then 
ocvobodit. But poect only in the hotel is, and for

This requires galctuk. A razyckat galctuk in
this hole can only wonder. Ctop! File Type I have a "miracle"? 
Yes, that's what I File Type. Chudeca usually create magicians, 
sorcerers and witches, and every decent trancilvanckom Castle 
ect sorcerer. Steels to be, I must penetrate into the castle, 
find the sorcerer and convince him to help me. Simply proctogo! 
I povernulcya and napravilcya on the road leading to the black 
communities of the castle.  Not ucpel I pass out hundreds of 
meters and, as saw dyuzhego fellow priclonivshegocya to

razvalivayuschemucya ctarocti of the fence. Seeing me, fellow 
cgorbilcya, neectectvenno twisted leg and opened his eyes.

 - Serve the needy cripple, gocpodin good. - Ctaratelno he 
whined. - I have not eaten for three of the day, I'm dying c 
famine ...  - Good for you capogi. - File Type I,

raccmatrivaya new leather capogi in which he wore. - Where are 
they for you?  - Drove here this morning is an important rimcky

citizen. I persuaded him to voluntarily me their
sacrifice. - Said fellow vypryamlyayac. - Pytalcya sell them, 
but no one takes.  - I have no money. - Covral me.

 - Mozhayev Makhnev to grub? Well I like the third day, not 
zhravshi!  - Ecli razdobudu what poect-mahnemcya. -

coglacilcya me. - Tell me the meantime, the sorcerer in the
Castle ect done here?
 - What are korolevcky lock. Yacno case and
Sorcerer imeetcya. Warlock Archibald - helluva lot
mighty, I clyhal. And you what?
 I did not answer, and procto otvernulcya and walked to the 
castle.  - Do not forget about the grub! - Shouted to me

vcled fellow.
 Korolevcky castle looked as bleak and
uninviting as vce trancilvanckie
locks, which I've seen. At the gate, casually
priclonivshic to Walls, stuck alone
unshaven ctrazhnik. He was extremely busy
important task: c help pick out the long slivers of teeth 
octatki breakfast.  - How are you doing, buddy? - Privetctvoval 
I him.

 He barely udoctoil me indifferent gaze and vernulcya to the 
interrupted lesson. I it is not cmutilo.

 - I Cpayk, well-known expression puteshectvennik, 
covershayuschy tourist trip to your prekracnoy Jurisdictions. - 
Glibly rattled me. - By cozhaleniyu, will prickorbnogo 
misunderstanding, my friends, too turicty were taken for

zloctnyh thugs and thrown in prison
chudectnogo this castle. I would like to procit
audience with his velichectva, they might have
POSSIBLE razyacnit him ...
 - Wali otcyuda ... King busy. - Reluctantly
brocil ctrazhnik.
 - As I understand it, the important gocudarctvennye
cases do not allow it velichectvu ...
 - Cause? Ha! Booze and the torture! - Snorted
ctrazhnik. - Our good king, but strike
his offensive nacmork, zabrocil gocudarctvennye business long 
ago. Roads are not remontiruyutcya, people bedctvuet, we

salary for half a year do not pay!
 Ctrazhnik plaintively nocom slipped and wiped
ckupuyu clezu, ckativshuyucya on schetinictoy
 - I think only predannoct korolevctvu
vac keeps on poctu. Patriotichecky
debt, so you can ecli vyrazitcya. - File Type octorozhno me.
 - It is possible, and so vyrazitcya. - Coglacilcya
ctrazhnik. - Or you may pohlesche. But only
would have been my money, spit would vce and
left Rimckuyu Empire there, they say, things go better.
 - Y-yes. - I gave a thought. - I like
again passed through the village and found this.
 In my hand bag poyavilcya c gold.
 - I think it lost some of this local
residents. - I continued. - I wish to convey to the gold master 
of this local ctrazhi to he found the rightful owner of the 
money and returned to him ...

 - Yes, yes. Of course! - Interrupted me ctrazhnik. - I'll find 
immediately the captain will give he is and be sure ...

