RUSH #02
30 ноября 1999 |
Pulse scenes - Millenium party'2000.
Contents 1. Introduction. 2. Date, time, place, etc. ... 3. General Provisions. 4. Competition works. 5. Contests. 6. Prizes. 7. Register. 8. Contact addresses. 1. Introduction Do I need a new party? What objectives pursued this idea? Fortunately for These questions have a specific answer, otherwise you would never see this document. The organizers sincerely hope, Millennium (And this is the first such event in Belarus) encourage the development of computer Arts, will contribute to their promotion, will help beginners compete abilities, give them the strength and confidence necessary for further growth. 2. Date, time, place, etc. ... Millennium Party Ostoja 7.8 May 2000 year. This date is not final and can vary in minor limits. The final date will be installed for 3-4 months before the party. The exact time will be announced in 2-3 weeks to the party. Venue - Minsk, main building BSU (Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics). Address: Ave Skoriny 4 (Pl. Regardless). Entrance fee - about $ 2 (2 days). Platform: PC, Amiga, ZX Spectrum. 3. General Provisions Rules of Conduct, compliance with which required of all visitors: - Do not be at the party in drunk, under influence drugs, drink up to partyplace as well as in the case of BSU alcoholic and alcoholic beverages (including beer). - Smoking is allowed only in designated places. - Do not litter, use profanity. - Access to Technology organizers can Only with the permission and under supervision organizers. If you violate those rules, Security Service of the BSU can be applied to infringer necessary interventions. In the event of damage or knowingly by negligence, the offender shall compensate for the damage. - All participants must pass pre-register by filling questionnaire. - All visitors are recommended to fill profile visitor. This and only this profile reserve tickets for you. Availability free tickets the day of the party is not guaranteed! 4. Competition works - All Entries will be held pre-selection, even in the presence of empty seats in a specific grid competition. - All work, except for contests MegaDemo Wild and must be submitted no later than 3 days before the party. It is desirable to pass the work ahead for check them on the computer. Work for contests MegaDemo and Wild can be commissioned at the beginning of each day party. - Articles can be handed one of the following ways: 1) By e-mail. Files larger than 300k recommended to break up into sections for 300k. 2) Netmail'om through FidoNet (no more than 20k). 3) a floppy, HDD or CD in a day of the party. This is allowed only for larger works (> 1Mb) or exceptional cases. - Preferably the presence of the author's work or his representative. One person can not represent the work of different groups or authors, not of the same group. Work, not having a representative also may participate in the competition, but they do not participate in the distribution of prizes. - All the intro and a demo should be correctly work in a DOS-window Windows'98, complete work by pressing Esc (or click for the Amiga). 5. Contests - - - -= PC =- - - - - 1. 512b intro Maximum of 1 min. Be listed no more than 10 works. 2. 4K intro A maximum of 3 minutes. Be listed no more than 10 works. 3. 16K intro Maximum of 5 minutes. Be listed no more than 10 works. 4. 64K intro Maximum of 5 minutes. You can use the means of GDI. The total size of no more intro 65536 bytes. There will be no more shows 10 works. 5. MegaDemo A maximum of 10 minutes. You can use the means of GDI. Size of archive (zip, rar) with demo max 8Mb. 6. Accelerated MegaDemo. A maximum of 10 minutes. You can use the means of GDI, DirectX 6, OpenGL. Size archive (zip, rar) with a demo - no more than 8Mb. 7. Wild Compo Maximum of 10 minutes, all the necessary hardware and software provides the author (s) of work. 8. Game Compo A maximum of 10 minutes. All work must be or work in demo mode without outside interference, or be prodemonstrorovany author or his representative. General requirements: - P2-300, 64Mb RAM (550Kb low mem), DPMI (DOS-window of Win98), VBE2.0, SB16/General MIDI. (Alice GUS is expected, but still under issue) - All work must work correctly in Windows95/98 DOS-window and end on pressing Esc. - After the specified time work will be interrupted. - - - -= Amiga =- - - - - Composition contests, and their options defined. Those who want something nakodit may contact the organizers with proposals to be considered in further planning Amiga-contests. Amizhniki, all in your hands! - - - -= Speccy =- - - - - 1. 