Buzz #20
31 декабря 2001

Interview with Arty Noonzen - an interview with the organizer of Digital Reality.

<b>Interview with Arty Noonzen</b> - an interview with the organizer of Digital Reality.
                         ARTY NOONZEN

                  "I found the good times."

Arty Noonzen - permanent leader and organizer of the legendary 
band Digital Reality, which once struck by the whole scene

quality and revolutionary products. It is they who at the time
FT'98 broke all Spectrum Concepts demomeykinge, creating
Forever and a scene showing that deme - is not only a set of
effects, and show where everything is harmoniously connected. 
That they of Scenergy released the first magazine of the same

title, completely dedicated to the scene. Arty and
other Membury DR were also among the organizers of the main
party in 1999 and 2000. Now the DR continues its
activities are already on the Internet, working on the project 
Scenergy -Undoubtedly the most interesting stsenovym news 
resources. Today we offer you to learn more about Arty

Noonzen'om and learn more about the most popular ever
Scene Group Digital Reality.

DMAN> To get started, tell that today, Digital Reality?

ARTY> At present the group as such does not exist. Ie

      official collapse, of course, was not, but the fact

      existence - already a legend =)

      A more or less active "Observer" scenes we were left with

      Flying'om. Others more interested in the Spectrum of

      nostalgia. We sometimes see each other all along, note

      some holidays, or just sit and talk to

      we are interested in the topic.

DMAN> What happened to the rest of Membury? Than they are now


ARTY> Who - nothing.

      Sauron - sound engineer at the local branch of radio

      "Europe +".

      Joe - director of network gaming clubs.

      Ozazello aka Den (author of Paradise Lost) - works on

      local television, specializing in screensavers and


      Den the Ripper - working in a commercial organization.

      Terror - working at home.

      Suha - something in the construction business.

      Orion - engineer for ventilation

      Cyber ​​Strike - the traffic police

      Flying and I are working on the web.

      That's all I remember at the moment.

DMAN> What to you today, Spectrum, and what was it for you

      earlier, during the times when you just started?

ARTY> Today - is a beautiful tale of youth, before he was

      big part of my active life, I gave him

      a lot of time. It is impossible to deny the

      fact that the Speccy scene is not the same, not that. 
People for 

      which was the mainstream in computer technology -

      gone - it's a natural process. Now for us the Spectrum

      remains an excellent starting base not only in knowledge

      Cyber-world, but friends and good company, established 

      years of joint work.

DMAN> You said that the scene is not the same. And what is it 

      do you think? What has changed?

ARTY> There are no people, no passion, no interest, no 
technology, no 

      opportunities to develop and engage in serious

      affairs, because this is, unfortunately, the past.

DMAN> And why there are so few new people, and why people

      less and less interested in Spectrum and the scene?

ARTY> I say again, that progress has gone far ahead. Before

      Spectrum interested because he was on the crest

      technology, and now - it's retro-car, which is interesting

      only the "old" fans.

DMAN> Now, if you could go back in time to the moment

      base DR, you would like to change something? Why?

ARTY> Actually, nothing. I do not regret anything, because they 

      that everything must evolve gradually and harmoniously. If

      I now return to the past with the prior knowledge that

      I have now, I'd be a millionaire =)

DMAN> Millionaire =)! I wonder ...

ARTY> Have knowledge in technologies for 5-10 years ahead - it's

      capital good =)

DMAN> In 1998, his FunTop'e demoy Forever you raised

      excitement about what should be deme - with animation

      or not. You could even say that you broke all the concepts

      spektrumistov of demomeykinge, showing that the demo - it 
is not 

      only a set of effects. Perhaps this scandal, and not

      it would be if the FT was not Refresh. And as such

      sharp contrast between the so-called plot and demoy

      demoy-range effects gave rise to disputes. All who do not

      too lazy to argue on this subject, but from you we do not

      heard. As you yourself look at this problem (?). Although

      all passions have subsided, and all this in the past, but 

      Generally, in your opinion, what demo?

