Buzz #16
26 сентября 1998

Bill Gilbert - Quiet sensation or the mystery of Bill Gilbert disclosed.

<b>Bill Gilbert</b> - Quiet sensation or the mystery of Bill Gilbert disclosed.
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(C) Dr.Codex / Light Future Group

                   T and x and I e n a and n and I


                Bill Gilbert secret revealed!

    Maybe someone already guessed whom will now
speech, and maybe someone has not heard much about this name
Bill Gilbert (Bill Gilbert), well, or his alias. A fact
such as strange or there or they all the same a little. I think 
not would be superfluous to recall who is it - Bill Gilbert. 
I'll let themselves again, to philosophize, if the reader does 
not mind. I do not impose anybody nizhenapisannoe but harmless 
when you know. 

    Anyone who has ever played in the band toys and watched
their load could see almost the same labels in different
variations: Cracked by Bill Gilbert in curly frame, Bill
Giblert or too easy (C) BG * 1987'88'91 ... All of you 
certainly is remember very well. And everyone was asked 
questions by their professionalism and ability to communicate 
with SPECCY, such as: "Is this all produced a single person? 
Who is this mysterious BG? What does it mean "Cracked by Bill 
Gilbert"? And if not for the sake of profit that broke BG good 
program working? Oh, how bad this BG - hacked into someone 
else's work and messed up quality version, and I have to it all

restore! "Some people admired his" work ", others - criticized 
as they could not spare their nerves. 

     Gone are those, I think, very warm and lovely denechki 
1991-93 years, and for someone they were in 1994. Then no one 
in the the majority did not think about the future difficulties 
with the software ... When come this time - more proof were not 
looking for anything on SPECCY. Their lot - resuscitation and 
maintenance of the platform. Most game programs were imprint 
BG. Some thought that it is insulting to the product brand, the 
other - let stigma, but MB thanks to him in the USSR (ex-USSR) 
were the program. Proved to be right and both. 

     When he returned five years ago, look at the ZX-Review - 
talk about the BG, even a series of articles about his methods 
of coding. Well, unless it is bad? No, the opposite. Even I, as 
a professional spectrumer, grew in part on such articles. Most 
had learned from his example, because its programs were in 
"each" house. So who he is - a passive teacher, unaware of 
their students, or A self-taught hacker that is an symbol of a 
generation spectrum users early 90's and professionals today? 
Question inherently rhetorical. He is a symbol, but rather is a 
"leader" of the hacker scene in Europe, if I may so call it. 
Well Who knows more work is not his code than hacked it, eh? 
Therefore, he is so well known-unknown. Everyone knows him as a 
man clearly related to the coding or hacking fraternity. The 
degree of knowledge, purely for my vzlyad, had a high rate yet 
due to the fact that he just broke quite popular in the later 
program. Here's an example: Game Over 1'2, Death Wish 3 
Obliterator, Iron Man, Barbarian 3, Super Kid, I'Ball 2. Well, 
Do not you agree that this kind of masterpieces, in the sense 
of original ideas!? This is one side. Another part of the 
people thought it was a whole team of "viewers" who eagerly, 
staring up resistors in the eyes, hard, in 3 shifts, breaking 
the flow of the conveyor (read multifeysnym) using the latest 
programs West !!!!! Well what can I say - figuratively 
speaking, it is. In fact, he worked on a conveyor SPECCY, but 
it is possible that had the FDD, as present in its results for 
phrases like Disked by Bill Gilbert. But here's what he had OS 
- a mystery. 

   A volume of his works envy any drummer working days of 
industrialization and collectivization. By the above, I can 
give a counterargument. Perhaps his "Stakanovites" was 
associated with the fact that he "cracked" ready-made and 
broken before his release, who came to Poland from Germany, 
Czechoslovakia, Golladnii. Unlikely can be argued that BG had 
branded versions of the defense. After Reach branded tape or 
diskette with the software to Poland, her would vzlamali 
cultured than you can see in his Krakow. What the number of 
burglaries is amazing, did not give him Plus the fact that he 
was "diskoval" dumped magic-suxx-button igrunki. Or maybe he 
does from some Polish countryside, where program could get only 
maiming and he, therefore, from Fountain and lobotryasnichestva 
remixes ... 

