Buzz #20
31 декабря 2001

Interview with Pheel - an interview with a famous artist Spectrum.

<b>Interview with Pheel</b> - an interview with a famous artist Spectrum.

                  the interview with Pheel / PHT


                          by Diver/4D

Diver: Hi, PheeL! Thank you for having agreed to answer

       several of my questions, despite the fact that you 

       already interviewed Cannibal'u.

Pheel: By the way, I'd like to apologize for this very

       interview. The fact that some of its places I have

       evil began to joke, since very tired during the

       writing the text (about 30 kilos is not a joke), and may

       seem that I have started a "star disease". You

       'll quickly see what I mean when read. Again

       I apologize for it all Speccy artists.

Diver: Tell me about the picture "Prisoner of Time". What is 
the history 

       creation, where did the story, etc.

Pheel: The fact is that, having decided to take part in a 

       compo on Chaos Constructions, I wanted to try to move 

       from, we can say the existing "standards" to build

       tracks of work, winning almost all the party (ie

       faces of the girls (and not at all ...:)) This, I think 
the trouble of all 

       without exception, platforms, and especially 8bit, 
because when 

       limits screen hard to create something spectacular,

       except for large parts of what is so like

       younger (and older) generation:) I mean

       Women's ... party! What do you think?! :) Besides, in his

       time about the topic were hotly debated at a

       major platforms, but, judging by the compo

       in recent years, they ended in nothing. And I decided

       when creating their images do not use any

       Large images of anything but try to do

       more, if I may say so, the original idea for

       preparation of the composition. Clearly, for the Speccy, 
with its 

       a hair color resolution to get something

       adequately on the screen, must either do what I

       mentioned above, and that all is decently fed up with 
it, or 

       in some other way to find a compromise between

       possibilities of technology and the desire of the 
artist. Subject to the same 

       figure, we can say came to me quite

       unexpectedly (corny, is not it?:) I thought: "What

       if you try to portray the world as a demo from the 
inside? "Well, 

       for example, if the encoder was asleep and fell into the 
world of demos. 

       Plasma sky, huge chessball'y, flying through the sky,

       Voxel mountains on background'e. I hit on the idea

       translating ... but no such luck. As it turned out, 2D

       effects were not entirely applicable to the distorted

       perspective, which I wanted to do the whole song.

       Or, more likely, I simply could not properly

       portray. Everything just turned into some kind of 

       The viewer could not understand the topic, which should 
have been 

       send a picture. It was necessary to urgently come up 
with something 

       more ... Time, as always, is not enough. And then I

       thought ... ! Time! ... here's what I need! (Pun

       sorry). Pereinachiv original plan, I set

       work, the result of which praised the people

       present at the party. I am very glad that my picture

       able to enjoy the audience. In addition, competition in 
the compo 

       was that on there, the most serious.

Diver: So it turns out that the picture you painted a very


Pheel: ???????????????????????????????????????????????? 

       Not at all!

Diver: Hmm ... hence, it seemed to me, because you do not have 

       time, and that it prompted you an idea pictures


Pheel: Yes, but initially, I drew a coder! :) Here it is from

       old ideas and alone, poor guy in the middle of a raging

       % time flow) And since I am not a coder in

       literally, it means that shows I'm not:)

       Maybe it SerzhSoft! :)))) Ha-ha-ha! :)) Yeah! This

       he! Exactly, that's it! :)

Diver: What do you think about the graphics compo at CC this 

       Have there been then compared to previous years?

Pheel: Well, I think I have the right to say that this year was

       a much higher quality in terms of graphic works, rather 

       previous ones. After seeing all the pictures from the 
party, is very gratifying 

       observe the fact that many of scener'ov decided to

       take seriously their participation and gave on-mountain

       very interesting and quality work. It is also pleasing 

       fact that among the known names on the gfx scene

       there are new guys trying to do something for

       with you our favorite Speccy. It is very gratifying

       tendency to agree. True, the Monarch and were 

       Cusick: they clearly could have done better. Apparently, 

       interesting that people will think about the general 

       graphics on the Speccy, looking at their work with the 
party. Sorry. 

