Born Dead #0E
19 декабря 1999

LETTER'ATURA - a letter from the Slider / BrokImSoft / Rushi answer.

<b>LETTER'ATURA</b> - a letter from the Slider / BrokImSoft / Rushi answer.


First is an almost complete text of the original letter,
and then there are actually thinking out loud on a 
distinguished figures Settlements.

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Slider / BrokImSoft / Rush

    Once again, I do try to write you a letter
Again, no longer hoping for at least some response. / 1 /

I remember, was asked to share the reader to BornDead'u (but
Forget about it), then was a little opus on the topic "Crime of 
the Santa Claus: Deja Vu "- the same version. I'm thinking, Can 
it be so it was hard to even "fuck you!" soap send? We're even 
on it asked - it's nice when people somehow react to your

letter, instead of ignoring you. But this is purely your
case, and if you see fit not to answer, then so
be. But, again, will be pleased if this letter will remain 
without response. So ... / 2 /

    Hello again! So, why am I writing this? Born Dead,
understand, read, 11-13 editions. Immediately make a 
reservation (without any allusions to the flattery and the 
like) that I love and appreciate your publication read through 
with pleasure from beginning to end. From the reading room, I 
generally enthusiastic, as you probably already knew. But 
here's what I depressing places, so this is your criticism.

    Criticism - the thing is strong. It's almost always good.
Sometimes you see is what you want to fold the sturdy little 
word, which I personally would not hesitate and did not 
potsovatuyu substitute for incomprehensible characters when you 
want to say what you think. '"@ # I - she a '@% $ I, if this is 
so. But one hundred per cent did not say, especially surveying 
the different software. This sum is sometimes the impression 
that you review consists only of vyiiskivany unhealthy things, 
such as Green would say: "Well, we have bad? .. / 3 /

    It's not that bad at all. Clearly, what to listen
author, which he shit slobal once again - this is helpful.
Draw conclusions, the next time will try better. In this
sense of any criticism. But! Here's what you say about
frank marasmus in the review of the cartoon about Santa Claus:
"... It seems that the guys threw in the disc frame by frame
game ... and game engine where there are no ... "(Or something
something like that - as I could, and remembered)? Say such a 
thing to pages of the newspaper! Well, what can people think? 
Or that man - a complete lamer (something about you like you 
will not tell), or something IT is written without thinking. 
But if the issue electronic and information for Spectrum 
NE_DUMAVSHI, then what does this happen? I am glad that not all 
articles in Borne do so.

    But this is a long dead topic. But in the latest reading 
Born Again completely wild thing. Quote will not - I do not 
remember, and in bummer to type. I think you will remember 
verbatim what you're there said. So:

  "Dept and ZeIks News did the guys from Crystal Dream 
(Lugansk)." I understand - you're probably only slightly 
imagine the geography of Ukraine, as well as I - Russia. Why 
are there in Russia, I basically do not whisking in geography! 
But, believe me, Lugansk - it's not Chernihiv (where did Rukh # 
1 ") and not even Sevastopol (where like as is done "Movement # 
2"). It is somewhere ... there is not, in general. And, 
although Crystal Drimovskih stores were the articles of Viator, 
and even went Dept under the brand name "Amazing Software 
Making" (or "Makers?), but now this magazine is Rashevsky (by 
Avalon / Rush). 

    Rush, note (if you have not yet disentangled in Rashah and
Amazing with the release of "Movement"), is still alive. In 
part, as at least we, BrokImSoft (Cherkassy, ​​Ukraine), Avalon 
(Chernihiv Ukraine) and Kvazar (Gomel, Belarus). No matter what 
the Imperial dick knows when, at the moment Rush exists 
officially, Maine Organizer - Viator (I'm on this occasion 
spoke personally with Impom with an eye for an eye and a half 
years ago over a glass of vodka). Not in the example of an 
organization Amazing Software Making, which officially 
_NE_SUSCHESTVUET_ A long time ago. 

    Let us return to the magazine. Why are you saying that it 
"uninteresting and uninformative? "I read it all (which can not 
tell you about many other publications), and say with firm 
conviction - 80% articles were interesting.

