ZX Club #06
31 декабря 1997

Toys - Novella to the game "BISMARK".

<b>Toys</b> - Novella to the game

  In August 1940, came into operation the most
big and powerful in the history of the German navy warship. 
This giant ship with a displacement of 53 thousand tons had

in service: 8 guns of caliber 381 mm, 12
150-mm artillery shells, 16 - to 105 mm, 16 - to 37
mm, 12 anti-aircraft automatic 20 mm cannon
and 4 seaplane.

The thickness of the main armor belt: 320 mm.
Reservations: towers of the main fire - from
200 to 380 mm; conning tower - 355 mm deck - 146 mm.

The power plant with total capacity of 163
Thousands of HP afforded the opportunity to develop
speed to 31 knots (57 km / h). Range
navigation of the ship, intended
for raiding is 10 thousand kilometers.

The crew of the raider had about 1600 people. The ship was 
named in honor of the great German Chancellor Otto Bismarck, 
and was proud of Admiral Raeder, who was able to

its time to persuade Hitler to whether construction to wage war 
on the communications of enemy surface ships, rather than 
submarines. Imposing a new battleship so captured the 
imagination possessed Hitler that he ordered the

design has a larger battleship displacement of about 140 
thousand tons.

But the tide of war canceling plans for the Admiral
Roeder, and simultaneously ended and ambitious dreams of the 

                 PART 1

Morning of 21 May 1941 Commander of the British fleet, Admiral 
Tovey received an encrypted message that the two major Nazi 
ship go through the Kattegat Strait, heading for the north. 
Afternoon message was confirmed. One of the aircraft

- The scouts managed to photograph
these ships are waiting to be dark in Grimstad-fiord. 
Explanation of photos left no doubt: in the vicinity of Bergen 
ready to pounce on English communication in the Atlantic 
battleship Bismarck and heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen ". And when

Two days later, the German ships reached
northern entrance to the Denmark Strait - wide
maritime space separating Scotland and Greenland, they found in 
the twilight gloom the outlines of a heavy British cruiser 
"Suffolk". An hour later came another cruiser "Norfolk." 

Both the British vessel went in parallel with the German fleet, 
while remaining outside the reach of its guns. 

Receive a message about the enemy
squadron, Admiral Holland, the commander of the British 
squadron, consisting of a battleship-cruiser Hood, the 
battleship Prince of Wales and six destroyers rushed to 
intercept, but no matter how trying the English - German 
squadron to catch up they had on parallel courses. 

At dawn on May 24 first talked 381millimetrovye guns 
"Bismarck", jointly with the "Prinz Eugen opened fire on

battleship-cruiser Hood and battleship Prince
Wales. "Moreover, if the sighting shots of the British gave the 
flight, the German immediately covered with a purpose. Barely a 
minute into the fight 203-mm projectiles, "Prince Eugene 
"landed on the deck" Hood ", and After another five minutes, 
two shells with "Bismarck", I ask all three of the armored deck 
"Hud," caught in the powder magazines. 

There was a terrible explosion, splitting the ship in half, 
soars into the air content, powder magazine, a dazzling flame 
covers the ship, and after four minutes in its place remains a 
pillar of black smoke. So a few minutes longer exists one of 
the largest warships in the world. Puffing heavily, turning 
away from German ships "The Prince of Wales' death shocked" 
Hood "and struck by several missiles. Almost unharmed, "Prince 
Eugene" and "Bismarck", for which extends the trace of oil 
flowing from the damaged tanks in the battle, stubbornly

go south. Evening, May 24, Bismarck turns south-east towards 
Brest to eliminate the damage and "Prinz Eugen" goes cruising 
for action in the region of the Azores.

By this time in a war zone
approached the main forces of the British fleet -
squadron under the command of Admiral Tove in
of the battleship King George V ", battlecruiser" Ripals 
"aircraft carrier" Victoria " and four light cruisers. At 
midnight Bismarck was discovered and attacked by torpedo 
bombers from the aircraft carrier "Victoria", but received 
damage from trapped it torpedoes, about 3 am, "Bismarck" was 
able to break away from the pursuit and hide in the dark.

                  PART 2

Bismarck escaped. Leaving behind a
trace of oil, and slowly settling on his nose, he
stubbornly went to the shores of France, while
the British unsuccessfully searched for him on his way to 
Norway. The gap between the fascist raider and pursuing his 
squadron Tove increased steadily. Barely any day Bismarck was 
to enter the zone, where it could safely cover the German 
U-boats and the sea shore aviation.

And suddenly, 25 May 1941, when the British
puzzled over the fact, what happened to Bismarck, Berlin radio 
trumpeted to fly world about what happened on the eve of battle.

German speakers broadcast excitedly about how
from the shells, "Bismarck" flew into the air
the biggest ship of the British Navy, and
both turned away and walked out of the battle damaged
modern battleship built "The Prince of Wales." Among the 
participants of these programs was a senior officer of the 
Luftwaffe German units stationed in Greece.