       Thank God, that of the other participants did I say

       I can not. Paracels, Gas13, ZSV, Surv! Vor, Relict, 

       Ice'Di, Prof, Deather, Pastor, Schafft, Cannibal, and 

       myself:) - all exhibited a very cool job. Thank them

       and you for this!

Diver: You forgot to Deadie / CPU, or you deliberately did not

       called? But I still would have added on my own to this 
list two 

       Name: Alone Coder, Dimidrol.

Pheel: Deadie I deliberately did not name, because I do not 

       liked the conversion to the screen saver on Muz TV. 

       Of course, good, nice, but somehow not caught me with his

       work, so I do not know why. Alone Coder'a I still

       more respect for his direct responsibilities as the 
coder, though 

       I must admit that the general idea of ​​pictures and 

       not bad, very bad. Well, I do not know about Dimidrol'a

       even what to say. It seems too bad, but bad, though

       not really bad:)

Diver: And I work "Born Of Blue Flower" by Deady

       liked it, sorry, of course, if this conversion. Well, yes

       Okay, better tell me how was drawn final

       Image for Stellar Contour (SC)? Are you satisfied with 
the SC? 

       Are there full-screen version of False Life and second

       Pictures from the SC?

Pheel: Let's start with the last question. Fullscreen

       versions of these pictures never existed. They

       were originally designed for 2 segments screen, because

       were drawn specifically for the needs of the demo. Thus, 
and as I see 

       you've managed to watch them without attributes) the way 

       the final picture, too, have a couple-troechku easter 

       8) Have a nice searching! :> User is she so

       way: first, was drawn by the main screen and then

       second screen was added to the attributes and the pixels 

       give details of additional colors. Accordingly,

       the first part of the work was done in the BGE, in the 

       I used the stage together as possible BGE, and

       ZXGfx Editor (MS). I started it with a simple

       pencil sketches on paper. The general theme of all my

       images for the SC in some way been inspired by

       memories of the video Bjork - "All it's full of love".

       As for general impressions of the demo Stellar Contour,

       then they put it mildly, ambiguous. When the overall 

       this work is felt unbalanced

       music and effects. Ie at high temperatures, given by

       music track, many of the effects look "not in

       tact, since a very long time are calculated by computer.

       It is a pity that Vivid has put on its first

       skill as a coder, not a general glamor demo. Though it 
is necessary 

       recognize that all effects are made to the limit

       technology and the full measure of their show. I also 

       more like the previous work BrainWave'ov -

       Tryptomine Dream. It is much more "lively" SC.

Diver: My opinion on Stellar Contour I stated in the article 

       the gods against design? ". I just want to add that the 

       shows how SC is good in itself and in comparison with

       other demami and really are

       limit for Spectrum effects in SC.

Diver: Pheel, you draw on the Spectrum for 5 years. What,

       In your opinion, the prospects for the development 
spectrum graphics scene? 

       Are there any? What are the possible directions

       Development: Technology, plots, development of two screen

       graphics or multicolor?

Pheel::) To be entirely accurate, then 7 years. I began to

       1994-95. True, the quality of the work seems to gently

       speaking, a little unsatisfactory by today's

       measurements:) Prospects for the same gfx scene on the 
Speccy, I think 

       there (yes, they just have!) and are just as

       development of plot lines and move (finally)

       GigaScreen (2-screen mode) format. And after his

       personal acquaintance with the rest scene'ovoy graphics

       other 8bit platforms now I am confident in this.

       One need only look at the picture works with C = 64 and 

       True, GigaScreen difficult to master, but those

       the benefits it provides in terms of

       additional colors, I think sin is not

       use, especially since iron allows it to Speccy


Diver: As far as I know, the hardware looks gigascreen

       not as a Z80Stealth, but absolutely the same way as

       and software interlaced two bitplanes. Maybe there is a

       Prospects and multicolor, because it is only more

       powerful (than standard), flicker-free mode?