    Wherever were reprinting them was interesting to read.
The only amizhnik in our town was jumping for joy and
delight when I learned about the dual-platform magazine and 
delight even more when it honored. For some reason you did not 
mention at all on a dual-platform, that is the only publication

more than 50% povyaschennoe, okromya Speccy, other machines that
distinguishes it from other magazines. Informativeness may not
compared with some Adventyurerom # 9 or Miracle # 3
I've still never seen, but if compared Rukh # 1 "
_PERVYMI_ Rooms every other store, he is sure
surpass informative, many if not all. Even Scenergy
I found less I'm interested in info, rather than in "Ruhe".

    What the hell I do all that unharnessed. All the same, you 
stay at its opinion, and I at my speculations above, is not it? 
But only because of what I have pains - the desire to give you

understand that it is impossible so strongly adhere to its terms
view, the only judge with his hand, share everything on a 
strictly black and white. In this issue, you're unfairly 
fashioned one _NORMALNYH_ of the few publications and, more 
importantly, the right though, would be its range of users 
(such as our decadent amizhnika). And I think so, not only 
because it represents one association with the authors of the 
magazine and is a contributor. / 6 / 

    In short, Max, no offense - try the next time be
more objective, ok? Look for the good side, okromya
uncompressed texts. Cynical attitude to everything - this is
the face of your punk-blekerskoy newspaper (and no one says that
This is bad - it is original, at least!) and keep it up! But
Cynicism should be _SPRAVEDLIVYM_!

    On this I have all. I would like to still receive the 
answer in further support the relationship - the exchange of 
software out there or something else. Nice to talk with 
progressive sceners. Good luck! 

P.S. And our game, "CSC: Deja Vu", is still coming soon (I
hopefully). If this happens - it rightfully deserves the title
most dolgoozhidaemogo project (the end of 1996 do, after all).
The problem now is only to gather it together (intro,
setup, the game itself, Final Cut) and put the defense. Engaged 
in this (At least pretends to) our Maine encoder Ticklish Jim. 
AND primary Trouble for interfacing with the program setup - 
setup written by another person. That is, everything is fully 
ready - has remained sheer garbage - bring to mind. And once - 
so soon! So wait. May have time to happy_new_year!? / 8 /

- [Comments]
/ 1 / Editorial does not promise a quick answer, and answer as
such, the letters sent by means of both the electronic and
regular mail. We sometimes just does not happen, even the 
possibility of read your messages - InterNet thing is not 
constant, it is, and then its not there.

/ 2 / In connection with the emergence of a new reading room, 
the older we are ready to give people, and together with a 
number of utilities that allow stamp bornedead'y entire 
batches, if only the texts were. Here only to decide how best 
to you its n (p) odat ... 

/ 3 / Review - is like two sides of the pedal: good - as it 
should do bad - as do. Those who make bad software,

can easily see the good in my opinion, software.
The authors of a good software once again have the opportunity 
to understand how they has not gotten to the level of complete 
degradation. Soft and medium Quality just does not happen as 
there are no sturgeon second freshness!

/ 4 / demo on Crime Santa Clause takes the whole disk, but it 
works nothing at all ... In this case, since the disk always 
something podchityvaet. A sure sign that it is not clear. I 
decided that this animation! Would you like to say that I was 
wrong? Maybe, but why if your software is so much space?? 
Finally, and most importantly - did I say anything bad about 
the game?? 

/ 5 / Sorry for the frankness, but still will like you, SPECTRUM
will live on and on! While people will be interested in an old, 
long- known, which were printed in other readily available 
sources more ... Reading my review or comment, be guided by

My range of interests. So if I say, KAL - it means to be
understand this is about how - we can read "if" nothing
special "- it means simply" great "magazine. It is for
this, when I say that SNG # 1 is an interesting and powerful 
journal You can safely say to me: "Max, if you say

"Interesting" and "strong" means to us is - complete crap! ".
You see, my dear fellow, there is no accounting for tastes!