 - But, poct. - I reminded her. - You can not
leave cvoy poct.
 - In normal obctoyatelctvah-no. But I
I see that you're a person texts and, We value Your me
give a promise not to enter the castle ...
 - Gladly. - I replied, and handed him the gold.
 He chvatil sac corval c helmet
and threw it into the ditch. Then kicked valyayuschuyucya
halberds and, waving his hand to me, pocpeshil
off the road leading into the village. I
cmotrel vcled him and thinking about how
nice to do good. Especially,, ecli and CAM
benefit from the. When ctrazhnik
ckrylcya in mind, I uhmylnulcya CAM cebe and
entered into the lock.
 Inside the castle looked no better
than cnaruzhi. On the Walls vidnelic green
Spot pleceni, c ceiling was dripping and dark
taciturn ctrazhniki were nactroeny
very unfriendly. Obviously, they imelic some predraccudki 
against the Vikings. I uklonilcya from becedy c them and pocle 
long walks in the room razyckal sorcerer.  Warlock Archibald 
nocyaschy name Arbold okazalcya little man c cedoy 
racterepannoy beard. In the fashion of sorcerers vceh of our 
time, he was dressed in a shabby robe racshity cerebryannymi 
asterisks and stupid nightcap.

 - Privetctvuyu thee, O Cpayk. - Pozdorovalcya he co me.
 - Hello, and you, about a sorcerer Archibald. The wisest of 
the wise, clavneyshy of Slava ...  He did not Play. Vckochiv to 
his feet, he vtsepilcya the edge of the sooty copper kettle

ctoyaschego pocredi room and stared at me
cvoy burning eyes.
 - I foresee the future. - He struck up a long-drawn plaintive 
golocom, but then octanovilcya and cprocil: - You know what it 
is mean?

 - V vac is probably a good glasses? - I suggested.
 - No, moron! This means that I
foresee the future. - Razyacnil it. - Otherwise,
how would I know that your name and you Cpayk
come to me?
 - Did you know? - Udivilcya me.
 - Of course he knew! I can foresee the future,
Have you forgotten? - Vockliknul Arbold and handed cvoi skinny 
stick to the sky (or rather, to black soot from the ceiling). - 
I even know that brought you to me.

 - Galctuk. - Buhnul me. - I need
 - That I had to File Type! - Screamed at
warlock wrath. - How can I convince
you in cvoem vcevidenii and moguschectve, ecli
do not you let me and The words File Type?
 - Sorry, but I'm already confident in your
moguschectve. I'm ready to set as vce you
I ckazhete to get galctuk.
 - Really? In camom business? Vce I Tell me?
 - All that ckazhete. - I assured him.
 - Okay. You must prinecti me anuran
Juice, a bat and ... hmm ... magic
 - In camom business? It was just that?
 - Just something. - Confirmed the sorcerer. - True c book ...
 - Nothing cebe "It was just that! - Vzorvalcya me.
 Warlock silent and aghast at uctavilcya
 - At The case of one, We value Your not noticed carkazma 
invested in me The words "and only a" coobshayu you that: 
firstly, I do not I can squeeze the cok of toads, and secondly, 
I have to cmerti boyuc bats, and ...

 - C magic book, there will be no
problems. - Pocpeshno interrupted me Arbold.
- Well, a couple of ghosts is not in the Account ...
 - A pair of ghosts!
 - They do not hurt you, you ecli
take racpyate of the castle chacovni.
 - A toad? Go and catch in the pond?
 - At camom a case I had a bottle
c Žabie cokom, but I lost it somewhere in the
Castle. Ecli poctaraeshcya you, then I'm sure
find it.
 - Bats. - I reminded her. - Ugly, tiny ...
 - I do not necessarily need a live bat
mouse. - Thought File Type wizard. - However,
dead, too, not goditcya, however, ecli want, you can stun her 
ctuknuv something heavy on the head. Just do not beat a 
strongly Too!  - Okay. - I mumbled and left pocpeshno

"Helluva lot of powerful sorcerer" boryac c desire
deal a blow on the head with something heavy to
 Anuran Juice ractyapa-sorcerer lost progulivayac on krepoctnoy 
Walls. I dig the bottle out of racscheliny between the stones. 
Path I was in the castle chacovnyu. It seems the inhabitants of 
the castle were not ocobo religious - chacovnya was pucta and 
racpyatie valyaloc in corner. The little man on korchilcya

krecte, his eyes were sad and easy
bewilderment clovno he did not understand how he
in general could find yourself zdec. Well, I have something
prefer our ckandinavckie gods.
 Picking up racpyatie I decided ocmotret belfry. I vcegda 
interecovali these hefty bell botayuschiecya back and cyuda and 
publishing an eerie ringing during church holidays.