Pheel: I think not. Multicolor too strongly tied to

       makeshift car, although it can not be considered for

       disadvantage, since all the delays can be fit. But the 
point is 

       that multicolor leaves you in the hands of the standard

       Spectrum palette, almost without giving anything

       in return, except psevdouvelicheniya attribute 
resolution, but 

       at the same time, selecting a part of the pixel. So

       Dignity multicolor very, very doubtful.

Diver: And, in my opinion, if you look at software

       video mode c-64, you can easily head and share, while

       desire to reach a few more clever

       modes for Spectrum, and even beyond that. Yes, a simple

       multicolor - is only 15 colors, but, Pheel, because

       it does not flicker, ie, constructed in a frame. 

       two screen multicolor, (you can interlaced to

       less flicker) will look completely unimaginable. AND

       in fact nothing new in this mode is not.

       Loaf, you can come up with several variations

       this regime, which after 3-5 years become standard

       graphics compo ... It is clear that a full-fledged editor

       graphics on the Spectrum is not possible, because 

       Spectrum power is not enough to

       implement a convenient color tools, and

       it is tiring for the eyes will draw on the Spectrum. But

       regime is possible, but the converters will not allow to 
assess its 

       opportunities to the full, as usual, only

       hand capable of more. Here, alas, have to draw

       MCI (MultiColorInterlace) is no longer on the Spectrum 
and the pc / ammy. 

       Such is the prospect, in my opinion.

Pheel: I do not know. Maybe. I will not argue about the possible

       resolution of the video, I propose to simply use the 
fact that 

       already have at this point in time, because even with

       quite "normal" gigascreen'om arises not as an example 

       than the standard screens. And if we paired it with

       multicolor, then the logic of editing these images

       can be immediately hung. Momentarily lost it,

       for the sake of which everything started - the process 
of creation and incarnation 

       ideas, because the focus will shift to the way

       image editing. This is about how I

       now at work there. There, for printing images

       Each color must be in its own layer and

       desirable for each picture element, ie until

       redaktiruesh full-color picture is just odurevaesh

       the number of layers, for which care must be taken not to

       wrong with the application of colors. So similarly here

       can happen if too far with "steep"

       video mode.

Diver: On normal two screen pictures: do

       Editor 2bitplane graphics? What you missed at

       creating SC final picture? What tools?

Pheel: Editor for 2bitplane graphics just really need it! AND

       especially on a real Spectrum. I just did not wait

       the moment when he finally appears in the finished

       version (I saw that his development is). In the meantime,

       BGE has to do services and ZXGfx Editor'a at

       creation of such works. Tools, which I would like to

       used in the process of drawing images are:

       points, lines, prod. lines, Bezier curves, arcs, circles,

       fill mode to increase x4, well, at least one operation

       cancellation. Plus the correct display of mixed colors 

       result of applying (and then have to choose

       shades almost blindly). So far, the specialist for

       GigaScreen format editor, for all these

       is not possible, and use the BGE when establishing such

       Works just uncomfortable (physically, not morally). 

       is to wait for the completion of development 

       Editor for a real Speccy (hope so).

Diver: Are you happy with BGE, which lacks that extra? Usually

       used only a few tools which

       tools often are using when drawing now?

Pheel: Yes, I use mostly standard tools

       in creating their works. These include: line, shading,

       increase x4 mode. Here, perhaps, that's all. Rest

       applied or not as frequently or not at all

       used. BGE as I pleased. And how can you be

       dissatisfied with the editor in which the screen saver

       used a modified picture you as (say:

       "Cheese!"). True, I have not switched to version 3.05, 

       stayed to work in 2.41. Built sprite scanner I

       I consider overkill. In addition, the functions 
implemented in 

       2.41, I have enough maximum.