ARTY> demo - it does not work one or two people, it's -

      derivative, or a product, if you want a single

      organism called a demo group. If you have a common goal,

      if it is shared by the majority, if there is a 
possibility of its 

      implementation, then get a good demo, we only

      add knowledge, creativity, technology, and most 
importantly - 


      Naturally, as it is implemented - it is very important (I 

      referring to the code), but if you need animation for 

      something conceptually important, do not fear it

      use, the main thing - the idea of ​​a harmonious, more 
importantly, to 

      all the components were as a whole - then turns

      show. A show that carries a meaning - is in some

      times more effective.

DMAN> We all rushed to the theme of "chunks or rulez

      suxx ". What do you yourself think about it?

ARTY> It's all fashion trends. In fact, progress - a thing

      progressive: first is a breakthrough, then

      file down to the ordinary, standard, followed by

      return to the past (the new - is well forgotten old) -

      the so-called old school. Someday, perhaps, chunks

      will also become old school =) Who knows? ...

DMAN> What do you think it is possible to create more on the 

      something conceptually new? At one time, chunks produced

      just a revolution in demomeykinge. Or has already arrived 


ARTY> Nothing is impossible, the question of desire. Although 
it is not 

      such competition, which was in 96-97 years, so it is very


DMAN> No, but there is some competition or confrontation there.

      Take, for example, we (PCB) and BW. After all, they have 

      stage of a new engine - 3D in multicolor. Then MMA'shny

      gigaskrin - also a no, and progress! Ie I want to

      say that for those who continue to do something, all those

      passion, competition, etc. exist in the same way as

      to you in 96-97 years. Another question that the resources

      Spectrum is not limitless = (

ARTY> Yes, but do not forget - before the Spectrum was almost

      the same level with other systems. Consequently

      enthusiasm of people was much higher, and competition

      much more diverse - we all learned together,

      improved and the car moved forward under the name

      "Progress" =)

DMAN> Yes, probably, you're right after all! In my opinion, it 

      very few people who know how to do something, and to do

      qualitatively. Now on stage, so if you can call it,

      some scumbags who really do not know how, and in all

      newspapers straddle "snickering" scenery, but behind

      They have no one thing that they could boast.

      Frankly, this fact scares me. What remains

      after us? =)

ARTY> I think everyone should ask himself this question, and he 

      at it and respond.

DMAN> What are the demos / intros you like more than lottery 
game, of course 

      same =)

ARTY> This is a fairly complicated issue, because I have become 

      forget. The fact that vskidku: Shit4Brains, Condommed,

      Eye Ache 1,2 ... But in general I love a good cracktro,

      especially during those times when all inspired spirit

      Amiga scene and do similar things at Speccy.

DMAN> What artists, musicians? Who would you have said on the 
stage of 

      active now, people, groups?

ARTY> The fact that I do not (personally) acquainted with those 
who are 

      active, but from those who know it's definitely: 

      4D, PHT, Brain Wave, Placebo, CPU, kpuk crew, Triumph,

      POS-WT, Raww Arse, H-PRG, baze, SerzhSoft, elite

      Belarusian forces in the face of Psych, PP, B-reeze, 
Freeman, Mast 


DMAN> Which demah you grew up =) What kind of old demos,

      groups, people inspires you?

ARTY> inspiration always, of course, the elite: CBS, DMS, MKHG,

      DT, ESI, etc ... About the "old stuff" - can be in any

      off the charts, more or less adequate to see the section 

      time favorites - this will be a list, in most


DMAN> How, if not secret?

ARTY> = Emotional)

DMAN> Tell us about your last job JAM. Many call

      JAM never-before-trial or re-intro. But the design here 
at the height 

      which clearly covers not quite a high level of effects.

      What was it? The last spurt?