4K intro A maximum of 3 minutes. Be listed no more than 10 works. 2. 16K intro Maximum of 5 minutes. Be listed no more than 10 works. 3. 640K demo A maximum of 10 minutes. A TR-DOS disk. 4. On-interrupt music (AY) A maximum of 3 minutes. There will be demonstrated no more than 15 works. 5. Game Compo A maximum of 3 minutes. All work must be either work in demo mode without tampering, or be prodemonstrorovany author or his representative. 6. Wild compo Maximum of 5 minutes, all the necessary hardware and software provides the author (s) of work. 7. Hand-drawn graphics 1 work from the author. 10 works. Prohibited ported from other platforms or scan graphics. Standard Screen 6912 bytes. 8. Demo for Pentagon 512. Size is not limited. A maximum of 10 minutes. General requirements: - Pentagon 128K/AY/TR-DOS5.04; - After the specified time work will be interrupted; - - - -= Music (PC / Amiga) =- - - - - 1. 4-channel music (standard ProTracker MOD) A maximum of 4 min., Size file - no more than 1Mb, 10 works. 2. Multichannel Music (S3M, IT, XM, MED, SN/SN2) A maximum of 4 min., And 32 channels, file size not more than 4Mb. 15 works. Not allowed to use bagged samples (IT) or standard (banked) Tools (SN/SN2). 3. Wild compo Maximum of 5 minutes. MP3, WAV, and standard trekernye formats do not require authors software for playing them. General requirements: - A maximum of 2 work from the author, 2 from group. - - - -= Graphics (PC / Amiga) =- - - - - - 1. Hand-drawn graphics Maximum 800x600x24, scanned images are not allowed. 15 works. Work must not contain any references to the author (logos, etc.) 2. Rendered graphics Maximum 800x600x24. 15 works. Work is not must contain no mention of the author (Logos, etc.) 3. Animation / Wild compo Any standard format (FLI, FLC, AVI, MPG), a maximum of 10 minutes. - - - -= Special =- - - - - - - - - - - - 1. ASCII graphics - 10 works 2. ANSI graphics - 10 works 3. The contest marks / other symbols Millennium Party General requirements: - A maximum of 2 works by the author, 2 from group. - ANSI / ASCII-operation should be static, in the format 80x25 or 80x50, standard 7-bit character set. 6. Prizes Supposed to award winners much of the contest securities prizes. Winners of other competitions and winners will receive consolation prizes (CD, T-shirts with the logo etc.) All the winners receive official ratification. Notes: -Do not awarded the work, taken the last place in their competition. -Not awarded works whose authors or their representatives are absent from awards ceremony. In this case, prizes (except the letters) are shared among following works. 7. Register To register, fill necessary forms and send them to one of contact address listed below. Each visitor is recommended to fill profile visitor. This and only this questionnaire will be automatically reserved for you tickets (if available). In addition, information on visitors is necessary for planning assistance from other cities with placement. ========================================== VISITOR Name: [..............................] Residence: [....................] Do you need help with accommodation (yes / no): [........................] ========================================= The following questionnaire is filled one at each work group and party respectively. ========================================= KOKURSAYA WORK Title: [....................] Competition / Platform: [..................] Author (s): [............................] Group: [............................] Filename / accurate file size: [.......] Other options / requirements: [.........] Notes: [..........................] ========================================= ========================================= GROUP Group name: [....................] List of members of the group: .................] [......................................] [......................................] Exhibiting works: [.................] [......................................] [......................................] ========================================= ========================================= PARTICIPANT Name: [................................] Group: [..............................] Role: [.......................] Exhibiting works: [.................] [......................................] ========================================= 8. Contact Addresses To contact the organizers Use the following address: FIDO: 2:450 / 164.5 e-mail: Phone (017) 2482887 Paul (Paul Pavlov)
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