Worried about the fate of his son, who served on the
"Bismarck", he went to Berlin encryption
to request the location of the battleship. In
response he was told:

         - Reider goes to Brest ...

Decode radio messages, the British figured out worried their 
secrets, and to the point of the proposed location of 
"Bismarck" rushed British ships. 

Morning of May 26 raider was discovered British flying boat 
(seaplane) in 700 miles west of Brest. This meant

that the British ships no longer able to
to overtake him. Admiral Tovey decided to stop the chase at 
midnight from 26 to 27 May, as fuel for ships, almost remained. 
But then something happened that changed the whole situation at 

Admiral Somerville, on its way from Gibraltar with a small 
force of ships, consisting of the battlecruiser "Rinaun" 
aircraft carrier "Ark Royal" and overtook them heavy cruiser 
"Sheffield" to intercept "Bismarck" raised to attack the old 
low-speed torpedo aircraft "Suordorit. The first wave of planes 
due to haste and confusion in order to attack its own cruiser 
"Sheffield". Fortunately, the first "attack" was a flop, and 
the cruiser dodged torpedoes coming at him. But the second wave 
has completed the task: one torpedo hit the stern of the 
"Bismarck". The blast had damaged his screws and jammed 
rudders. Speed ​​raider dropped to 14 nodes to the same ship 
almost lost steering control. Admiral Tovey decided fight, not 
refuel. About 8 am on May 27 Bismarck was caught battleship 
King George V "and" Rodney "and heavy cruiser" Norfolk "and" 
Dorsetshire ". In the ensuing firefight on the "Bismarck"

was released about a thousand rounds of the main and 
medium-sized and large number of torpedoes. Around 10 o'clock 
in the morning, "Bismarck" makes the last shot, and silenced, 
losing to many hits can be answered with fire. And in another

half an hour, getting the holes of two torpedoes
fired from the cruiser "Dorsetshire", "Bismarck" turns and goes 
down with all crew, Commander and Admiral Lyutensom. Thus, 
careful Dad inappropriate requests by radio helped his son's 
death and the strongest ship of the fleet. 


British meticulously calculated, what
they cost the sinking of a German battleship.
It turned out that in the battle they had to concentrate eight 
battleships and linear cruisers, 2 aircraft carriers, 14 
cruisers, 22 destroyers, 6 submarines and more than 100 
aircraft operating from airfields in Britain, Iceland and 
Canada. Despite this, they lost the battleship-cruiser

"Hood" and the operation's success depended on the times
Will the case. Therefore, they are mortally afraid of this raid 
and was closely followed for the battleship Tirpitz, built on 
the year later, "Bismarck" in the same project. C

On the other hand, Hitler expressed his deep sorrow over the 
loss of "Bismarck" and for no I did not want to risk the newest 
battleship, and the largely idle in a well-protected bays, 
occasionally making short raids.

In general, this operation has caused serious
blow to the doctrine of Admiral Raeder, with its
rate on large ocean raiders and demonstrated that leadership in 
the sea goes from huge, armed "to the teeth" battleships to 
small and almost defenseless aircraft carriers. Incidentally, 
the Japanese had already surprised the world by constructing 
two battleships type "Yamato" (displacement - 72 thousand tons,

the thickness of armor - 406 ... 650 mm, speed -
27.5 knots, has nine 460-mm guns)
who "used" and then similarly
"Tirpitz", and then surprised again on Dec. 7, 1941, when the 
bombing of a Pearl Harbor the U.S. battle fleet,

Having conducted the operation with six aircraft carriers.

With regard to the fate of "Prince Eugene" - he
managed to break through to Brest. Fought the whole
war, he after the surrender of the German navy and the division 
fell to the Americans, who used it for experiments on effects 
of atomic explosions on ships in the atoll Bikini, after which 
it sank. 

Other articles:

From the Editor - ZX-CLUB growing and evolving.

Soft group - Driver input modes consistent and direct access from the file system TR-DOS. How to use driver.

Hard group - ZS Scorpion 2000 - on the GMX-controller.

Users group - File Compression Screen: Overview of the software. Discography. Analysis of the results of compression.

Users group - Compression code blocks - work with HRUM v3.5.

News - Barnaul Olympiad in Informatics 1997.

News - Barnaul firm Komel decided podderzhkeavtorskih programs.

News - contest for the best virus continues.

Dossier - On the activity of Barnaul programmers: Krotov Oleg Mayatsky Vitali, Rostov Alexander Kovalev Roman (DJ RUSH), Norton Commander (NC).

ZX-Potpourri - Letters from readers from Magadan and carpet, Voronezh, and Cheboksary.

Enjoy - How to Marry a programmer.

Fantasy - A Tale VA Petersburg "The Fourteenth Dimension".

Toys - Novella to the game "BISMARK".

Toys - a description of the game "BISMARK".

Toys - Dictionary of the game "BISMARK".

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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