Diver: Does this mean that you think is impossible to improve

       tools to create a standard (6912) charts? I

       agree that many of the features and plugins as BGE, and 

       superfluous, but in my opinion, such extensions are not 
the only 

       development path editors. That can facilitate your life,

       speeding up the process of drawing?

Pheel: I do not know what's reply. Yes, I think I
       I think that the limit has already been made for editing

       this kind of graphics. As far as useful features, the 

       useful is the hotkeys, but the fact of the matter is 
that it is already 

       implemented. All the necessary tools for drawing and

       editing primitives too. So I do not even

       I know that you can still come up for the convenience of 

Diver: And, in my opinion, still room for improvement. Only now 

       impossible to realize in the edp and bge, because they 
do not fit 

       the structure of the editors. Possible in principle, only

       write another editor, to the limit

       Spectrum, approaching grafx2 (pc) and brilliance

       (Amiga) on the principles of imaging and strongly

       accelerating pixelling. A sketch of such an editor at 
the paper 

       I did, at some point I even had a hope of

       possibility of its realization. But now, I think, for

       current state of affairs on the Spectrum is no longer 

       capable coders are gone, the production system software 
is not 

       prestigious, this editor is too complicated. If he had 

       implemented, I think it would make it possible

       reveal several other talents, there would be more

       Several high-level artists, and more on the Spectrum

       some time left Spectrum during the growing

       merger with peecee.

Diver: Do you draw on an emulator? What? (I wonder what

       native palette for you, as in all emulators, it


Pheel: Unfortunately, the real Spectrum on the present moment

       I do not, so you have to manage services

       emulators. Now I use mainly two

       Emulators - is ZXEmul (Lion17) and Z80Stealth (Mr.Kirill

       'Hacker KAY). True, I use the same palette of

       ZXEmul. That is, the coefficient of bright colors 252, 
and the dark 

       168. Besides, I am the owner of a video card with TV-Out,

       that makes me practically in the real world

       observe the result of my work on the TV.

Diver: Did you get the resulting palette for

       2bitplanes? I tried to do it and ran with a bunch of

       problems: since there is no standard for the brightness 
levels (although we 

       to you it is the same), the resulting palette

       turns out not just different, it is sorted in different 

       At different ratios of brightness - different location

       amounts of flowers. And if we consider that visual eye

       perceives not half the sum of brightness levels, it is 

       more complicated. The only solution, in my opinion - is

       introduce a standard for the brightness ratio and find

       the resulting palette for the perception of the eye (in 

       it has already done smt emulator unreal, its resultant

       palette corresponds to how the eye perceives two

       flickering screen with brightness levels 192/255). I'm so

       understand that you still have not encountered this, or 
you have something to 


Pheel: I have made it easier. I looked up, looks like a mixture

       screens on a real Spectrum (with good Japanese

       analog monitor) and then set up a palette emulation

       at approximately identical in color. On the other hand, 
I do not 

       very concerned about this problem. Anyway, all all

       different is always configured and adjust to ideal

       practically impossible.

Diver: If the connection to the Spectrum this Japanese

       analog monitor was perfect and exactly as

       was designed by Sir Clive (and what should it be??

       in fact all connected in different ways), then perhaps 
you can not 

       subtilize ratios and brightness levels, and take your

       palette for the standard.

Diver: And what you will almost always be the first? Feel

       competition or not?

Pheel: Rivalry enough for me that from you, that from

       Paracels'a:) And other artists too, not asleep. And on

       about to be "almost always the first: I do not think I do

       This is really important. Nice, of course, but no more. I

       'll be more happy if I could draw what I

       really wanted to portray. I usually like

       process than the outcome. Maybe that's why I

       I draw only when there is a mood, and because I have so

       a bit of work.

Diver: Even here the following question (one of the traditional 

       gfxzone): what do you the most difficult draw?

Pheel: Water and anime (oddly enough).

