Buzz #16
26 сентября 1998

Our guests - The group - Virtual Vision group.

<b>Our guests</b> - The group - Virtual Vision group.
   . ∙ ·.

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  ·. D-Man

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(C) Virtual Vision Group 1998.

    Virtual Vision Group (VVG) was established on March 31, 
1997, and Currently the group is 1 year. Is it much or too 
little? On This question can not be answered unequivocally, 
although it often happens that creative internetworking cease 
their activities and earlier. Although the VVG and young group, 
but people its member involved in everything that has something 
to do with computers a long time, an average of 4-5 years or 
more. Initially the group was needed for individual programmers 
to work together in large projects, as a collective work and 
contributes to mutual expedite the issuance of new programs and 
improve their quality. In alone complex project is feasible is 
not easy. Often a great programmer draws is not as good as an 
artist, and wrote music a lot worse than a professional 
musician. In addition, Virtual Vision - this is just a club of 
friends, a common internetwork passion for everything that can 
be programmed. 

    Beginning in September 1997 Virtual Vision provides another
an "alternative" computer: AMIGA.

    We give a brief information about the areas of:

    - Support for the ZX Spectrum and Amiga in Voronezh.

    - Development and production of software for the ZX


    - Sharing of software, information, correspondence

       hacker groups and Voronezh region, Russia and

       neighboring countries, support for business con
       tacts with them.

    - Providing support for members and users VVG

       ZX Spectrum or AMIGA, living in Voronezh, consumption
       GOVERNMENTAL materials, spare parts, repairs, new prog
       Rummy, of any information.

    - Contacts with members of the network FIDOnet; networks 
based on the ZX. 

    - Search for creative people (coders, artists, muzukanty,

       etc.), working on ZX and AMIGA.

    - Correspondence with publishers of electronic journals by 
selling        particles of the software.

    - Consultancy in all matters of ZX

       Spectrum, AMIGA, in some questions on another PC

    We list the members of the Virtual Vision Group:
Rom Corp. Lead coder VVG. Engaged primarily

            software interfaces, complex developments in

            programming technique in machine code.
E2 Soft. Coder, sometimes graphic designer. Wrote short

            high-speed procedures, time-critical.

            Electronics, support for electronic networks.
Mic Encoder. Develops visual effects. Sup
            vaccination certificate if the postal exchange.
KDL encoder. Development of procedures for packing effects

            for demomeykinga. Liaises on FIDO.
High Lord encoder. Developing a demo effects. Has developed
            ment of a new graphical editor.
L-Graph Lead graphic designer. Engaged in ensuring
            cheniem of quality graphics. Participated

            in graphic compo on Enlight 97.
MyKAT artist. Took uaastie in Enlight 97. Starting
            yuschy programmer.
ASW musician. Wrote muzykku, but a little.

    That is, basically, and all of the Virtual Vision Group. We 
still continue to work and advance to new ideas and projects. 
We do it, do not sit idly on the spot. And this well.

   We wish the same to you, dear reader.
--------------( C) Virtual Vision Group 1998. Get through to us 
by phone. :33-16-18 

                                      asked Andrew, Sasha.


                                      ask Dima.

Other articles:

12TK info - On the defense playing a secret 12-books mission.

ASCII graphics - ASCII - questions and answers.

ASH & Funtop - Impressions of the Fun Top of ASH'a.

ASM vs SNS - ASM and SNS - two big differences.

Bill Gilbert - Quiet sensation or the mystery of Bill Gilbert disclosed.

Black Metal - For fans of Black Metal, the best score.

FAQ Programs - Commercial copyrights development proposed for the distribution.

Happy Birthday - Happy Birthday SPY!

PC News - Features Windows'98 for PC.

Rants & Raves - Greeting'S for Eternity Industry.

Rave - Impressions of the Fun Top'e.

TOP ZX - Free games, magazines, sistemki ...

Windows' 1995 info - Report on Microsoft Windows BS extra.

ZX News - There was Fun Top'98. Got full version of the game: 12 Secret books.

Assembler - Pritsnip program. counting level Sub-cycles in a row.

History Speccy - ZX-Spectrum - past and present.

Novella - Computer novella "The last battle against evil" (at level 3 game "Lord of Chaos").

About the Author

Toy Review - Overview of Game Software: A Last Hero of Light force: Orcs lair, Operation, RR, Quadrax, Any Tank, Mobile Wars, hunting moles, Invasion Pisi.

Review sistemok - Overview of system software: Modern Word v1.00b, Global Commander v1.1s, Macro Adapter v1.1, ReTrick v1.3.

Programming - Why Spectrum and Amiga, but not PC.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...


Our guests - The group - Virtual Vision group.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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