 The bell at the Belfry was vcego one, but
deyctvitelno healthy. Something rustled
next c him on the ceiling and I realized that it was
bat. Chvativshic the rope I
rackachal bell ... Ringing almost deafened
I, as a Sensitive to noise mouse
fell near me stunned. Now I
know why vce ringers deaf.
 I octorozhno picked up the mouse and only then
noticed that the gloves are dotted with decyatkami
zhectkih small setae. Ocmotrev rough
rope for which I am pulling, I realized that
ecli not gloves - my hands would have been
skinned. I was lucky.
 In my stomach zaurchalo and I decided that
adventure adventures, but the food is not worth to remember. On 
the way to the kitchen I saw lever on the Walls and immediately 
pulled him. To my disappointment especially, nothing happened - 
only later I learned that switching lever neutralized cunning 
trap-octrye stakes vyckakivayuschie from the floor and piercing 
peaceful puteshectvennikov nackvoz. In the Family Dining Room, 
I found the key to the door of one of the dungeons (I later 
otyckal More five), and in the kitchen waiting for me cyurpriz.

Plateful of something that in the castle menu imenovaloc 
"breakfast krectyanina. It looked and smelled, respectively. 
Reshivshic not have it I took breakfast hungry type, which is 
seen walking in the door.  - Is that you? - Obradovalcya it.

 - It's me. - I confirmed that he had not
there was no comneny. - Here, take.
 He immediately gave me capogi and prinyalcya for
food. Boots came into my time. Come
time razobratcya c ghosts. Gaily
clicking his heels I LATER at the Most
the lower floor of the castle. Sty my grandmother and he was 
clean. Soil all over capogi I perebralcya a Medium size lake of 
liquid mud. The Way I blocked ditch where lava bubbled. Or 
magma, or whatever nazyvaetcya this thing, which plyuyutcya 
volcanoes? Cprashivayte not me, I just vcego uneducated Viking. 
I believe Dracula is not delayed and for a moment (still have! 
C its something wings!), But I prishloc vozvraschatcya ago 
ickat lever which included a pull-moct. Passing through

moctu I entered the room, c ghosts.
 I whitelist realized that this room c ghosts. At the far end 
of the room lay a magic book, reminiscent of a shabby school 
diary. Translucent shapes, filling the room with me uctavilic

cvoimi green eyes. A pair of ghosts!
Ha! Here there were no less polucotni. Probably cobralic on 
cvoyu "phantom" party or something. Deciding to try one spell, 
which I was taught long ago, I showed the ghosts magicheckuyu 
the shape of three fingers and proiznec indecent sounding, but 
magicheckie like me assured The texts spell. They c chilling

soul howling dvinulic me. The room is getting colder whitelist.
 - I cozhru your soul. - Poobeshal me the Most
 - That's cozhri. - File Type I showed him
 Disappointed by the howl, the ghosts ractayali. I
proshectvoval proudly across the room and took
magic book.

 When I vernulcya to Archibald, the sorcerer cidel on the floor 
and lyubovalcya pale green divorce pleceni on Walls.

 - And it's you. Come cyuda. - He drawled
hand, not even in udocuzhivshic pocmotret
mine the Parties.
 I handed him cvoyu prey.
 Warlock SLOPES head on one side and some more time examining 
plecen, then pretty nodded. He uncorked a bottle of spray 
prinyalcya anuran Juice. Plesnuv in every corner of the room, 
he poured in octatki boiler uhitrivshic while shedding 
considerable Quantity disgusting zhidkocti cebe to coat. Then, 
cmeshno bouncing Arbold prinyalcya something to hum under cebe

noc and then vce louder and louder. Fire
under the boiler suddenly Steels green, then cinim, then 
deciding that the green vce still Kracivye - once again green. 
Volocy I Steels end. Convulsive leaps sorcerer gradually turned 
into a ritual dance, and brew in a cauldron hissed and gurgled. 
Bat ochnuvshic, apparently from yelling sorcerer vile squealed 
and began metatcya the room. Arbald indignantly yelled 
something unintelligible, and it brocilcya catch, but the mouse 
razumeetcya was quicker. Finally, Arbold zapuctil in her magic 
book and a mouse, farewell picknuv, plyuhnulac into the 
cauldron. Warlock covered pot cover and povernulcya me.

 - Do not cprashivay me about what you saw
because only pocvyaschenny can understand cie magicheckoe 
DIURNAL. - Torzhectvenno said he said.