/ 6 / Understand one thing, my criticism, you all should be as
balm for the soul! I participated in the publication of this 
monster, as Oberon (2-5 rooms) and I know perfectly well who 
the "our dear readers "... As practice and statistics, readers

magazine for the entire period of its existence, were 20-30 -
it appears from the letters, and that figure is greatly 
exaggerated. For the author always important response, and any! 
Just wondering to know which cities your program run on any

computers, who, why, and most importantly, like whether this
an unknown user to your creation. I first give the authors a 
chance know that in Samara their software is, and that, at 
least I, and maximum of the whole city, this soft zayuzat and 

/ 8 / Apparently not yet:) and sorry: (BTW, in the end will
this world SMAGLY 3 demo is already a hundred years as

The letter's author-time is also a thought leader
Local spektrumistov. And even someone like him do not know the 
true the status of one of the most dolgoozhidaemyh projects in 
game industry - Crime Santa Clause-2 ... Below we publish a 
small literary opus on the subject. Funny story:)

- [Brief excerpts from notes on "CSC: Deja Vu"]
(C) Slider / BrokImSoft / Rush '03 .12.1999

Patient # 1: The man in his forties, calls himself Santa Claus.
Diagnosis: paranoid schizophrenia, a pronounced degree

             "Deja Vu".

From Comrade monologue. Klaus: "... demons, Bo-Bo. I need a 
stick! .. I I do not want to melt in the Bahamas ... Snowman 
said ... Portal portal! I opened it! .. It seems somewhere I 
saw it all ... " 

From a lecture doctor: "As you see, comrades, in this case
observed the most severe cases little-known mental
abnormalities, called "Deja Vu". The patient is placed in the 
House # 13 together with the patient, stating that he is 
Napoleon ... " 

Notes from a doctor: "It is not surprising that the patient
there is such a wide range of mental illnesses. As
later turned out to nourish the patient specific pathological
hatred for a minimum of two patients in our clinic and 
subjected to his persecution by his side. Naturally, we maximize

may have limited their contacts with each other ... "

Patient # 2: A young man 22 years old, calls himself a "coder" 

            sometimes "Tiklish Jim."
Diagnosis: a split personality, sharpened the case of 

From Comrade monologue. Jim: "... I have completed yet it until 
the New Year if ... have, will change the copyright! We should 
not give it away Bear ... Release as is, without setup ... I 
can not have look at this Santa Claus! .. "

From a lecture physician: "... his paranoid tendencies
psyche. The patient can not accept the fact that he "gave him"
some kind of Bear, because of what the patient appeared stable
hatred for someone to Klaus, the patient House # 13, and
very difficult to trace the relationship between themselves 
ill, the Santa Klaus, the Bear and the so-called "setups "..."

From Comrade monologue. Jim: "... I would have him already 
completed the long, if not bear! I would ... Eureka! New 
protection! We will pick holes in the diskette, ma-and-scarlet 
holes. We will do this nails ... "

Patient # 3: A young man 20 years, describes himself as a bear 

Diagnosis: schizophrenia.

From Comrade monologue. Bear: "... as he said in a release
April, if there is no setup, so I immediately did. And as I
I say, because it does nothing ... And my graphics and music? ..
Nothing I did not want to paint ... What is there a Santa 
Claus? " 

From a lecture doctor: "You can see that the patient
hypertrophied sense of sympathy and concern for his
buddy, comrade. Claus, who, incidentally, is also on the
inpatient treatment at our clinic. This feeling is in
Patient concealed resentment on Comrade. Jim, what is causing 
the patient unbearable mental anguish ... "

Notes from the attending physician: "... after which the 
patient is agitated started chanting: "Give me the Art Studio, 
let ..." a few later he fell to his knees and sobbed. Through 
her sobs could be parse: "I will draw and write music, I 

Patient # 4: A young man 22 years old, calls himself a slider.
Diagnosis: schizophrenia, delusions of persecution, delusions 
of grandeur. 

From Comrade monologue. Slider: "They are all my dopishut! ... 
How I got this Santa Claus! .. Until 2000, we released him!