ARTY> Yes, it was a last wish to make a really

      quality demo, where all would have obliterated the 
boundaries between 

      code, graphics, music and, of course, design. Like

      a harmony, but ... Unfortunately, depressed all the

      Spectrum limitations in the flight design idea, the head

      thought is already in a different direction. We took for 

      a little late, did not have such a great desire, as

      to Forever, then another factor - I left a few

      days earlier to Peter for the organization of CC, 
therefore, not controlled       was formulated a final fix, 
build, etc. Jam, so excited       can she not come out of this, 
what I imagined. 

      Frankly, I'm not happy with this work, it must be

      was carefully finish, but, unfortunately, did not present


DMAN> And another question on JAM'u, which is probably still

      hurts all =) You're out there dancin '? How and where is 

      done? As I know, there was used some

      new compression technology, animation, although perhaps it

      question to Flying'u?

ARTY> Yes, I dance, and voice sample - also mine. About

      compression - yes, there was applied an interesting 
technology, but you 

      rights, for the details better to turn to Flying'u.

DMAN> What do you think about the past SS001? And if you still 
coc       toitsya SS002, what are your predictions about him?

ARTY> Over the last two events I've watched, rather,

      as a spectator. If the CC000 I was still in state 
organizations       nizatorov, the latter, I fully and 

      held the viewer's chair.

      Spectrum was not the same as in the olden days, there was 
no one 

      competition, the spirit in which we ate in the early 
90's. So 

      that I was a little touched. This is natural, I'm not sad 

      about this, because found the good times.

DMAN> Tell me how there was a project Scenergy. As far as I

      known, at first it was the association of several groups,

      then everything turned into a magazine, and now lives in 
the form of a site. 

ARTY> On Enlight'97, after a personal acquaintance with 
Raver'om, we 

      (I, he and Rom / PGS) have decided to closely reflect the 

      "Truly stsenovoy journalism" because specifically 

      was not entirely, devoted to any one issue ... In 
connection with the 

      We therefore decided to combine the efforts of our teams 

      the appearance of a certain mechanism for promoting 

      Engin wrote Flying, entirely, the name

      I came up with the rest written articles, led sections

      assisted with graphics and music.

      Unfortunately, due to our busy everyday

      of life and relative bulkiness log (size) was

      no more than periodic.

      At the moment we are fully moved into our activities

      interent. Now the news and articles that appear in

      World of Spectrum is published on our website, and

      fairly quickly.

DMAN> By the way, whether Scenergy3? If yes, what he will


ARTY> was thought to make the last number, but have "withered"

      under a pile of employment.

DMAN> Now, in your opinion, is there anything that the level of

      Scenergy? For example, what do you think about kpuk'e or


ARTY> New number Adventyurer was never released, but I Creek

      like - is it something from Scenergy. Personally, I'm glad

      that appear similar publications, although it is not


DMAN> Now comes a very obscure newspaper content =) What

      do you think about them? Are there too many?

ARTY> It seems to me that they are already quite low. At least

      much less than during our activity.

      Relevance to them anymore, because specifics of the scene

      changed, in addition to the development of such things as

      Internet, the speed of news dissemination is almost

      instantaneous. Off-line media - a kind of relic,

      that will eventually wither away, unfortunately, together 


DMAN> And where did Noonzen in your nickname and what does it 

ARTY> Let it remain a mystery =)

DMAN> Not much, probably annoying for you question, but

      Same ... What happened to all your projects: Doom, 

      Lost, Megaball, etc? The air was still flying

      uncertainty surrounding this issue, and many still

      waiting for the final version. So tell me, finally, once 
and for all 

      that has nothing more to wait!

ARTY> Wait for more than nothing.

DMAN> If all these projects you are not able to bring to the

      the end, do not you think you pass them to anyone for

      completion? And there are such people, in your opinion?

ARTY> One idea is to make it through the Internet, but this


DMAN> How, if not secret?