 - I do not cobiralcya. - Assured me. - How to
nacchet galctuka?
 Arbold shrugged and drew from his pocket
cvoego coat the gently battered, but it is
decent-looking galctuk.
 - I handed it to the end of the day
Okcforda. I remember a day in the solar and flags
vecelo fluttering in the wind, and we vypuckniki ...
 - Very Wondered, but I cpeshu. - I murmured and chvativ 
galctuk brocilcya away out of this room ctrashnoy mad sorcerer.

 Arbold puzzled me cmotrel vcled.
 The owner of hotel was surprised a lot more.
 - Mmm .. hyrf? - Only he cumel File Type.
 - Yes, I found galctuk. - I proudly answered,
povorachivayac so that he could fully
appreciate my purchase.
 - Gyr ... the mind?
 - In the castle. Warlock Archibald Arbold. Bats bloodsuckers. 
Couple ... coten ghosts. So. Nothing especially, for the brave 
Viking. - Casually obyacnil I pushing elbow octolbenevshego 
owner entered in the hotel is.

 Inside it okazalac no better and
bolshinctva no worse than similar establishments.
Spravedlivocti sake I should note that
far from the hotel is in each can be found
such a wonderful cannonball, which I
found in this one. In addition to the core zdec I found a 
bottle of wine.  I immediately took possession of ctractnoe 
desire. I mean palnut of any gun.

We, the Vikings, in general love to make noise, and guns
Ctrelyayu very loud.
 In an abandoned hut I otyckal Old
gun and a hefty chunk. Wondered what pervert can keep 
ponravitcya in the house vmecto furniture Tables Jurisdictions 
things? Probably Old warrior-artillerictu, uvlekayuschemucya 
cobiraniem stones. I loaded gun and pritselilcya in a lump. 
"Ecli kernel will break the stone, not a tear Pushkar head 
flying past ockolok" - this ancient kitayckaya poclovitsa, but 
I vcegda cmuschalcya The word "past" and could not give her

the correct answer. Broads! Reacted like this gun when I went 
to the wick. Hut filled clubs stinking of smoke, and

One of ockolkov stone almost cnec me
 Racceyalcya smoke and I saw a hefty lump mecte hole lead 
somewhere in the dark dungeon. Priznatcya I'm not a fan of 
dungeons, but this time not uctoyal. One-two I ctoyu in the 
dungeon. Perhaps it was dug alcoholics during cuhogo law to 
cobiratcya zdec cvoi at the Last Supper. Or evening at 
Hrictian? Yes, what I difference!

 I stepped forward and immediately jumped back
frightened by a loud "PPP-Vav! Redhead poluoblezlaya pcina 
demonctrirovala me series cvoih octryh canines. Sherct on her 
nape ctoyala on end, and yellow eyes, kazaloc, cvoim teries 
ocveschayut this grim mecto. I cudorozhno cglotnul.

 - Chick-chick-chick ... Pretty cobachka ... Pretty,
Well, ucpokoycya same. - I whispered suddenly
cevshim golocom.
 Pcina oschetinilac more.
 - Honey, be a good boy. - Poprobyval I
again. - Well, kic-kic ...
 Red-haired creature growled and brocilac at me.
I screamed and threw her in the first of what popaloc arm 
popytalcya climb on Walls. Pcina chvatila thrown my view (He 
okazalcya cochnoy koctochkoy) and radoctno yelp, Ckrylac in the 
dark. I obeccileno cpolz on Walls, chuvctvuya that shirt covcem 
soaked with sweat. Phew! Here's how to obraschatcya c animals. 
But where I took koct? Memory otkazyvalac cluzhit me. Probably

picked up in the kitchen at the castle, or somewhere else. It 
does not matter.  Few came to cebya I obcledoval secret

cave and found it a marvelous thing that nazyvaetcya player. 
These things will come up with many, many years LATER, and I do 
not know where this thing zdec vzyalac. But enough

razvlekatcya! I did have ocvobodit
cvoih friends.
 Vernuvshic the castle, I found shectyu
shect keys unlocked the prison cells and ocvobodil shect my 
comrades. At the door cedmoy camera I got a nasty

cyurpriz. Zdec ctoyal on ctrazhe unshaven
ctrazhnik c face purple. I decided
deyctvovat open chectno and ...
 - How are you doing, brother?
 The guard stared at me look muddy vodyanictyh eye bezucpeshno 
pytalcya give face grim expression.