     Wait, you cry, why, strictly speaking
BG must be from Poland. Few, perhaps, speculation on his 
citizenship? Yes, I agree. Inforkom too lost in conjecture, 
recalling that he (they, it), maybe from Holland or Germany. 
Actually, maybe if it's not a group of people and not a man, it 
really woman? Well, what can I say, I'm no expert, and 
personally do not BG sign. 99.9% claim to be it's not black and 
not a woman, not Michael Jackson, not Philip and William 
Clinton, and certainly, not Margaret Thatcher with Madeleine 
Oldbrayt, the more not a leader of the group "Aquarium". 
Although, I have a suspicion falls on a strange type of ... - 
Bill Gates! (Initials first and last names match).

     Enough, I think speculation.

     When I went through nostalgichno old demos, I thought I 
discovered who the Bill Gilbert. I think that I do not 
discovered America, and immediately tell what was wrong. Do not 
worry, that take your time boltavney ...

     Musical demonstration Pentagram Vidio Screnn Show, Year
Release 1991, (c) 1991 by Pentagram, Polsha. Re diskovana
KidsonSoft corp. '95, Extended once Inforkomom. Itself
programm course without kodernyh effects, but for 91 years 
digitize graphics look cool. There, in the demo, show pictures 
of programmers from the PTM. Oposlya beginning, MB 15 minutes 
later, when the demo came to an end, the screen began to 
display a group of pictures. And what we see, but that - the 
last image and flawless bottom corner ... He makes it clear! I 
will say more - no other references to other bill'ov I'm not 
Polish releases found. Most often it is just and there are 
links to some RAJSOFT'ovskoe environment, where observed under 
review copy. 



















     I think you all clear, and you will come additional 
ideimysli. If you have not seen this picture, but you have this 
demo, it means you are ill, see the demo ... But I have looked 
at STS'om - For expediting

     Outcome: BG, aka Bill Gilbert - a Pole, a hacker who works 
in alone, because has no prefix''', one of the most 
well-known-unknown hacker in the world Speccy. Bolen popular 
disease in the Bulgarians and the Poles themselves - to engage 
in piracy. 

     P.S. publication of the article is associated with more 
frequent discussions in fido are about personality BG, well, 
and to clarify the situation and put a cross on the matter. 
However, the author does not exclude the appearance of new 
speculations, if only their arguments were well understood. 

Other articles:

12TK info - On the defense playing a secret 12-books mission.

ASCII graphics - ASCII - questions and answers.

ASH & Funtop - Impressions of the Fun Top of ASH'a.

ASM vs SNS - ASM and SNS - two big differences.

Bill Gilbert - Quiet sensation or the mystery of Bill Gilbert disclosed.

Black Metal - For fans of Black Metal, the best score.

FAQ Programs - Commercial copyrights development proposed for the distribution.

Happy Birthday - Happy Birthday SPY!

PC News - Features Windows'98 for PC.

Rants & Raves - Greeting'S for Eternity Industry.

Rave - Impressions of the Fun Top'e.

TOP ZX - Free games, magazines, sistemki ...

Windows' 1995 info - Report on Microsoft Windows BS extra.

ZX News - There was Fun Top'98. Got full version of the game: 12 Secret books.

Assembler - Pritsnip program. counting level Sub-cycles in a row.

History Speccy - ZX-Spectrum - past and present.

Novella - Computer novella "The last battle against evil" (at level 3 game "Lord of Chaos").

About the Author

Toy Review - Overview of Game Software: A Last Hero of Light force: Orcs lair, Operation, RR, Quadrax, Any Tank, Mobile Wars, hunting moles, Invasion Pisi.

Review sistemok - Overview of system software: Modern Word v1.00b, Global Commander v1.1s, Macro Adapter v1.1, ReTrick v1.3.

Programming - Why Spectrum and Amiga, but not PC.

Advertising - Advertisements and announcements ...


Our guests - The group - Virtual Vision group.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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