ARTY> I do not want to spread so far since not sure what it is


DMAN> OK! All will be waiting! But at least as fast?

ARTY> I have no idea.

DMAN> You have a house still remained alive Cpektrum?

ARTY> Yes, of course. Scorpion 256. Stands in the closet =) 
Including I 

      its a very long time, emulators replace real Spectrum

      completely full. But the real Spectrum I leave - he told 

      roads as a memory.

DMAN> And in general, how do you feel about the emulator and use

      pisyavyh any programs for the Spectrum on PC / Amiga. 
After all, the 

      Forum ZpiXel'ya now the dispute at the theme editor

      Spekovskoy graphics on the PC / Amiga. It turns out that, 

      only real winners will be in the Spectrum


ARTY> Spectrum morfiruetsya in virtuality. Perhaps, will

      rise, when there will be real valued and the ability to 

      to do something about it, because this is their sex, but 

      question time. But most of all, it all becomes

      part of history.

DMAN> Where do you work or study? It has something to do with


ARTY> I'm working, not studying. I am 25 years old. Work 
related to 


DMAN> And finally, tell me whatever you want (or I suddenly 

      forgot to ask!) Buzz'a readers!

ARTY> If someone was sunk, someone still has the desire -

      create, because it is so beautiful something to embody
      own. Good luck to you!

DMAN> Thanks for the interview! It was very interesting to talk!

ARTY> I, too, see you there!

-------------------------------------------------- ------------ 
by DMan / Placebo (c) Buzz 2002 

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Are the Gods against design? - what a demo or steeper LifeForms Stellar Contour?

ASCii 2002 final results - Results ASCii'2002.

Booze charts - rule the charts.

CAFe 2002 rules - the new rules demopati in Kazan.

Catch tne buzzards - Contact Us.

CC'001 graphics compo review - overview charts with CC'001.

Copyright notice - The paper is distributed under the BUZZ FREEWARE.

Dman's CC'001 report Dman's - report CC'001.

Editorial - finally waited for 20-second Buzz.

Forever'3 final results - Results Forever'3.

How to make cool ASCII logo - how to draw a cool logo in ASCII.

I'm the only one in TNL! - All the main TNL has long been scored at the Spectrum ...

IM2 again about sore - The problem of interrupt vectors.

Interview with Arty Noonzen - an interview with the organizer of Digital Reality.

Interview with Pheel - an interview with a famous artist Spectrum.

List of voters - is not objective and outdated survey results.

Mast is a skinflint?! - Freeman otkyvaet truth about Mast'a.

Mukpockon - Stanly argument on an already boring topic 'Demo vs Game'.

Navigation - A new cool shell! How it managed?

Paracels speaking - News from: BrainWave, CPU, Demiurge Ash, Digital Reality, Excess, Extreme, Fenomen, Freeart.

Paracels speaking - News from: GAS13, Hardwave Crew, Hooy-Program, Mayhem, OCA, Perspective Group, Phantasy, Phantom Family, Placebo, POS, Progress.

Paracels speaking - News from: Rain Group, Raww Arse, Remedy, Skrju, Studio Stall, Techno Lab, 4D, Triebkraft, Wlodeck Black.

Paradox 2002 rules - demopati rules.

Phat a graphics compo review - overview charts with Phat'1.

re: nikologiya - about how people came into his head himself had called.

Realise VS release - What should be the e-journals (argues Diver).

Sceners VS newcomers - sceners against Newby.

Stanly's CC'001 report - reportage Stanly.

Support us - the newspaper is required care: musicians, artists and authors of articles.

Thank you! - write to us!

What's next? - The next issue will Buzz'a?

Who are the buzzards? - who made the BUZZ?!

ZpiXel review - an overview of the new website devoted to the chart on the ZX Spectrum.

ZpiXel.Past, present & future - the history and future of the project.

Passage - The paper "Passage": how it all began.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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