 - Wait, who idiyet? - Stupidly uttered it.
 I would say to him one of us you idiot!
 - Y-y ... Yes, I see you good. - Sochustvenno I patted him on 
the shoulder. - Naka heal.  The guard grabbed a bottle of wine 
and an unsteady gait, hurried away. I shook shoulders and 
opened the door to the dungeon. Another My friend, issuing a 
cry of welcome Vikings, was released. Remained

spacti only one.
 At the door of his cell, too, was on duty security guard. By 
cozhaleniyu he did not look like an alcoholic, and whiled away 
chacy humming something cebe a noc.

 - Hey, hi!
 - Hey, hi, and you, stranger. - Vecelo
he said looking at my c lyubopytctvom
clothing. - You once Jurisdictions dressed ...
 - It's a new fashion. - Pocpeshno obyacnil me. - You know, 
quadrille derevenckih girls.  - Very Jurisdictions. Just 
wearing the kind that cidit in my camera. Hey, Play, and you

not viking chacom?
 - Viking? Oh no! No, no! This procto ...
 - Viking named Spike. - Ctrazhnik carefully examined me. - 
Yes, and horns on head. VCe choditsya. You know, because I have 
arectovat you.  - Arectovat? For what?

 - Order at me like that. And for what. - Ctrazhnik shrugged. - 
Miscellaneous cluhi go. You know best.

 - Oh, and .. You cobiraeshcya arectovat me?
 - I am for this award will not give. - Notified
he gave me.
 I paused.
 - Look, you could not vypuctit my
a friend from my camera?
 - Sorry, Spike, but I poctu. And when I
on poctu ...
 - I understand, can I cmogu something for
you set as? For example, I have such a ect
thing ... Here it is. Nazyvaetcya player. She
need to Play music.
 - Play music? - Ctrazhnik cochuctvenno
pocmotrel at me. - I clyhal you Vikings co ctrannoctyami but 
poclushay, Spike, This little black box can not

play music. Music played by musicians,
such people ...
 - I know who are the musicians. But the thing of the future, 
but they're not yet a invent. Play Here.

 I have included a player and gave him headphones.
 - Wow! She also sings. This is the same ... The same
Pink Floyd, my favorite band! - Vochischenno yelled ctrazhnik. 
- We must show this thing guys!

 LAST The words he cried out already podnimayac on lectnitse. 
Pink Floyd? What he meant by File Type? These audiophiles such 
Jurisdictions!  I opened the door and speed with the latest 
from my friends left on Freedom of.

 - Spacibo. - File Type he told me.
 Vce we, the Vikings, nemnogoclovny. "Spacibo"
in such a Situation in the Most times. Me more
do not have to. Vce my friends were The free. On the same day 
we left negoctepriimnuyu Trancilvaniyu. Us waiting for the new 

                 The end

 My apologies to the author for necuschectvennuyu Received 
ctilictiki that in no way otraziloc on the product! 

               / The Pagan /

Other articles:

Amiga Sensor - Amiga, PC, Spectrum - fee Rulez.

Amiga Sensor - Viruses on AMIG'e.

Amiga Sensor - Comments ...

Amiga Sensor - Models of the Amiga.

Coding - How to intercept the Magic and the Reset button on the computer ZS256.

Software - Toys. Overview of new products: Fizzy, Empire demo, Megaball demo, Chopper Duel.

Software - New demoscene: Binary Love, Shit 4 Brains, Nomenon.

Software - Description of programs: Amazing screen optimizer.

Software - Description of programs: Macro Modem v2.20

Software - Description of programs: Visual Turbo Copier.

Aperativchik - On the control of obolochke Deja VU # 2002

Aperativchik - From the authors.

Hall of Fame - On piracy and licensing.

Hall of Fame - Readers of the magazine.

drop of solder - XTR-Modem & Soft: Vicomm.

drop of solder - The better the drive 3,5 "?

attempt at writing - "Spike in Tronsilvanii" (short story to the game).

attempt at writing - Short Story "The War Continues" (continued: Chapter 2,3)

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...

Seven and 1 / 2 - ... almost Proverbs.

Seven and 1 / 2 - "Scary" - antalogiya black humor.

Seven and 1 / 2 - 65 jokes ...

Seven and 1 / 2 - Virtual'no Amiga syndrome.

Seven and 1 / 2 - Short Story "last year's snow was falling."

Topic - Enlight'97 - eyewitness.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   29 April