Bugs #01
30 сентября 1999

Business on Speccy - Business on the Spectrum.

<b>Business on Speccy</b> - Business on the Spectrum.
(C) Player.

                        BUSINESS ON THE SPECTRUM.

The peak of the mass insanity of people of the CIS on the 
Spectrum - compatible computers took forever, as indeed is 
everything life and life itself. All those who made good money 
selling 48 - agricultural machines and tapes to them have 
disappeared into nowhere (or rather: who is where). As well as 
in the West "rubber" sold far greater than 128-x (etc.). A 
128-e, while swaying from the high cost, etc. podgadat directly 
under the onslaught of the consoles, cheap desktops, and now, 
of course, because proigrali.Hotya and now: if a guy is dibs on 
600 - "Mercy," why would he Zaporozhets? So that the decrease 
Army spektrumistov - an unequivocal and irreversible process. I 
personally very calmly to this attitude, because the art groups 
yet many projects novya "even more friends on the platform 
missing, PC does not ask for money if you do not want to 
MINITOWER, GS, SMUC + HDD, MOUSE + MODEM.No even such costs: 
pennies compared to the IBM PC The more so that everything goes 
and the simple Specchia-128.A bells and whistles - for request 
without ustarevaniya.No topic today is not about the "death" 
ZX, and how it is still possible to trade in the one hundred 
thousandth the city, where only some 50 existing computers (the 
other on shelves, broken, donated and forgotten, burned and 
abandoned, etc., etc.) You-buy floppies may think: "When money 
is rowing with a shovel, and yet drives - that is levenkie, and 
recorded some horseradish make out what! "Now explain 
obstanovku.Nekaya campaign folks long posting on the Spectrum 
and experienced the genuine anguish, when the whole town 
disappeared people selling floppy disks, by chance introduced 
his man in your favorite store. More contributed to this:

1. At the beginning of the formation at the store themselves 
traded companies and discs, the goods were familiar.

2. Recordings were conducted in the lucrative and store 

3. This is possible only because it is not necessary to pay
for all commercial lotions.

4. The guys from time to time, "added" to the "common pot" money
shipping, purchasing software.

5. Do not be lazy and our top earner: writes and writes well
people sharing programs.

Thus, the trade deal still brings a small profit, but it is very
troublesome because of the extraction disks (although 
approximate data) for 3-4 year sold 1,000 floppy disks. This is 
the question: Are you lonely? Now that the same and who's 
buying? Buy all, that is, Who - the "Black Crow" and someone 
else "Star Heritage" "UFO 1" and other hits 95g. By the way, 
and buy the components from 11 up to 30 years people. Bad that 
many are not even aware of the still Spectrum breathe normally. 
After the death of "IMFORKOMa" scene yet organized themselves 
and survived, and now develops. Purchased as literature. Then 
finally can! Someone looking for Larchenko ' Rodionov "ZX USER 
..." And someone drags from the most popular book 1993. "500 
games" - "SOLON" and descriptions "ARTSTUDIO. There are also 
several "virtuals" for which written bend on the 3.5 emulator. 
There's just one lady who bought such disks, and this 
"radavaet" us. Also pleased that there is no gavnyukov that 
Snuffles seller about their problems with the company, with 
drives, and thoughts of suicide, unless these discs sold 
(shutka!). But we, in turn, are not going to IBM Read 
"ADVENTURER # 9", there is my article about the "charm" PC IBM. 
Here are many of "our" support it, and hence in the Great 
Spectrum Luki be! Let us live!

               S P E C C Y R U L E Z F O R E W E R!

                       I N A L L W O R L D!!!

P.S. : SPECCY not waiting for the year 2000 problem, and he 
will remain in 2000 

       was the best of the best ...

                                                 Kuranov Sergey.

Other articles:

Bugs - On the newspaper.

Protect - Protect and antizaschita programs.

Small Coding - Procedures for squaring and square root.

Jokes - Anecdotes about drug addicts and drunks.

Business on Speccy - Business on the Spectrum.

little about my - Telephone Directory: The Great Luke.

News - News from the Great Bow. Reinkarnitsiya Z-80.

about a rock star - A brief chronology of the life and work of Viktor Tsoi.

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Poems - Three Monkeys (novel in verse).

Test - A is not a maniac you know? (For fans of the soldering iron). Rainbow name.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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