Comrades, come soon! .. Tiklish still can not
its riveted ... Bear did not do anything half-year ... How can
tolerate? Before the New Year it will be done, I said! .. "

From a lecture doctor: "So, there are despotic
tendencies in the patient. They are especially noticeable in 
its response to Comrade. Jim and Comrade. Pande. Also observed 
stable hatred for the Comrade. Klaus ... "

Notes from the attending physician: "... so we put the patient 
in ward together with patients, who imagine themselves Lenin 
and Stalin. Let's hope that the entire interior chambers, 
including a red banners and wallpapers of the same color with 
the stars and emblems of "sickle-and-hammer" will contribute to 
the early recovery. "

Patient # 5: A young man of 22 years, calls himself a Steeler.
Diagnosis: paranoid schizophrenia.

From Comrade monologue. Stiller: "Give him to me, give it, I 
own it do! .. Never Santa Claus will not be released ... He has 
no one need ... Everything is against me, absolutely 
everything! .. I want to do protection ... "

From a lecture physician: "... and it is unclear whether the 
patient moves sexual attraction to Comrade. Klaus, according to 
one of the slang patient's utterances: "I'll do it!", or any 
other feeling. But in What no doubt, because it is pessimistic

respect to our clinic. We always produce their patients,
successfully completed a course of treatment. It is a pity that 
this happens because rare ... "

Notes from the attending physician: "... and is dominated by 
sociopathic mood. The disease has gone so far that the patient

it seems that even his own shadow set against him.
Therefore, we had put in around the clock lighted chamber where,
being tied to a bed - so it will not cause harm to themselves 
and others - the patient is under the constant supervision of 
our caring nurses. "

Notes from the researcher above the text: "So
Thus, we see that patients are fully
insane. Say anything at this stage it is impossible,
but if the patients remained a shred of common sense, we can
group individual statements in a logical
chain, after which it turns out the following:

1) Comrade. Bear has written a long time "setup" (I wonder what 
is this?) 2) Comrade. Jim promises to "riveted" this "setup" by 
Comrade. Santa 

   Klaus (explicit marasmus);
3) Comrade. Slider is rubbed into the confidence of the people, 
assuring that 

   process, "riveting" happen before 2000;
4) Comrade. Stiller sure that because of the hostile attitude 
towards it 

   he's not allowed to produce a "riveting" by themselves;
5) the promise of Comrade. Bear to do the graphics and music 
and comrade. Jim 

   nakovyryat holes in the diskette can not pay attention ... "

Notes from the attending physician: "... so these patients
our clinic in any case is not recommended to write in
Over the next two years because of a severe form of
disease ... "

Other articles:

INTRODUCTION - "Fuck the bag for those who decided that BORN DEAD ended ...": 666 bytes from the publisher.

INTRODUCTION TO SHELL - BornDead # 0E is uniquely a masterpiece of modern coding in all its aspects.

News - Presentation of the new European demopati - FOREVER 2E3.

review software - Game 12 secret book: Mission Commander REAL COMMANDER v1.9, journal ZX-GIUDE # 2, demo IRIS ultrademo, the game Operation "Oil" demo v0.666, game BLAST v1.1.

Hints - Tricks text editor Modern Word 2.1.

Spite of the day - How to (!) Do disc versions for ZX Spectrum.

Anger Day-II - features work with registers of I / R in the processor Z80: excerpts from official documents.

voice from the grave - the new brainchild of Clive Sinclair: Sinclair QL - Branch of the facts from fiction.

Party Zone - DI: HALT99; Better late than once! History disastrous demopati.

Party Zone - results in 1999: 18 dem for the Spectrum. Analysis of new and old dem.

LETTER'ATURA - a letter from the Slider / BrokImSoft / Rushi answer.

Iron made in - the vast scheme of svetodidov screen for ZX Spectrum.

under the sound of "PI" - "I'm scared for SPECTRUM! Of the entire army of his fans, only a few true spektrumisty!

Advertising - CD-ROM, which you need?! Collection Varese for the Spectrum of MMA.

Afterword - no bastard did not even remembered that our newspaper one year ...

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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