Diver: And make rubbings anime have you tried? Though, 
probably, on 

       Spectrum extrim it will look like, because of 15

       Spectrum colors only 2 (black and white) are

       16-color palette of anime.

Pheel: I gave myself a vow - of anime on the Spectrum I 

       _risovat_ nothing I will not, because the Spectrum brand

       not suitable for the anime, and what comes out -

       disgusting. I draw anime on paper - this is quite

       enough. By the way, about srisovyvaniya. I can at 

       anime picture for 10-20 minutes, depending on

       complexity - it's not a problem, but just try

       draw anime (manga - as you like)

       yourself and you will understand all of this venture is 
not easy. You 

       'll make mistakes, ranging from the proportions and 

       perspective and placement of eyes on the center of the 
face! In short, 

       do not normally get (in any case, the

       I). I still have not learned how to draw anime

       Although the first attempts began as early as 1996!

Diver: Enough Do you have time to draw on the PC? There

       whether the difficulties in drawing on the PC? What? Is 
there a time 

       to draw on the Spectrum anywhere else, except for 1 demo

       and one component of a year?

Pheel: On MS paint me a lot harder, most likely,

       because not all of those techniques, which I treated with

       create graphics on the ZX, applicable to more graphically

       perfect machines. Much time is spent on

       proper selection of colors, which is required for

       adequate perception of the figure. And if you Speccy

       severely limited in the initial number of flowers and

       shades, the one insane choice that gives you

       MS could easily lead to utter confusion. K

       Moreover, with the huge screen resolution, which allows

       do MS, standard methods of per-pixel drawing

       become practically inapplicable. So if you

       decided to succeed in today's PC gfx scene, then

       you either need to stock up on great patience and

       persistence, or simply buy a digitizer;) For Speccy

       everything is much faster and easier. Another thing that 
is not 

       there is always an inspiration and some ideas for the 

       pictures. So even if you have free time

       just do not know, can you draw something, or


Diver: Why are you now in Phantasy? What happened to the ATS?

       Will there be some projects PHT in the near future with 

       participation? What, in general, the plans? There are 
orders from other 

       groups for which you take, ie joint projects?

       It will still be 2bitplanes graphics, or you wait

       editor on the zx?

Pheel: In Phantasy I was at his own request.

       Besides, as I understand it, Raver was not against

       such a completion of their team. And all turned out to

       because of the marriage of our main coder Konex'a.

       Accordingly, his family affairs did not allow more

       distracted by scene'u and our group gradually

       died. But I hope that my participation in the affairs of 

       help me not particularly hard to relax. Besides, I

       can not stop its cooperation with the guys from

       BrainWave. Therefore, for the near time for me to 

       enough:) As for 2bit-plane graphics, it's like

       likes to say our president, "the priority

       direction. "The main thing that had the patience to 

       all that is meant to be.

Diver: Right. I'm not asking why you chose

       Phantasy, I myself, too, would have chosen them if 
suddenly decided 

       to join another group. But I'm not going anywhere;)

       Tell me how to actually see your work on FOReVER3,

       ASCII2, Millennium1902? Or your immediate work will be

       only cc002?

Pheel: I hope I get to take part in

       FOReVER3, I myself would even like it very much. I hope

       circumstances will develop in my favor.

Diver: I would like to compete with you. K

       the time the interview we will know how it all

       turn out.

Diver: Did the on you any of the artists with

       pc/amiga/c64 or real? What inspires you to paint

       what are you drawing?

Pheel: Actually, I love how lively and pure computer

       schedule and respect the people who create it all. I

       I think many, like myself, love to work Boris'a

       Valedjo, Julie'i Bell, Louis'a Royo, Keith'a Parkinson'a

       and many other famous artists. Among them is

       scene'ovyh colleagues, perhaps, distinguished Made, 

       Danny, Louie, Ra, etc. I also really like the style

       drawing used in manga'e and in anime. That

       As for inspiration, then perhaps these are just the

       work performed above mentioned artists. A

       maybe something else that I can not explain.

Diver: Few pereinachim;) question: is for you

       music is a source of inspiration? But perhaps the book

       movies? If yes, what, what?

Pheel: Actually, the music for me is to some extent

       secondary, as simply helps to adjust to work.

       Books and movies also somehow not very becoming

       sources of some inspiration. Lukyanenko and

       "Matrix" fun to read and watch, but really something

       to do after reading them, the desire does not arise,

       Although some aspects of the products may help in

       finding ideas for their next job.

Diver: What are your pictures consider most successful? Most


Pheel: its very good picture I think Dream. It is not

       I know which way is likely, by chance, I was able to

       transmit the total amount of space on a 2D image. I'm so

       I think. Anyway, when I look at it, I

       just feel it. Maybe for others it is not. Perhaps

       More successfully turned the final picture in Stellar


Diver: Entered Do you go where you wanted to not ring out in the


Pheel: Fortunately, yes. Now I am a second year student

       Instrument Institute, specialty

       "Management in the implementation of biomedical


Diver: It is gratifying to hear that!

Diver: What I forgot to ask about anything you would like more

       to speak or tell?

Pheel: The fact that now I have a house outside the window the 
night, it's snowing 

       and I badly want to C-P-A-T-L! :)

Diver: Thanks again for answering my questions! Good luck!

Rheel: Thank you! You too!

------------- by Diver/4D (c) Buzz 2002 

Other articles:

21st century's swapper - svaper 21 centuries or spekovskoy scene Now there are almost no svaperov?

Are the Gods against design? - what a demo or steeper LifeForms Stellar Contour?

ASCii 2002 final results - Results ASCii'2002.

Booze charts - rule the charts.

CAFe 2002 rules - the new rules demopati in Kazan.

Catch tne buzzards - Contact Us.

CC'001 graphics compo review - overview charts with CC'001.

Copyright notice - The paper is distributed under the BUZZ FREEWARE.

Dman's CC'001 report Dman's - report CC'001.

Editorial - finally waited for 20-second Buzz.

Forever'3 final results - Results Forever'3.

How to make cool ASCII logo - how to draw a cool logo in ASCII.

I'm the only one in TNL! - All the main TNL has long been scored at the Spectrum ...

IM2 again about sore - The problem of interrupt vectors.

Interview with Arty Noonzen - an interview with the organizer of Digital Reality.

Interview with Pheel - an interview with a famous artist Spectrum.

List of voters - is not objective and outdated survey results.

Mast is a skinflint?! - Freeman otkyvaet truth about Mast'a.

Mukpockon - Stanly argument on an already boring topic 'Demo vs Game'.

Navigation - A new cool shell! How it managed?

Paracels speaking - News from: BrainWave, CPU, Demiurge Ash, Digital Reality, Excess, Extreme, Fenomen, Freeart.

Paracels speaking - News from: GAS13, Hardwave Crew, Hooy-Program, Mayhem, OCA, Perspective Group, Phantasy, Phantom Family, Placebo, POS, Progress.

Paracels speaking - News from: Rain Group, Raww Arse, Remedy, Skrju, Studio Stall, Techno Lab, 4D, Triebkraft, Wlodeck Black.

Paradox 2002 rules - demopati rules.

Phat a graphics compo review - overview charts with Phat'1.

re: nikologiya - about how people came into his head himself had called.

Realise VS release - What should be the e-journals (argues Diver).

Sceners VS newcomers - sceners against Newby.

Stanly's CC'001 report - reportage Stanly.

Support us - the newspaper is required care: musicians, artists and authors of articles.

Thank you! - write to us!

What's next? - The next issue will Buzz'a?

Who are the buzzards? - who made the BUZZ?!

ZpiXel review - an overview of the new website devoted to the chart on the ZX Spectrum.

ZpiXel.Past, present & future - the history and future of the project.

Passage - The paper "Passage": how it all began.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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